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Axe-venture Time with hatchets! Elibian Axes Playthrough


So, what am I to do about Chapter 19xx?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. So, what am I to do about Chapter 19xx?

    • Just deal with not being able to get the map if I can't.
    • Rig the RNG to ensure it, but have every unit I can't use in it instead.
    • Rig the RNG and just use who I would be usually using.

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Alright, let's just dust this off.....


Yeah it's been a while hasn't it? Let's get the rules out of the way if you're not bothered to read that ancient thread:

-Fine, the other lords can ignore it because I can't tolerate lords being dead weight
-Alright, until I can sort axes in Chapter 12/2 (For BS/BB), Marcus can get away with it
-As for those who can promote to axes, I'm going to allow it, BUT 1. I have to promote ASAP. 2. I bench them before any actual axe user when they've gotten enough levels/I can start dropping units.
-Healers and dancers can tag along because it's not like they have weapons. :P
-Thieves have to run unarmed. They might cut themselves off their edge otherwise (Yes, even Cath. Maybe especially Cath).
-I usually don't, so I think it'll be worth it. If it ends up nigh impossible, screw it. I know what I signed up for.
-If it weren't for allowing units to promote to axes, this wouldn't be on. And I'd likely go madder from BBD.
-It'd contradict the point of an ironman, right?

So I've finally come to the conclusion that maybe if I apply some pressure on this it might get done before 2030. I also might as well get the stupid out of the way: I accidentally forgot to screencap the actual fighting for the prologue. So yeah, fantastic start. The good news? I'm not that stupid again. With that (sadly) admitted, let's get on with it. Part 1. Of part 1.


Prologue: A Girl from the Plains, A Man of the Scrubs



So obviously enough, a man focused on axes might have gotten that from somewhere right?

Well, I have no notion myself. It's not like it's a self-insert. I'm writing this with no idea what I'm doing as is.


So, we start with a black screen. Some text too. Batman once said the best movies start with it.

I wish I was joking.



"Oh, I guess not"

>10 minutes later

"Alright, let's try again"



..... Uh, who are you?"


"That's not what I-"


"Hammet Chester Bewsley. Hatchet for short."


"Sure, I guess. It all started-"



"Alright then."

>10 seconds later


Bandits? In my FE?

Who have nothing to do with bigger bads? Not as common these days are they?


Probably. Even if they've got some levels on her, Lyn's likely fine.


"I mean, I can use axes, but I don't have one on me. I can think about how to do things however."


How would Lyn conclude that someone's a strategist based on that line? Also, Marc Hatchet gets referred to as a Strategist and a Tactician. Are the two not different?


"My advice? Dodge, it helps to not be hit."

Insert 2 dead bandits (one claiming to be a beast), disappointment for axekind (I mean, not even a bit of threat!) and a Lyn level here:

+1 to HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Luk.

You know what, that's a fantastic first level. Lyn wants Strength and all the other stats she's expected to get to some extent. Not a bad first level Lyn.


So after Lyn robs someone else's house (She's seizing a yurt, what else could be happening?), we have a timeskip.


"It did. I mean, you butchered those axes like it meant nothing. It was disappointing."


It's a bit of an odd choice for Lyn to just decide to go with the first person she's known for more than a day, being honest.

"Sure, but-"


"I didn't ask such a thing! You don't-"


"Alright, just keep going then."


Think about it. Lyn's been isolated for a while now, considering she left the remnants of the Lorca months ago. Seems like that she's been alone thinking it over alone and Hatchet is the first real contact she's had with someone. Florina might be a friend, but they don't seem to have run into each other in a while when we meet her. I can see her letting the mask slip to someone she's not known a long time. Point being, I think Lyn's actually not a bad character. Gasp.

Even if this is a bit of a blatant JRPG sad story drop.


>She doesn't even get to avenge them.

"Well, it's a good resolution. It's not bad thing to discover your potential"


"What? I mean, sure. Not like I have much to do, trying to get-"


What, like this? No wait, wrong game.


And so ends a prologue with no actual fighting whatsoever. some actual fighting! Units not named Lyn! Axes?

Next time: Some actual fighting! Units not named Lyn! Axes?

I swear this should improve. Any ideas taken.

Edited by Dayni
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Ah, at long last! 

12 hours ago, Dayni said:


Oh, boy. That can only end well, as we both know.

12 hours ago, Dayni said:

I'm writing this with no idea what I'm doing as is

I expect great things out of you.

12 hours ago, Dayni said:



..... Uh, who are you?"

Yes, I too know what it is to wake up screaming those words. 

12 hours ago, Dayni said:

"Hammet Chester Bewsley. Hatchet for short."

I love the MC already.

12 hours ago, Dayni said:

Marc Hatchet gets referred to as a Strategist and a Tactician. Are the two not different?

I don't think so, no. Also, wrong Marc, you mean Mark.

12 hours ago, Dayni said:

Insert 2 dead bandits (one claiming to be a beast), disappointment for axekind (I mean, not even a bit of threat!) and a Lyn level here:

Oi! How dare you disrespect the man who's, rather bafflingly, a meme!

12 hours ago, Dayni said:

+1 to HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Luk.

You know what, that's a fantastic first level.

Also, this makes me happy for you, but on a personal level, it angers me. That could've been MY level!

12 hours ago, Dayni said:


So after Lyn robs someone else's house (She's seizing a yurt, what else could be happening?), we have a timeskip.

Maybe she just claimed it for herself. It's much bigger than her little, single-tile home.

12 hours ago, Dayni said:


It's a bit of an odd choice for Lyn to just decide to go with the first person she's known for more than a day, being honest.

Not to mention, that person appears to have lost their memories.

12 hours ago, Dayni said:

Point being, I think Lyn's actually not a bad character

Agreed, but this game does not do her justice.

12 hours ago, Dayni said:


>She doesn't even get to avenge them

Good ol' Wallace. Please tell me you'll use him. Boss abuse Lundgren if you have to, but please use the Silver General.

12 hours ago, Dayni said:

I swear this should improve. Any ideas taken

It's already good, don't worry.

Please, ignore this junk at the end. Mobile phones suck for this sort of thing, but the alternative was to wait 5 hours to get to my computer.

12 hours ago, Dayni said:
12 hours ago, Dayni said:
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On 3/3/2018 at 5:57 PM, Dayni said:


Bandits? In my FE?

Who have nothing to do with bigger bads? Not as common these days are they?

They come from Bern, so... uhhh... Desmond sent them to kill Lyn before she could save his son! He had it all planned from the beggining!


On 3/3/2018 at 5:57 PM, Dayni said:

+1 to HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Luk.

Choo choo! All aboard the dissapointment train, leaving next time she gets a level.

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Oh crap people actually read this. Unless you're all Russian bots.

On 3/4/2018 at 1:18 AM, Hylian Air Force said:

So, train Sain, Kent, Lyn, Dorcas, and promote Wallace. Oh, and bring Serra and Nils.

While they are the pretty obvious options, there may be a mistake later on (I do have a buffer, but not as much as I had intended). I'll leave it to your imagination.

On 3/4/2018 at 9:58 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, at long last! 

Yeah, I finally just said screw it.

Oh, boy. That can only end well, as we both know.

Indeed. BBD will be an interesting experience.

I expect great things out of you.

We'll have to see.

Yes, I too know what it is to wake up screaming those words.

True story, he's dreaming about Roy wielding something too heavy for him.

I love the MC already.

Can Hatchet cut it?

I don't think so, no. Also, wrong Marc, you mean Mark.

Well, even in this series they have been. Both as professions and in game classes. Also should remember that for next time.

Oi! How dare you disrespect the man who's, rather bafflingly, a meme!

The only place where he's not utter trash is a dark spot of fan mods as is. I'm fine with trashing Batta.

Also, this makes me happy for you, but on a personal level, it angers me. That could've been MY level!

Ah, if only certain other units were more able to get even 3 stat levels.

Maybe she just claimed it for herself. It's much bigger than her little, single-tile home.

Lyn's Lycian blood perhaps? Wait that's not right.

Not to mention, that person appears to have lost their memories.

True with Mark based on what we see in game. No comment on Hatchet.

Agreed, but this game does not do her justice.

I've always felt that for the role Lyn has in the main story that it's actually not that bad: she's partly there because of Eliwood helping during this tale, so her initial involvement does make sense.

Good ol' Wallace. Please tell me you'll use him. Boss abuse Lundgren if you have to, but please use the Silver General.

We'll see.

It's already good, don't worry.

Well, I'll actually have to deal with combat this time, might not do as well with it.

21 hours ago, Franp3 said:

They come from Bern, so... uhhh... Desmond sent them to kill Lyn before she could save his son! He had it all planned from the beggining!



Choo choo! All aboard the dissapointment train, leaving next time she gets a level.

It wouldn't be the first time. My first time she couldn't even fight the dragon without dying.

Meanwhile, outside Bulgar:


Chapter 1: Clipclops of Fate.


So last time, Lyn decided to journey with some stranger she picked up off the side of a hill or something.


Is is strange because of the names? I mean, it can't be all that weird for two people to be on the road together.


aka one of my least favourite places to fight in Lycia.


What, will she become a born-again Eliminian?


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"I don't think I've seen a place this large before. So many stalls, I could browse all day here."

Ma_gba_lord_lyn_playable.gif"Hmm? You said you have been travelling through Elibe."

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"I wasn't on the road all that long."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"True, if we're going to be hiking through the mountains it's best to get some appropriate resources."


Ma_gba_lord_lyn_playable.gif"Hatchet, did you say-"


Just imagine Sain with Johnny Bravo's voice. Like his offbrand cousin joined a castle guard.


Course, Sain's antics aren't working well here. Sain's also leering a bit here. Holy crap does he think that's a good idea?


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"..Wait. You're sure you're a knight?"


Lyn just goes screw it and walks away. Might not be a bad call.


Ah Kent. Despite what I said earlier, I actually do prefer Sain to him.

Kent does have his eye on the ball though.


I just see Sain breathing in with his eye shut then opening them as he tries to explain himself.

Try being the operative word.


He knows enough to not hit on married women.

Wait, he's even bad at that. Seriously Sain.


Pfff, Lyn hasn't even left yet. I want to know what's she's thinking here. My guess? These two. Such blundering oafs.

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"I would rather not have to act crassly."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"Fine, at least you were willing to."


I just imagine Sain getting uppity here, sighing and then responding like "No fair, I saw her first bro"

I think I might need to make an edit:




Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"Good day I say!"

So Lyn exits Stage Horse. But like I said, Kent's eye is on the ball.


Just.... I can't really comment after my edit.


You know, I think these two might be the Christmas Cavs most unable to work with each other. I can't really recall them training together, though they aren't too bad with themselves.


Course, Sain doesn't think it because apparently Sain doesn't think. That bloodflow must be awfully limited to one area.


Meanwhile, Lyn and Hatchet got trouble.

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"This..." *breath "is not...." *breath "I can't...."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"I... I... I'm sorry, what?"


Jamie Lannister did the line better.

Course the gold meant something very different there.


Again, bandits. Lyn's probably fine.


But the plot demands some knights in shining(?) armour.


Ma_gba_cavalier_other.gif "Did you think I'd leave such a fine lady undefended?"

Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "Just.... Just stop Sain."


Kent actually tries to be smooth. It might actually work.

Not for this LP after that edit, but still.


Course, they both try to make a move again. Are you sure you're not like Sain, Kent?

Lyn of course is all "It's my turn though".

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"Well, they could provide their horses...."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"Fine then, I'll try to not order you to give Lyn your weapons."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"I'll just stand back and tell you where to move then."


So, while I realise how stupid I was to not actually take screenshots of everyone's initial stats (Though I remind everyone that Sain only thinks about his lance), I think I'll just give some thoughts, because Lyn mode is easy enough that I'd be more worried about their stats when they hit HHM.

Lyn: Fine in this mode. There's not too many ranged enemies and the constant axe presence means that she's got plenty of opportunity to get levels. Levels she'll need in HHM.

Sain: Best cav. His better strength and speed growth make him the better cav in the long run regardless. This run has the quirk of lower accuracy though, so I may yet eat these words.

Kent: Worst cav. I rank Lowen higher despite the availability advantage. He's got the problem that the better growths he has are skill and luck, which might help in a more general sense, but he's going to turn out lesser than Sain and Lowen will tank better than him. Thankfully, cavs are still good in this game and he'll still have axes.


As you can see, it's bandits alright.


Lyn deals the expected damage,


So that Sain secures the kill.


The next turn is trying to manoeuvre so that the bandit has to attack someone..

I make a mistake though. Kent still has the sword.


Sain does land a hit at least.


Another bandit's coming from the north, so I have everyone move away from the actual threat.


I also think that Sain will take out the bandit he already hit.


He doesn't.


The other bandit spies a chance to fight Lyn in the forest. It doesn't work out for him.


Kent goes to help Sain. If I'd just done that in the first place, this wouldn't be happening because the bandit would be dead.

Dayni is dumb: +1


Sain just goes to heal himself, 


Lyn takes out the other bandit.


Of course, I think the AI would take on a unit it might survive. I forget FE AI.


:Lyn: About as expected.


Seeing as Lyn is untouchable so far, I move her forward and have the cavs catch up.


She obviously does as planned.


Kent secures a kill. Trying to get him levels for a possible promotion.


Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif"Will you surrender?"



So he goes for Lyn, thinking he'll do some damage. I think "Gee, Kent can get a level here!"


Course, I don't get nice things and she actually crits.

Not even a level from it. That was supposed to be for Kent.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"Well at least we were able to avoid too much damage."

Ma_gba_cavalier_other.gif "The axe wound still hurts Kent, give me a second."


Look at Mark Hatchet in the corner. I think this might be the last shot we see of him in a CG.

Bit creepy, right?


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"Lycia, a nation of many uppity lords."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"On its uppityness?"


Yeesh. All this time and you could have just tried to communicate with them Marquess.

Then again, we'd have Lyndis instead.


I don't have much to say on this, so here, exposition dump all about Lyn's granddad's realisation he has a daughter.


Yiecks, talk about bad timing. Almost like the Taliver were hired to-

Nonono, generic bandits are generic here. Stop it.


