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To be honest all I have to say is "General!Wolf" and the argument is nearly done. >_>;

If you'd like a reply that badly, I'll see to it when I have time.

Cord/Draug, not Wolf. Although you probably figured that out by now >_>

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I'm up, as I have a feeling that atleast one if not both of my current debaets will go nowhere. I haven't played FE9, though I'll do FE6, 7, 8 or 11. Any ideas for topics?

How bout something from 11? I think Palla's kind of underrated.

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I'm up, as I have a feeling that atleast one if not both of my current debaets will go nowhere. I haven't played FE9, though I'll do FE6, 7, 8 or 11. Any ideas for topics?

How bout something from 11? I think Palla's kind of underrated.

Alright. I feel like defending Julian or Vyland, so Palla vs one of those?

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I'm up, as I have a feeling that atleast one if not both of my current debaets will go nowhere. I haven't played FE9, though I'll do FE6, 7, 8 or 11. Any ideas for topics?

Sorry, been kind of busy with schoolwork and real life. Oh, and FE4.

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Yo, CATS. Sorry for having to delay my post again, but school's throwing lots of homework at me. I've got two projects due on Friday, and a lot of other homework beside that. Oh, and another test tomorrow.

So sorry, but you're going to have to wait a little longer...

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I'll debate RD Shinon vs Mia, Titania, Gatrie, or Ulki (I don't want to argue against a heron since dancer utility is a bitch to deal with. I don't want to argue against DB since then I have to talk about Shinon's performance in GMs vs Sothe/Zihark/Nolan's performance in DB, and this will just make a massive tldr. And I don't want to argue against Janaff because I feel Janaff is too good, but that's just me since it seems no one else agrees with me on that, given how Janaff is lower than Mia/Titania/Gatrie).

And I'm still up to debate Devdan/Danved.

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I'll debate RD Shinon vs Mia, Titania, Gatrie, or Ulki (I don't want to argue against a heron since dancer utility is a bitch to deal with. I don't want to argue against DB since then I have to talk about Shinon's performance in GMs vs Sothe/Zihark/Nolan's performance in DB, and this will just make a massive tldr. And I don't want to argue against Janaff because I feel Janaff is too good, but that's just me since it seems no one else agrees with me on that, given how Janaff is lower than Mia/Titania/Gatrie).

And I'm still up to debate Devdan/Danved.

I could debate against Shinon, Gatrie has already been done, I don't like laguz, and Mia could get ugly, so Shinon vs. Titania could work I guess.

I don't mind debating against Devdan/Danved either, but no matchups strike me at the moment.

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shinon vs titania sounds fine

you wanna go first or second? If you don't care I'm just gonna flip a coin.

For FE9, I was thinking maybe Devdan vs Largo or Tauroneo or Mia or Gatrie.

For FE10... maybe someone in Lower mid? I'd prefer not to go against a DB unit like Edward (again, tldrs) or the endgame fillers like Stefan/Nasir/etc. So this leaves Rolf, Lucia, Nealuchi, Sigrun, Mak, or Lethe.

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shinon vs titania sounds fine

you wanna go first or second? If you don't care I'm just gonna flip a coin.

For FE9, I was thinking maybe Devdan vs Largo or Tauroneo or Mia or Gatrie.

For FE10... maybe someone in Lower mid? I'd prefer not to go against a DB unit like Edward (again, tldrs) or the endgame fillers like Stefan/Nasir/etc. So this leaves Rolf, Lucia, Nealuchi, Sigrun, Mak, or Lethe.

I'll go for Shinon vs. Titania, don't care who begins.

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Alright, I flipped a coin. Heads I go first, tails you go first. It landed heads, so I open. I'll go make the topic now, though I'm not sure when I'll get my opener up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I'd love to continue our debaet, Saloma, but I believe 3 posts is the traditional cutoff for a formal debaet. Seems like a good stopping point anyways, both sides thoroughly covered their main points.

And now I need another debaet.

Anyone up?

same as always, FE6/7/8/11

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Well, I'd love to continue our debaet, Saloma, but I believe 3 posts is the traditional cutoff for a formal debaet. Seems like a good stopping point anyways, both sides thoroughly covered their main points.

And now I need another debaet.

Anyone up?

same as always, FE6/7/8/11

I feel like debating this month. How about FE8?

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