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Which of these would you rather do?


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If it is to torment someone I love or an innocent stranger, I think I would go with psychological. If it is to torment someone I hate, assuming I cannot kill them, I would go with physical so I can bring them as close to death as possible by sawing off their limbs, ears, nose, tongue, etc.; spoon out their eyes and ram a skewer into their ears; break their neck and spinal chord so they cannot move whatever body parts they have left; beat them to a pulp so bad they suffer from organ failures so they need a machine to survive; and whatever else I can think of when the time comes.

WYR earn a living torturing and killing your enemies, or earn a living doing your hobby?

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Cats, because cats are cats.


WYR have the fe game you want remade the most remade, but it's on a super expensive new consul and is Japan exclusive, or have a ran dom fe game remade, but it's super cheap and easy to get? (sarcred stones or something, perhaps.)

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Skilled artist specializing in a fetish that freaks out a lot of people. People need to loosen up.

WYR eat a Thanksgiving dinner during Christmas, or a Christmas dinner during Thanksgiving?

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I rather be a dog that is having fun procreating than a cat that is doomed.

WYR eat a cookie that is the size of a pizza or a pizza that is the size of a cookie?

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Eat a chocolate cat and chill with cats.

WYR lick your computer screen or the side facing the outside of the nearest window near you?

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Computer screen, I've never touched it, and I clean it a lot.


WYR have rebecca's heroes artwork fixed or have save Lyon long enough for him to marry Eirika for a year, but then he dies?

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Breakable weapons if the game also got Armsthrift.

WYR drink alcoholic eggnog and apple cider, or the nonalcoholic versions?

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