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Things you're no longer allowed to do in Roy's Army


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1. Cath, give back the Durandal. Dieck is looking for it.

2. Calling Rutger an edgelord is to be punished by trial by Wo Dao.

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1 hour ago, Corrobin said:

2. Calling Rutger an edgelord is to be punished by trial by Wo Dao.

Death before defeat!

11. Raigh and Hugh may not come within 100 meters of eachother.

12. On second thought, make that last thing count for Lugh as well. We... don't want Hugh to confuse him for Raigh again.

13. Clarine, this is war. Stop asking for a palace. Just be happy you get a tent all for yourself. Saul and Dorothy have to share one, and it's... really not working out very well.

14. Please stop asking Karel about his past. He's had enough.

15. Stop mindlessly praising him, as well. He's even more sick of that.

16. For crying out loud, somebody make Juno understand that she's not fit for fighting in the frontlines anymore! One of these days, Zelot's going to have a heart attack because of her recklessness!

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17. Armads may not be used to cut firewood.

18. Lilina, Forblaze may not be used to START a fire.

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21. Everybody is to treat Guinevere, Milady, Zeiss, and Elen with respect as fellow human being. This announcement is particularly in regards to Shin's nearly killing Zeiss with his bow. All four are no longer enemy combatants, thus harming them is against either the military regulations (if they are allies), or the Geneva Conventions (if they are POWs). Any violations will either be dealt with by the Lycian-Etrurian military tribunal in Aquleia for the former, or to both the UN Security Council in New York City and the International Criminal Court in The Hague in the latter.

Edited by henrymidfields
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On 3/13/2018 at 9:11 AM, The_antithesis said:

25. Roy is to be considered a tactician and a diplomat, but NOT a soldier. He's absolute trash until he promotes, so do not let him near the enemy!

But then how will he get stronger...

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26. The village quarters near the Dragon Shrine is considered off-limits to all non-Bernian combatants. This was passed by the UN Security Council due to reprisal attacks against Bernian non-combatants from Allied forces, which is against the Geneva Conventions. Fir and Bartre, however, are exempt from this clause as they have family in the village.

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  • 4 weeks later...

27. Please note that friendly fire is against military regulations, though we well take into account collateral damage. This is specifically in response to Rutger attempting to hit Dieck's back as a challenge duel. This is, of course, exempted if the injured party issued a danger-close order.

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On 3/6/2018 at 12:22 PM, Shoblongoo said:

9.  Don't ask Lilina or Roy who their mom is. 

28. On that note, don't ever assume that Lady Lyndis of Caelin is the mother of Sue of the Kutolah. She would likely deny that and say that her mother was always one of the Kutolah since birth, anyways.

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  • 2 weeks later...

30. Anyone attempting to use Durandal for any size-related jokes is to be given to Merlinus and his convoy prison.

31. Saul is to be tied with Gonzales for a fortnight if he breaks Rule 30.

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  • 3 weeks later...

32. No everyone, Murdoch does not publish gossips about the Bernese Royal Family, and he does not wiretap phones for his peacetime living either. Stop accusing him as such.

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