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Serenes Legend


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Ok, so here I am again, writing. This time I have a map, so if any of you do read the story, you can know where some places are and such. I know the map is sorta small, sorry about that. Anyway, this is the first post, for the map and some other info that I will be editing as the story goes along. I will post characters here too, so that you may have access to them as well as the map.

>>Aside from that, please, do not post feedback here in the story topic, as I want to have this thread clean for story purposes. This only so that you readers dont have a hard time scrolling down all the feedback posts, if I receive any that is. ^^ :lol:

I will make a feedback thread in the feedback forum, and there you are able to ask questions, give feedback, etc.

Thanks ~Extreme~ ^^ <<


Cities and Villages


1. Hrieska (large village)

2. Sagä (Capital)

3. Rella (small village)

4. Fareen (small village)


5. Shoieh (city)

6. Fenn Arch (city)

7. Iteol (Capital)

8. Temple of Hope

9. Blessia (city)

10. Fhor (large village)


11. Hao-Yin (village)

12. Oyuki (large village)

13. Kikure (capital)

14. Port Xin

15. Port Kaos


16. Ozarka (city)

17. Alöria Academy

18. Port Serin

19. Dhagria Keep (Capital of Vanezia)

20. Valen (city)

21. Uria (Mine city)

Undiscovered yet...You shall read why...


22. Port Lolth

---Characters of the Story---

Name: Rad/Radamanthys

Gender: Male

Age: 3004

Class: Dragon

Affinity: All seven

Side: ???

Bio: Nobody knows nothing about him...Except Django and company.

Land: Phydoria

Name: Django Hui

Gender: Female

Age: 17/18

Class: archer

Affinity: Ice

Side: Good

Bio: She is a caretaker of orphans. Her sister Kyuubi lives with her and is all she's got left of real family. None the less, Django loves the other orphans as if they were sisters and brothers of her own.

Land: Yvia

Name:Kyuubi Hui

Gender: Female

Age: 11

Class: dancer

Affinity: all seven, you will read why

Side: Good

Bio: She is the youngest of all the orphans. A sweet looking girl who discovers the statue of the ancient dragon king. Having felt her touch, the dragon king knows who it was that discovered him, and now plans on finding the girl at all costs.

Land: Yvia

Orphans: Hiro, Shiki, Luvsasuke.

Name: Manuel Boo

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Class: Hero

Affinity: Fire

Side: Either (Good)

Bio: Mercenary for hire. Known by many names.

Land: Vanezia

Name: Yggdrassil

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Class: Sword master

Affinity: Fire

Side: bad

Land: Asaki

Name: Luxord

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Class: General

Affinity: Dark

Side: bad

Land: Broah

Name: Perry

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Class: Brigand/Berserker

Affinity: Anima (birthday based)

Side: Good

Personality: Sometimes serious, sometimes goofy, sometimes fliratious, depends on who I'm talking to.

Bio: Just some laid back youngin' with a love of showing off my muscles to the ladies. I'm serious when I need to be, but I can be crazy and just goofy when there's no fighting to be done. My response to seeing a girl's foot can be hilarious. I may not have impressive speed (average), but my strength and durability (high defense and HP growth) is unmatched to other axe folk.

Land: Asaki

Name: Locke

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Class: Assassin

Affinity: Dark

Side: bad

Bio: ---

Land: Yvia (Citadel of Assassins)

Name: Ninji

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Class: Soldier

Affinity: Fire

Side: Good

Bio: A fresh recruit and a coward. Jumpy. Standard infantry d00d.

Land: Vanezia

Name: Yogurt

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Class: Shaman

Affinity: Fire

Side: Good

Bio: learned dark magic at age 5, has been killing since, likes to fight tough battles so joins the underdog.

Land: Broah

Name: Ameryll/Datia

Gender: female

Age: 15-

Class: myrmidon

Affinity: thunder

Side: good

Bio: A girl who was trained to swordfight at 13 years, a little bit of a beginner. She isn't very self-confident unless others tell her (truthfully, because she can tell) she is good. She is a very happy person. But if anyone is sad, she will become sad also and will do all she can to make the person happy... or at least feel better.....

