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Probably. I'm not one of them, though.

If a fictional character acknowledged that they were breaking the fourth wall, would they then be breaking the fifth wall?

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Some worker in a cannery factory who thought they were in a parts shop.

Why do manaketes in Awakening get engulfed in that flower... thing... when transforming?

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Same reason Yakety Sax makes everything funny and Groose's theme goes with everything.

What crawled up some people's butts and died?

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2 minutes ago, DisobeyedCargo said:



why did you let yourself spoil parts of Xenoblade?

Because I'm an idiot I guess, or I just suck at avoiding spoilers.

Who replaced the air freshener in the bathroom with an air horn? (I want to do this someday lol)

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Not sure, but I do recall one of the Mythbuster guys said when he was younger he hooked up a tuba to the toilet, so every time you flushed, the whole house heard it.

What is your opinion on bubblewrap as wallpaper? (That was the original intent behind the product.)

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It'd be entertaining to poke the wall and have a sound come from it, but it'd also get annoying. It would also add a safety feature to the wall, although there are are better options for that (at least it's cheap).

Has there ever been a dragon, in myth or fiction, that has died of old age?

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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not sure, but I do recall one of the Mythbuster guys said when he was younger he hooked up a tuba to the toilet, so every time you flushed, the whole house heard it.


1 hour ago, IfIHadToPickADude said:

Hello? Is it me you're looking for?

I must've called a thousand times to tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart...

Where did the notion of bears eating honey come from?

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Kind of serious answer this time: Some hunters (who else would be dumb enough?) saw one climb a tree that had a bee's nest in it one day and thought it was after the honey inside. Ever since then, bears have been depicted as honey-hungry gluttons in fiction.
At least that's what I heard.

Why does everyone hate sand?

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Because there isn't much material for it in FE6.

On that note, why DO people ship Roy x Idoun?
(Not that I don't think you shouldn't, it might be interesting, but still... I wonder why.)

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Because you have several ideas already floating around in your head about the beginning, middle, and ending of theĀ story, but only working onĀ one aspectĀ at a time can occasionally be frustrating. Here's a tip:Ā grab a piece of paper, bring up a google doc, open Word, just bring up something to write on and simply write. Don't get hung up on grammar or the finer details; just put your ideas down somewhere. Later on,Ā you can edit what you did to fix any grammatical mistakes and/or add or remove certain details. Do note; this doesn't work for everyone, and it works best for fictional stories. Don't follow this advice if you're writing a formal paper.

Why didn't Donnel dodge?

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