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Combatting a Youtube account termination?


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Several of you may know of the Channel Awesome scandal that has come about recently.  In case you don't know, Channel Awesome's CEO, Mike Michaud, has engaged in an uncountable number of abusive business practices.  They are too many to list here; but for a small sample of them, they include...


1) Covering up for a sexual predator named JewWario; keeping his multiple attempted rapes a secret not just from his co-workers, but from his own family.

2) Financially exploiting his suicide by forming a video montage of him after his death; while not allowing his best friend to do the same.

3) The Indiegogo 90k scam.


For that reason, I copied and pasted a short summary of the situation across almost every single Youtube video on Channel Awesome.  Unfortunately, I forgot to account for rules against Spam; and got my account terminated.

Now, reading up on the Guidelines and Terms of Service, the rules seem to suggest "Spam" as something that's done for more malicious purposes than what I had done.  They included driving people off of Youtube, engaging in any deceptive practices, monetizing off of another channel's content, and other such things.  

I did not post with any of those intentions in mind.  So now I'm wondering if I could appeal this termination with a well-worded message.  Is there anyone here who can help me with that?  Thank you very much, and God bless you.


Edited by FionordeQuester
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First off, this isn't Serious Discussion material.

Second, the rules exist for a reason.  I don't care how much of a slimeball that guy is, spamming YouTube channels is not the way to go.  Think about how you'd feel if someone decided to spam a bunch of random channels with a letter that cast you in a bad light.  Or if a bunch of people spammed your comments with some random activist messages that you don't care about.

Your best bet IMO is to contact support, but don't hold your breath.

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Darn.  First of all, I apologize for mistaking this as Serious Discussion material.  I basically was asking for legal advice, so I wasn't sure whether that pushed it into "Serious Discussion" territory or not.  Hence, I went with my gut.

My apologies :(: .

EDIT: Anyways, assuming I get my account back...what's another way I could accomplish the same thing without breaking any rules?

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This isn't legal advice.

Honestly?  Keep a blog about it (and other matters near and dear to your heart).  It's okay to have opinions, but it's not okay to shove them into the faces of people that didn't ask for them.

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So basically, if I get my account back, don't talk about it unless someone specifically asks "wait, what controversy?  What's all this everyone's talking about?"

Multiple users were confused as to what everyone was talking about.  That's the reason I ask that.

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Yep.  I also suggest being as neutral as possible, even if you think that guy is a jerk.

And even if you don't get your account back, remember that the Internet is a giant room full of everyone.  Polarization is easy.  Staying objective - not as much.

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Hmm... So should I just say "I'm sorry, I got wrapped up in wanting to tell people about the controversy, and forgot to consider that what I was doing might count as spam?  This is my first offense, so could I please have my account back, so long as I don't do it again?"

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A blog is probably your best venue. It's generally a poor idea to tell random people in social media a truth or facts they may not want to believe or hear. I exposed someone a while back who was abusing his authority over his female co-workers and was turned into a pariah after he convinced his friends he had done nothing wrong. Of course, the evidence I found was deleted the next day by him on his deviant art account. I'm hoping it was enough to dissuade this person from continuing his misdeeds. Just be careful. 

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What the above poster said. Also, if you throw a subject into random people's faces and they don't want to hear about it, no matter how important you think the subject is, it is considered spam. So what makes sense that you got reported, even if you didn't mean to do something that would have that result... Like the above poster said, only talk about subjects like that in appropriate places, and with people who actually want to discuss it. Otherwise, it might be taken the wrong way (like what happened with the reporting).

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Can you make a new account? That's what I'd do. Make a new account and learn from this mistake. Maybe you can reupload all your stuff from the old account if that's important to you.

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Well, I just went on the Youtube help forums, and got this in response...


All you can do is appeal.

So it sounds like there's still some hope left.  I'm kind of confused as to how that'd work, though, considering that the form seems to only be for those whose accounts were "terminated in error".  Mine was not; which is why I went to the forums instead.

Perhaps Eclipse could shed some light on this?  Is "[you can appeal when your account was] "terminated in error" really mod-speak for "you can appeal for any reason at all"? 

I take things very literally, so I just want to make sure this isn't another one of those times.

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In the short term, yeah; definitely.  Probably, I'll wait 40 days, submit another appeal, and hope they decide enough time has passed.  I need the videos on my account regardless, so, there's no harm in trying.

EDIT: Actually, apparently I only need to wait a week.  Still not sure it's right to re-appeal that early, though, so I may still wait the 40 days.

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