So let me get this straight:

It's been 6 months since the destruction of the Lorca. How has it taken this long for someone to actually show up to find Lyn? 6 months is not the amount of time it takes to travel that distance in Elibe.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"How would he?"


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"That's a bizzare way to make the connection. What if she looked more like her father?"


Again, no real comment here.


What exactly was Lundgren's plan? It seems like the extent of what he'd know would be "Girl that looks a bit like this, kill her.". So how could he be sure that the bandit doesn't just ill some randomer and collects on the payment?


So with this, we establish why Lundgren's our villain. Not much to it is there?


Well, Lyn was convinced surprisingly quickly about going. She doesn't seem like she should be convinced that fast at all, but here she is, being willing to just floow these two, who might still be lying about their reasons for being there.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"I mean, he's family. Considering how things went with his family when they disconnected..."

Ma_gba_lord_lyn_playable.gif Portrait_prototype_lyn_sad_fe07.png

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Ahem. I would be quite willing to continue assisting you. Might find something worthwhile out of it."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "I'm quite alright with doing so."

Ma_gba_lord_lyn_playable.gif "Hopefully these knights will be able to assist us in this matter."

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "If you consider them trustworthy."

Ma_gba_cavalier_other.gif "I heard that!"


So an actual fight is over. One where Lyn did better than either trained knight. The trust in these two might be misplaced.

Next time: Strange women Lynin' in temples prayin' to swords is no basis for a system of inheritance

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9 hours ago, Dayni said:

True story, he's dreaming about Roy wielding something too heavy for him.

Ah, LPer in-jokes.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

Can Hatchet cut it?

Hahahahahah... eggscellent.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

I'm fine with trashing Batta.

Go right ahead. I, too, am not that fond of him.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

Well, I'll actually have to deal with combat this time, might not do as well with it.

Relax, this is Lyn's mode. It doesn't really matter until, what, Eagler's chapter? Everything prior to that is tutorial land. And even after that, it's only marginally less tutorial landish. Forget all the screencaps you want, at least until Eagler.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

Is is strange because of the names? I mean, it can't be all that weird for two people to be on the road together.

It's strange because IntSys intended for Mark to be a self-insert, not an actual character like Bruce Lee Brewsley Damnit Dayni, another "r" and the pun would've been perfect Bewsley, so we have a guy from the XXIth century hanging around with a woman from the Middle Ages of Anime.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

Sain's also leering a bit here. Holy crap does he think that's a good idea?

I have but one thing to say.

On 3/3/2018 at 9:57 PM, Dayni said:


They... might not be too bad of a match, after all.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:



Amazing. 2.8951797485495/2.99999999999999991

9 hours ago, Dayni said:


I like how Lyn's worried Sain might be after them. I mean, I would be too if I had boobs.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:


Kent actually tries to be smooth. It might actually work.

Well, considering her facial expression... no, I don't think it did.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

I realise how stupid I was to not actually take screenshots of everyone's initial stats

Hey, it's not that bad. You could go the entire LP without showing people's bases, like some others.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

Dayni is dumb: +1

I would use you-know-who whose name begins with an "L", but you know what? I'll let you do it yourself.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

Not even a level from it. That was supposed to be for Kent.

Fireemblem.png much? Oh, well. Better luck next time.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

Look at Mark Hatchet in the corner. I think this might be the last shot we see of him in a CG.

It's also the first time I've ever noticed him there. Why does he wear tree-coloured robes?

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

Lyn's granddad's realisation he has a daughter.

Not going to correct you there. The idea of Hausen going senile and just now remembering he had children at some point is oddly fitting as well as hilarious.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

how could he be sure that the bandit doesn't just ill some randomer and collects on the payment?

Perhaps because Banditman isn't exactly a bacteria, and thus can't really make somebody ill?

Bwahahah... sorry.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

So an actual fight is over. One where Lyn did better than either trained knight. The trust in these two might be misplaced.

Well, they got horses. They can rescue Lyn and Chester in order to save turns while proceeding to the next chapter. Efficiency!

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

Next time: Strange women Lynin' in temples prayin' to swords is no basis for a system of inheritance

Magnificent pun, but you pulled a Saul there and forgot a period. Now, you don't wanna be like Saul in any way, do you?

Well, that was fun. I hope I didn't go too overboard with my reply. Looking forward to the next update!

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23 hours ago, Dayni said:


Jamie Lannister did the line better.

That guy to the rescue!

The quote is "The things I do for love".



23 hours ago, Dayni said:

Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "Just.... Just stop Sain."

All of Kent's dialogue summed up in a single quote.


23 hours ago, Dayni said:

Kent: Worst cav. I rank Lowen higher despite the availability advantage.

So you're not counting paladins I assume?


23 hours ago, Dayni said:


She got HP at least.


23 hours ago, Dayni said:

It seems like the extent of what he'd know would be "Girl that looks a bit like this, kill her."

Lundgren has been taking villainy lessons from Desmond.




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Back to more easy maps.

On 3/6/2018 at 12:25 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, LPer in-jokes.

It's an easy joke. Arguably too easy.

Hahahahahah... eggscellent.

I try.

Go right ahead. I, too, am not that fond of him.

Batta the Bitch will fade away from this LP.

There are better axes later.

Relax, this is Lyn's mode. It doesn't really matter until, what, Eagler's chapter? Everything prior to that is tutorial land. And even after that, it's only marginally less tutorial landish. Forget all the screencaps you want, at least until Eagler.

It barely matters until Lundgren.

It's strange because IntSys intended for Mark to be a self-insert, not an actual character like Bruce Lee Brewsley Damnit Dayni, another "r" and the pun would've been perfect Bewsley, so we have a guy from the XXIth century hanging around with a woman from the Middle Ages of Anime.

Well, that's not what I played FE for. I even started with this game.

I have but one thing to say.

They... might not be too bad of a match, after all.

A match made in fanfic land. I don't know how often, don't tell me.

Amazing. 2.8951797485495/2.99999999999999991

That's a great rating to get. Thank you.

I like how Lyn's worried Sain might be after them. I mean, I would be too if I had boobs.

Sain: Came into an anime setting a decade early. Sain in Fates would be concerning.

Well, considering her facial expression... no, I don't think it did.

Like I said, in this LP it was doomed from the beginning.

Hey, it's not that bad. You could go the entire LP without showing people's bases, like some others.

Well, I should be better in HHM.

I would use you-know-who whose name begins with an "L", but you know what? I'll let you do it yourself.

If Kent had attacked him in the first place, Sain would have killed with the first Lance hit.

+1 def in the forest actually mattered on the enemy for once.

Fireemblem.png much? Oh, well. Better luck next time.

We'll see what next time is like.

It's also the first time I've ever noticed him there. Why does he wear tree-coloured robes?

Mark is an expert in disguising. It turns out we can't see him in the first CG because he was able to hide behind the text box.

Hatchet, not so much. It's how we can tell.

Not going to correct you there. The idea of Hausen going senile and just now remembering he had children at some point is oddly fitting as well as hilarious.

Oddly fitting and then you remember older family forgetting things.

I'm sad now.

Perhaps because Banditman isn't exactly a bacteria, and thus can't really make somebody ill?

Bwahahah... sorry.

Curses, foiled again.

Well, they got horses. They can rescue Lyn and Chester in order to save turns while proceeding to the next chapter. Efficiency!

Efficiency? What's that?

Magnificent pun, but you pulled a Saul there and forgot a period. Now, you don't wanna be like Saul in any way, do you?

Well, too late. Might as well start hunting gypsies now.

To preach to. Totally.

Well, that was fun. I hope I didn't go too overboard with my reply. Looking forward to the next update!

Nah, no big deal.

On 3/7/2018 at 1:38 AM, Franp3 said:

That guy to the rescue!

The quote is "The things I do for love".


Right you are.

All of Kent's dialogue summed up in a single quote.

Well, maybe not with anyone he wants to go out with. Otherwise, Sain causes more trouble for Kent. He should get Sain to the vet.

So you're not counting paladins I assume?

Of course. Marcus is Marcus and Isadora has good enough starting speed that she isn't all that screwed by her 6 con.

She got HP at least.

It's at least one more before she doesn't get 1-shot by the dragon.

There's a reason I'd give her the Angelic Robe over Florina.

Lundgren has been taking villainy lessons from Desmond.



See, if you'd said Desmond wanted to ruin Lycia from within, I might have bought it. Zephiel is still all "Love me, Daddy." at this point, I don't see it yet.

10 hours ago, Dinkiniensis Pontifex said:

Lundgren is an evil man with a crescent moon shaped face. It's like IS knew he was a pretty cartoonish villain. His methods for achieving his goals are suspect, but at least he gets a great line in one of his scenes.  

Well, we get to see if this is the line this time!

The party's off to a shrine. I missed the title card, so:

Chapter 2: Brand of Booze


We got allies last time. This time?


We're going to some shrine. Totally just heading to a shrine.


Lyn's a G2 unit?


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "I've always wondered about this kind of wor-"


WOW Sain.

 Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif"Out of the way, damage control"


Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif Phew, nailed it.

Elsewhere, a bandit starts some shit.


I have to wonder why Glass is so insistent on breaking into some place just for some sword.

It's not like he's in it for the money as we shall see. He'd probably have better luck breaking into somewhere in Bulgar.


Fr. Teresa is quite worried about the use of this sword. Sacrilege is no joke.


Doesn't stop Glass from just shoving the priest a bit and taking it of course. Such blasphemy should be fittingly punished, right?


He's not as peerless in his swordplay as he'd like to claim. You could say he just can't pull it out. (Thank you I'll be here all night.)


The old father isn't exactly a man who's easily frightened.

He might have diabetes though.


Glass seems to not think this through. What about anything not made of stone?


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"So I must assume-"


Bandit. We've only seen one peerless bandit.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"Sure, we'll go there now."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"Well, we did keep our weapons on us. As long as we approach carefully we should be fine."


This will not happen this playthrough. Apologies.


After moving everyone forward, the enemy comes to us.




Sain decided surely this grunt won't dodge his lance.

Turns out he was correct.


Ma_gba_cavalier_other.gif "Listen, can I borrow the sword?"

Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "Sain, could you just.... Alright, fine. If you lose that like the last one..."

Ma_gba_cavalier_other.gif "What was that Kent?"

Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "Nothing!"


Once again we have to wait.


So of course I get Sain to break a wall while we have an enemy attack Kent.


So I assume Kent will do the damage.


Either way, the bandit dies. I think I might have been a crit.


One of the remaining bandits goes for Sain.


The other, Kent.

I need another sword.


Sain takes Kent's sword, slays his one and gets a level.

Ma_gba_cavalier_other.gif "Thanks Kent!"

So that's a damm fine first level. Speed is a good thing to get early, Strength is as expected and Luck and HP help his durability.


Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "Give me that."

Kent hits his bandit, getting a level.


So, that's also pretty neat. Maybe he'll tank like Lowen after all. Speed is also a good stat to get more of.


The bandit is dumb enough to go for Kent again.

He does not survive.

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"Alright, Kent, Sain, take what's left."


Kent waits in front of Glass, Sain goes for the last bandit.


Turns out Kent has a pretty good chance.


I forgot to equip the sword.


Thankfully he hit, that would have been troubling otherwise.


Once again, Lyn with them low percent crits.


The peerless sword must just have superiors.


So Lyn has saved Father Brimley.


So wait, I thought it was protected by spirits. Do you mean that Glass could have taken it for his own if it weren't? Is Fr. Brimley the real hero?

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"So, how did you do that?"


Lyn touches the sword and something happens. Something.... Glowy.


Well, apparently swords choose the swordmaster. Are we sure Lyn's not Harry Potter?


Ma_gba_bishop_playable.gif"And not my liquer cabinet. Hush robed twit."



Ma_gba_lord_lyn_playable.gif"I'm what?"


Naturally, Lyn being given something is a surprise, her being an orphan and all.


So swords can have wills of their own. Can't wait to see what a Rapier might say. Or some Lancereavers. Or Durandal.....

Oh yeah, that happens.


Though she might be unconvinced still.


So, what's supposed to be the legacy of this weapon?

I actually want to know now.


Again, Lyn has doubts over property.

I bet she's easy to beat in Monopoly.


So, super-special sword in hand, Lyn just walks off with the main attraction.

That shrine's going to be in serious decline now.


To make a point about there being plenty of equally useful swords (not in the same way though):

14 Armourslayer D 1 11 8 80 0 18 1260 1 Effective against armoured units
19 Longsword D 1 11 6 85 0 18 1260 1 Effective against horseback units
Wo_Dao Wo Dao D 1 5 8 75 35 20 1200 1 Myrmidon, Swordmaster, Blade Lord only
06 Steel Blade C 1 14 11 65 0 25 1250 2
13 Killing Edge C 1 7 9 75 30 20 1300 1
15 Wyrmslayer C 1 5 7 75 0 20 3000 1 Effective against dragon units
16 Light Brand C 1~2 9 9 70 0 25 1250 1 Magic Sword (Light) at range
18 Lancereaver C 1 9 9 75 5 15 1800 2 Good against lances, bad against axes
11 Brave Sword B 1 12 9 75 0 30 3000 1 Allows 2 consecutive hits
15 Wind Sword B 1~2 9 9 70 0 40 8000 1 Magic Sword (Anima), effective against flying units (Mario Kart: Double Dash!! bonus disk only)
04 Silver Sword A 1 8 13 80 0 20 1500 1
07 Silver Blade A 1 13 14 60 0 15 1800 2
17 Runesword A 1~2 11 12 65 0 15 3300 1 Magic Sword (Dark), drains HP from enemy
Regal_Blade Regal Blade S 1 9 20 85 0 25 15000 1
Mani_katti Mani Katti Prf 1 3 8 80 20 45 2 Lyn only, effective against armoured/mounted units
09 Rapier Prf 1 5 7 95 10 40 6000 2 Eliwood only, effective against armoured/mounted units

Just...... Dammt Sain.


Well BS, you've made the case why Durandal will be Eliwood only. I am disappointed.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "I hate to admit it, he might be right."


Tell that to all the people who voted you first in CYL. And me when I saw how broken you got with Mulagir.


