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Rate the Unit, Day 92: Brave Ephraim & Brave Veronica


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Special heroes are almost here:

  • Olivia: Our first flying dancer in the permanent pool, she acts a bit like PA!Azura, except that Olivia is more focused on defense and speed rather than being fully balanced, her weapon is amazing on giving allies buffs, especially if you have a Blade tome unit or just someone to annihilate the foe, even though it's +3 on all stats, it's still a good boost, her base kit literally screams support, with Guidance and Chill Speed, and having Brazing Stance to take physical hits better (Iote's Shield Set?), she can be a good offensive unit, archers and Excalibur are still a problem for her, the latter not much due to WTA, but even though her defense is solid, respectable attack and good speed stat, her resistance and HP are pretty bad so she can't take too many magical hits, even if she gets a boost from her allies, but because of her being a flier, she has better mobility than any other dancers, wen flying healer? 8/10


  • Sumia: Fastest flier with L!Ryoma, fastest lancer overall, allowing her to avoid doubles and double a lot more units, surprisingly, she has a very good balanced defensive stat, 29/25 is not bad and when you give her Brazen Def/Res to make her a mixed tank, she can actually do a pretty good job, archers do have trouble taking her down, even after using Atk/Def Link's effect or getting a defensive boost - she has Close Def - she's a pretty solid heavy hitter, mixed tank if build right, a weapon that gives her Fierce Stance allowing to do a Fierce Stance 6 build and with her being a flier allowing her to abuse of flier buffs as well, you've got a pretty powerful unit, just archers and Excalibur though, can't stop mentioning these every time there's a flier around, 8/10
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Flying Olivia. Her stats focus on Spd while having passable Atk and mediocre everywhere else. As a dancer Olivia is already good, as a flier she offers a lot more utility than her infantry peers, making Olivia one of the best dancers in the game. In terms of combat she isn't too shabby but as a sword fliers she's very close to Palla which makes her totally outclassed by Caeda and Elincia. Regardless, unlike Palla she has the utility to secure her spot in any kind of team. Just keep in mind that her low BST means that she won't be useful in the higher tiers, and with Whale tier coming soon she'll become more of a burden than a boon. 

Rating: 9/10

Sumia. A focus on Spd and mediocre everywhere else. Seems IS didn't want Shigure to hold the spot for fastest lance flier for long and now we have Sumia holding that spot. Sadly for her, while her Spd puts her in a better spot when facing the Speed demons Ayra/Karla her relatively low Atk hurts her greatly when compared to her peers. She has a passable mixed bulk which encourage trying some EP builds but Tana tends to do this better due to her Prf weapon and higher Atk stat. Sumia is a decent unit and can perform a wide variety of builds but she suffers from a Jack of all Trades problem where she is outclassed at every single thing she tries to do by more specialized units.

Rating: 6/10

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Sky High Dancer Olivia


Olivia found a pegasus. If I could- wait, didn't this happen already...?

Sky Olivia drops some of her Defense and Resistance to gain a boost to Attack and Speed. This is somewhat fixed by her coming with Bracing Stance, a +4 to Defense and Resistance that has been on a few previous weapons over the last year, albeit put on someone who can barely take a hit anyways. Chill Speed makes any fast enemy a much slower enemy, and Guidance on a flying dancer can let the right infantry/Armor ally get to the next kill faster. Skuld is basically just a Silver Sword, but has the Spectrum Dance effect that boosts a danced allies stats by 3.

Now, Olivia is clearly superior to her normal form. Access to flier buffs can boost her offenses and defenses to be much better than they look on paper. She can take on the enemy and still provide turn refreshments to her allies. Her Defense can be absurdly high through Fortify Fliers, Def refined, Safeguard, and Close Defense stacking. Another possibility, if Hone Fliers is available, is Firesweep Sword with some offense stacking. Wings of Mercy can replace Chill Speed, but it doesn't really need to. Guidance can also be replaced on a Flier-based team, such as with Fortify Fliers.

Olivia's weaknesses are somewhat similar to her base form, but add in an extra weakness to bows. Also worth noting, Skuld is not really an offensive weapon, being more supportive, so holding onto it does little benefit for Olivia.

Being a flying dancer with a base kit like what she has is enough to consider using Olivia though.