Land: Yvia




Class:Mage Knight



Bio:Originally wanted to be a Paladin,but was ridiculed due to the fact that he was only able to use Swords,and not Lances.After leaving the army of(random non-evil country),Ether encountered a hermit sage,who saw his unused magic talent and trained him,he now fights fluently with both.(meets up with good party during some sort of fight,and helps them to survive,hopefully early on)

Land: Broah

Name: Tino

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Class: Mercenary

Affinity: fire

Side: Good

Bio: Tino had a very nice youth, until he was eight years old. That's when someone smacked his head so hard against a wall that he was knock-out for two days and that he forgot everything about his youth. When he was knock-out, his parents dumped him on the plains because they never cared much about him and thought he was dead. That's when nomads picked him up. He has been with them ever since and he calls them his family now. He is afraid of magic and sees it as his biggest enemy. And Tino always attacks his enemies...

Land: Vanezia

If the post lets me add more characters, I shall, even others who were in by default.

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The war between Broah and Vanezia was going strong. Both realms fought for control of the unclaimed islands that were located beneath the realm of Asaki, which was a small realm that did not have a sizeable army to dispute the territory as well. Broah, a mighty kingdom with a huge army of knights, paladins, cavaliers and sages and ruled by the mighty queen Cymbeline, had never backed away from any war. And the large realm of Vanezia, mighty with lords, mercenaries, archers and its famous wyvern riders, had the power to take over the world if its youngest ruler ever; Princess Kilvas, decided it so.

And so war had started out just because the central, unclaimed lands had no true ruler and belonged to nobody. It was a free land, occupied by simple peasants from Asaki who had gone there to construct a port and work the land.

Vanezia thirsted for unity within the realms, wanting nothing more than to see all of Phydoria ruled under the banner of the Crow Princess. Broah fought for honor of the good people, to have the land as it was, as it had always been, many realms living under a peace treaty.

Little did both realms know that the time for total chaos and darkness had finally come again, that a new single threat was about to wake up.

As gruesome battles waged in the fields located in the border that separated both realms, something in the sky was beginning to take form that day of the 14th of the month of the bull. Something that no living creature that lived now had ever seen, was taking form up above, and many eyes were being directed that way. Full armadas and battalions from both realms stopped their march and their fighting just to turn upwards and take notice of what was developing in the sky.

And so had all other eyes from living beings that resided in different places in Phydoria. Everyone was being witnesses to it as it developed...

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Chapter 1

The Statue

"You gotta be pushing harder than that, you all!" shouted Django, with a tone of desperation on her voice.

The four wheeled wagon in which the five orphans travelled had gotten stuck on the side of the muddy road. Django, a pretty asakian girl with long dark hair up front where the two horses pulled to no avail. Django pacified them as she touched their neck. Okay, she thought, the wagon is stuck. Damn it.

“It’s stuck hard,” mouthed off Kyuubi Hui, the youngest of the group and Django’s own sister. She groaned and Django heard her and laughed. She let go of the horses reins and rushed to the back of the wagon, where the orphans she took care of pushed with all their might, trying to get the wagon loose from all that mud in the ditch.

It had rained last night, all over the southern region of Yvia and the northern region of Asaki. The result was muddy roads all over the place, giving travellers and caravaners alike a hard time while travelling.

Django and her clique were going back to Rella, the Yvian village where they resided. It was in Rella where they had their old monastery, a large old building which they called home.

“Django,” cried Luvsasuke as she saw her approach. The others stopped pushing as well. “It’s useless, we aint going anywhere soon.”

Django scratched her head, the others seeing that their “mother” seemed just as impatient and worried as them.

“What are we going to do?” Hiro asked, a young twelve year old that Django had picked up from the dirty streets of port Xin. He looked dirtier right there and then than he had a year ago in those streets of the port city.

“What we have to do, young Hiro,” Django told him, staring at him with her dark eyes. “We need to get this wagon out of here.”

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Kyuubi snorted, and Django turned a menacing look at her. “Forgive me, sister,” Kyuubi quickly said, lowering her dolly face. She resembled Django in every way, though she was barely eleven. Django, was seventeen, and the oldest of them all.

