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Oh yeah, and someone who has definitely used Cord / decent debater should participate in this. It's actually for a good reason.

(And they open since Cord comes first).

I'm probably not who you had in mind for this, but I'd be up for it. How much Warpskip, and any particular classes you want?

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I'm probably not who you had in mind for this, but I'd be up for it. How much Warpskip, and any particular classes you want?

Nah, you're fine I think.

Just assume whichever you think is the best for your style, and I'll roll with it. You can go Fighter <-> Hunter -> Warrior <-> Hero for that matter.

*Cough*. Oh, minimal warpskip. In other words: fasten your seatbelt and get ready to play the whole game.

Edited by Colonel M
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Nah, you're fine I think.

Just assume whichever you think is the best for your style, and I'll roll with it. You can go Fighter <-> Hunter -> Warrior <-> Hero for that matter.

*Cough*. Oh, minimal warpskip. In other words: fasten your seatbelt and get ready to play the whole game.

Sounds good. I like Fighter->Hero, so I'll probably go with that.

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Priscilla is horribly gay and broken to the point where I beat CATS in Priscilla vs Kent before IIRC, lmao. If you're using that level of gay, I'm going with someone else really good...so uh...Guy, since he's a baller and I've never debated him before.

Priscilla vs Guy

I like that one. I won't have time to open for a few hours, so if you want to get started go ahead.

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Ether's been busy and hasn't really been able to keep to his debate. As such, I'd like to start another one. FE9 or 10 only, lower to mid tier or thereabouts. Give me a link to the tier list and the character you'd like to side with, and I will make my decision after that. We can get started once we agree on the character selection.

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Willing to debate someone. Willing to defend mostly anyone, and any game between 6 and 9.


I like that one. I won't have time to open for a few hours, so if you want to get started go ahead.

Okay. I open way too much these days, so I'd prefer to not open for once.

It's going to be fun arguing supports, lol.

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This debate with CATS is on the path to being as long as our Percival vs Clarine one. The only problem with debating this guy is the HUGENESS.

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That was hot and there's not much discuss when both units are that horrible, lol.

It turned into "Ward sucks always, but Sophia can eventually heal" for Reikken and "lol Sophia is raped by Ward with a chainsaw" for you.

Edited by Inui
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Willing to debate someone. Willing to defend mostly anyone, and any game between 6 and 9.

I'll debate. Don't really care what matchup, though if possible something from fe8 or 9 since I have debated over them a bit more than 6 and 7.

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Been quite a while since my last debate, but I guess I could give one a shot again.

Willing to do basically anything FE7-9.

Willing to do FE9? If so, I'd like to do upper mid. I'll take Soren and you can take any character at Brom's level or lower.

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Fine with me.

Just want to make sure that you're still opening, seeing as though it's been a while now and I haven't heard anything back. No rush, but I just want to make sure that this debate is still going to happen.

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Just want to make sure that you're still opening, seeing as though it's been a while now and I haven't heard anything back. No rush, but I just want to make sure that this debate is still going to happen.

It's only been a day man. Calm down.

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