Rating: 8.5/10 A flying dancer with a great base kit, and while replacable, doesn't need much touching up. Olivia herself can become a frightening Sword Flier with some buffs and a new sword.




Among the fastest units in the game, who also comes with decent Attack, HP, and Defense, and for some reason low Resistance, nothing like her Awakening appearance...

So she comes with the Reprisal Lance. +6 Attack on enemy phase is just Fierce Stance as a lance, and Close Defense means Sumia is surprisingly bulky on enemy phase. Atk/Def Link makes her stronger and bulkier in general, so everything you'd know about Sumia from Awakening means nothing. Reposition is a good skill to have paired with a Link skill.

So Sumia's speed means she can run the usual offensive set that flier lances tend to be known for. Firesweep Lance, Slaying Lance + Heavy Blade and Galeforce, keep the Reprisal Lance, anything other lances can do Sumia is also able to do. It's almost boring how similar Flier Lances are...

Sumia is still weak to bows despite the decent Defense, and Reprisal Lance does little for player phase performance.

I really don't know what to say about Sumia... she's similar to other Flier Lances, but with high Speed.

Rating: 8/10 Sumia has good Speed and decent enough Attack and Defense to use the Reprisal Lance. She can also go for the Firesweep Lance, Slaying Lance, among others that offensive lances like using. Being weak to bows sucks, but she at least doesn't get doubled...?

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  • Fairly balanced stat line, with good Spd, decent Atk, mediocre Def, and low Res.
    • Skuld (Atk/Spd/Def/Res+3 in field buffs to any ally Olivia uses Dance on) is a strong support tool.
    • Decent green, lackluster combat performance on either phase with her default Skuld. Strong green, passable red matchups on either phase with a Wo Dao+ set.
  • She can provide Dance support for her allies, and can provide field buff support using Skuld or a "Dance" B Passive. As a flier, she can provide flier field/combat buff support.

Overall, I give her 6.5 for combat (strong green, passable red matchups with a Wo Dao+ set), 3 for support (Dance, flier field/combat buff), and +1 bonus point for having Dance utility, for a total rating of 8/10.

I had some mixed feelings here. On one hand, Skuld is a solid weapon that is likely not getting replaced. On the other, my system gives her the maximum support score even without Skuld, and her combat performance goes up using a different weapon. I ended up giving her the highest possible rating I could. In all honesty...I would personally use Olivia on a flying team, and don't value Skuld so much in that situation.


  • Offense-focused stat line featuring very good Spd, decent Atk and Def, and mediocre Res.
    • She is a capable user of all of the offensive lances (Shell, Harmonic, Brave, Firesweep), with very strong red and good blue matchups. Sustainability through Desperation.
    • She can use a Slaying Lance or Reprisal Lance set on defense, but her stat line is not particularly well-optimized for the role, and she will take a lot of damage.
  • As a flier, she can provide flier field/combat buff support.

Overall, I give her 8.5 for combat (very strong red, good blue matchups, sustainability bonus), and 1 for support (flier field/combat buff), for a total rating of 8/10.


Scoring method:


Units are evaluated based on both their combat performance and their team support capabilities (i.e. their whole contribution to a team).

  • Combat performance is judged by matchups, especially against enemies that are at triangle disadvantage or neutral to the unit. Performance against more relevant meta threats is more valuable than performance against units that are rarely seen. Triangle Adept sets are not considered, though they might be noted. Scale of 0 to 10.
    • Sustainability and filling a useful niche are given small bonuses, when applicable.
    • I will look at least one PP-focused and one EP-focused skill set for each unit, but only evaluate based on performance for whichever phase I deem the unit to be stronger on.
  • Support capabilities are decided by how much support a unit can provide (without horribly compromising their combat capabilities), and how valuable I feel that support is. Scale of 0 to 3.
  • At the end, the combat and support scores will be weighted (with a heavy focus on combat performance), combined, and rounded to the nearest .5 to obtain the total rating. Dancers and Singers will get +1 point to their total rating (not to exceed 10), because I value Dance/Sing utility highly.

This method of evaluation essentially compares each unit to a hypothetical "god unit" who is stellar at everything, instead of each unit to each other.

All my ratings.

