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Any games you want more background on? Prequels/Sequels?


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I have long thought that they should make a prequel game that's about Anri, Iote and them in the first war with the Dohlr Empire. I think it would be really interesting.

I would especially like it if Iote was the point of view character for at least a few chapters or so. Seeing him go from young slave carted off to Dohlr to being the first to tame a wyvern and the founder of Macedon, especially if the fact that wyverns are degenerated manaketes (or at least their descendants) is brought up or revealed to Iote. It could also reveal the origins of Iote's shield.

It would also be cool if they used the game to explain how an Earth Dragon can become a Dark Dragon.

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3 hours ago, Jotari said:

Another thing that would never happen (unless they rerelease Jugrdral and it becomes mega popular), Verdane and Agustria 776. Verdane and Agustria are the territories you primarily explore in the first generation of Genealogy of Holy War and we hear almost nothing about what goes down there during the second gen as every major character in the world inexplicably ends up on the east coast no matter how much sense it makes. So anything set there about their own rebellions would almost entirely feature new characters (surely Chagall had a son we never hear about) and plot lines making it less of a sequel and more of a continuity porn original story. Still, I think it could be really cool.

Didn't Ares ending state that he and Belmud straveled to Augustria in order to fight the remaining imperial forces and that this led to Ares becoming King of Augustria? That would make for a pretty good gaiden chapter for any potential remake. They already have the Augustrian map so they can just use that again and give you control of Ares, Delmud, their lovers allong with some miscellaneous units and a few new characters. 

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20 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Didn't Ares ending state that he and Belmud straveled to Augustria in order to fight the remaining imperial forces and that this led to Ares becoming King of Augustria? That would make for a pretty good gaiden chapter for any potential remake. They already have the Augustrian map so they can just use that again and give you control of Ares, Delmud, their lovers allong with some miscellaneous units and a few new characters. 

That could make for a good DLC episode for a Genalogy of Holy War remake. But I was more thinking along the lines that they say uprisings are happening there during the course of the actual game, inspired by Seliph and Leif's actions.

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As stated previously by others I feel awakening is in desperate need of a prequal or even multiple prequels of any kind. Cause a lot of problems with awakening’s plot, at least to me, is the lack of development in certain areas. I would love to see a story about Chrom’s father in the original crusades against plegia. It would honestly be a great way to develop Emmeryn and her relation with not only Chrom but her country as well. It could also be used as a way to develop gangrel as a villain. There could also be a side chapter or something telling the tale of Robin’s mother. Also a game about the first exalt could fill in a lot of the lore based plot holes regarding grima. Like how he came to be tied with the dragon’s table as well as explaining how the grimleal came to be

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On 3/31/2018 at 9:24 AM, Jotari said:

That could make for a good DLC episode for a Genalogy of Holy War remake. But I was more thinking along the lines that they say uprisings are happening there during the course of the actual game, inspired by Seliph and Leif's actions.

About this:

At long last, the liberation army neared the final stage of their journey.
The army’s presence continued to instill courage in those still suffering under the empire’s rule, and civilians all over Jugdral rose in revolt.

Silesia was the first to return to the people’s control.

Shortly thereafter, the wave spread to Agustria, spurring the masses to rise and take up arms.

This doesn't say anything about Verdane though. But what could Grannvale want from it other than timber? Although I would have liked someone saying to Julius in the final chapter "We've withdrawn all troops from Silesse and Agustria and hired as many Verdanean bandits as we could find", just to 

I actually made up a basic fanfict outline of what happens in Silesse and Agustria once, but I can't find it. All I remember is that Orgahill, northern Verdane, and the "Green Heart"- the forests in the center of Verdane, were where the resistance forces held out in Agustria. Also that I assigned the new Duke of Chalphy appointed with the death of the traitor Sigurd to occupy the position, to the defense of Silesse. He was an incompetent man given a title he never deserved and was kept often away from Chalphy itself. He was left to die in Silesse when Meng, Bleg, and Maybell, the pegasus sisters who had exerted effective military force over occupied Silesse, abandoned him due to a series of failures on his part.


On 3/29/2018 at 5:02 PM, Jotari said:

You know, it would never actually happen. But I'd actually love to see the Valm arc of Awakening redone as an entire game. It would probably have to be Thracia 776 as it'd be odd to just start the game as Chrom and his entire army. Maybe it'd focus on a native lord who builts strength throughout the game, with the ocassional Awakening character like Virion and Say'ri being recruited here and there, and Chrom and Robin joining at the end as the Gotoh archtype. I really liked the Valm arc, but it was possibly the mis handled thing the series has ever tried. Spinning it out to 25-30 chapters on it's own could be epic. Not sure how they could handle Robin's appearnce though. Maybe a randamized avatar on each playthrough? Or just the default design with a randomized gender (or possibly the opposite gender to the protagonist if the protagonist is an avatar).

