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Reverse the morality of a game!

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Rewrite your favorite game's plot so that the "bad guys" are actually the heroes, and vice versa.


The main lord is the top advisor to the good king of Nohr, and a master sorcerer. Nohr's a peaceful place. However, a mysterious woman from another world appears, a beautiful  but sadistic and manipulative songstress. She tricks one of the king's adopted children into assassinating the queen of Hoshido. a warlike kingdom that is quite close. This leads to war. You create a team that includes a falsely convicted criminal, a cowardly but kind illusionist, and a brave ninja warrior to help save the world.

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Blazing Sword: Ever since the Scouring, the world has been dying. Dragons feel it the strongest but eventually even humans will succumb. Nergal  discovered this truth and set out to save humanity by any means possible. After conducting experiments with quintessence in Arcadia, Nergal concluded that while humans would not survive in this new world, they could be reshaped into morphs who can. The first experiments were unsuccessful, creating emotionless husks with only the superficial form of the original person. But after more and more trials, Nergal was able to create morphs with emotions. Sadly, only life can beget more life, so to create a new society, Nergal needed to take the quintessence from living people. Many will oppose him because they lack his vision. But he must succeed for the betterment of the world.

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Fates Conquest: It is the late 1930s and the ultranationalist Hoshidans under Empress Mikoto saw that it was their destiny to subjugate East Asia under the veneer of their Great East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere. Kamui/Corrin, opening his eyes to much of the world after being adopted by Nohrian president candidate Garon, wants to have none of that. Can Garon win the election, and can he lead the Nohrian Arsenal of Democracy to prevail over the menace of Hoshidan fascism? Can Corrin rise up over the racism both in Hoshido and back home in Nohr? Will there ever be peace over the Pacific Ocean?

Edited by henrymidfields
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Gaiden/Echoes: Emperor Rudolf and the War God Duma want to conquer Zofia because the people there are decadent, lazy, and spoiled by the goddess Mila. They are assisted by the repentant priest Jedah and a worthy and hardworking heir to the crown, Berkut. However, Rudolf's bastard son Alm is assisted by the traitorous Mycen in opposing him because they want the people of Zofia to stay lazy. Chancellor Desaix of Zofia wants to introduce reforms to make the nation a better place, but he is opposed by the group known as the Deliverance. Grieth wants to free East Zofia and start a trade nation, but he is opposed by the Zofian princess Anthiese, who is aided by the Mila Cult.

Blazing Sword was taken and I can't think of an FE12 version.

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Binding Sword:

The evil Lycian Harem Prince tried to subjugate Bern. He seduced Guinivere and brainwashed her into thinking that her Brother would do evil deeds. 
With the help of Idunn Zephiel embarked on a Journey to build up an alliance to rescue Guinivere and other brainwashed Girls and Wolt.
He also gained the favor of Dragons, because he wanted them to life with humans together in a peaceful world.

Edited by Stroud
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Jugdral: After generations of enduring persecution, a high priest approaches Arvis of Velthomer. Arvis knows his allies are untrustworthy, and that that houses Edda, Jungby, and Chalphy are conspiring to conquer the West of Jugdral. Luring the debaucherous Prince Kurth into war with the evil Kingdom of Isaach, Kurth is betrayed by Ring of Jungby and Byron of Chalphy, all the while their children take over the peaceful kingdoms of Verdane, and Augustria. After the betrayal of Prince Eldigan and the toppling of the evil Isaachian king, Arvis has Reptor and Lombard pursue the warmongering Sigurd of Chalphy, who kidnapped his half-brother, Azelle, and also Lex of Dozel in the conquest of Verdane. Manfroy, sensing that Sigurd had married Diedre, the lost descendant of Maira, the crusader that killed the Divine Dragon Naga, he moved to remove her from Sigurd. He soon found out she also had hidden Naga Holy Blood, and that Arvis did also. Arvis kills Sigurd and his army at Belhalla, and marries Diedre, bearing twins. Julius is a virtuous child bearing the mark of Naga, but Julia, his daughter, bears a dark secret.