“Lets see,” Django said then, making her way to the back of the wagon, Luvsasuke and Shiki, another twelve year old kid with a trim cut, moved out of her way. “Luv, take point, I shall push with all the rest, perhaps my strength belongs here.” And she laughed, for she knew well that it did.

Luvsasuke, a skinny thirteen year old who wore spectacles and dark, long hair, nodded and headed to the front.

“At my call,” Django adviced her.

“I am ready,” Luvsasuke shouted, and she was.

Django put her palms against the back of the wagon and started to push, the others doing the same closely by. Grunts and curses came from all of them, as the wagon did not seem to budge at all.

“Keep pushing,” Django shouted, and when she rose her head up, she saw that the wagon was actually beginning to give in, it was moving.

“I...I think its coming,” Luvsasuke said with a huge smile drawn upon her fair face when the horses pulled and the wagon moved to the front. She even leaned herself away from the horses, in a pulling effort.

A few minutes later, the wagon was set back on the road, but everyone of the group was gasping for air.

“We did it!” Hiro shouted then, and Shiki, his best friend, jumped in the air, throwing a punch. Django just laughed as she saw them. She felt glad that they had managed to get the wagon back on the road.

The group was on their way again, soon after. They still had an hour worth of trip, and so they got on with it, for Django and her clique knew as well how dangerous places and roads became when nightfall fell.

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The trip had continued on, and they had made good progress. The weather was holding perfectly. Puffy, white clouds could be seen up in the sky, and the wind was always chilly in Yvia and the northern parts of its neighboring realm; Asaki.

“Sis,” Kyuubi called from the wagon.

Django, who was directing the horses, turned a glance at her and nodded. “What is it?”

“I need to go,”

“Go where?” Hiro wanted to know, looking at Kyuubi, whom he liked. Kyuubi looked at him, as if telling him that it was not his business.

“I need to use the bathroom,” Kyuubi said, her voice low. Several of the group laughed, including Django.

“Right now? Cant you wait?” Django questioned. “We are almost there, damn it.”

Rella was visible already at the top of a rocky hill, but the group would still have at least half an hour of travelling to do before arriving at the monastery.

Kyuubi nodded several times. “I need to pee, and fast. You dont want me to hold it, do you?”

Django shooked her head but did not turn to look back at her, for her attention was on the road, where two horsemen were approaching from the front of the road.

Django recognized their whitish, leathery vests and the insignia they wore on the side of the chest. They were Yvian guards, more like rangers who kept the roads vigilated in Yvia.

Yvia was a dangerous and an untamed land. It was the most dangerous in all of Phydoria, for Yvia was home to the Kaisa mountains, a place that housed many a variety of monsters. Orcs, goblins, mauthedogs, gnomes, Wiighies, mongrels and even frost giants lived there. And those monsters did not keep to their mountain home, they usually came out of their terrain to inflict chaos and bring trouble to the new settlers whom they thought were taking over their icy land.

The Yvian guards were few since Yvia itself was barely beginning to grow. There were only a few villages scattered here and there, and those who lived there knew that they had to put up with monster trouble.

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Lucky for Django and company, they lived south of Yvia, on top of the rocky hill known as Rella village. That place saw little action. However, Hrieska, Sagä and Fareen saw plenty of action.

“How has your trip been?” one of the riders asked at Django, who had detained the wagon, for she had to for Yvian inspection. “Any trouble along the way?”

Django noticed that it was a girl who had asked the question, and a very beautiful one and young as herself.

“Not at all,” Django responded and saw the two guards dismounting. “We got stuck, but we managed to free the wagon.”

“Sister,” Kyuubi suddenly grabbed her by the shoulder, and passed up to the front of the wagon where Django rode alone. “I am sorry, I have to go now.”

“What is wrong with her?” the other rider called as he approached. He was a man, young and with short, brown hair and carrying a bow on his back and a sword on his belt's scabbard. His companion also did, but Django noticed that she wore many rings on her hands and several necklaces with rubies on them that made the girl seem even more pretty.

