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Doctor Seuss Mafia - X-Site Summer Invitational (Day 5 - *YLO)


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Day 2: Automated Votals from #4369 to #4400

Omega. (6): Donald Trump, Shinori, Shattiel, Orihime, Elemina, SB.
Red Ryu (5): Ichigo, Ryanyb, weinerboy, Magnificence Incarnate, Alpha Male
SB. (2): Omega., dyachei
Elemina (1): LaserGuy
Magnificence Incarnate (1): JohnCarter
Naana (1): Snike
Shattiel (1): Naana
Not voting (4): EvanManManMan, manti, Mello, Red Ryu

Phase ends in 7h19m. Hammer at 14.

<Beta v2.0.4>

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17 minutes ago, weinerboy said:

EBWOP: Evan trying to pocket both you and Ruy looks like shit if one of you ain't scum though, mostly because I'm not seeing where he feels that pairing is, so if Evan wants to clarify why he sees that it would be dope

What's the V you see in Naana specifically? I've written them off based on association of agreement and I know that's lazy but yea

Omega is refusing to give a read on Ryu, and Ryu townreads Yolo. It seems that they don't want to scumread on each other because they are both scum.

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12 minutes ago, Alpha Male said:

nah, that isn't what you said actually

you said you'd only vote for self prez yeah, but saying you'd rather die than him actually contradicts that

you can't have both 

I don’t see why I can’t.

ini don’t self vote ever, that’s not helpful to town because it removes one person from the vote trail. I’m not going to self vote and if between me and anyone else I would vote them over myself. I can still state in any other situation I think it would be better to lynch me than him.

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2 minutes ago, Orihime said:


No Ele lynch? :( Fine better be a vig
##vote @Omega.

You said you wanted me to be scum?

Also I'm just a bigger fan of Omega > Ele for lynch at the moment.  I think Ele's comments about people on the Omega wagon followed by voting Omega is weird though.

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4 minutes ago, Shinori said:

You said you wanted me to be scum?

Also I'm just a bigger fan of Omega > Ele for lynch at the moment.  I think Ele's comments about people on the Omega wagon followed by voting Omega is weird though.

Yes you being scum gives me an excuse to push you.
Also fine fine

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On 6/20/2018 at 10:46 PM, weinerboy said:

Really interesting to me that the Omega block (for the most part) seem to be in agreement that Ichigo is pretty nasty as well, furthermore that Omega dismissed his thoughts on Ichigo to jump on MI w/ him instead

Can you rephrase the underlined? Who is the "Omega block"?

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1 minute ago, Omega. said:

Can you rephrase the underlined? Who is the "Omega block"?

I think it consisted of people like:

Me, trump, Shatt, maybe orihime?  At least when that quote was stated.

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