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You Think Zephiel and Idoun Were Close

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I wonder, does anyone think Zephiel and Idoun were close, like lovers instead of war allies? (And no, fanfiction, fanart, and "Rule 34" doesn't count!)

One side of me think Zephiel was hittin' that did had some feelings or even a bit of love for her, but the other side of me think he was like "fuck her, I just use her". I leaning more so on he was using her.

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More so as just using her rather than having actual feelings. I really don't think that Zephiel cared about anything other than eradicating the human race. I felt sorry for Brennya because of it.

If anyone had feelings for Idun, it's possibly none other than Roy. (But again, this is opinion.)

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Idoun was a mindless, souless being of immense power, living only to fulfill tasks given to her by her master.

Zephial was an insane, idealistic fool with a twisted viewpoint of the world.

The original odd couple.

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Close, not really. Idoun at the time couldn't get emotionally attached to anyone, seeing she had no emotions. Zepheil, he has a dude obsessed with killing his own kind, I doubt he'd get feelings of love.

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Idoun was a mindless, souless being of immense power, living only to fulfill tasks given to her by her master.

Zephial was an insane, idealistic fool with a twisted viewpoint of the world.

The original odd couple.

I smell a SITCOM!!!

Zeph's like the Uncle Tom of humans. Idoun is just . . .Idoun.

Well, it somehow Nintendo tried to snuck in a ZephxIdoun, how the hell would they pull that off?

Zephiel: "I hate all humans but I have Dragon Fever!"

Yeah, wouldn't work out.

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I don't think so, he shows no feelings for her and pretty much doesn't notice that Brenya wants him. He's just hell-bent on

giving Elibe to the dragons, Yahn's the dragon you see in FE7's ending, he told Zephiel about how Idoun creates war dragons. Idoun's nothing but servant to him.

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Maybe he was using, AND banging her.

I mean, he was her "Master"

The first thing that popped in my mind was Zep singing "Master of the Puppets" for some reason. I'm a nutcase.

Zephiel could had some sexual tension built up from his teen years, wackin' it wasn't working out for him and dammit, no king should remain a virgin! Brennya's outta the picture because remember; Zephiel is the Uncle Tom of humans. Idoun would be the the only woman he would had sex with, but of course, seeing that her soul and heart is gone, it's called rape.

So yeah, I doubt Zephiel and Idoun were doing the naughty, Toa.

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So yeah, I doubt Zephiel and Idoun were doing the naughty, Toa.

FE games (6 in particular) aren't exactly known for...ignoring rape =/

I mean, Narshan, Come on.

Zephiel was obviously in love with what she was.

His salvation, she gave him meaning and power.

Which may make him want to bang her even more =/

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  • 3 weeks later...
Idoun is just a kid though right? (in terms of a dragon of course)

What about Fa then?

I don't think those scouring dragons will take a child to make their war dragons. They must at least take the teenager one.

Well, that was what I believed. =/

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What about Fa then?

I don't think those scouring dragons will take a child to make their war dragons. They must at least take the teenager one.

Well, that was what I believed. =/

Fa is clearly a child.. she may be near immortal and she may be much older than Douglas, Murdock etc. but for a dragon she is merely a child. I believe Idoun is a teenager or so.

The Scouring dragons were desperate, as seen in Chapter 24 (I believe). They had to win the war to save their race and the only way was to use Idoun and turn her into a dark dragon. She may have been a child then but she was far more powerful than other dragons.

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The Scouring dragons were desperate, as seen in Chapter 24 (I believe). They had to win the war to save their race and the only way was to use Idoun and turn her into a dark dragon. She may have been a child then but she was far more powerful than other dragons.

No. I recall that the dragons need Divine Dragons to reproduce or something. But the Divine Dragons refuse and try to flee to another world (Dragon realm, via Dragon Gate). Yet Idoun was captured in the process. Thus her soul was destroyed, and they gave her the task to keep on making war dragons.

But then again, I can't be too sure on this.

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No. I recall that the dragons need Divine Dragons to reproduce or something. But the Divine Dragons refuse and try to flee to another world (Dragon realm, via Dragon Gate). Yet Idoun was captured in the process. Thus her soul was destroyed, and they gave her the task to keep on making war dragons.

I recalled something like that after posting but I was too lazy to edit.

I remember well now - Dark Dragons produced the mindless soldiers, the War Dragons.

However, the more powerful thing is true too. Idoun isn't weak to the divine weapons unlike other dragons, but is weak to the Sword of Seals.

Anyway, we're going off topic now.

Zephiel and Idoun were definitely not close. I think Zephiel lost nearly all emotion after killing his father.

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Maybe he was using, AND banging her.

I mean, he was her "Master"

That doesn't seem right. :blink:

Zephiel was a crazy madman and Idoun has no emotions. I find it hard to think that they both like each other or something.

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