“She has to go to the bathroom,” Django said, not wanting to lie. She never did.

“She can go into the bushes,” Ameryll, the girl guard pointed out. Kyuubi, already nodding, jumped off the wagon and stormed off to the east. “While she returns, we will inspect your cargo.”

“Go right ahead,” Django smiled and jumped off the wagon as well. Her friends had already jumped off through the back as well. It was not the first time they were inspected, so they all knew the drill by now.

Crossing her arms against her chest, Django waited for the inspection to conclude and for her sister to return. The other orphans rushed to her side while the guards did their job.

“I see that you have sacks of flour and other provisions,” the male guard said as he showed his face around the back of the wagon. “Did you go to Kikure?”

“We did indeed,” Django responded. “We were running low on supplies and winter is approaching, so we thought it would be best if we came earlier before the snow storms come.”

The guard nodded at the reasoning. He knew who these kids were, for who in Rella did not know about Django and the orphans she took care of?

“All is clear,” the female guard came around the horses.

She united with her friend.

“You can be on your way, miss,” he politely said, scratching his neck. “As soon as your sister comes back. We will wait here until she does.”

“My thanks on behalf of all of us,” Django nodded.

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Kyuubi had urgently run across the cold ground of Yvia, losing herself among the heavy bushes and trees.

She could hear the voices of the inspectors and those of her friends, so she decided to go in a little deeper into the woods, for the little girl didn’t want to be seen.

At that moment, as she crossed through the forest, birds flew off from several large trees, making her skin jump and scaring her a bit. Kyuubi was not fond of coming into the woods alone, she had never drifted to such a place alone before, but necessity had driven her so this time.

She ran on until the voices faded away. She found a good spot and took care of business, feeling relaxed as she did.

When she was done peeing, she stood up and tightened her brown breeches and decided that it was time to return, but then, something off to the side caught her attention, a small detail she saw among a line of tall and bushy trees.

“Huh? What is that?” she asked herself as she noticed the large thing hiding behind a copse of heavy bushes and trees. It was not very distinguishable from afar, but as Kyuubi zoomed her stare in just a bit more, she knew that it had to definitely be a large statue of some sort. The thing that had caught her attention seemed like a huge fist that stuck out from atop the leafy branches of one of the trees.

Curiosity drove her forward, the little girl intrigued by the stony hand she had made out among the trees. She went into the copse and moved branches aside, so she could get near the thing and investigate.

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There it was! And it was huge, she noticed. The statue of a beast, of a monster! A statue that was made of some weird form of glittering stone. A statue that was surrounded by tall trees, as if these trees were hiding it from something.

“Whoa!” Kyuubi felt her heart pounding inside her chest, and the little asakian girl felt even more scared than anytime before in her life, for she had never seen such a creature before. “What is this thing?”

Her beautiful dark, slanted eyes took a good measure of the statue, of all the little details she was able to see.

She opened her mouth in awe when her eyes caught attention of the long wings that jut out from the beast’s back. They were huge and spread out wide. They were even touching branches of the trees that surrounded it. But what scared Kyuubi more was the large head of the creature. It was the head of an ancient monster, one that she had never seen before, but one that filled her more with amazement than fear.

As she glanced at the head, she made out fangs, and huge eyes, and it seemed that the creature had been sculpted angry, almost enraged. But then, something else drove her attention to the neck area. The beast seemed to be carrying many amulets and chained stones, and the beast was even carrying an empty scabbard.

“The sculptor that did this had to be very good,” she realized. The statue was in good form, just surrounded and wrapped by branches and kept hidden from the sun it seemed. “Were you a warrior of old?”

All of a sudden, she heard the shout of her sister in the distance, and Kyuubi knew it was time to go.

But before she left, she dared and go touch the statue, for she had not done so before. She felt that the stone felt slippery like melting ice, though her hand came off without a trace of water on it. It had just felt slippery for the girl. Oblivious that she had just touched the results of a powerful petrifying power, Kyuubi turned to leave.

