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If you had a superpower, what would it be?


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1 minute ago, Corrobin said:

He's from a show called Ben 10.

He can touch a material and turn his body into that material for added strength and durability.

Ohhhhhhhhhh right I know who that is

I'm just used to him being called Kevin ELEvin

I forgot he had an actual last name

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I would want my superpower to be Universal Manipulation. Like manipulate time and space, and heal people's ailments and wounds.

If not that, then Control of the Elements is fine.

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I would be able to consume any quantity of narcotics and/or hallucinogenic drugs without overdosing.

If under the effects of cannabis, I would also be able to project said effects outward as a battle aura and get everyone around me superbaked just from being in my presence. 

Image result for goku on weed

I would gain increases in speed, power, and durability proportional to the amount of cocaine in my system; ranging from like spiderman or wolverine level stuff with the amount that a normal human could ingest, to ri-goddman-diculous super saiyan shit with access to Dr. Rockzo level quantities of the stuff.


Related image

I would gain reality warping powers from LSD and mushrooms; essentially being able to manifest in physical reality anything that I see while tripping.

Image result for psychedelic man tree


...You're Move Gentleman....

Edited by Shoblongoo
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7 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:

I would be able to consume any quantity of narcotics and/or hallucinogenic drugs without overdosing.

If under the effects of cannabis, I would also be able to project said effects outward as a battle aura and get everyone around me superbaked just from being in my presence. 

Image result for goku on weed

I would gain increases in speed, power, and durability proportional to the amount of cocaine in my system; ranging from like spiderman or wolverine level stuff with the amount that a normal human could ingest, to ri-goddman-diculous super saiyan shit with access to Dr. Rockzo level quantities of the stuff.


Related image

I would gain reality warping powers from LSD and mushrooms; essentially being able to manifest in physical reality anything that I see while tripping.

Image result for psychedelic man tree


...You're Move Gentleman....

Basically SnowFlame? A minor DC comics super villain that is powered by Cocaine, has a religion of Cocaine,  and if you touch him you will get high.




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Joke answer: the ability to have sex with fictional characters (are we allowed to use the f word on this site?)

Real answer: some of Superman’s powers. Invincibility so I don’t accidentally die; not having to eat, drink, or sleep; not being able to drown in an accident; but mainly his time travel power.

If you are familiar with his time travel power, then you know the potential it can have for you.


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13 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Basically SnowFlame? 

SnowFlame but with more drugs.


9 minutes ago, SMEDIA said:

 (are we allowed to use the f word on this site?)

I haven't been yelled at for doing it yet.


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16 minutes ago, SMEDIA said:

Joke answer: the ability to have sex with fictional characters (are we allowed to use the f word on this site?)

Real answer: some of Superman’s powers. Invincibility so I don’t accidentally die; not having to eat, drink, or sleep; not being able to drown in an accident; but mainly his time travel power.

If you are familiar with his time travel power, then you know the potential it can have for you.


"Ah, darn, not again. Third time this week."

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13 minutes ago, SMEDIA said:


Does not compute

When I read "so I don't accidentally die", I thought it happened to you before or something. I'm bad at logic and common sense, so I'm sorry about that.

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For practical applications I would like Super speed, but in a manner that all my movements are faster not just my sprinting. Perhaps time manipulation could be better, but that would be too OP for a mortal person like me, and I don't want to be that powerful. 

If I wanted to become a god though, I would just go straight up for matter manipulation at a quantum scale.

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I've already replied, but I wanted to give a more unique answer:

Synchronized Music Fighting

(Is this is an excuse to talk about my favorite stick figure animations and post videos? Yes. Yes it is. But I don't care).

Think about it. Not only would it look awesome, depending on the song it would be practical for laying down the beatdown on ones enemies, and it has the added benefit of adding background music to an already epic fight. Seriously, take a look at some examples:


WARNING that all the videos except the first, third, and fourth contain varying degrees of blood!



Apparently, I ran out of space... All of these have blood.

The last of these is not like the others...

Not to mention that certain songs could simultaneously be hilarious and painful to inflict upon your foes. Can you imagine a fight synced to something like Flight of the Bumblebee, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, or the 60's Batman theme?


PLUS! It's a superpower that's pretty easy to loophole, too. Not allowed to play music? Just hum, beatbox, or rap, and the problem is solved. You can be one of the few heroes to defeat the villain via tap-dancing, snapping, or throat singing.

All in all, it would be an excellent combat superpower that could easily decimate criminal scum while looking cool, and it has surprisingly few downsides as well.

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major holy blood lol.

probably some kind of air solidification thingy cos that would let you walk on air, make walls and (evilly) make invisible tables. also invisible frisbees. and basically anything you want could be invisible and it would be glorious. and no not like that guy from MHA where he has to breathe it out to solidify it, cos mha seems to be getting a lotta mentions here. 

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