Ma_gba_cavalier_other.gif "Like I think you are with-"

Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "Hush Sain."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"It's certainly not everyday you find a sword that only you can pull out of its sheath. I tried, I know I can't."


You know, completely makes sense. Like Catdog. Or Fates.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"With a sword this fine, I doubt much would be able to stop you."



We're introduced to out villain being shocked at something. Perhaps because his chin surgery didn't make it point out enough?


So my questions: How does Lundgren know already? How did he not get Kent and Sain to just go home earlier if he does know this fast?


Lundgren: Next to fall to #Timesup?


Well, he's got Fraticide, Regicide and just being a shady dick all wrapped up in one package.

Totally trustworthy to lead a canton.


As for this asshole soldier, he seems awfully willing to roll with this.

Is he Lundgren's bastard?


Like this?


So we move on to places beyond Sacae.

With luck I will never see it again.

Next time: Villages, bandits and sky horsies oh my.

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11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Well, that's not what I played FE for. I even started with this game.

Likewise. For both statements.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

A match made in fanfic land. I don't know how often, don't tell me.

I have no idea, but... it's still no Athena x Etzel and I'm sorry for all the injokes I should probably stop now.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Well, too late. Might as well start hunting gypsies now.

To preach to. Totally.

Yeah... toooootally...

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

See, if you'd said Desmond wanted to ruin Lycia from within, I might have bought it. Zephiel is still all "Love me, Daddy." at this point, I don't see it yet.

Maybe he wants to ruin Lycia in order to earn Daddy's love?

If so, he failed miserably.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

I have to wonder why Glass is so insistent on breaking into some place just for some sword.

Friendly reminder that this guy is called Glass. Glass.


People tend to obsess over the PEERLESS SKILLZ meme, while failing to appreciate the fact that his name is FUCKING GLASS.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:


Fr. Teresa is quite worried about the use of this sword. Sacrilege is no joke.

Father Teresa is an awesome name. Also, fun fact: this guy is a younger version of Oates, a random boss from FE6. Don't believe me?


Here's Oates' portrait, courtesy of the wiki. He obviously grew older in the 20 years between FE6 and 7 (as well as a beard), but the hair's the same, the clothing style's similar, they're both blind and skilled with magic, as revealed later.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

He's not as peerless in his swordplay as he'd like to claim. You could say he just can't pull it out. (Thank you I'll be here all night.)

See? This is what I was talking about earlier. You could've made a pun with his name, but instead opted to go for the tired meme. Gloss, Dayni.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

After moving everyone forward, the enemy comes to us.

For more convenience when listening to music, I have the auto-repeat option enabled by default in VLC. This means I'm currently listening to "TEH ANIME TEH ANIME TEH ANIME TEH ANIME TEH ANIME" in a loop.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

So that's a damm fine first level. Speed is a good thing to get early, Strength is as expected and Luck and HP help his durability.

He still has 6 defense.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

So, that's also pretty neat. Maybe he'll tank like Lowen after all. Speed is also a good stat to get more of.

He also still has 6 defense.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"Alright, Kent, Sain, take what's left."

I imagine if Kent and Sain (and Pent) were added to FEHeroes, it'd be quite hilarious.

"To beat this map, I sent Sain to help Kent kill Cain, and then sent Kent to help Sain slay Pent".

Now try saying that 5 times fast.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

So wait, I thought it was protected by spirits. Do you mean that Glass could have taken it for his own if it weren't? Is Fr. Brimley the real hero

He got played hard. So hard, he shattered.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

 Are we sure Lyn's not Harry Potter?



Yes, I can definitely see it.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Ma_gba_bishop_playable.gif"And not my liquer cabinet. Hush robed twit."


Whoa, bipolar much, Father? Or maybe... maybe he knows Hatchet! And Hatchet knows about the liquor* cabinet! Plottwist! You need to make the priest a character in your own crappy fanfic.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

So, super-special sword in hand, Lyn just walks off with the main attraction.

That shrine's going to be in serious decline now.

So that's why Oates joined the Bernian army... he lost his job after Lyn took the Mani Katti, and desperate for money, he joined the Bernian army, using his peerless magical skills to climb ranks until in FE6 he was a trusted commander, enough to be sent to retrieve the Forblaze that Athos totally didn't take with him when he died.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Well BS, you've made the case why Durandal will be Eliwood only. I am disappointed.

Yeah, it's not like literally anyone with an S rank in swords could use it, amirite? Sigh...

11 hours ago, Dayni said:


We're introduced to out villain being shocked at something. Perhaps because his chin surgery didn't make it point out enough?

This line is where I got the idea to pointlessly extend Vernon Lundgren's chin, by the way. That, and Dursley's many chins had to be hidden somehow.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Well, he's got Fraticide, Regicide and just being a shady dick all wrapped up in one package.

Totally trustworthy to lead a canton.

Don't forget murdering all of his dates. Both his nose and his chin are so pointy and protruding, he probably killed them all trying to kiss them.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Like this?

Hm, nah, Lundgren's head is far from being round.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:


Oh, you do that thing professionals do of keeping multiple savefiles, too.

I don't.

I probably should.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

With luck I will never see it again.

Not in this game or thread, no.

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On 8/3/2018 at 9:28 PM, Dayni said:

Sain in Fates would be concerning.

>Ignoring the fact that Iñigo exists


On 8/3/2018 at 9:28 PM, Dayni said:

See, if you'd said Desmond wanted to ruin Lycia from within, I might have bought it. Zephiel is still all "Love me, Daddy." at this point, I don't see it yet.

I'm trying so hard to find conspiracies I didn't notice the one that was right in front of me. Just like the fact that the jews secretly rule the world.


On 8/3/2018 at 9:28 PM, Dayni said:




On 8/3/2018 at 9:28 PM, Dayni said:


Sigh. There it is. The line that launched a thousand memes.


On 8/3/2018 at 9:28 PM, Dayni said:

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif"Well, we did keep our weapons on us. As long as we approach carefully we should be fine."

But we don't have any axes yet. Which means our party right now is worthless.


On 8/3/2018 at 9:28 PM, Dayni said:


He got his glASS kicked.


On 8/3/2018 at 9:28 PM, Dayni said:

Naturally, Lyn being given something is a surprise, her being an orphan and all.



On 8/3/2018 at 9:28 PM, Dayni said:

Tell that to all the people who voted you first in CYL. And me when I saw how broken you got with Mulagir.

And me when she carried the entire main story.


On 9/3/2018 at 8:29 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

This means I'm currently listening to "TEH ANIME TEH ANIME TEH ANIME TEH ANIME TEH ANIME" in a loop.

Congratulations, now you know what the FEH Arena mode feels like.

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Apologies, I've had things to worry about the last week. Should have been out last week, but whatever, back to it now.

On 3/9/2018 at 11:29 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Likewise. For both statements.

Hmm. Alright.

I have no idea, but... it's still no Athena x Etzel and I'm sorry for all the injokes I should probably stop now.

Don't worry about the injokes too much, they shouldn't be too hard to find.

Yeah... toooootally...

Totally going to set those Sacaeans straight.

Maybe he wants to ruin Lycia in order to earn Daddy's love?

If so, he failed miserably.

He should just cut all ties and run to Etruria. That way he can wreck everything certain people do later on!

Friendly reminder that this guy is called Glass. Glass.


People tend to obsess over the PEERLESS SKILLZ meme, while failing to appreciate the fact that his name is FUCKING GLASS.

Yeah, that's my bad. You could say that, like Glass, I cracked under the pressure. Also now we know why he only addresses the stone when he talks about tearing the shrine down, everything else has glass in it and he doesn't want to break his own kind.

Father Teresa is an awesome name. Also, fun fact: this guy is a younger version of Oates, a random boss from FE6. Don't believe me?


Here's Oates' portrait, courtesy of the wiki. He obviously grew older in the 20 years between FE6 and 7 (as well as a beard), but the hair's the same, the clothing style's similar, they're both blind and skilled with magic, as revealed later.

His brother? I can't see Teresa surviving the Bern invasion.

See? This is what I was talking about earlier. You could've made a pun with his name, but instead opted to go for the tired meme. Gloss, Dayni.

Yes, the obscure jokes must be allowed to grow.

Pity I apparently suck at them as is.

For more convenience when listening to music, I have the auto-repeat option enabled by default in VLC. This means I'm currently listening to "TEH ANIME TEH ANIME TEH ANIME TEH ANIME TEH ANIME" in a loop.

This is why you don't have it set to download immediately.

He still has 6 defense.

He also still has 6 defense.

In the long run, obviously. Maybe I'm hoping Kent will be more than disappointing? I obviously am not on about them being there yet.

I imagine if Kent and Sain (and Pent) were added to FEHeroes, it'd be quite hilarious.

"To beat this map, I sent Sain to help Kent kill Cain, and then sent Kent to help Sain slay Pent".

Now try saying that 5 times fast.

"To beat this map, I sent Sain to help Kent kill Cain, and then sent Kent to help Sain slay Pent.

To beat this map, I sent Cain to help Pent kill Sain, and then send Kent to help Cain slay Pent.

To beat this map, I sent Sai....."

I don't think I can.

He got played hard. So hard, he shattered.

Should have been made of shatterproof glass then.



Yes, I can definitely see it.

Except the cupboard is another country?

Whoa, bipolar much, Father? Or maybe... maybe he knows Hatchet! And Hatchet knows about the liquor* cabinet! Plottwist! You need to make the priest a character in your own crappy fanfic.

A paranoid man who thinks he'll be insulted at every turn?

Or just assumed that Hatchet doesn't respect his elders?

We may never know.

So that's why Oates joined the Bernian army... he lost his job after Lyn took the Mani Katti, and desperate for money, he joined the Bernian army, using his peerless magical skills to climb ranks until in FE6 he was a trusted commander, enough to be sent to retrieve the Forblaze that Athos totally didn't take with him when he died.

That or Father Teresa was his brother and he had to take on Teresa's debts when he died.

Yeah, it's not like literally anyone with an S rank in swords could use it, amirite? Sigh...

This is the game that stuck Armads onto Hector after all.

This line is where I got the idea to pointlessly extend Vernon Lundgren's chin, by the way. That, and Dursley's many chins had to be hidden somehow.

Well, it's one way of removing double chins: Make them into a giant chin.

Don't forget murdering all of his dates. Both his nose and his chin are so pointy and protruding, he probably killed them all trying to kiss them.

So he's a mutant Preying Mantis?

Hm, nah, Lundgren's head is far from being round.

Well, that's what I get for picking that clip. He could be the man with the eyepatch and everyone else is in on the act.

Oh, you do that thing professionals do of keeping multiple savefiles, too.

I don't.

I probably should.

Professional? It's mainly so I don't save a particular moment and reset 10 chapters later back to it if I screwed up really badly.

Not in this game or thread, no.

You're half right, It does say Elibean Axes playthrough.

On 3/13/2018 at 12:06 AM, Franp3 said:

>Ignoring the fact that Iñigo exists

I did say Fates, but then again.... Laslow.

I'm not going to get into that rant today.

I'm trying so hard to find conspiracies I didn't notice the one that was right in front of me. Just like the fact that the jews secretly rule the world.

It's been the reptilians this whole time! It's why Zephiel wanted the dragons back!



Sigh. There it is. The line that launched a thousand memes.

Well, it's not the only line, but it's so early it's easy to get a screencap as needed.

But we don't have any axes yet. Which means our party right now is worthless.

Give them time....

He got his glASS kicked.

He was no glass act, this should be expected.


RIP Hassar and Madelyn, your deaths are not in vain.

And me when she carried the entire main story.

Are you on about FEH? Because she's a bit too broken for such simple tasks as FEH's story mode. As for BS, she's not been an utter Enemy Phase monster and I still remember how she can be 1-shot by the Fire Dragon.

Congratulations, now you know what the FEH Arena mode feels like.

This, MAGIC IS EVERYTHING and Armads would cover most of it.

On 3/13/2018 at 1:31 AM, Laura said:

i support of this endeavour

This endavour will have more axes soon. Not this map sadly.

Things we're getting today: Brigands.

And apparently I'm not capping chapter titles again so:

Chapter 3: Troupe of Sellswords


So Lyn's quest marches on, helped by the fact that horses make travel easier.


It's quite a bit more south than west, but fine.


I think it's fine to see, but "A mountain range separates the Sacae" is cut off there.

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "It was never much of a natural barrier."


So, is Bern actually having trouble because Desmond is the worst king? We never really see Brigands attack Bern in BB.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "I don't know, it doesn't look like we're in Lycia yet."


Of course this mountain is here.

If Lyn were more reckless, we'd totally be going there already.


Well, if only she got a horse here eh?

This part of the game has a lot of Lyn going on about vengeance. It's a bit disappointing we don't get much with that in Eliwood/Hector mood.


And then Sain had the idea of walking out on his knightly duties to help someone raid a bandit fort.


So Kent then decides to roll with it.

I know they're getting along with Lyn and all, but still.

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Uh, sure. I would be willing to as well."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Well, we can worry about that la-"


So we meet another brigand.

This guy might be unique. I have to say it's one of the better looking sprites.


Ah yes, the Wet Blanket.


Imagine this for the rest of the game and it's just Huey flying around on his own. It will not be any different.


I mean, it might be a well made blanket.


But of course, he is quite willing to do such things.

You do realise that you could find someone who's more into- oh yeah, I doubt you would, the internet's not in this world, possibly ever.


What? It's not like she's swearing at the-

Ma_gba_pegasus_knight_playable.gif "You sick ******** are going nowhere near Huey! You ******, *****, ***** made of ******!"

It appears I was mistaken.


That's a pretty messed up thing to happen.

Also, can't you just fly off Florina?


I'm somewhat surprised to hear that they're massively rare, there are plenty of pegasi in this series, even in Elibe.

Also, Florina's eyes in the second panel make me think she's going "Yeah they can".


Say goodbye, Flo? Before it's too-


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "A lone pegasus here? Seems strange, be on your- and she's gone."


Sheesh, imagine if it wasn't Florina.

Would be an awkward moment.


