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Good to know an ethically challenged merchant has the same face as me.

WWYDI your DNA test tells you you are 1% Martian?

Edited by XRay
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Ape around, cause now I got an excuse for it.

WWYDI your DNA test told you you are 100% animal and 100% human at the same time?

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Make Thrasir my waifu, and expand Embla to all worlds and realms to build my harem.

WWYDI every time you sing you put people to sleep like Jigglypuff?

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I mean, it'd probably kill her because she's way to old to survive childbirth. I'd be really sad.


WWYDI you and your best friend were competing on a competition to see who would marry your favourite fe character? (The character marries the winner.)

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I guess I will make my cat my best friend then, so I am sure to win.

WWYDI you can spawn and control slimes?

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Show off my new ability to the world and become a bizzaro attraction for everyone to see.  And sell some of the slimes as pets since they're so squishy that anyone would love them.

WWYDI the only substance that gave you the ability to wake up in the morning was dish detergent?

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I'm gonna use it at some point anyway.  So just be the better bathroom user.

WWYDI all of your shoes and socks became sentient and decided to leave you and you couldn't buy any new ones since there is a big debate about the ethics of treating them as sentient beings?

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Ask Rhea to barbecue them. We are having a feast tonight!

WWYDI you found out you can imitate your favorite celebrities' voice?

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Play the skyloft theme 24/7 in my house.

Fun fact: In the Wind Waker HD remake, there's a NPC  who makes you give her 5 rupees if you break the pot she's holding, but you can actually break it but not pay by not talking to said NPC! Link is such nice guy.

WWYDI you had a loftwing?

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Fly a lot.

WWYDI your forgotten childhood sweetheart showed up one day and demanded you fulfill your promise of marriage?

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Be completely taken aback by the fact she actually remembered me.  The closest thing I've had to a childhood sweetheart was a girl I knew in Kindergarten and I had a one-sided crush on while she wanted nothing to do with me.  Then probably oblige anyway.

WWYDI you woke up with a calendar for 1986 permanently etched onto your stomach?

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Probably ignore it, although I'd be concerened over how it got there


WWYDI  the dawn brigade showed up at your house because they thought you were daein citizens trapped by Begnion?

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