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Olivia: 8.38, Sumia: 7.5

Day 90

Libra, Fetching Friar


Max. Stats:

Base Skills:

Wo Gùn+
( - )

( - )
Renewal 3
Spur Atk/Res 2

Maribelle, Dire Damsel


Max. Stats:

Base Skills:


( - )
Dazzling Staff 3
Staff Valor 3


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Libra. Balanced spred with a focus on Atk. Libra is extremely interesting, statwise he's almost armor like but trades some Def in exchange for Spd which allows him to perform a huge amount of roles. His good Atk ensures that he won't fall into mediocrity despite what type of build he choses to roll with, this flexibility makes him a pretty tricky unit to fight against. Now, Libra's greatest strength is also his biggest weakness, being able to perform many roles is rendered moot when he can only use one at a time and this makes him a bit outclassed by more specialized units. The lack of a Prf weapon also puts him in a weaker spot score wise but that matters very little thanks to the weapon refinery and despite being relatively outclassed Libra makes up for it by having a very above average performance in whatever role you wish him to perform.

Rating: 8.5/10

Maribelle. Take Elise and sacrifice some utility for extra power. Maribelle has the best offensive spread of all the healers in the game, making her a great user of Wrathful Staff (which she will refine as she comes with Dazzling Staff by default) and doesn't force her to rely on Pain+ to deal damage. As a troubadour she's able to do great things with Gravity+ or can use her default staff Trilemma+ to further enforce the WT or use CA shenanigans, it's a bit niche but if done correctly it can change the outcome of a match. Maribelle is the best healer in the game with Elise being a second close thanks to the higher Res but Maribelle's isn't too shabby either, she can still ploy a good amount of melee units if you desire to do so.

Rating: 9/10

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Whoops, missed yesterdays. Not that it makes a difference now but I would have given both characters a 7.

Libra - I'm surprised they didn't take the opportunity to make a unit with Anna's stat spread summonable with Libra. Libra packs modern BST and it's spent on a very even stat distribution. In fact she's just spring Chrom with a decent Res stat. It really speaks to how far Brave Builds have fallen off when I hear nobody making use of her Res stat for ploys. It's a pretty unique build that other axe infantry can't pull off. Libra can be put on any type of weapon but besides a Brave Axe I wouldn't expect her to excel that much harder than other choices. 6 out of 10 for build versatility.

Maribelle - It's not a powercreeped unit until we see some inflated BST. Maribelle does naturally come with 145 BST which is much appreciated since she doesn't have an HP superbane that would ruin that. Honestly I think she can only be as good as Elise when Elise is still the only staff cav with a good Res stat. And the only enemy type healers should be expected to survive are other healers and mages if they can avoid a double. Maribelle's 35 attack is quite good and allows you to chip opponents with gravity rather than rely on the standard Dazzling Pain set. 7 out of 10.