Excuse me:


Ah yes. Injokes are too easy. Now back to what's actually going on.


Lyn needs to make sure Florina doesn't do anything dangerous.

Is Florina her adopted kid?


I think I might have been right.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Sain, please don't-"

Ma_gba_cavalier_other.gif "But she looks like she needs inspiration!"


Ma_gba_brigand_enemy.gif "Hello? We're still here!"

Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "I ask you to stand down."


Was she constantly asking for directions every time? How long would it take? Why did she go to a partly burnt village?

Florina might not be thinking this through. Especially if she had been able to avoid any man up to this point as could be assumed.


Ma_gba_pegasus_knight_playable.gif "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.................."

One minute later:


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Is that why his headband's red?"


Ma_gba_pegasus_knight_playable.gif "I'd rather you didn't try to sell my pegasus."


Ma_gba_brigand_enemy.gif "She stepped on Migal! Why would we not ask for payment?"


Ma_gba_brigand_enemy.gif "Are you kidding? Migal got a graze! That's not okay!"


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Should easily frustrate then with that, not a bad idea Lyn. Let the knights take the lead, they'll get to the enemies faster."


I should take Florina's closing eyes for an edit. Fantasising Florina needs to be a thing.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "I'd say these guys are about as strong as what we've seen so far. So we should be fine."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "It does slow them down a bit at least."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif ":Same to yourself Florina. Can you check to see if anyone else is safe from the brigands? I doubt you can take them on right now."


Kent 1-rounds an archer. Not much else to say.


Florina takes the one route I'd have her take.


Exposition for all the newbies! Alongside some annoying grammar.


Florina takes the 2000 gold and Lyn goes for the other house.


Well, that's a shame. Torch?


Oh, I guess we'll save the torch for later.


Well, she could still be a bandit.

If there were any female bandits in the series.


How much is there left to do? One house was burned, another has been saved and the other is an armoury that's not being attacked.


Still thinking the torch is a good choice. Why did he do nothing before this point if he thinks he should?

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Lyn? I'm going to ask him to stand aside. I doubt he can do all that much."

Ma_gba_archer_playable.gif "Why would you say that?"


So we move on to the enemy phase.


The one archer attacks Sain.


Florina runs to the party and Kent kills the one archer, leaving us with only 1-range enemies.


For some reason I don't have Sain attack first, so the brigand starts with Sain.


It ends badly.


Not shown: Kent getting a Slim Lance.

Ma_gba_pegasus_knight_playable.gif "Can you use this?"

Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "Alright, mil-"



Kent then uses it on the mercenary (while adding flags to it).


See? Give him time. A good defensive level, though the lack of Strength and Speed is a shame.


Kent now has to tank, taking an axe hit.


He also kills that mercenary.


Meanwhile, Wil goes to the shops. I'd have been 100 coins short if I hadn't.

See? Wil's being useful already!


Kent takes out the brigand to the north.


Sain then moves to hit the mercenary.

Also, there's a nice enough level. Not proccing strength is a bit annoying, but he does get some speed and defence, while Skill for him is a good sign.


For some reason I think waiting's a good choice.


The injured mercenary dies to Kent.


There's the strength and speed from last time. He's not doing badly so far.


And then leaves himself at risk of dying.

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Kent, why didn't you dodge!"


Meanwhile, Sain tanks a hit because the mercenary thinks he can stop a ridiculous unit.


Kent has to heal. Of course I had a vulnerary.


Sain takes time to finish the mercenary he'd faced earlier.


The brigand takes a chance swing at Kent, misses and dies to Sain.


Also, I had Florina transport Lyn to the boss, sorry I didn't show the pickup.


So we get to see Lyn telling someone off.


Well, I think you were quite willing to kill women and children, if your willingness to fight Lyn/Florina is an indication.


See, it's terrifying because-

Nah, I am not in the mood to make jokes about this, you've been waiting long enough.


If it wasn't being said by a beginning swordswoman, he might have done it.

Course, her in her early days still massively outclasses Steel Axe here.


Oh no, I'm afraid. He's being rude.


Lyn doesn't crit something.

This is fine.


Because Sain takes him out!


He already did dumbass.


Migal did zero damage.

Sad to say, even Batta did more than that. Least he took his not hurting women and children seriously.


I honestly hope the other bosses are not your actual brothers, as that means you're a literal as well as actual bastard.



Just, why Sain?


Lyn just flips around after injuring Migal and is back to telling Florina off.


So we know she's considered able to fight. Why would they though?


Huh. I thought she was looking for Lyn-


Okay then.

Where did she get the information?


Florina's gimmick thus gets explained. Yet she's one of Hector's pairings.

Never did make sense.


Well, her concern is understandable. Anyone who'd get that kind of rude introduction would want to never deal with men again.

Why not Themiscera?


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "I mean, if you want to leave that would be alri-"


Oh, Kent said it before me. 

That's my job!


I know, we need more people, but still. Sain, she's not that into you.


Ma_gba_archer_playable.gif "What?"


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Quite right Kent. Sain, we don't need some deadweight dragging the lot of us down."

Ma_gba_archer_playable.gif "WHAT."


Again, so "Come now, Lyndis's band of"

Also, I swear that they're not mercenaries, that's not what's going on- oh forget it.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "I'll say it then. So we are a result of-"


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "So you're fine with not listening then."


Sain would be someone displayed on r/niceguys, wouldn't he? Like, the one guy who is not mean but utterly clueless.

Lyn's reaction's great. Just, it speaks volumes.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "I doubt either one would help her. The same goes for Wil."


I see what you're doing Lyn.

I am already thankful your support is worthless and peeved that it's one of your supports.


Ma_gba_archer_playable.gif "Also, with my bow being sold, I might need the protection."


No, you're not. Going to be a part of the legion, Help.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Indeed. We now have two unrelated individuals involved. Kent, I assume you want some drink to help?"


And so ends another map that had brigands. Maybe there'll be less brigands this time.

Next time: Something happens.

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8 hours ago, Dayni said:

Don't worry about the injokes too much, they shouldn't be too hard to find.

Especially after you threw all subtlety out of the window and outright stole one of my jokes. Franp, go add Dayni's display of theft to the counter.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

Yeah, that's my bad. You could say that, like Glass, I cracked under the pressure. Also now we know why he only addresses the stone when he talks about tearing the shrine down, everything else has glass in it and he doesn't want to break his own kind.


9 hours ago, Dayni said:

Pity I apparently suck at them as is.

Nonsense. Your jokes are beautiful as stained Glass.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

That or Father Teresa was his brother and he had to take on Teresa's debts when he died.

Maybe so. Who knows, who cares.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

So he's a mutant Preying Mantis?

FTL much?

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

Professional? It's mainly so I don't save a particular moment and reset 10 chapters later back to it if I screwed up really badly.

Yeah, thing is, I never do that. Eh, it's never come back to bite me in the ass, anyways.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:


I think it's fine to see, but "A mountain range separates the Sacae" is cut off there.

Ah, yeah. When this happens, I usually just press ctr+b (not sure if that's the default bind, though) to rewind and retake the screenshot. I don't count those as dishonorable resets because then I'd have something like 125235263513485342.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

This part of the game has a lot of Lyn going on about vengeance. It's a bit disappointing we don't get much with that in Eliwood/Hector mood.

Well, if you bench Lyn before getting her to level 10, recruit Wallace, and unbench Lyn to get them to support together, you get find out Wallace is great.

It's... sadly enough, not the most ridiculously contrived plot-reveal requirements that exist in FE7. Speaking of which, I assume you'll be getting the double x chapter, right? Or try to, at least.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

uy might be unique. I have to say it's one of the better looking sprites. Yey I can't quote!

I think he is. It's a decent Bandit sprite. At least they used more than 3 mugs like in FE6.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:


Imagine this for the rest of the game and it's just Huey flying around on his own. It will not be any different.


9 hours ago, Dayni said:

What? It's not like she's swearing at the-

Ma_gba_pegasus_knight_playable.gif "You sick ******** are going nowhere near Huey! You ******, *****, ***** made of ******!"

It appears I was mistaken.

Ahahahah. Great.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

Excuse me:


Ah yes. Injokes are too easy. Now back to what's actually going on.

Blistering barnacles... if you steal my stealing of Haddock's insults, I swear to God, I'm suing your ass.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

I should take Florina's closing eyes for an edit.

Everyone's closing eyes are great, but nobody can pull it off as well as Marth.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:


Funny screenshots you took here. It looks like he hit him just once, but so hard, he disintegrated.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:


It ends badly.

Jeez. I'm really not used to seeing numbers this pathetic.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:


See? Give him time. A good defensive level, though the lack of Strength and Speed is a shame.

Who cares about the lack of strength and speed? You're about to face an Ironman run. Survivability is all that matters.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:


There's the strength and speed from last time. He's not doing badly so far.

I daresay he's doing better than Sain. 'Course, it's still too early to really tell.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

Well, I think you were quite willing to kill women and children, if your willingness to fight Lyn/Florina is an indication.

Ah, good ol' Matthis syndrome. What would we do without you.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

Florina's gimmick thus gets explained. Yet she's one of Hector's pairings.

Never did make sense.

She fell on his face, which is kinky, hence--

Sorry, sorry, shuting up now.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Indeed. We now have two unrelated individuals involved. Kent, I assume you want some drink to help?"

Well, I mean, not entirely unrelated. Florina's a friend of Lyn's because plot and we're responsible for Wil having no means of weaponery to defend himself any longer.

The truly unrelated people will join next chapter, if I'm not mistaken.

Wait, next chapter was Erk or Dorcas? I can't remember...

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

And so ends another map that had brigands. Maybe there'll be less brigands this time.

Hah! You wish!

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22 hours ago, Dayni said:

Ah yes, the Wet Blanket.

Are you kidding? She's too frail to be called a Wet Blanket. Wet Tissue Paper suits her better.


22 hours ago, Dayni said:

Imagine this for the rest of the game and it's just Huey flying around on his own. It will not be any different.

No, it would be even better, because Florina X Hector is no longer a possibility.


22 hours ago, Dayni said:


Dayni's Unfunny "Deaf characters" Joke counter: 1.


22 hours ago, Dayni said:

Why would they though?

They made her pass the final exam out of pity. It's the only way I can think of.


22 hours ago, Dayni said:


You're dead to me, Sain.


23 hours ago, Dayni said:


Saving Kent's reaction for future use.


13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Franp, go add Dayni's display of theft to the counter.

RU"DC"Jcounter: 5

Dayni Stealing Ruben's Jokes counter: 1


13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Please restrain yourself from speaking such blasphemy.

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Well, I might have done it last night, but I was out most of the day elsewhere meeting people and seeing history being made..

On 3/17/2018 at 11:48 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Especially after you threw all subtlety out of the window and outright stole one of my jokes. Franp, go add Dayni's display of theft to the counter.

Well, joke stealing is a prime tradition of all bad comedies. Beside, what was it said about imitation? :P


Nonsense. Your jokes are beautiful as stained Glass.

I'm not sure if I can take that as a compliment or insult. Depends on how it's stained I suppose.

Maybe so. Who knows, who cares.

I might (eventually), I can't tell who'd care.

FTL much?

It's been why too long since I played, barely remembered it's a race in the game. 

Yeah, thing is, I never do that. Eh, it's never come back to bite me in the ass, anyways.

Not yet I should hope.

Ah, yeah. When this happens, I usually just press ctr+b (not sure if that's the default bind, though) to rewind and retake the screenshot. I don't count those as dishonorable resets because then I'd have something like 125235263513485342.

That.... that's a lot of mistakes with screenshots. I also thought I was better than that.

Well, if you bench Lyn before getting her to level 10, recruit Wallace, and unbench Lyn to get them to support together, you get find out Wallace is great.

It's... sadly enough, not the most ridiculously contrived plot-reveal requirements that exist in FE7. Speaking of which, I assume you'll be getting the double x chapter, right? Or try to, at least.

I'll try to at least. Kishuna's a downright bollox to kill without RNG screwage and I don't know if I'll have the power for it by then.

I think he is. It's a decent Bandit sprite. At least they used more than 3 mugs like in FE6.

It's nice to see there's a bit less blatant overlapping here.

Though there might be some BB rejects coming up.


Ah yes, the early utility of a unit who can never use axes. So she's benched.

Ahahahah. Great.

You know, if this game had a higher age rating I could see Florina doing that.

She might have had some drink first though.

Blistering barnacles... if you steal my stealing of Haddock's insults, I swear to God, I'm suing your ass.

Nah, they'll be safe. My Tintin knowledge is very lacking.

Everyone's closing eyes are great, but nobody can pull it off as well as Marth.

He is the king after all.

Funny screenshots you took here. It looks like he hit him just once, but so hard, he disintegrated.

That or Kent was facing a ghost archer who just decided he was done afterwards.

Jeez. I'm really not used to seeing numbers this pathetic.

I thought you've been playing with worse axes.

Who cares about the lack of strength and speed? You're about to face an Ironman run. Survivability is all that matters.

Mostly true. But it'll matter for certain points in the game, so I can't ignore it.

I daresay he's doing better than Sain. 'Course, it's still too early to really tell.

We'll come back to it in.... what 5 chapters?

Ah, good ol' Matthis syndrome. What would we do without you.

Not worry Lena would die every time is my guess. She is best cleric after all.

She fell on his face, which is kinky, hence--

Sorry, sorry, shuting up now.

Well, it's Huey who landed on Hector, so....

Nope, nope, not thinking about it.

Well, I mean, not entirely unrelated. Florina's a friend of Lyn's because plot and we're responsible for Wil having no means of weaponery to defend himself any longer.

Unrelated to the task at hand is what I'm getting at, but we need more units so I'll take who I can get who can use axes.

Hence unrelated.

The truly unrelated people will join next chapter, if I'm not mistaken.

Wait, next chapter was Erk or Dorcas? I can't remember...

It's in the update, might as well see.

Hah! You wish!

I did..... It seems the coin I threw in the well was forged.

On 3/17/2018 at 7:20 PM, Hylian Air Force said:

The one that actually matters for this part. Mutton man.

Do you know the mutton man who lives down Pherae Lane?