Why not just make Say'ri the protagonist? A girl by herself who isn't customizable as a guy would be a first for FE. Start long before Yen'fay is forced to betray, when Walhart has only conquered the northwest corner of Valm and is beginning to expand east and south. Yen'fay's betrayal roughly halfway alongside Walhart's military genius lets him devour two-third of the continent by early mid-game and forces Say'ri into a resistance crisis where her central character development unfolds, and Chrom and Robin appear about 2/3s to 3/4s of the way in.

And as an added benefit, it'd free Awakening to focus on Plegia and the Grimleal. Extend the war with Gangrel by a few more battles, maybe add a Risen apocalypse (no one seems bothered by them despite timespace gates/Grima dumping them everywhere after C1), and then finish with the Grimleal. Move Tiki to Mount Prism and with her the Starsphere and Geosphere and the game could be the same without the unfocused Valm Arc.


I'd say I'd like Magvel, we don't even know the names of 3 of the legendary heroes, so they have the potential to surprise us here. I think they could do something special with the Sacred Twins by giving each of the heroes a significant someone who wielded/crafted one (but not necessarily a spouse- sibling, mentor, rival, parent, etc.). The setting could be rather dark and apocalyptic, but I don't think IS could handle any of this well.

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17 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

About this:

At long last, the liberation army neared the final stage of their journey.
The army’s presence continued to instill courage in those still suffering under the empire’s rule, and civilians all over Jugdral rose in revolt.

Silesia was the first to return to the people’s control.

Shortly thereafter, the wave spread to Agustria, spurring the masses to rise and take up arms.

This doesn't say anything about Verdane though. But what could Grannvale want from it other than timber? Although I would have liked someone saying to Julius in the final chapter "We've withdrawn all troops from Silesse and Agustria and hired as many Verdanean bandits as we could find", just to 

I actually made up a basic fanfict outline of what happens in Silesse and Agustria once, but I can't find it. All I remember is that Orgahill, northern Verdane, and the "Green Heart"- the forests in the center of Verdane, were where the resistance forces held out in Agustria. Also that I assigned the new Duke of Chalphy appointed with the death of the traitor Sigurd to occupy the position, to the defense of Silesse. He was an incompetent man given a title he never deserved and was kept often away from Chalphy itself. He was left to die in Silesse when Meng, Bleg, and Maybell, the pegasus sisters who had exerted effective military force over occupied Silesse, abandoned him due to a series of failures on his part.


Why not just make Say'ri the protagonist? A girl by herself who isn't customizable as a guy would be a first for FE. Start long before Yen'fay is forced to betray, when Walhart has only conquered the northwest corner of Valm and is beginning to expand east and south. Yen'fay's betrayal roughly halfway alongside Walhart's military genius lets him devour two-third of the continent by early mid-game and forces Say'ri into a resistance crisis where her central character development unfolds, and Chrom and Robin appear about 2/3s to 3/4s of the way in.

And as an added benefit, it'd free Awakening to focus on Plegia and the Grimleal. Extend the war with Gangrel by a few more battles, maybe add a Risen apocalypse (no one seems bothered by them despite timespace gates/Grima dumping them everywhere after C1), and then finish with the Grimleal. Move Tiki to Mount Prism and with her the Starsphere and Geosphere and the game could be the same without the unfocused Valm Arc.


I'd say I'd like Magvel, we don't even know the names of 3 of the legendary heroes, so they have the potential to surprise us here. I think they could do something special with the Sacred Twins by giving each of the heroes a significant someone who wielded/crafted one (but not necessarily a spouse- sibling, mentor, rival, parent, etc.). The setting could be rather dark and apocalyptic, but I don't think IS could handle any of this well.

I feel Say'ri would be a little hard to work as a protagonist as her ultimate arc is so heavily intertwined with Chrom's appearance. It would just beg the question, why don't I gain every Awakening character as soon as we get to that point in the story? But I suppose the same could be said for Leif, the two even appear kind of the same way, being resuced while they're at a massive disadvantage, though at least Leif had Nanna and Finn to suggest he had some kind of force fighting with him, while Say'ri seemed to be completely alone in her venture by that stage (and in Chapter 8 of Genealogy, they do initally split Leif's deployed forces to reinforce the idea). I reckon we could just have a bit more freedom if it was an original character who was fighting Walhart in parallel to Chrom.

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