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What Are The Rank Requirements for Each Chapter?

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is relevant to my interests as well. I can't help but noticing that FE7 has some very nicely detailed charts and tables. Were those obtained by trial and error, or (much more plausibly) snooping around in the ROM? If the later, I wouldn't mind it if Vincent or someone could (point towards)/(explain briefly) where or how the logic was found and investigated, and I'd give a shot at trying to snoop through FE6 looking for info, comparing notes with the FE7 case study. (Obviously, not guaranteeing I'd find anything.)

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FE7's ranking data was indeed obtained from the ROM.

Any of the recent Nightmare chapter modules for FE7 actually list where the values are stored, but be warned- only two sets of data are ever used (i.e the modules may list requirements for ENM, EHM, HNM and HHM, but two of those are actually unused).

As for FE6, I've been kind of lazy to do anything with it. I mentioned it elsewhere, but the fact that it takes so long to reach the Ranking screen is one of the factors that's been putting me off (since it becomes a chore to analyse the ranking data). That and I'd need to locate the data as well (but I'm sure someone can find them) ^^;;;

Edited by VincentASM
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