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What? He caps basically every stat, starts with sky-high bases, and totally murders stuff, AND has a holy weapon. He's no Sety, but he's still a hell of a powerhouse.

I said that good, compared to Sety, Shanan, etc.

Not really, his high move ensures he'll get one kill every turn. And he's practically guaranteed kills, too, since he has zero competition for the Hero Bow. He can also make use of the Arena, so I really can't see him having a problem with getting kills. And if his father is Lex [A valid enough choice, Holyn!Lakche is barely worse, also it makes Rana a tank and it doesn't gimp her magic at all, and it makes levelling easier for her] Then it more than cancels out.

That's fine and all, but your other units get more exp by killing something in the player phase then getting more exp on the enemy phase.

Lex is sticking with Ayra and Holyn is sticking with Bridget. Plus, Edin!Lex is a huge waste. Rana isn't going to be much of a fighter anyway and she won't be taking hits until she promotes. Lester, well, fails compared to your other units (like Delmud). I explained why. Sticking Lex to someone like Ayra or Bridget is way more valid than Edin. And you forget. For the Hero Bow, Edin needs to be lovers with either Jamka or Midir at Chapter 4, and initiate a conversation. So no thanks.

Edited by Shanan
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hi guys can we stick debating to debating threads and not debate challenge threads :(

sure Fio, go ahead and open tomorrow

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Alright, I have to go to church till about...twelve, I believe, it'll probably take about 1-2 hours just to cover just how much your really underestimating Lester and making a good case for him, so expect an argument at around....two, I believe.

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Just in case you forgot Mekkah, I am already done with my part. You can now make your last post.

*goes and hides in a corner*

Haven't been up to it yet, but I will tomorrow or something.

Crap, sorry Mekkah, I didn't get home till 3, my father was taking me with him to get my autistic brother, and didn't tell me. And now my mom wants to watch a marathon of Rambo with her. Sorry, I might be able to post tomorrow.

I'm not in a hurry.

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...Off topic, I know, but your mom watches Rambo?

Granted, this is somebody who got his own mom to SOMEWHAT like the first one, but beyond that, pft, good luck.

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Yep, she had a lot to say of how wrong and immoral our treatment of our Vietnam War veterans was. She thought the movie taught a good lesson about the crap our veterans had to go through after the Vietnam War (like people calling them "Child Killers" and "Baby Murderers"). And them being prejudiced against.

Also, she told me that she knew I'd like it, both Rocky and Rambo. And she was right!! I LOVED THOSE MOVIES!! RAMBO AND ROCKY WERE FREAKIN BADASSSES!! Most of the people in the 1st movie of Rambo really pissed me off though...

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Just wanted to announce that the gamefaqs FE10 debates got moved here due to all of my topics getting moderated since according to the mods there, debates are not relevant to the gameplay or plot. I don't know what kind of twisted logic that follows, but that's besides the point.

Anyway, good luck to all the participants, though with Mekkah, Reikken, Smash and Red Fox all in the same tournament, this could be quite epic.

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I didn't see any major flaws in it and was actually surprised at the effectiveness of your Sothe-Micaiah A support point. I am a bit puzzled by how part 4 hasn't even really been mentioned by either of you yet, though.

Of course, neither of us should be discussing a debate here as it's going on, as it's unfair to Crimson.

Edited by Vykan12
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I didn't see any major flaws in it and was actually surprised at the effectiveness of your Sothe-Micaiah A support point. I am a bit puzzled by how part 4 hasn't even really been mentioned by either of you yet, though.

Of course, neither of us should be discussing a debate here as it's going on, as it's unfair to Charmander.

Agreed, except my opponent is CrimsonFlash, isn't it?

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because I've liked him a lot since october 2005

(No Reyson by the way, I'm almost convinced he's the very top of top)

Edited by Nathan Graves
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because I've liked him a lot since october 2005

(No Reyson by the way, I'm almost convinced he's the very top of top)

Wow, you would pick Ike....The only character I'd really stand a chance at winning with is Haar, but I've always been a strong supporter of Ike > Haar, so I'd rather not go that road. Titania, perhaps. Even then, it's kind of a longshot.

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Ike vs Tibarn maybe? :P

I..don't think so. 11 more maps of being one of the best, if not the best, unit beats out Tibarn already. Almost any pairing except with Reyson or Haar looks pretty one-sided, and it's established that those aren't being done. Titania or possibly Leanne would likely be my best bets, but I wouldn't feel confident with either.

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Actually I think I'll defend Oscar. I felt guilty with Ike at first, so I was curious to see where you'd go (I honestly thought you'd pick Tibarn in fact)

Oscar is better. I can defend...Mia?

Why did you think I would take Tibarn?

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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