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Which of these would you rather do?


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8 minutes ago, indigospace said:

WYR be ridiculed out of society or kill a puppy?

Insinuating that I'm not already ridiculed out of society.

WYR be forced to watch two dudes play the Yu-Gi-Oh really slowly for eternity, but otherwise be fine, or be subjected to incredible pain for 100 years, but then be able to die peacefully?

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Watch Yu-Gi-Oh for eternity. I don't know how to play the game, so I could try to catch on to what they were doing, and it could be entertaining to see how close or how far off I am in my predictions. I'm also a thinker, so having a lot of time to just let my mind wander doesn't sound so bad.

Would you rather grow smaller or taller a little bit every day?

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Pet trilobite. Originally I was going to pick dinosaur... but I'd rather have a small creature that I can fit in a fish tank than something that could easily cause massive damage, carnivore or not.

WYR be raised from the grave as a skeleton or a zombie?

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Go back in time. The future is to unpredictable. Meanwhile, I can plan around which time period I visit, and can gather priceless data and information that will greatly aid historians.

Would you rather be an airbender, earthbender, waterbender, or firebender?

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15 hours ago, Innocentmask said:

Go to Hogwarts or go to Beacon Academy?


14 hours ago, Purple Mage said:

Uhh, what's Beacon? Well, it certainly sounds way safer than Hogwarts, and it sounds like Bacon, so I think I'll go with Beacon Academy.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but Beacon's entrance exam require to fight living death things that could kill you (assuming that is the same Beacon Academy I know).


1 hour ago, Hawkwing said:

Would you rather be an airbender, earthbender, waterbender, or firebender?

Waterbender, I can pull so many pranks!

WYR constantly have insomnia, or narcolepsy?

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1 hour ago, IfIHadToPickADude said:

WYR constantly have insomnia, or narcolepsy?

Insomnia. It saved my life several times in Neo Scavenger due to "waking up" when a bandit was conveniently going to kill me. That, and I'll use the extra time when I'm awake to do something productive.

In Fire Emblem, would you rather have excellent durability (high speed, defense, etc.) but low HP, or extremely high HP, but low defense/resistance (other stats are variable, but not game-breaking)?

Edited by Hawkwing
Accidentally pressed submit too early.
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I already speak fluent sarcasm so the former.

WYR discover the cure for cancer but never get credit for it, or get credit for discovering a supposed cure for cancer that turns out to be bogus, yet you still made millions?

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Discover the cure but get no credit. Knowing I did something great and actually did something that people will give me worth for is better than having tons of money. Granted, people will never give me credit and still treat me like a worthless scumbag, but at least I'd have helped millions.

WYR have all your enemies and opposition be eliminated or let them beat you up all the time without you provoking them?

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Normal oreos. I don't want to break my teeth, nor do I want to choke on a valuable metal.

WYR grow a pair of wings to fly, or a tail to help with balance?

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