Past Ratings

  1. Alfonse - 3
  2. Marth - 7
  3. Sharena - 3
  4. Jagen - 1
  5. Anna - 4.5
  6. Barst - 3
  7. Cain - 4
  8. Draug - 7.5
  9. Gordin - 5
  10. Jeorge - 5.5
  11. Abel - 5.5
  12. Linde - 9
  13. Minerva - Abstain
  14. Merric - 3.5
  15. Maria - 6
  16. Wrys - 3.5
  17. Ceada - Abstain
  18. Ogma - 4
  19. Catria - 4
  20. Est - 6
  21. Sheena - 6.5
  22. Cecilia - 4
  23. Clarine - 6.5
  24. Matthew - 4
  25. Palla - 2.5
  26. Roy -7
  27. Gwendolyn - 7.5
  28. Shanna - 4.5
  29. Bartre - 7
  30. Fae - 7.5
  31. Serra - 4
  32. Lissa - 2
  33. Y!Tiki - 8
  34. Lilina - 7
  35. Florina - 1.5
  36. M!Robin - 3.5
  37. Hector - 8
  38. Raven - 8.5
  39. Gaius - 4 
  40. Virion - 3.5
  41. Raigh - 1.5
  42. Sophia - 3.5
  43. Sully -2.5
  44. Cordelia -7
  45. Hawkeye - 5.5
  46. Nino - 8
  47. Felicia - 6.5
  48. Jakob - 1
  49. Fir - 4
  50. Eliwood - 5.5
  51. Donnel - 3.5
  52. Nowi - 8.5
  53. Frederick - 6.5
  54. Cherche - 7.5
  55. Saizo - 4
  56. Kagero - 4.5
  57. Lyn - 7
  58. Chrom - 5
  59. F!Corrin - 7
  60. Azura - 6.5
  61. Gunter - 3
  62. Camilla - 5.5
  63. Azama - 6.5
  64. Setsuna - 3.5
  65. Stahl - 2.5
  66. Lonqu - 3
  67. Hinoka - 7.5
  68. Oboro - 2.5
  69. Beruka - 6
  70. Arthur - 2
  71. Takumi - 5.5
  72. Sakura - 3
  73. Olivia - 7
  74. Henry - 2
  75. Subaki - 4.5
  76. Peri - 6.5
  77. Niles - 1.5
  78. Elise - 7.5
  79. Tharja - 5
  80. A!Tiki - 8
  81. Odin - 1 
  82. Effie - 7.5
  83. Lucina - 7
  84. M!Corrin - 6
  85. Ryoma - 5.5
  86. Hinata - 4.5
  87. Hana - 5.5
  88. Laslow - 3
  89. Selena - 2
  90. Leo - 2
  91. Eirika - 5
  92. Seliph - 5.5
  93. Ephraim - 7
  94. Julia - 6
  95. Eldigan - Abstain
  96. Sanaki - 6.5
  97. Reinhardt - 8
  98. Olwen - 5.5
  99. Lachesis - 3
  100. Klein - 4
  101. Karel - 6.5
  102. Ninian - 7
  103. Lucius - 4.5
  104. Rebecca - 2.5
  105. Priscilla - 4
  106. Jaffar - 3.5
  107. Alm - 9
  108. Lukas - 7.5
  109. Clair - 7
  110. Faye - 5.5
  111. Ike - 6
  112. Titania - 3.5
  113. Soren - 4
  114. Mist - 2.5
  115. Celica - 7
  116. Mae - 6.5
  117. Boey - 3.5
  118. Genny - 6
  119. Luke - 3.5
  120. Katarina - 5.5
  121. Athena - 3.5
  122. Roderick - 6
  123. Gray - 5
  124. Saber - 3
  125. Mathilda - 3
  126. Delthea - 6.5
  127. Sonya - 4.5
  128. Leon - 6
  129. Seth - 2
  130. Tana - 7
  131. Amelia -8
  132. Innes - 6
  133. Brave Roy - 6.5
  134. Brave Lucina - Abstain
  135. Brave Ike - 8
  136. Brave Lyn - 8.5
  137. Elincia - 7.5
  138. Osxar - 6
  139. Nephenee - 7
  140. Sigurd - 7.5
  141. Tailtiu - 4.5
  142. Deirdre - 6
  143. Ayra - 9
  144. Mia - 8
  145. Lute - 7.5
  146. Dorcas -8
  147. Siegbert - 7.5
  148. Soleil - 7
  149. Shiro - 6.5
  150. Rhajat - 7
  151. Zelgius - 9.5
  152. Micaiah - 8
  153. Sothe - 4.5
  154. NotCanon!Eirika - 5.5
  155. L'Arachel - 6
  156. Myrrh - 9
  157. Celica - 8.5
  158. Hardin - 9.5
  159. M!Grima - 9.5
  160. Horse!Chrom - 7.5
  161. M!Morgan - 6
  162. F!Morgan - 8
  163. Leif - 8
  164. Sword!Reinhardt - 8.5
  165. Green!Olwen - 6
  166. Nanna - 4.5
  167. Shigure - 7.5
  168. F!Kana - 7.5
  169. Archer!Hinoka - 8.5
  170. Ares - Abstain
  171. Lene - 7
  172. Ishtar - 6.5
  173. Karla - 9.5
  174. NotCanon!Nino - 8
  175. Legault - 6
  176. Kaze - 5
  177. Flying! Olivia - Missed this day but would rate a 7
  178. Sumia - Missed this day but would rate a 7
  179. Libra - 
  180. Maribelle - 

Ratings I would change in retrospect: Gordin would be a 2.5 and Jeorge a 4, Cain would be a 3, Cecilia would be a 3.5. Linde would be 7. And I'd drop Matthew and Saizo to 3.5. Beruka would be a 7. Clarine is a 5.5. Caeda I'd rate a 5.5 now that I've been using her at 5 star. Leo I'd bump up to a 3. Nino should be a 6. Hector is a 7.5. Hardin should be a 9. Elise should be a 7.