Honestly, I think I might avoid the mutton jokes, they achieved critical mass back in November.

19 hours ago, Franp3 said:

Are you kidding? She's too frail to be called a Wet Blanket. Wet Tissue Paper suits her better.

Eh, she at least has defense growths at all.

Besides, the paper would fly off Huey for sure.

No, it would be even better, because Florina X Hector is no longer a possibility.

One down, one to go.

Dayni's Unfunny "Deaf characters" Joke counter: 1.


Besides which, it's more like they're shouting for each other in a maze of glass walls. They just keep not finding each other.

They made her pass the final exam out of pity. It's the only way I can think of.

No wonder their current crop of pegasi seem to suck so much.

You're dead to me, Sain.

He has no brains around women. Let's be real, if she was confined to a wheelchair Sain would still say it.

He might feel a bit guilty afterwards (it's not impossible), but still.

Saving Kent's reaction for future use.

Please do, Kent might need it.

RU"DC"Jcounter: 5

Dayni Stealing Ruben's Jokes counter: 1

The counters, they're spreading! Abandon thread!

Please restrain yourself from speaking such blasphemy.

Worse has been said, though yeah Florina doesn't get many character beats as far as I recall.

So I think we may have escaped the bandits- 



Chapter 4: Besieged Twilight (still a better love story)



So we've been fighting brigands for four maps now. Maybe we'll have a nice, calm time where-


Alright, fine. I was asking for it I guess.


I know Wil's supposed to be the help, but this isn't too helpful.

Ma_gba_archer_playable.gif "Sure, the roof's fallen in but it's a fine place to hold ourselves up in"


Ma_gba_archer_playable.gif "It's pretty well guarded, so we aren't easy to spot from-"

Ma_gba_cavalier_other.gif "There's no bed here! We can't just-"


That's what they all say.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Lyn, I must insist that we continue this discussion. I think we'd find a good place not far-"


Oh Florina, I know exactly why you want to be by Lyn's side.

It's not happening, you're supposed to be benched.


Ma_gba_cavalier_other.gif "I will by your constant watch, your loyal guard, your-"


Sain: I think he's becoming Said now.


But of course we acted like we were the only ones here. So naturally we get ambushed.

Is she some powerful sage come to take use as sacrifices.


If she is, she is polite about it.


Ma_gba_archer_playable.gif "Yow? It's an enemy ambush! I'd fire if I had my bow. Hatchet."

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif What's one unarmed woman going to-"


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "That I guess. My apologies."


Natalie's closed eyes really show her in pain.

Lyn's face in response just looks like she's wincing at the pain.

Point being, the blinking frames were the best idea.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "We've not seen anyone else for the last hour or so."


Naturally, he happens to be a good man. So she decides to on her bad leg go find him. That's dedication or masochism.

Ma_gba_cavalier_other.gif *sniff

Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "Wha- Are you crying?"

Ma_gba_cavalier_other.gif "I don't know Kent. It's just... It's beautiful you know?"



Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "If that's a poor likeness, he must be some Adonis on this world."


Whoa there Nat, I know you love your husband, but still. Lyn also bursts her bubble.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "That is, if we do find out what happened to him."


So we see a damm ugly sprite (though even I admit it's not as bad as I remembered it) preparing some other brigands to strike somewhere. Let's hope it's elsewhere, they're likely dumb enough to make that mistake.


Ma_gba_brigand_enemy.gif "I however am an intell..... geni.... prodig... great smarty!"


Once again, brigands and their incel ways. I swear, someone could get some serious karma using this stuff.

Also, why? They're more likely to be wary and fight back!


Honestly man, You'll be lucky to not be dead afterwards.


Sure can talk up a plan. Even a stupid plan.




So that's what happened.

Dorcas joined the idiot gang.


>Checks inventory

1x Hand Axe.

Okay, this guy really is that dumb. Unless he's talking about Dorcas's guns, in which case he might just not be interested in women himself and realises he has to pretend to be in order to not be found out. Could this be a sign that we'll learn about how the allegiances of a person might be out of desperation to fit in and that they might be very different on the-

Oh who am I kidding he's a brigand boss. Besides, that's Dorcas's job.


Dorcas reacts to the above rant.

Dorcas clearly does not want to be here.


With orders like that and his conscience, something's got to give.


Dorcas, you have no idea how low you can go.

Seriously wish I could find video of Dorcas killing Natalie.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Who could have seen this coming!?"

Ma_gba_archer_playable.gif "What are you looking at me for?"


Ah, the old chestnut of waiting for the enemy to come.

Totally going to work until we get a defence map with a cannon being prepped to fire.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "True, but I'm going to say that with what I can see of them, we can probably push them away as well. A rout is better than a late night siege."


Ma_gba_pegasus_knight_playable.gif "I hear you Lyn."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Are you sure? Be a fine coincidence if he did. You can try to find out. I'll follow below Florina to shout orders and help scout while Wil helps Natalie."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Sain, Kent, take the front door."

Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "There is no door."

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "..... You know what I mean."


Dorcas decides to attack Lyn. He likely would have done the same to Natalie.

Ma_gba_lord_lyn_playable.gif "Are you Dorcas?"


I think this might be the archer from earlier, but still, I can't tell.


Oh right, Sain was hit.

Likely by this brigand.


Kent can 1-round, but of course this brigand has one more HP then Kent has attack.


See above, but with this mercenary. If only he could have tanked the brigand with an axe.


See, this is the trick with this map. If you ignore the archer and let him team up with the merc, this wall can actually come down before the map's over..

I'd rather not have to reset on this map because of that kind of mistake. I'd have to leave the forums in shame.


This little brigand got one-rounded.


This little brigand tanked did not.


This little brigand took one swing.

And this little Sain took one.


And this little archer went "Nah na na na nah." while taking a shot at Kent.


Oh good, enemy phase is over. Lyn gets right up to Dorcas.


Well, you don't like leaving things in suspense, do you Lyn?


Dorcas: just like so many teenagers, wanting to be free.


Lyn: a single mother with three kids who has to deal with the consequences.

Be honest, that might be a decent flick. And with Awakening and Fates actually plausible!


Awkward, Dorcas. That's what you're feeling right now. Who wouldn't?


No, she's inside.

You're around the doorway.


I don't know, maybe that's her kink Lyn.


Oh. I guess not. And I guess we get Dorcas.


The LP in this moment.


And with that, this LP can finally really get going. Thankfully it's not more purist, I might have been in trouble otherwise.


So a brief assessment is in order here.

Dorcas: Preeetty good on his bases actually, despite his awful speed growth his base of 6 is actually good for him here and despite his low defences his 30 HP is still alright for taking faces. While I doubt that'll be too useful if he doesn't get much in the way of defences, as is he should be fine. He's also actually got skill and some of his growth goes to it as well, good for his axe useage. Top that off with his beastly 60 attack growth and he's a keeper. Will certainly be a fixture of this LP, especially if he gets lucky with speed.

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Dorcas, can you take that man out?"


Dammit Dorcas, I'm trying to hype you up here.


Sain kills a brigand, Kent attempts to.

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Alright, you should be good for tanking this lot."


See? Totally fine.


Totally fine.

Strength and HP could be a worse level. He does want luck to avoid an awkward crit later on.


Kent kills more brigands and I am running out of quips about brigands.


Ma_gba_cavalier_other.gif "Look at me, I've got the shiniest sword! How you holding up Kent?"


Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "Just peachy."


Again, the intellect of this man is pualpable.


Of course, Sain's a good friend and actually removes the archer annoying Kent.


Alright, I should complain. But getting Skill is no bad thing in this playthrough.


Kent meanwhile runs because I forgot to give vulneraries and I want him tanking the eventual mercs.


Dorcas, after tanking the brigand to the face, picks off this guy here, saving me the trouble of more crossing fingers.


Lyn is then placed to tank the brigand and Florina retreats.

I'm still confused why I put her there in game.


In the beginning there was nothing.

Until Sain killed a brigand, creating the universe.


Predictably, the lone brigand goes for a supposedly squishy target.

Said target was a bit more than he could chew.


Bravo Lyn, that's more like it! All that dodge, that strength boost and even some HP and Res to help for absorbing some magic!

This is Lyn+/Lyn level right here.


Kent starts on his mission: to tank mercenaries.

He's looking pretty good at it.


Everyone heals, because now I decide risk taking's for chumps.

Never again after facing this with just Sain and Lyn.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Lyn, it looks like we might be safe to force a rout, can you go and take out their leader?"

Ma_gba_lord_lyn_playable.gif "Why should I go out there again? We don't know if they'll send more solders at us."

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Because causing a rout is quicker than leaving more time for them to gather men. I doubt this is all they have."

Ma_gba_lord_lyn_playable.gif "..... I understand. I'll see what's left-"

Ma_gba_pegasus_knight_playable.gif "Please don't."


So, Kent kills a mercenary.


The next guy decides that moving so fast you can't see then clearly will work well.


The problem is that like Speed of Sound Sonic, if you leave yourself exposed you'll just get a painful response.

Even if Kent punctured his neck instead of what happened to SoSS. Small mercies.


Sain doesn't even need crits to do it though.


He's Sain.


Meanwhile Dorcas causes an archer to go for him.

Dorcas hit by the way.


This looks good actually...


Dorcas! If you don't trust yourself, how can I trust you?


Kent holes himself where he'll be for the rest of the map. Sain takes on a nearby brigand.


The brigand was not going to have a good time.


Meanwhile, Lyn makes herself a target for the archer so it doesn't hide in some woods.


Kent kills a man, netting him a level.



This is disappointing. No other word for it.


Sain does more brigand slaying.


See Kent? This is why I like Sain more. Str+Spd is always a decent level in this game.


With so few enemies left, it's clear that this boss's plan was doomed to fail. Unless-

Nah, no need to be stealing more LP jokes.


Dorcas takes out the archer easily now that he actually has accuracy.


Kent and Sain take out more enemies, we're going to need the exp we can get.


I was going to make Caligula jokes.

I see even his name is a disappointment. And yeah I should be scared. But with true hit he's an even worse shot.


Oops, did we trigger reinforcements?


Ma_gba_lord_lyn_playable.gif "You won't stand down?"


Ma_gba_lord_lyn_playable.gif "Well then, I'll ensure you stay down!"

Also, Carjiga: killed by something he didn't see as a threat. What a joke.


I see this is more like you Lyn. But hey, she got some more dodge and she's one less HP from being able to face the Fire Dragon and live.


So yet another merc dies.


Sain takes on a brigand who shows up.


Kent takes on the mercenary who showed up and finishes on enemy phase. 


With that, this one jackass who stayed out of the fight shouts to run away.

Also, where are these rouges? They might have done something!


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "So it would seem. It was no trouble at least."


If her face on seeing him again for the first time in a while is any indication, yes it is.


Well, I assume they'll want to say farewell to each other on their own. Also:


Now for this conversation. 10 minutes earlier:

Ma_gba_fighter_playable.gif "So, you're the tactician right?"

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "I am who you're looking for."

Ma_gba_fighter_playable.gif "Ah, right. So I wanted to ask if I could join your band. I could use the money for Natalie's medicine and......"

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Uh...."

Ma_gba_fighter_playable.gif "Are you alrig-"

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "But of course! A man of your caliber and weapon usage would be a great asset! Axes are a weapon of power and might! We'll discuss your contract later, you should be well rewarded. I'd first like to get into why you are such an asset. See, axes as a whole fit as a perfect counter to-"

Ma_gba_fighter_playable.gif "I thunk you're giving me too much credit."

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Nonsense! Now, aside from that, the use axes has been very underappreciated n Elibean history, especially within the kinghtly orders. Part of this is because of a cruel misattribution with axes being a brute's weapon, but you need a precise hand to use them effectively-"

Ma_gba_fighter_playable.gif "....."

5 minutes later:

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "- and hatchets. Did you know the first real uses of axes in a military situation comes from before the Scouring against a ambushing army of dragons? They were used to trap the dragons in-"

Ma_gba_fighter_playable.gif "..... I'll just go."


Ma_gba_fighter_playable.gif "It was an awkward invitation, but I need the money and escort work is better than what I was doing."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "SAY YES LYN! We need his power on our side!"


Ma_gba_lord_lyn_playable.gif "I will try to. Hopefully Hatchet will be calmer as well."

Ma_gba_civilian_female01_other.gif "I.... guess so. Let's go home Dorcas."

Ma_gba_fighter_playable.gif This might not have been the best choice.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Finally I can use all these plans with axes! I've been waiting for years to get the chance and-"

Ma_gba_lord_lyn_playable.gif "Aside from him. We should be able to sleep soundly."


What do you think Sain was thinking about before Lyn woke him up?


Considering what happened to the last lot, I think a brigand trying to kill Kent would still tink for 0 damage at this rate.


Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "Sain, I doubt that's what she's concerned about."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Goodnight Lyn, I think I'll take a shift as well.There'll be no way I can sleep with this news."


So you know how you'd just assume Sain would just chase himself into someone's bed?


Come on. He's at least somewhat selfaware. Not enough to not hit on a married woman, but still.


So, with that we've finished the first defence map in the series (discounting Thracia and IS might as well have until 2 weeks ago). Can this be the end of the brigand horde?

Next time: Brigands once again! Yay.

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10 hours ago, Hylian Air Force said:

Some images are broken.

I don't see it, sorry. It might be your internet, it happens to me sometimes as well. Usually goes away after reloading the page or just giving it time to properly load.

10 hours ago, Dayni said:

Well, joke stealing is a prime tradition of all bad comedies. Beside, what was it said about imitation? :P

I guess being flattered is better than calling my attorneys. They're far too expensive.

10 hours ago, Dayni said:

I might (eventually), I can't tell who'd care.

Count me in.

10 hours ago, Dayni said:

Nah, they'll be safe. My Tintin knowledge is very lacking.

Good, good. Wait, no, bad, bad, culturize yourself, young whippersnapper!

10 hours ago, Dayni said:

Not worry Lena would die every time is my guess. She is best cleric after all.

But what about WRYS?!

10 hours ago, Dayni said:

Honestly, I think I might avoid the mutton jokes, they achieved critical mass back in November.

Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Dork-ass the poisoned?