Gen 2: Seliph of Chalphy begins a rebellion in Isaach. Julius has to move quickly before the two children bearing the Holy Blood of the Dark Dragon Loptyr gain control of the Grannvale Empire. Before they have a chance to kill Julia, Isaach, Manster, and Thracia fall. Manfroy kidnaps Julia, but betrays Julius unwittingly, who had to kill them both. After Arvis is killed in cold blood by Seliph, Julius taps into Naga's power and revives the Deadlords. After these warriors and the lords of the loyal houses of Dozel, Jungby, and Friege (including his beloved and wielder of Mjolnir, Ishtar), Seliph falls in defeat, and Julius's Grannvale Empire reigns prosperously for many centuries.

Edited by Hylian Air Force
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Spyro the Dragon

Dragons have always been mean to the gnorcs! They think they're superior! Gnasty, the gnorc champion, launches an attack to show the dragons how stuck up they're being.


Spyro: Ripto's Rage

Ripto, a dinosaur wizard, and his friends Crush and Gulp end up in the land of Avalar and want to make it their home, but the locals are SO mean to them.


Spyro: Year of the Dragon

The magic is draining from the land because the selfish dragons left years ago and took the magic with them. In order to restore the magic to her dying kingdom, the benevolent Sorceress, along with her apprentice Bianca, bring the dragons back and help them see the error of their ways.

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3 hours ago, Dragoncat said:

Spyro the Dragon

Dragons have always been mean to the gnorcs! They think they're superior! Gnasty, the gnorc champion, launches an attack to show the dragons how stuck up they're being.


Spyro: Ripto's Rage

Ripto, a dinosaur wizard, and his friends Crush and Gulp end up in the land of Avalar and want to make it their home, but the locals are SO mean to them.


Spyro: Year of the Dragon

The magic is draining from the land because the selfish dragons left years ago and took the magic with them. In order to restore the magic to her dying kingdom, the benevolent Sorceress, along with her apprentice Bianca, bring the dragons back and help them see the error of their ways.

This is General FE, but still, thank you.

So, Thracia 776. We follow the Freege forces defending Northern Thracia from invasion from both Travant's army and Leaf's insurrection. After successfully stopping their conquest of Manster and Tahra, you have to hold off Leaf's upstarts at Lenster until Blume arrives to rightfully demolish them. The endgame would then involve defending from Seliph and trying to negotiate a peace with Travant who's been playing on both sides and only ends when Ishtar arrives to help. Reinhardt is our commander and later half lord, we might start with Olwen or some subordinate boss in Thracia, we'd have options. We'd learn about how Freege has been defending the people from manipulation by the bandits Leaf leads and invasion from Thracia throughout to indicate why Freege ave the best intentions.

I'd have to use The Reinhardt then wouldn't I?

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On 3/12/2018 at 8:32 AM, Dragoncat said:

Well I just F***ed up...

Can @eclipse move this to general gaming so my mistake isn't so stupid?

Unless TC explicitly wants to include other games. . .well, you'll just have to pretend that Spyro is somehow relevant to FE.

(I'll let it slide, but everyone else after this post should pay attention and post FE-related stuff for now)

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38 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Unless TC explicitly wants to include other games. . .well, you'll just have to pretend that Spyro is somehow relevant to FE.

(I'll let it slide, but everyone else after this post should pay attention and post FE-related stuff for now)

Fair enough. From now on I'll pay more attention to what board something I found in "recent topics" is in.

Also, what does TC stand for? Shouldn't it be CC? Name change perhaps?

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2 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

Fair enough. From now on I'll pay more attention to what board something I found in "recent topics" is in.

Also, what does TC stand for? Shouldn't it be CC? Name change perhaps?

TC = topic creator.