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3 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

Libra - I'm surprised they didn't take the opportunity to make a unit with Anna's stat spread summonable with Libra. Libra packs modern BST and it's spent on a very even stat distribution. In fact she's just spring Chrom with a decent Res stat. It really speaks to how far Brave Builds have fallen off when I hear nobody making use of her Res stat for ploys. It's a pretty unique build that other axe infantry can't pull off. Libra can be put on any type of weapon but besides a Brave Axe I wouldn't expect her to excel that much harder than other choices. 6 out of 10 for build versatility.

I actually kind of do that, but it's also because he's +Res/-Def. He doesn't want to be hit either way, which is why I put him into either a Brave Axe build or something more aligned to Spd with Desperation but usually taking advantage of one of Def or Spd Ploy, and just yesterday got him Chill Def:


Traditional Desperation




Brave Axe build with Def Ploy



I'm still a bit touchy about it. I just want to go with stuff that works, not necessarily trying to be "flashy". Brave > Glacies is not all that consistent, and I'm trying to see what works between that, Iceberg and Moonbow. So all advice is appreciated. Ardent Service is surprisingly decent given it's basically a self-buff Hone Atk, so that also kind of works.

Edited by Junkhead
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  • Balanced stat line, featuring good Atk, decent Res, and ok Spd and Def.
    • Very strong blue, good green matchups on offense with a Brave Axe+ set. He has very strong blue and decent green matchups on with a Wo Gùn+ set or Beach Banner+ set.
    • Very strong blue, passable green matchups on defense with a Slaying Axe+/DC set.
  • He has some stat ploy capability with his decent Res stat.

Overall, I give him 8 for combat (very strong blue, good green matchups on offense), and 1 for support (basic field/combat buffs, stat ploy capability), for a total rating of 7.5/10.


  • Offense focused stat line with good Atk, decent Spd, passable Res, and poor Def.
    • Decent KO power on offense. Cannot be counterattacked on the Player Phase. Minimal Enemy Phase capability.
  • As a cavalry unit, she can provide cavalry field/combat buffs for her teammates. She can provide healing and status staff support.

Overall, I give her 6 for combat (decent KO power on offense, cannot be counterattacked on the Player Phase), and 3 for support (healing, status staff, cavalry field/combat buffs), for a total rating of 6.5/10.


Scoring method:


Units are evaluated based on both their combat performance and their team support capabilities (i.e. their whole contribution to a team).

  • Combat performance is judged by matchups, especially against enemies that are at triangle disadvantage or neutral to the unit. Performance against more relevant meta threats is more valuable than performance against units that are rarely seen. Triangle Adept sets are not considered, though they might be noted. Scale of 0 to 10.
    • Sustainability and filling a useful niche are given small bonuses, when applicable.
    • I will look at least one PP-focused and one EP-focused skill set for each unit, but only evaluate based on performance for whichever phase I deem the unit to be stronger on.
  • Support capabilities are decided by how much support a unit can provide (without horribly compromising their combat capabilities), and how valuable I feel that support is. Scale of 0 to 3.
  • At the end, the combat and support scores will be weighted (with a heavy focus on combat performance), combined, and rounded to the nearest .5 to obtain the total rating. Dancers and Singers will get +1 point to their total rating (not to exceed 10), because I value Dance/Sing utility highly.

This method of evaluation essentially compares each unit to a hypothetical "god unit" who is stellar at everything, instead of each unit to each other.

All my ratings.


And that's the end of the summonable (+Askrs) pool. Here's how my personal ratings turned out for that period (including adjustments):



It could use a little more granularity, but overall I'm reasonably satisfied with how the list turned out.

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The last round was the one with the least votes.

Libra: 7.33
Maribelle: 7.50

And now we go through Seasonal/Legendary and GHB/TT units. Tbf I would prefer if someone else would open a separate thread for that since I'm very busy at the moment and can't promise to edit everything in time. The seasonals will roughly take over a month there would be merit having a different person to edit the OP. Of course I would still be around to moderate things if they get out of hand.