I thought not. It's not a story elitists would tell you. It's a casual legend. Darth dork-ass was a dork lord of the mutton, so dorky and so assy, he could use memes to trust nobody to build... an army.

He had such knowledge of the mutton side, he could even keep the ones he cared about well-fed.

The mutton side of the memes is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... puerile.

He became so dorky, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his ass, which eventually of course he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew... then his apprentice poisoned his mutton in his sleep.

Ironic. He could save others from hunger, but not himself.

10 hours ago, Dayni said:

He has no brains around women. Let's be real, if she was confined to a wheelchair Sain would still say it.

He might feel a bit guilty afterwards (it's not impossible), but still.

Indeed, I rate Sain NotSaul/10.

10 hours ago, Dayni said:


- The FE7 on keeping the continuity between FE7 and 6, and my thoughts on it.

10 hours ago, Dayni said:

Ma_gba_archer_playable.gif "Yow? It's an enemy ambush! I'd fire if I had my bow. Hatchet."

This made me laugh that it probably should have. You really do hate Wil, do you not?

11 hours ago, Dayni said:



Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "If that's a poor likeness, he must be some Adonis on this world."

Bwahahahahahah... just wanted to laugh.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

So we see a damm ugly sprite

And an uglier name. What sort of name is Carjiga? It always reminded me of "vejiga", which is spanish for "bladder".

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Totally going to work until we get a defence map with a cannon being prepped to fire.

You should play Tear Ring Saga. They've got tanks there.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

I'd have to leave the forums in shame.

Give me a shout if you do, I'll accompany you to the door, and beyond.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

The LP in this moment.

More like Hatchet.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:


In the beginning there was nothing.

Until Sain killed a brigand, creating the universe.

A cute way of handling flashbangs. I like it.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:


Bravo Lyn, that's more like it! All that dodge, that strength boost and even some HP and Res to help for absorbing some magic!

This is Lyn+/Lyn level right here.

Shame she can't use axes, and the levels of both Cavaliers who will gain such an ability one day were far from stellar.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:


Son of a--

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

I'm still confused why I put her there in game.

Because she'd die elsewhere?

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

And yeah I should be scared. But with true hit he's an even worse shot.

Have you ever heard the tragedy of Heroine Echidna the Village Builder?

Have you ever heard the tragedy of Paladin Treck the Sleepy Mercenary?

Understimating the RNG shall one day prove to be your downfall.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Nonsense! Now, aside from that, the use axes has been very underappreciated n Elibean history, especially within the kinghtly orders. Part of this is because of a cruel misattribution with axes being a brute's weapon, but you need a precise hand to use them effectively-"

Ma_gba_fighter_playable.gif "....."

5 minutes later:

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "- and hatchets. Did you know the first real uses of axes in a military situation comes from before the Scouring against a ambushing army of dragons? They were used to trap the dragons in-"

I like dark magic better. Then again, dark magic is like the axes of magic. While on the subject, please, use Canas, he uses the axes of the trinity of magic, that has to count.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

So you know how you'd just assume Sain would just chase himself into someone's bed?


Come on. He's at least somewhat selfaware. Not enough to not hit on a married woman, but still.

No, Dayni. He may not be as bad as Saul, but that's only because he lacks brains.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

So, with that we've finished the first defence map in the series (discounting Thracia and IS might as well have until 2 weeks ago). Can this be the end of the brigand horde?

Hah! You wish! Again!

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Edit: Be right back, accidentally pressed Shift+Enter. WHY DOES THAT POST? SERIOUSLY!


Edited by Dayni
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9 hours ago, Dayni said:

Edit: Be right back, accidentally pressed Shift+Enter. WHY DOES THAT POST? SERIOUSLY!


Ah, the pain... I know exactly what you're talking about. Sorry, man.

Also, I didn't know shift+enter could do that. Although, I think I just got lucky. Because my updates are always so image-heavy, the site always asks me to fullfill a captcha before posting. Now I understand why it occassionally popped up for seemingly no reason...

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On 18/3/2018 at 10:16 PM, Dayni said:

Ma_gba_brigand_enemy.gif "I however am an intell..... geni.... prodig... great smarty!"

Because I am SMART! S-M-R-T SAMRT!


On 18/3/2018 at 10:16 PM, Dayni said:

Dorcas clearly does not want to be here.

Dorcas is the guy who would rather stay at home playing videogames working out, but is afraid his wife wil give him shit because he hasnt stepped out of the house for a month.


On 18/3/2018 at 10:16 PM, Dayni said:




On 18/3/2018 at 10:16 PM, Dayni said:

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "- and hatchets. Did you know the first real uses of axes in a military situation comes from before the Scouring against a ambushing army of dragons? They were used to trap the dragons in-"

Ma_gba_fighter_playable.gif "..... I'll just go."

Hatchet should be the lord of FE16.

Actually, he should be the lord of every FE.


On 19/3/2018 at 9:39 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

While on the subject, please, use Canas, he uses the axes of the trinity of magic, that has to count.

I second this.

Edited by Franp3
grammar n stuff
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On 3/19/2018 at 1:20 AM, Hylian Air Force said:

Some images are broken.

Worse, the while images are shots from in game. These occur when you take the shot at the moment in a round of combat where one unit hits another. 

On 3/19/2018 at 12:39 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't see it, sorry. It might be your internet, it happens to me sometimes as well. Usually goes away after reloading the page or just giving it time to properly load.

I think he's on about the flashbangs.

I guess being flattered is better than calling my attorneys. They're far too expensive.

Good for me, not like I have money to throw at a lawsuit.

Count me in.

Well, we'll see where it should go in the continuity:


Wow, this is pretty empty actually. Might as well sit on this for a bit.

Good, good. Wait, no, bad, bad, culturize yourself, young whippersnapper!

Maybe the next time I pop into a library. Might be a good choice to get my niece reading (Probably one of the less.... controversial ones).

But what about WRYS?!

What, you mean that vulnerary? Nope, totally don't remember any tragic events.

Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Dork-ass the poisoned?

I thought not. It's not a story elitists would tell you. It's a casual legend. Darth dork-ass was a dork lord of the mutton, so dorky and so assy, he could use memes to trust nobody to build... an army.

He had such knowledge of the mutton side, he could even keep the ones he cared about well-fed.

The mutton side of the memes is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... puerile.

He became so dorky, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his ass, which eventually of course he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew... then his apprentice poisoned his mutton in his sleep.

Ironic. He could save others from hunger, but not himself.

That last line was worth the rest of it.

Indeed, I rate Sain NotSaul/10.

That's a pretty low bar to clear. I think Saul night be the 0 on a lot of metrics.

- The FE7 on keeping the continuity between FE7 and 6, and my thoughts on it.

My response:


This made me laugh that it probably should have. You really do hate Wil, do you not?

It's just, Wil might actually be the worst archer in the series. The Archanean archers have a better counterflier niche, so does BB (even Wolt). Judgral has enough tools to work with that even someone like Tanya is better. Awakening has Lunatic utility, Fates has great archers and SoV has the best in terms of utility full stop. Even Neimi and Rebecca will turn out better than Wil.

Wil is just the remains of scum at the bottom of the barrel.

Bwahahahahahah... just wanted to laugh.

You should see the artist's drawing promoting Dorcas for one of the voting gauntlets.

Never forget Orcas.

And an uglier name. What sort of name is Carjiga? It always reminded me of "vejiga", which is spanish for "bladder".

So it makes no sense to you either?

Ah well, turns out we were his kidney stones.

You should play Tear Ring Saga. They've got tanks there.

I've seen a bit and they are not all that impressive in that game. Not as much as a certain mage...

Give me a shout if you do, I'll accompany you to the door, and beyond.

Aw thanks. Shame I don't do social media, nothing to point to for it.

More like Hatchet.

Nah, Ode to Joy is playing in his head.

A cute way of handling flashbangs. I like it.

Sometimes you have to get around your limitations.

Shame she can't use axes, and the levels of both Cavaliers who will gain such an ability one day were far from stellar.

Well, it's a good thing she's an exemption. I don't want to imagine what I'd have to do otherwise.

Son of a--

See this is why I keep arguing for Sain. I should show the Super Sain I had the last time I used HHM.

Because she'd die elsewhere?

I mean, she should probably help Wil keep Natalie comfortable the whole time though.

Have you ever heard the tragedy of Heroine Echidna the Village Builder?

Have you ever heard the tragedy of Paladin Treck the Sleepy Mercenary?

Understimating the RNG shall one day prove to be your downfall.

Underestimate? With numbers that low, I'd be more concerned about overestimating it.

I like dark magic better. Then again, dark magic is like the axes of magic. While on the subject, please, use Canas, he uses the axes of the trinity of magic, that has to count.

I wish. Sadly tomes are hard banned, otherwise I'd get to go on about how he's my favourite unit and character every time until he died.

No, Dayni. He may not be as bad as Saul, but that's only because he lacks brains.

He can tone himself down a bit. He's also a more consistent unit.

Hah! You wish! Again!

Let me hope dammit!

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, the pain... I know exactly what you're talking about. Sorry, man.

Also, I didn't know shift+enter could do that. Although, I think I just got lucky. Because my updates are always so image-heavy, the site always asks me to fullfill a captcha before posting. Now I understand why it occassionally popped up for seemingly no reason...

RIP the forgotten jokes.

7 hours ago, Franp3 said:

Because I am SMART! S-M-R-T SAMRT!

He, an intellectual, really should have done better.

Dorcas is the guy who would rather stay at home playing videogames working out, but is afraid his wife wil give him shit because he hasnt stepped out of the house for a month.

Dorcas tried to build himself a man-cave, but then Natalie needed medicine again. LP canon?


Kent already feels the pain. If this keeps happening he might hit the bench.

Hatchet should be the lord of FE16.

Actually, he should be the lord of every FE.

Hatchet would probably improve Fates's writing at least.

I second this.

Honestly, if the rules weren't already set he'd likely be used anyway. Canas is just so good, he can outdo Athos for killing the fire dragon. course you're going to need some serious numbers, but still.

So I messed up the title card again:


Chapter 5: Beyond the Brigands



So we're still not in Lycia? Really?


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "*Yawn* You're.... *Yawn* right there."


Sain would be amazing in advertising.

It would end in tears, but still.


Look at Wil.

You just know he'd be doing the same as Sain. Don't try to pretend to tut tut Wil.


Should there be a counter for Sain having no filter and being a horndog? I think it might be too high a number by the end at this rate.

Ma_gba_fighter_playable.gif "I have known you less than a day and it is entirely fair."


I'd refer to earlier but no, it's easy to see Kent would prefer to kiss up to Lyn > prevent Sain's worst tendencies. Are we sure Kent's the virtuous knight?


Just imagine Lyn's voice not even hiding disgust.

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "*Yawn Thanks Lyn. I couldn't *yawn sleep last night"


So while Florina hopes to hop into Lyn's bed, suddenly, bandits.


This guy, his name might be worse than the other two.

It just bugs me.


Hey look, they brought Ganelon's hypeman with them.

If only they brought the Rouges he said they had.


Here we see Lyn being quite willing to rile up bandits.

Maybe it's an attempt to intimidate.


Lyn's just realised that these guys really don't know when to quit.

Especially after they've been beaten up enough times that they themselves could have a counting gag for it.


In a different set of woods:


Purple (Erk) and Pink here are continuously complaining carelessly.


It was alright when Boey and Mae did it because it was more than that when it came to these two.


Also one didn't think the other would make criminals run with their neediness.


Or that the other insisted the first one was her escort (Oh boy those implications).


Erk spent 7 years of magic training for this.

Pent should repay him.


So Serra's that kind of damsel.


Because she's only a healer and Geneva doesn't exist in Elibe, he kind of has to follow.


Serra clearly is blind, there's more than just her fighting them.

There's also the help.


The Hypeman found them out. How powerful is he?


Serra's clearly just confused by him, they're both wondering why he'd ask if they're on the same side.


Oh boy we're about to find out!


One of these people will actually show up in future maps.

Guess who.


That's a bit disappointing, he's not that strong.

He didn't get 1-rounded though, meaning Erk's a sad case anyway.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "What do you *yawn"


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Think they *yawn want?"


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "They just *yawn happened to-"


I don't know, by giving them cake? You'd probably understand that, Serra Antoinette.


Erk is yet another in the likely long list of people who do not want to be here.


Of course Lyn suggests joining up. Be a small and inconspicuous group, right?


Serra's got him so obviously whipped even Lyn gets it.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "If you *yawn think so."


Serra's just so happy to be ordering someone about.

Where did she get the money to hire someone actually? Was it the Elimine Church? Elimine is Catholicism confirmed?


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Let me guess, *yawn you want out?"

Ma_gba_mage_playable.gif "Well obviously, but I was hired to bring her somewhere and now she-"

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Listen, you'll be alright *yawn. We're pretty good at *yawn removing bandits."

Ma_gba_mage_playable.gif "That does not make the situation much better."

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Eh. Alright, I'll be *yawn off then. Tatawn."


So Sain then valiantly slayed the hypeman of Ganelon.

He shall be missed.


Serra does need healing exp, so might as well do so.


Sain tanks a mercenary and makes sure anyone can finish him.


Kent takes him out on player phase and I move Lyn up.


Dorcas starts damaging the bandit.


The problem is he goes for Kent and dies.


Afterwards, we start moving so that Dorcas can take out the next one. Florina has Wil, if you're curious.


AAA the bandit threw Dorcas off by flashing lights in his face!


Course, Dorcas don't care.



I do care about that level being as weak as it is.


It turns out he's in range of the archer, so Sain takes care to get his weapons right.


Ma_gba_fighter_playable.gif "Thank you, you strange knight."

Ma_gba_cavalier_other.gif "You do care!"


So yeah, the goal was obviously to raise Dorcas.

Last night:

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Dorcas should take on everything! While we're still dealing with these bandits, he can grow stronger so that-"

Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "But how that that help everyone else? We're already ignoring several soldiers and as is we'll-"

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Dorcas needs to take the lead! With all my calculations, Dorcas is going to be capable of taking on the Caelin garrison easily if we get him enough chances to grow stronger. We''ll-"

Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "*sigh"


But not even I'm so dumb as to put him in range of the merc, right?