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On 3/12/2018 at 7:58 AM, Hylian Air Force said:

Jugdral: After generations of enduring persecution, a high priest approaches Arvis of Velthomer. Arvis knows his allies are untrustworthy, and that that houses Edda, Jungby, and Chalphy are conspiring to conquer the West of Jugdral. Luring the debaucherous Prince Kurth into war with the evil Kingdom of Isaach, Kurth is betrayed by Ring of Jungby and Byron of Chalphy, all the while their children take over the peaceful kingdoms of Verdane, and Augustria. After the betrayal of Prince Eldigan and the toppling of the evil Isaachian king, Arvis has Reptor and Lombard pursue the warmongering Sigurd of Chalphy, who kidnapped his half-brother, Azelle, and also Lex of Dozel in the conquest of Verdane. Manfroy, sensing that Sigurd had married Diedre, the lost descendant of Maira, the crusader that killed the Divine Dragon Naga, he moved to remove her from Sigurd. He soon found out she also had hidden Naga Holy Blood, and that Arvis did also. Arvis kills Sigurd and his army at Belhalla, and marries Diedre, bearing twins. Julius is a virtuous child bearing the mark of Naga, but Julia, his daughter, bears a dark secret.

Gen 2: Seliph of Chalphy begins a rebellion in Isaach. Julius has to move quickly before the two children bearing the Holy Blood of the Dark Dragon Loptyr gain control of the Grannvale Empire. Before they have a chance to kill Julia, Isaach, Manster, and Thracia fall. Manfroy kidnaps Julia, but betrays Julius unwittingly, who had to kill them both. After Arvis is killed in cold blood by Seliph, Julius taps into Naga's power and revives the Deadlords. After these warriors and the lords of the loyal houses of Dozel, Jungby, and Friege (including his beloved and wielder of Mjolnir, Ishtar), Seliph falls in defeat, and Julius's Grannvale Empire reigns prosperously for many centuries.

Arvis did nothing wrong. :P

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After the story of Binding Blade: So Bern is in a huge bind. After the Great Bernian War it was split off in two, by the capitalist Lycians and Etrurians on the south east, while the communist Ilians and Sacaeans subjugated the north. Society has drifted from each other, families were torn apart, and the people are under the whims of revenge-hungry former victims of the previous invasion. The north is clearly a dystopian worker's paradise, with the Stasi roaming the streets, intimidating any and all potential dissidents. The south, while more prosperous, is heavily exploited with a few rich puppet leaders controlling over a massive population of poor and exploited workers, with all the agricultural produce, and industrial and mineral products flowing towards Lycia and Etruria with very little in exchange. But not for long.

Enter Zephiel II and his secret society, who are the last groups of people worshipping the ancient God-Dragons. Before anyone knows it, they would take over the cities and win people's hearts, and resurrect the dragons to overpower their colonial masters. Soon, Etruria and Ilia would find out that their nuclear weapons would be no match for the sheer might of the ancient dragons! Come, Zephiel! It is time your people rise!

On 3/12/2018 at 2:54 PM, CyberController said:

The main lord is the top advisor to the good king of Nohr, and a master sorcerer. Nohr's a peaceful place. However, a mysterious woman from another world appears, a beautiful  but sadistic and manipulative songstress. She tricks one of the king's adopted children into assassinating the queen of Hoshido. a warlike kingdom that is quite close. This leads to war. You create a team that includes a falsely convicted criminal, a cowardly but kind illusionist, and a brave ninja warrior to help save the world.

I only realised this now but...wait, Persona 5, FE edition!?

Edited by henrymidfields
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Radiant Dawn:

Begnion occupies Daein to make sure Daein never goes to war again. The people of Daein are upset that they are being occupied despite them waging the war in the first place and they decide to rebel. Jarod and Numida rightly suppress the rebellions which pisses Micaiah off, who is a hardcore Daein nationalist so she decides to lead the army of racists to reclaim the racist Kingdom of Daein. 

The Crimean nobles rightly suggested that Elincia was getting too friendly with Daein just three years after Daein savagely invaded Crimea. Of course Elincia doesn't listen and turns into a wimp who wants to sell her country out to foreigners. Ludveck decides to overthrow her government with the least amount of bloodshed for the greater good but is ultimately stopped. 

In part 3, the blood thirsty laguz go on a savage war against Begnion due to racism as well as just wanting to kill. They even have the audacity to accuse the Senate for inciting the Heron massacre. The false Apostle Sanaki decides to ally with the savage invaders so the Senators rightfully overthrow her. Daein finally gets to its senses and honors the treaty between Begnion and Daein, for once. 