Edited by The Priest
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Bunny Xander: 1/10. his attack is too slow for it to be redeemed, and must rely on special in order to do some damage.

Eggcina: 5/10 Decent statline, with a good speed, but her lowish attacks makes her dependent on her teammates for damage. 

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1 hour ago, The Priest said:

The last round was the one with the least votes.

Libra: 7.33
Maribelle: 7.50

And now we go through Seasonal/Legendary and GHB/TT units. Tbf I would prefer if someone else would open a separate thread for that since I'm very busy at the moment and can't promise to edit everything in time. The seasonals will roughly take over a month there would be merit having a different person to edit the OP. Of course I would still be around to moderate things if they get out of hand.

So the order is Seasonal & Legendary heroes, and then GHB & TT heroes, using the same prioritization rules?

If needed, I can put the thread together later today (~3h), but I’m at work during the “usual” start time on weekdays.

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2 hours ago, LordFrigid said:

So the order is Seasonal & Legendary heroes, and then GHB & TT heroes, using the same prioritization rules?

It is possible to +10 Seasonal and Legendary Heroes while GHB and TT cannot (at least for now). Since it doesn't really make sense to lump them together with units that do not even have that privilege I would favor to separate the groups.

If you're doing the thread you might as well change the times to the ones, you're comfortable with. I only specified them to accomodate this to my daily routine and hilariously fail with it.

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1 hour ago, The Priest said:

It is possible to +10 Seasonal and Legendary Heroes while GHB and TT cannot (at least for now). Since it doesn't really make sense to lump them together with units that do not even have that privilege I would favor to separate the groups.

If you're doing the thread you might as well change the times to the ones, you're comfortable with. I only specified them to accomodate this to my daily routine and hilariously fail with it.

Got it. I'll put it up at about 5 PM PDT (that should be pretty safe for me, though I might miss some Wednesdays by ~30 minutes).


RTU averages, in graphic form.




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9 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Out of curiosity, can this thread continue to be active for the purpose of discussion related to things such as the rating of a unit and such, or just general thoughts on doing these RTUs?

I mean I would still keep posting new rounds if new Heroes in the regular pool are introduced (though I might as well just do an entire banner at once if it only has 3 Heroes).

If anyone wants to discuss the ratings I would suggest another thread or even a entire separate re-run honestly. The numbers of votes were fluctuating quite a bit so it's inevitable that there are a lot of questionable placements (e.g. Elise is higher than Maribelle which doesn't make much sense).

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Celica - 9/10: Ever wanted to explode a unit right out of the gate? Well Celica is your girl. Loses the point because there's no easy and reliable way to make her self-sustaining.

Hector - 10/10: You can run Maltet and Ignis for obscene damage or Berkut's Lance to make him annoyingly hard to kill. Plus he's got the strength to kill reliably regardless. Also comes basically pre-built.

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5 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

So are we gonna rate the next set of Brave heroes next?

Well, the title change should have said it all but LordFrigid and I were discussing how to handle our separate threads.

From now on, a round will last a week instead of a day.
This is because we still have to go through the seasonal/legendary pool AND have to do GHB/welfare units after that. Having to rate 4 characters in a single day seems unreasonable and so far didn't really rate new units (with the exception of the last round) right after they were released. You might not necessarily rate them as accurate as you want to so having more time gives you the chance to experiment or theorycraft with them more.

That being said, let's go through CYL, starting with the winners of each division.


Celica, Warrior Priestess


Max. Stats:

Base Skills:

Royal Sword
( - )

Death Blow
Double Lion
Atk Tactic

Hector, Brave Warrior


Max. Stats:

Base Skills:

( - )

Ostian Counter
Bold Fighter
Even Res Wave


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Celica - Death Blow 4 + Double Lion equals at least two attacks that'll hurt (most likely four due to her speed).  Thanks to Galeforce, it means she'll be able to either GTFO or gib something else.  She's pretty glassy unless she's +Def (which means it'll take a gust of wind to knock her over, as opposed to a strong breeze).  If she shows up as +Atk, give yourself a pat on the back.  9/10

Hector - Y'know how I have yet to rate a unit as a 10?  That's because it would take someone who is effective no matter where they are, and/or have a metric ton of viable builds (Ares was the closest regarding the latter).  Enter Hector.  If he tanks an attack (which he can do easily, thanks to his sky-high defenses, not-overly-shabby Res, and a decent HP pool. . .and DC on steroids), he'll double.  If he initiates, he doubles.  His PP and his EP are equally terrifying, and good luck if Ignis goes off.

