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Despite having limited knowledge of either character (blame my emulator crapping out for the former and the Tellius games being difficult to find for the latter), I'd say Gatrie. Sain gives off the impression that he's a chivalrous pervert. Gartie being told that he'd "hit on a tree if it had a skirt" is... not high praise at all, to say the least.

Why do I really want a crossover between Treasure Planet and Sid Meiers Pirates?

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Personally, I don't think so, because I don't know half as much about Star Wars as some other fans do as I have only watched the original and prequel trilogies and haven't really stuck my nose into the Expanded Universe where they explain a lot of the stuff that goes unmentioned in the movies.

Joke answer: Yes, yes I could. Just cut all the forced (and unfunny) jokes and political agenda bullcrap and you're golden. Oh, and don't kill off beloved characters for no reason, 'mkay?

What's cooler: A fridge or the Antarctic?

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The Antarctic is the coldest place on earth, largely due to how little the sun shines on it. The temperature of a fridge is usually around 30-35 degrees Fahrenheit, or -15 degrees Celsius. Antarctica averages around -49 degrees Celsius, with the highest recorded being around -12.3 degrees Celsius, or 9.9 degrees Fahrenheit.

Antarctica also has penguins, if you're talking about that kind of "cool".


What does RJ stand for?

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Sorry, I thought it was mine!

4 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

The Antarctic is the coldest place on earth, largely due to how little the sun shines on it. The temperature of a fridge is usually around 30-35 degrees Fahrenheit, or -15 degrees Celsius. Antarctica averages around -49 degrees Celsius, with the highest recorded being around -12.3 degrees Celsius, or 9.9 degrees Fahrenheit.

Antarctica also has penguins, if you're talking about that kind of "cool".

If memory serves me correct, the Antarctic is also a desert because it doesn't rain a lot there.

Why does Summer have to be so hot?

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Ganon coming in to steal the spotlight from other villains is an in-joke in the Zelda franchise at this point (most notably and jarringly Zant, who was an infinitely more interesting villain than Ganon). Maybe I'd make something where HE appears to be the biggest bad, but then a BIGGER biggest bad appears and steals the spotlight from him.

Or I could just unceremoniously off him in the first ten minutes and have a cringey edgelord tryhard be the main bad guy. That works, too.

What is the word for an eight-legged blood sucking gross thing that transmits diseases?

Edited by DragonFlames
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