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Doctor Seuss Mafia - X-Site Summer Invitational (Day 5 - *YLO)


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I glanced at AM and Marth, Marth is okay but AM is underwhelming even for her. 

She usually low posts and has short posts but she like usually pushes a thing. I don't have the context of having read the surrounding posts though. 

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guys, even if the formatting thing isn't a real slip, it's all AM has addressed

she hasn't done anything else since she got back ITT, the one "game-solvey" post she's made we had to drag out of her when she was just deflecting to "scum is on my wagon" and her in depth explination for that? "dunno, maybe john carter" 

she's literally a frozen wolf, this formatting is the most posting she's had all game

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Just now, Omega. said:

Can someone test this? If AM flips village off of some dumb angleshoot that's wrong, lolvillage.

I checked the thread I was thinking of and it was just shitty grey text instead of horrendous background butchering like I'd thought it was.

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3 minutes ago, Refa said:

Don't think Evan is scum either way, Scum!Him doesn't need to stand out to look better on an AM mislynch.  People have already stated why he's not W/W with AM.

If I was scum and Animal was going down I would have completely ignored that post regardless of Animal's alignment.

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1 minute ago, Elemina said:

Shinori: How does Evan's play here compare to his play last game, as I remember he was mislynched. 

Last game he was way more active, albeit it was only for a few days of game I think.  He wasn't mislynched that if it's the game I'm thinking of(IDNSFMM) and instead just got end gamed by our amazing scum team.

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3 minutes ago, Ichigo said:

So you don't know why it posted like that?

SF's post editor sometimes remembers your posts.

It is inconsistent as shit if you multitab as to what it saves so if they had the formatting there before it could definitely be true. That being said it's kinda ??? why the formatting was there in the first place though.

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Just now, EvanManManMan said:

If I was scum and Animal was going down I would have completely ignored that post regardless of Animal's alignment.

if you were both w almost certainly

but you might have just wanted to sneak a little more in there about predicting that v flip, hell, I might have done that if I was wolf in your spot

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Just now, Shinori said:

Last game he was way more active, albeit it was only for a few days of game I think.  He wasn't mislynched that if it's the game I'm thinking of(IDNSFMM) and instead just got end gamed by our amazing scum team.

He means TPP where I dunked on wolves day one but got mislynched for inactivity

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If yall think AM is town(Mainly focused at Evan/SB/Orihime) yall should probably vote elsewhere.  Just make sure it's on a person that's capable of being lynched.

Naana is still on the table....Just sayin'

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1 minute ago, Alpha Male said:

if you were both w almost certainly

but you might have just wanted to sneak a little more in there about predicting that v flip, hell, I might have done that if I was wolf in your spot

No but if I was a wolf I could just completely ignore town!Animal and go away scot free while also pushing a mislynch tomorrow on those puahing Animal

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1 minute ago, SB. said:

SF's post editor sometimes remembers your posts.

It is inconsistent as shit if you multitab as to what it saves so if they had the formatting there before it could definitely be true. That being said it's kinda ??? why the formatting was there in the first place though.

even without the formatting, she still looks awful

ppl are trying to use the formatting as if it's the sole crux of the entire AM wagon, when in reality she was lead wagon even before that happened I think (maybe number 2)

once again, she fails every single indicator someone could have of being a v other than she's not lolcatting or claiming w

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(1) Red RyuMello
(1) Donald Trump: Magnificence Incarnate
(1) Alpha MaleEvanManManMan
(1) JohnCarterAnimal Midwife
(5) Naanamoonbird, manti, Elemina, Shinori, Red Ryu
(8) Animal Midwifedyachei, JohnCarterDonald Trump, Ryanyb, Alpha Male, LaserGuy, weinerboy, Naana
(4) Magnificence IncarnateSB., Refa, Omega., Orihime
(1) Omega.Shattiel
(1) moonbirdIchigo

(1) Not Voting: Fable

With 24 alive, it takes 16 to hammer or the person with the most votes at deadline will be lynched. You have ~2 hours until deadline at 6/19, 10 pm EDT

Edited by Iris
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1 minute ago, Shinori said:

If yall think AM is town(Mainly focused at Evan/SB/Orihime) yall should probably vote elsewhere.  Just make sure it's on a person that's capable of being lynched.

Naana is still on the table....Just sayin'

I don't really care about being on a top wagon and Animal isn't playing in a way where I would want to save them.

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