To illustrate just how ridiculous his bulk is, I'm going to list off what it'll take to OHKO him:

- Micaiah needs +3 Atk over neutral in order to Thani-bomb him (via buffs, +Atk, support, etc.)
- Spring Camilla running the TA -raven set needs +9 Atk over neutral
- Cherche with an Armorsmasher+ (MT refine) needs +7 Atk over neutral

. . .or you can just smack him in the face with Maribelle, and then a competent green unit.  Hector's still ridiculous, and that's not surprising.  10/10

Edited by eclipse
I forgot about Ostian Counter
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  • Offense-focused stat line, with very high Spd, good Atk, decent Def, and mediocre Res.
    • Royal Sword (Spd +3, Special cooldown charge +1 on Celica's attacks if she is within 2 spaces of an ally) is a decent offensive weapon, granting her a Spd bump and a conditional Special charge rate boost.
    • Double Lion (If Celica attacks at full HP, she gains a Brave effect and takes 1 damage after combat) is an incredibly strong offensive skill. Unfortunately, it takes up her B slot, and there are no swords that provide post-combat healing, so it is not easy to sustain.
    • Overwhelmingly strong performance against both green and red foes when Double Lion is active (bar incredibly rare Deflect Melee users), using a Slaying Edge+/Luna/Heavy Blade setup. She can also pull off Royal Sword and Wo Dao sets.
    • Her defensive stat line is not very well optimized for an EP role.
  • She can provide basic field/combat buff support for her teammates.

Overall, I give her 10 for combat (overwhelmingly strong green and red performance), and .5 for support (basic field/combat buff), for a total rating of 9/10.


  • Physically focused stat line, featuring very high Def, good Atk, decent Res, and poor Spd.
    • Maltet (Accelerates special trigger, built-in Quick Riposte 5) is an incredibly strong defensive weapon, and a potent offensive pick as well. It combines very well with the armor-specific Bold Fighter (he can unleash Ignis in one round against foes who can counterattack), Special Fighter (EP focused, grants him 2x Bonfire/Sol, or one-round Ignis or Aether, and cuts enemy special charge rate), or Wary Fighter (allows him to run QR seal for an omni-breaker EP set, just like regular Armads).
    • Ostian Counter (built-in Distant Counter and Sturdy Stance 2) is a very strong defensive passive.
    • Overwhelmingly strong red, very strong blue matchups on offense with his base kit (Maltet, Ignis, Bold Fighter).
    • Very strong red, strong blue matchups on defense with either his base kit, or a specialized EP set (Special Fighter or Wary Fighter/QR Seal).
  • As an armored unit, he can provide armor field/combat buffs for his allies. He has the HP stat to provide Panic Ploy support. He has some, but limited, stat ploy capability with his decent Res stat.

Overall, I give him 10 for combat (overwhelmingly strong red, very strong blue matchups on offense with a Maltet/Ignis/Bold Fighter set, mixed-phase capability bonus), and 2 for support (armor field/combat buff, Panic and stat ploy capability), for a total rating of 9.5/10.

I'm tempted to just give him the 10. He's only .09 away from the round-up under my system as it is...

Edited by LordFrigid
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M'kay, here we go!

Brave Celica: She seems very similar to units like Mia, Karla, and Ayra, which kinda puts her in a tough spot. Being a Brave hero, she's kinda automatically great, but at the same time she seems the least "special" of the bunch. She has a good weapon in Royal Sword and a good skill in Double Lion, so she at least gets some Ayra-fication! 9/10

Brave Hector: Ah, here we go. Hector was my free pick from the free summon, and I'm very glad I picked him! He's powerful as heck and comes pre-built with an amazing skill kit. Maltlet is a fantastic weapon for enemy and player phase, Ostian Counter is an even more powerful Distant Counter, he comes straight with Bold Fighter, and he'll basically wreck pretty much anything. He's the Brave Lyn of this batch, and joins her as one of the only units in the entire game I'd rate a perfect 10/10

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