Ma_gba_cavalier_other.gif "Did you see that? He's too easily stopped!"

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "*Yawn Can you go South? *yawn The boss needs to die."


Sure, you call that bad odds.


Dorcas doesn't think so. With his Elongated Axe!

(Warning: This is not to be confused with the Imposing Axe terms and conditions apply)


Erk's tome is sold so we can get a hand axe. Dorcas will likely run out before long.

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Thank you Erk!"

Ma_gba_mage_playable.gif "Wait how did he steal my book?"


So I think Sain did alright.

The problem is he didn't double. And he got hit.


So run him out of there and get Kent in to do something.


Now Kent takes a poke at him. It's a shame he also didn't double.


So Serra serenades the staff to singe Sain's scars and sew skin anew.

I tried.


Obviously Lyn is totally capable of wrecking this guy. But....


I am way too willing to roll with stupid RNG.


Speaking of.... Ugh this is looking bad for Dorcas. Did he have something that isn't sitting right?


Ma_gba_cleric_serra_playable.gif "Almost effortless out of you!"


Explain Saul. Well, explain him is 20 years.


Erk must be trying to tell himself to run away now and not bother.

Well, it doesn't help he lost his book.


Oh no.


Dammit Sain, I know a healer's a healer, but still!


She's a cleric! A woman of the cloth! I'm pretty sure celibacy is something they're (supposed) to follow!


Erk again knows this cannot end well. For him I mean.


Yes, yes she could. She's willing to roll with her lies to lordlings she certainly can do drag these lies with you to your grave.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "I SAID NONE OF THAT SAIN!"


In Erk's head, he just knew the second Sain said something about a dispute that Serra would say this.


Bless him, he tried to stop this.


Seriously, who ships Erk and Serra?


Wait what? Serra assumes gratitude will be aplenty here. Hatchet's only got it for one person right now and of course he's weirded by that.


To the bench with you, you can get sick there just fine. You can join Help there.


Little? Clearly you've not seen her art.

It's not my fault that crit animation exists, you know that! Right?


So you're going to throw subtlety out the window eh? You want to hire the Black Fang and just get it- ah, they're probably too expensive for you.


Wow Lundgren, your brother will be happy to see the back of you.

Hopefully with an axe in it.


Again, maniacal laugh.


So we're finally in Lycia. It's smooth sailing from here, least I should think so.

I'm sorry, this update was so boring. Like the chapter.

Next time: No more bandits!

Also, since Rubenio brought it up and I don't have that much of a buffer, there's a chapter for this game that's a bitch and a half to get: 19xx. I'll be getting the first half of its conditions here, don't worry about that, but the other half is very RNG reliant. So I'll be asking about 3 options: 1. To accept if I can't get it. 2. To rig it and actually have a map where the units I can't usually use get the spotlight (If any are alive by then....) 3. To just go and rig it so I can do it with anyone anyway.

I'll make a poll for it, so no need to write replies.

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16 hours ago, Dayni said:

What, you mean that vulnerary? Nope, totally don't remember any tragic events.

FE3 was a tragic event indeed.

16 hours ago, Dayni said:

That last line was worth the rest of it.

I'm more of a fan of "the only thing he was afraid of was losing his ass, which eventually of course he did", myself.

16 hours ago, Dayni said:

I've seen a bit and they are not all that impressive in that game. Not as much as a certain mage...

Bet you 0 bucks that I refused to use that mage in favour of the worst mage in the game. Just say the name.

16 hours ago, Dayni said:

See this is why I keep arguing for Sain. I should show the Super Sain I had the last time I used HHM.

Probably not as super as my Marcus.

16 hours ago, Dayni said:

Underestimate? With numbers that low, I'd be more concerned about overestimating it.

You fool! Have you learnt nothing from me?!

16 hours ago, Dayni said:

I wish. Sadly tomes are hard banned, otherwise I'd get to go on about how he's my favourite unit and character every time until he died.

Yeah, Canas is great. Even if he's from FE7.

16 hours ago, Dayni said:

Dorcas tried to build himself a man-cave, but then Natalie needed medicine again. LP canon?

For sure.

16 hours ago, Dayni said:

Honestly, if the rules weren't already set he'd likely be used anyway. Canas is just so good, he can outdo Athos for killing the fire dragon. course you're going to need some serious numbers, but still.

Okay, gonna rain on your parade right here to tell you it's literally impossible for Canas to outdo Athos. I mean, I too like Canas better than Gotoh #3, but Athos' stats are simply too good. Canas will never reach his defenses and luck unless you do some insane RNG rigging and he'll never have his power, period, because his cap is lower than Athos' (and Athos comes with capped magic).

The only stats in which he could hope to surpass Athos are speed and HP, and even then, the HP would be complete, useless overkill, because even in HHM Athos has just enough speed to take only one hit per round from it, and given its fixed damage, even if Canas was to reach the HP cap, he'd still be unable to take two hits, just because nobody can. And let's not forget that Canas' con is lower than Athos', so while Athos does fail to double the dragon with luna without the help of statboosters, Canas' bad speed base and growth mean he'll have even more trouble than him unless you rig the RNG. I mean, after 40 levels, on average, he'll have 21 speed. 21, that's three points away from doubling with luna. At max level, which noone is likely to reach. If anything, he's more likely to get speed-screwed and have no hope of facing the dragon without getting doubled to death.

Athos, on the other hand, can double the dragon if you give him a speedwings and a body ring. And then there's the fact that Athos can also use two effective tomes (I think they're effective against it, at least, I might be wrong here though) against the dragon while all Canas has is luna.

Canas still has the rest of the game to be amazing, but when it comes to killing the fire dragon, he just can't compare, as much as I'd like to think he could.

My solution is to just use both. What's the problem with that? There are two luna tomes anyways.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:


Should there be a counter for Sain having no filter and being a horndog? I think it might be too high a number by the end at this rate.

Nonsense, he'll disappear from the plot after Lyn's mode and unless you gave him supports, that would be the end of the counter.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:

So while Florina hopes to hop into Lyn's bed, suddenly, bandits.

Oh, please... don't do that to Lyn. She might have no personality or relevance to the plot, but at least she's not a wet blanket.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:

This guy, his name might be worse than the other two.

It just bugs me.

Honestly? No. Nothing can surpass Carjjjjjjjjjjiga.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:


Quite honestly, I really like Erk. He's such a magnificently jaded asshole, much unlike pretty much every other child mage in FE. He's more like Elrean, except he doesn't want to murder everyone.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:


Serra, on the other hand, is... eh. I actually don't dislike her as much as some others. I don't know why. Perhaps because she's so obviously over the top dumb with the caps and all, I can't take her seriously, while some others are very seriously unlikeable, arrogant little bitches.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:

Pent should repay him.

Pent repaid him by making Cecilia the Mage General.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:

Because she's only a healer and Geneva doesn't exist in Elibe, he kind of has to follow.

Even though his defense is comparable to hers. Mages acting as bodyguards is never a good idea. Although, he's better than a certain someone I'm thinking of.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:


The Hypeman found them out.

I like how he's seen her for about 5 seconds and already calls her a she-devil.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:


Of course Lyn suggests joining up. Be a small and inconspicuous group, right?

To be fair, right now she's only suggesting they team up for this one map. It'll cease to make sense in the ending cutscene because GOD FORBID they have units leave the team after they've turned blue.

Who'd have thought FE8 of all games would be the one daring enough to try that.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:

I don't know, by giving them cake? You'd probably understand that, Serra Antoinette.

Amazing. Now let's hope she gets decapitated.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:


Serra's just so happy to be ordering someone about.

Where did she get the money to hire someone actually? Was it the Elimine Church? Elimine is Catholicism confirmed?

Maybe he's secretely into it?

17 hours ago, Dayni said:

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Let me guess, *yawn you want out?"

Ma_gba_mage_playable.gif "Well obviously, but I was hired to bring her somewhere and now she-"

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Listen, you'll be alright *yawn. We're pretty good at *yawn removing bandits."

Ma_gba_mage_playable.gif "That does not make the situation much better."

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Eh. Alright, I'll be *yawn off then. Tatawn."

Hatchet, you fool, what were you doing all night when you were supposed to be sleeping?

17 hours ago, Dayni said:


AAA the bandit threw Dorcas off by flashing lights in his face!

He still got hit. What a joke.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:



I do care about that level being as weak as it is.

Could be empty.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:

So yeah, the goal was obviously to raise Dorcas.

Last night:

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Dorcas should take on everything! While we're still dealing with these bandits, he can grow stronger so that-"

Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "But how that that help everyone else? We're already ignoring several soldiers and as is we'll-"

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Dorcas needs to take the lead! With all my calculations, Dorcas is going to be capable of taking on the Caelin garrison easily if we get him enough chances to grow stronger. We''ll-"

Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "*sigh"

Kent's considering either poisoning Dork-ass' mutton, or Hatchet's. Either way, let's not let him.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:

Erk's tome is sold so we can get a hand axe. Dorcas will likely run out before long.

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Thank you Erk!"

Ma_gba_mage_playable.gif "Wait how did he steal my book?"

C'mon, let poor Erk keep his book.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:


So Serra serenades the staff to singe Sain's scars and sew skin anew.

I tried.

It's like nails on a chalkboard, except it's Serra, which is worse! Gaaah!

17 hours ago, Dayni said:


I am way too willing to roll with stupid RNG.

And it'll kill you one day. Be sure of it.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:


Speaking of.... Ugh this is looking bad for Dorcas. Did he have something that isn't sitting right?

Ahem, it still could be empty.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:


Explain Saul. Well, explain him is 20 years.

Hahahahahahah... well, I mean... he's... uh... he did save a woman! Remember, he pretended to be gay to scare some guy off and save the fair maiden?

All things considered, it's a wonder he didn't get killed that time.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:

Dammit Sain, I know a healer's a healer, but still!

You reminded me of Luke's scene with Wrys in FE12 and I started giggling.

I love that scene. Every FE should have that scene in some way.

I know it's entirely unrelated to the thread, but I still wanted to talk about it. It's too good.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:


Bless him, he tried to stop this.

10/10 effort.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:


Wait what? Serra assumes gratitude will be aplenty here. Hatchet's only got it for one person right now and of course he's weirded by that.

I mean, you can't heal yourself with an axe. The Hauteclere doesn't exist in Elibe.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:


Little? Clearly you've not seen her art.

It's not my fault that crit animation exists, you know that! Right?

This guy's what, 87? Obviously, she's a little girl in his eyes.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:


Wow Lundgren, your brother will be happy to see the back of you.

Hopefully with an axe in it.

He's willing to send an army after Lyn, but he won't just stab Hausen and be done with it?

The plot armor is strong with these ones.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:


So we're finally in Lycia. It's smooth sailing from here, least I should think so.

Next time: more bandits!

17 hours ago, Dayni said:

Next time: No more bandits!


17 hours ago, Dayni said:

I'm sorry, this update was so boring. Like the chapter.

Nonsense. It was good.

17 hours ago, Dayni said:

I'll make a poll for it, so no need to write replies.

I still will. Go right ahead and use your usual axies. If the game will be an ass like that, you might as well be one too.

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On 3/22/2018 at 11:45 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

FE3 was a tragic event indeed.

Considering it's my least favourite....

I'm more of a fan of "the only thing he was afraid of was losing his ass, which eventually of course he did", myself.

Then you are lost?

Bet you 0 bucks that I refused to use that mage in favour of the worst mage in the game. Just say the name.

Sierra's pretty broken from what I've seen, personal Rewarp is brutal if she's able to tank the enemy. (Of course, I assume you used Maruj)

Probably not as super as my Marcus.

More so actually:


He hit 20 for Atk/Spd around the time he promoted. This Sain was an amazing unit, so much so I intentionally delayed using him in HHM.

You fool! Have you learnt nothing from me?!

Not to ignore a unit because it's "too powerful"?

Yeah, Canas is great. Even if he's from FE7.

He's my favourite actually.

For sure.

Dorcas just wanted a place to lift.

Okay, gonna rain on your parade right here to tell you it's literally impossible for Canas to outdo Athos. I mean, I too like Canas better than Gotoh #3, but Athos' stats are simply too good. Canas will never reach his defenses and luck unless you do some insane RNG rigging and he'll never have his power, period, because his cap is lower than Athos' (and Athos comes with capped magic).

The only stats in which he could hope to surpass Athos are speed and HP, and even then, the HP would be complete, useless overkill, because even in HHM Athos has just enough speed to take only one hit per round from it, and given its fixed damage, even if Canas was to reach the HP cap, he'd still be unable to take two hits, just because nobody can. And let's not forget that Canas' con is lower than Athos', so while Athos does fail to double the dragon with luna without the help of statboosters, Canas' bad speed base and growth mean he'll have even more trouble than him unless you rig the RNG. I mean, after 40 levels, on average, he'll have 21 speed. 21, that's three points away from doubling with luna. At max level, which noone is likely to reach. If anything, he's more likely to get speed-screwed and have no hope of facing the dragon without getting doubled to death.

Athos, on the other hand, can double the dragon if you give him a speedwings and a body ring. And then there's the fact that Athos can also use two effective tomes (I think they're effective against it, at least, I might be wrong here though) against the dragon while all Canas has is luna.

Canas still has the rest of the game to be amazing, but when it comes to killing the fire dragon, he just can't compare, as much as I'd like to think he could.

My solution is to just use both. What's the problem with that? There are two luna tomes anyways.


I'm not pretending for a second that this doesn't require being ridiculously blessed and preparation besides that. He needs at least 27 magic + an A support with Nino, Renault and Vaida to be matching the damage. Again, 24 Spd (without the Body Ring) for doubling the dragon, though to be fair a Filla's Might and a crit (which Canas should have a higher percentage for with the support) will still 1-shot the dragon (Again, like Athos). The trouble with Aureola and Forblaze is that Luna is still better.

The idea that someone can do better than one of the legends of the Scouring just tickles my fancy. Damming with faint praise I guess. If he could do it regularly, it would come up a lot more wouldn't it?