Ashera rightfully judges mankind of being too warlike and decides to punish them to prevent further conflict. Yet Yune decides to stop the judgement because she wants a world of chaos and manipulates the survivors into believing that mankind is redeemable and tempts them with a better future just to watch them kill each other later on. 

Edited by Icelerate
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On 3/14/2018 at 5:27 AM, henrymidfields said:

After the story of Binding Blade: So Bern is in a huge bind. After the Great Bernian War it was split off in two, by the capitalist Lycians and Etrurians on the south east, while the communist Ilians and Sacaeans subjugated the north. Society has drifted from each other, families were torn apart, and the people are under the whims of revenge-hungry former victims of the previous invasion. The north is clearly a dystopian worker's paradise, with the Stasi roaming the streets, intimidating any and all potential dissidents. The south, while more prosperous, is heavily exploited with a few rich puppet leaders controlling over a massive population of poor and exploited workers, with all the agricultural produce, and industrial and mineral products flowing towards Lycia and Etruria with very little in exchange. But not for long.

Enter Zephiel II and his secret society, who are the last groups of people worshipping the ancient God-Dragons. Before anyone knows it, they would take over the cities and win people's hearts, and resurrect the dragons to overpower their colonial masters. Soon, Etruria and Ilia would find out that their nuclear weapons would be no match for the sheer might of the ancient dragons! Come, Zephiel! It is time your people rise!

I only realised this now but...wait, Persona 5, FE edition!?

Well, I was thinking about Fates, of course. I never played Persona.

Any more ideas for reverse!Fates?

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18 minutes ago, CyberController said:

Well, I was thinking about Fates, of course. I never played Persona.

Any more ideas for reverse!Fates?


As the kindgom of Nohr is barely able to scrape by on the minuscule resources that the gods were unwilling to give them, the racist Hoshidans drive forwards for a killing blow. After swaying two of the five royal siblings, the cruel, privileged nation launched an unjustified attack. Hoshido fights on once peaceful grounds, and ruthlessly slaughters anyone in their path. After killing the king and his crown prince with no mercy, the Hoshidans declared an unconditional victory. The second prince Leon must pick up his dying kingdom, as the endless circle of suffering caused by cruel inequality continues...

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On 3/15/2018 at 6:36 AM, Icelerate said:

Ashera rightfully judges mankind of being too warlike and decides to punish them to prevent further conflict. Yet Yune decides to stop the judgement because she wants a world of chaos and manipulates the survivors into believing that mankind is redeemable and tempts them with a better future just to watch them kill each other later on. 

It's surprisingly easy to spin Yune as the bad guy considering gods of chaos are usually not benevolent in most media.

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25 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

It's surprisingly easy to spin Yune as the bad guy considering gods of chaos are usually not benevolent in most media.

What about Sheogorath? I suppose he's Chaotic Neutral...

Awakening: Validar sees that the FE series has fallen from grace, so he attempts to revive Grima in a desperate bid to restore the series to it's former glory. However, the Shepherds sabotage the ritual, retconning Grima and Validar himself into cheesy cartoonish villains for eternity. The series is now cursed to become an anime weeb-overload glorified dating simulator with miniscule tactics on the side.

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2 hours ago, Purple Mage said:

What about Sheogorath? I suppose he's Chaotic Neutral...

Awakening: Validar sees that the FE series has fallen from grace, so he attempts to revive Grima in a desperate bid to restore the series to it's former glory. However, the Shepherds sabotage the ritual, retconning Grima and Validar himself into cheesy cartoonish villains for eternity. The series is now cursed to become an anime weeb-overload glorified dating simulator with miniscule tactics on the side.

Is there anything wrong about that?

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3 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

It's surprisingly easy to spin Yune as the bad guy considering gods of chaos are usually not benevolent in most media.

TBH Radiant Dawn has the most morally grey good guy cast and also has the best twists in terms of characterization. 

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Nyna choses not to be a complete flake and just hands Camus the Falchion. Shadow Dragon is now even more of a boss rush.