Nonsense, he'll disappear from the plot after Lyn's mode and unless you gave him supports, that would be the end of the counter.

Well it is Sain. I wouldn't be so sure he doesn't get at least one more.

Oh, please... don't do that to Lyn. She might have no personality or relevance to the plot, but at least she's not a wet blanket.

Relax, Florina is a hard pass as a fighter.

Honestly? No. Nothing can surpass Carjjjjjjjjjjiga.

What's worse, it apparently doesn't have much of a meaning at all.

Then again, it has about as much meaning as the Zelda CDi games. I mean, Wand of Ganelon would be just as bad-


Oh no it's worse than I thought. No, this is not why the update took so long.

Quite honestly, I really like Erk. He's such a magnificently jaded asshole, much unlike pretty much every other child mage in FE. He's more like Elrean, except he doesn't want to murder everyone.

Let's be real, Erk probably wants Serra dead.

Serra, on the other hand, is... eh. I actually don't dislike her as much as some others. I don't know why. Perhaps because she's so obviously over the top dumb with the caps and all, I can't take her seriously, while some others are very seriously unlikeable, arrogant little bitches.

She can heal which is more than some of these units can do.

Pent repaid him by making Cecilia the Mage General.

Pent clearly was like this with that and leaving his kids run about like that. Erk might have been able to dodge Zephiel.

Even though his defense is comparable to hers. Mages acting as bodyguards is never a good idea. Although, he's better than a certain someone I'm thinking of.

Who, Wil?

I like how he's seen her for about 5 seconds and already calls her a she-devil.

He was saying about Lyn, but sure, why not?

To be fair, right now she's only suggesting they team up for this one map. It'll cease to make sense in the ending cutscene because GOD FORBID they have units leave the team after they've turned blue.

Who'd have thought FE8 of all games would be the one daring enough to try that.

Well, people need to learn about the magic of friendship somehow in the tutorial mode.

Amazing. Now let's hope she gets decapitated.

I'd rather like my healers to keep their heads thank you.

Maybe he's secretely into it?

Frankly, I see him being more desperate and needing the money.

Hatchet, you fool, what were you doing all night when you were supposed to be sleeping?

He's been trying to figure out what's the best way to get Dorcas up to speed. Naturally it's been on his mind.

He still got hit. What a joke.

The bandit can't even get that right. Pretty sad.

Could be empty.

True, but more like this and he won't get to endgame. And who wants that?

Kent's considering either poisoning Dork-ass' mutton, or Hatchet's. Either way, let's not let him.

Kent's too much of a knight for that. He'd challenge them to a duel and bring swords to an axe fight, it'd be a foolproof plan.

Traitorous, but foolproof.

C'mon, let poor Erk keep his book.

Hatchet is desperate for money for axes.

He'll end up on the street with 

It's like nails on a chalkboard, except it's Serra, which is worse! Gaaah!


And it'll kill you one day. Be sure of it.

Considering how you're doing with BB, you're right there.

A deathless run would be a bit boring eh?

Ahem, it still could be empty.

More like this and won't get the chance to keep doing it.

Hahahahahahah... well, I mean... he's... uh... he did save a woman! Remember, he pretended to be gay to scare some guy off and save the fair maiden?

All things considered, it's a wonder he didn't get killed that time.

Clearly one of the only times he was willing to stop getting into someone's pants? Doesn't redeem much though does it?

You reminded me of Luke's scene with Wrys in FE12 and I started giggling.

I love that scene. Every FE should have that scene in some way.

I know it's entirely unrelated to the thread, but I still wanted to talk about it. It's too good.

Well, it is one scene that's alright from that game.

It's still Luke though, I am still entirely unconvinced of his abilities personally.

10/10 effort.

He tried, that's all that mattered.

Now he's on the bench.

I mean, you can't heal yourself with an axe. The Hauteclere doesn't exist in Elibe.

Well, healing isn't exactly what an axe is for.

This guy's what, 87? Obviously, she's a little girl in his eyes.

I doubt he'd be walking around in that massive armour if he was 87.

He's willing to send an army after Lyn, but he won't just stab Hausen and be done with it?

The plot armor is strong with these ones.

He's utterly paranoid she'd show up while he's ruling and ruin the whole thing. Better to save face and just get her killed first.

Next time: more bandits!


See? Now we get to see conspiracies!

Nonsense. It was good.

Oh, thank you. Sorry I took as long as I did to get this one out.

I still will. Go right ahead and use your usual axies. If the game will be an ass like that, you might as well be one too.

Well, it's out of my hands what way it goes.

We've finally arrived in Lycia! A cornucopia where ! All we have to do is walk to Caelin and-

Chapter 6: Lineage of HONOUR!


Dammit Sain, I'm pretty sure you jinxed the whole thing!


We're still heading south by the way, in case you forgot it was supposedly south-west.


Meanwhile, Lundgren throws another wave of men at the problem.



This is Araphen we're talking about right? That place that's 2 houses and a fort in BB?

Sain, you're either too dumb for the world or being deliberate. It's not that impressive, you were all in Bulgar not long ago.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "It's a good thing too, I wasn't too sure if he'd ever come back."


Well isn't that nice, the moment they get to Lycia things start looking up.

Also probably the only time we'll catch someone's mouth open. Kent look so happy to tell Lyn this.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "I'm surprised at Araphen's generosity. You would think that he'd want to stay out of any potential conflict, even with a legitimate heir involved."


Honestly, the one thing we don't need are more soldiers. We've got everyone we'll need!


You know what, that's entirely appropriate Sain. When has Kent been so capable for me?


Once again, Sain is barely acknowledged. It's like they know that's the way to get him to stay quiet.


Then we zoom out to a crowd. Wonder why that-



Dammit Sain.

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Well, we were about to go to the castle but-"


Also this guy shows up.

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Well shit that's what. Also who's that guy who moved north?"


Bah, Lyn could take him-


Ma_gba_nomad_playable.gif "......."


Or this guy can. This is actually a pretty good looking scene, not going to lie.

Ma_gba_archer_playable.gif "I could have done that."


You might as well know the name of your violent saviour.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "You're right th-"


Oof, ouch. That's a bit much Rath.


Lyn bout to Mani Katti this horse.

Good thing this isn't BB and this would work. (Seriously, WTF BB?)


This is a bit surprising to hear when you consider Rath's backstory. You'd think he hasn't heard much of anything and so there's a good chance he knows nothing about this.


Really want to take the edgy unpromoted unit role eh?


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Yeah, I expected as much."

Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "What would that mean, Hatchet?"

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Being willing to explain how tomes work WHAT DID YOU THINK I MEANT?


Well that's a reason. A reason that seems dumb to me and makes a certain action later on even dumber, but still.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "NANI?"

Sorry, needed to do that once. It won't happen again.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "That or your full name's the worst kept secret in Elibe."


Kent just looks pissed at Kent.

Almost like he knows Rath/Lyn is more popular than Kent/Lyn and is trying to stop it before it's too late.

One thing's for sure: Rath/Lyn won't happen sadly, Rath will at best be a rescuebot.


Well isn't that convenient. Apparently this is one of those nomad nations who act with honour with other tribes. Good thing the Kara-Khitan don't exist.


Should.... Should I respond to the use of a thousand like that? Is that touristural appropriation?

Ah, probably shouldn't get into that, I'm too white to make that claim.


Meanwhile someone's being robbed.


Of their privacy I mean, apparently this thief just wants somewhere to crash while Araphen burns.


I have to wonder what kind of person gets paid for their room being rented for spying purposes.

Like an online version would be AirSNS.


Ma_gba_thief_playable.gif "If only I'd had my fiddle for this."


Does this mean a secret tunnel?




That's a surprisingly easy method. It's a shame we don't get that as a map and just get this instead.

The triggers literally only show up in one other chapter. We don't play it on HHM.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "I assume you have strong enough men to deal with this, right?"

Ma_gba_nomad_playable.gif "......."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "So our trouble is getting into the barracks."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Probably. They did lock themselves out otherwise, doubt they'd have nobody on guard. Dorcas, can you check what's going on in that house to the left?"




Ma_gba_fighter_playable.gif "Why would we have one?"


Ma_gba_fighter_playable.gif "..... Thanks I guess."


Sain takes on a mercenary.


....... It's Strength I guess?


Kent levels up by slaying the same merc.


Dammit, I try to play Sain's advocate and then this happens.

Still, great level, with the three S stats, HP and Res all helping in one way or another. The low luck still worries me though.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Lyn, can you check that house north? I think that guy I saw earlier was there, seems suspect."


So that's a way to introduce yourself. I actually find this weird from him, seems a little out of place with later on.


He's also a bit of an ass about it. How was he listening to that conversation?


You know, Lundgren should have sent someone to infiltrate Lyn's party. Would have been actually smart.


Bit morbid Matthew.


Ma_gba_thief_playable.gif "Might as well open that door."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Can you go for the trigger Rath? It'll open things up right?"


The horseies slay a mercenary.


Oh yeah, I needed to take this to show that I got the Angelic Robe. You can guess who'll get this.


Sain makes a soldier disappear.

With his lance.


The levels and HP of our primary units and Rath (because he counts for this map), while I'm just moving things.

Also Wil. Because he vexes me.


So while Sain and Florina move to open another trigger, Dorcas takes out the soldier in front of the other door.


Ma_gba_thief_playable.gif "Hello, it looks like you take the weapons. Can you keep a hold of this for me while I go and scout?"

Ma_gba_mage_playable.gif "But I'm not here as a-"

Ma_gba_thief_playable.gif "Great! Thanks for taking care of it for me."

Ma_gba_mage_playable.gif I am going to have to explain to Hatchet why this is wrong.


Sain takes on this soldier who attacked him and ends him in a white void.


So I start moving Sain back and get the armourslayer.

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Uh, I fear we may have forgotten something"


Serra of course heals everyone with her staff. And apparently her annoying voice.

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Sain, did you open the trigger?"

Ma_gba_cavalier_other.gif "I have to admit I didn't Hatchet."

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "...Where's Florina?"


So here I have Wil be the help and hold the shiny things. Also remember to actually open the second trigger.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Ah, there we are."


Good Lyn, good. Perfect for Dorcas-




Ugh, fine. Kent.


Bool (Seriously, a truncated name? Of a mathematical professor behind the logic that would innovate computing?) is a generic servant. In green armour. Now I'm pissed Wallace doesn't have that colour instead of this idiot.


Poor LP choices are apparently a staple, so no armourslayer for Kent.


Dorcas can surely do it this time, right? (It is 7 damage) He's not going to miss again, right? 100% sure, but it could happen.


He actually does do it.

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Go on you Dorcas!"


Again, generic grunt dies generically. Might as well not given him a sprite.


.... Seriously, I need to stage an intervention for Dorcas's non-strength growths.


Another heal


And with that Wil does something and the map ends.


Go us for opening a door and not actually fighting to save him. YAY!


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif Surprising, that he's send a noble guard away so quickly.


Rath seems to agree that something's not right.


Bit presumptuous, but we do have clues about it to be fair.


So wait, he knows?

How does he know? 


There's the catch. And the rug pull.


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Oh tell us, what detail is so essential to throw out something you already agreed on?"


What the-

Really? Are we going to deal with fantastic racism as well? Is that really wise? Is this something you're willing to stand your ground on Marquess?


You know what? I'm with Sain, that's a very loaded way to talk. If this is why he wanted Rath out of the room, that's a real indication he can't trust his own guard. Also to note, he's saying this to someone who might be a future marquess in a canton you're supposedly in a good close relationship with, then talking like that's a good way to lose that alliance. Not exactly tactful, is he?


Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif Maybe so, but that's my man you're insulting.


That's not exactly something nice to say Marquess Asshole (We don't know his name, I think I'm sticking to Asshole as his name)


Okay, let me explain why that's a load of bullshit.

So we know that he was accosted. These men seemed quite willing to spill the beans about being from the canton that he's on about if Bool's any indication and everyone can bring it up to him who did it. Lyn already has and he indicated he knew. The person who he's deciding not to intervene against has attacked him directly. And yet he is willing to let that slide for some reason, despite it making more sense from a security perspective to oppose this idiot of a marquess-in-waiting and ensure that this won't happen again. What, does he think that Lundgren will win with an attempt this poor.

Unless...... He's compromised.



Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "We probably wouldn't need it either, you purist asshat."


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "I could use more choice words than lout to describe him."


Ma_gba_cavalier_other.gif "Regardless, you're not the person who was so insulting to our radiant eminence herself-"

Ma_gba_cavalier_enemy.gif "She's not a high ranking Elimine cleric. You realise that right Sain?"


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Either way, we might as well get moving on to Caelin. If he was telling the truth, you must get there as soon as possible."


Also based on this, I think my comparison might have been more apt than I expected. Well, more evidence on top of what we already saw from the Sacae-hating racist. Also seems to suggest he's not working with Lundgren, which would have explained a lot. If you seriously wanted to test her or try to make yourself feel superior, the way he handled it suggests this would have happened regardless. Point being Araphen sucks here and in BB.




Ma_gba_peer_enemy.gif Even if you're a frankly pungent man."


Don't fuck with Rath I guess.


It's quite obvious how Asshole. He's got some principles.


Ma_gba_peer_enemy.gif "WAIT YOU MONGREL! WE HAVE A CONTRACT!"


Ma_gba_thief_playable.gif It is true from all the reports I reed up on for this. Why though?


Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "We should probably be fine if this is what we're facing."


Sain of course needs to make sure that Kent doesn't take up 100% of a conversation.


Ma_gba_lord_lyn_playable.gif "Even if what you said might not have been the most appropriate."

Ma_gba_tactician_other.gif "Well, never let it be said that I take the words of a man such as him lying down."


While this is going on.


I doubt he's going to attack Lyn.

Even if it's more likely he'd have had Mulagir in Heroes.


Yeah no, he'll be joining the bench.


He just rode out to find Florin- Of course he came to join. Kent must be pissed.


Yes Rath, money is import- Might as well not say what I was about to and risk the meme. I do need it for axes.


And with this 5000 gold the chapter's over.


You'd think this was going to be smooth sailing, but oh well we got money.

Next time: I swear, magical girl group is not the genre for this game.

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