Alternately: Quintessensequest triumps over cucklord Athos in FE7 and humanity enters an age of post-scarcity civilization where everything is powered by actual dragons in the most metal utopian society ever.

Edited by joshcja
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Oh, the future is a dangerous thing.

I foresaw the storm that would sink a hundred ships, leaving villages full of widows.  I saw my beloved country torn asunder as the ground was rent.  And from the newfound abyss, I saw a horror that had only been told to me via bedtime stories and whispers.  The seal on the Demon King was weakening, and as its power faded away, he absorbed it, becoming all the stronger.

Time and again, I redid the ritual, hoping to catch a glimpse of a different future.  Perhaps the unsteady stream of time would yield a clue.  Two weeks after my first vision, I saw it - Eirika's husband wanted the crown, and Ephraim didn't want to abdicate. The two dueled in front of Renais' Sacred Stone.  Ephraim's spear pierced the heart of the traitor, as well as the Stone.  From its glittering remains came the Demon King's resurrection - but this time, the destruction he wrought spared the very edges of Magvel.  From these flickering embers of hope, I delved again, and again, each time witnessing the downfall of a country.  In Jehanna, a drunken king shatters the Stone.  In Frelia, an earthquake topples the Tower of Valni, taking the Stone with it.  In Rausten, the people rebel against the religious government, smashing the Stone as a bit of symbolism.  Yet in each of these, the Demon King arises, and lays ruin to most of Magvel.

But in Grado. . .only there, do I see a viable solution.  For after Grado's Stone is destroyed, the others fall, one by one.  The seal is undone so quickly that the Demon King can't draw power off of the now-broken Stones, especially since he's trapped in the body of a frail mage.  An army of princes and princesses stands before me.  And as a sacred spear finds my heart, I allow the last bit of myself to smile.  I will save this world, even if I will be hated for all eternity.

My path is clear.  In moments, Grado's stone is reduced to dust.  Power flows through my veins, dark and welcoming.  A shout breaks my concentration.  My father stands in the doorway, horror on his face.  He does not understand.

His reign is at an end.

(that's Sacred Stones BTW).

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1 hour ago, eclipse said:

Oh, the future is a dangerous thing.

I foresaw the storm that would sink a hundred ships, leaving villages full of widows.  I saw my beloved country torn asunder as the ground was rent.  And from the newfound abyss, I saw a horror that had only been told to me via bedtime stories and whispers.  The seal on the Demon King was weakening, and as its power faded away, he absorbed it, becoming all the stronger.

Time and again, I redid the ritual, hoping to catch a glimpse of a different future.  Perhaps the unsteady stream of time would yield a clue.  Two weeks after my first vision, I saw it - Eirika's husband wanted the crown, and Ephraim didn't want to abdicate. The two dueled in front of Renais' Sacred Stone.  Ephraim's spear pierced the heart of the traitor, as well as the Stone.  From its glittering remains came the Demon King's resurrection - but this time, the destruction he wrought spared the very edges of Magvel.  From these flickering embers of hope, I delved again, and again, each time witnessing the downfall of a country.  In Jehanna, a drunken king shatters the Stone.  In Frelia, an earthquake topples the Tower of Valni, taking the Stone with it.  In Rausten, the people rebel against the religious government, smashing the Stone as a bit of symbolism.  Yet in each of these, the Demon King arises, and lays ruin to most of Magvel.

But in Grado. . .only there, do I see a viable solution.  For after Grado's Stone is destroyed, the others fall, one by one.  The seal is undone so quickly that the Demon King can't draw power off of the now-broken Stones, especially since he's trapped in the body of a frail mage.  An army of princes and princesses stands before me.  And as a sacred spear finds my heart, I allow the last bit of myself to smile.  I will save this world, even if I will be hated for all eternity.

My path is clear.  In moments, Grado's stone is reduced to dust.  Power flows through my veins, dark and welcoming.  A shout breaks my concentration.  My father stands in the doorway, horror on his face.  He does not understand.

His reign is at an end.

(that's Sacred Stones BTW).

*clap clap clap*

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