“You are awesome looking, monster. I might come back with company so I can show them about you. I am sure that Hiro and the rest would be impressed with yoursel, just like I am..” She took off running then, but suddenly, she noticed that darkness was falling all around her.

“What in the nine hells!” Kyuubi stopped and glanced up at the sky. She knew it was not time for darkness to fall, yet darkness had fallen all around her. She ran back to the wagon, where her friends were surely awaiting for her.

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The guards had suddenly looked up at the sky, the male guard pointing off to the distance at the west.

“What in the hell is going on over there...” Manuel Boo said as he pointed out.

Ameryll had seen it too, and so had Django and the other orphans, who had turned to the west when the guard had pointed out with his hand.

The sun was being covered by the moon, and the result could be seen all over the western region, where darkness was covering the region.

Scared, all of them watched in awe.

“It’s the moon,” Hiro said, staring at the event. “It is eating the sun.”

“More like blocking it,” Ameryll said, smiling, for kids were kids after all, and their imagination ran wild. However, seeing that event for the first time, she was unsure herself.

“Such beauty,” Django whispered, but they all heard her. “Never seen anything like it.”

“I think it’s best if we get going,” Shiki protested, scared as hell at the event. The youngling felt as if something bad would come out of this.

Django, scared a bit but knowing that Shiki was right, walked over to the edge of the forest and shouted for her sister.

“Kyuubi! Hurry up, it’s time to go!”

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Django was surprised, and so were the others, about how quickly the whole region was covered in darkness. Ameryll stared upwards as darkness fell over them. With it came the dinstinguished calls of the animals that resided in the forest and all around the region. Ameryll understood that the animals, just like themselves, felt scared or hyper about the event that was taking place.

“My gosh,” Manuel Boo said as he realized that the horses neighed and ran away. “What the hell!”

Ameryll spun to him. “What?”

“The horses ran away,” the merc explained.

And Ameryll was quick enough to catch a glimpse of the horses that ran to the north.

“Damn things,” Ameryll shouted. “I knew I should of had chosen a pegasus instead.”

“Pegasus cost a fortune,” Boo reminded her. “Only those with enough gems can afford them. That is why I myself came to Yvia, Ameryll, to earn enough gems so I can get me one.”

“They are beautiful,” Ameryll nodded, but then, Kyuubi came out of the forest at that time.

“What is going on?” she quickly asked, but her eyes went directly to the west, where still she could see a bit of the sun shining brightly, but most of it was covered in darkness. If she had been in awe during her time with her finding, Kyuubi’s mouth now dropped open at the sight in the west.

She was not the only one who had acted like that, many eyes all over Phydoria were watching the event the same way, surprised, intrigued, but mostly scared.

“What took you so long?” Django asked her and everyone surrounded her, even the two guards, who were horseless and thinking to catch a ride.

“I...I found something?” Kyuubi declared.

“Why do you say it as in a question?” Luv demanded.

“Because I think I did,” Kyuubi said, eyeing her. “I am not sure I did. Perhaps somebody else already knows about it.”

“Well what is it?” Django said, her voice rising with impatience. She turned and eyed the moon and the sun, and barely caught a final glimpse of the sun disappearing completely.

“A huge statue,” Kyuubi said, and she noticed that the two rangers were listening intently.

“A huge statue?” Ameryll asked, bending low to be at Kyuubi’s face. “Of what? There is nothing but heavy brush in there, little one.”

Kyuubi gulped at her, but remained calmed.

I don’t know for sure,” she said. “But it was humongous and depicted a beast or a monster. One I have never seen before with my own eyes, until now, of course.”

“Are you sure you saw it?” Boo asked, bending to the girl’s height as well.

Kyuubi nodded a few times, rapidly, and that is when Django approached her sister and took hold of her neck from the back, in a protective way.

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“Can you take us there?” Ameryll questioned, eagerly, standing back up straight and eyeing Django, for she seemed to be the oldest and would make the decision, not the little one.

This was big. At least Ameryll saw it that way. She, and along with Boo and several other Yvian rangers of the southern region had combed the region a few years back and had found nothing out of the ordinary, not even a statue in that forest.

Now this little girl had come out of the forest saying that she had seen a statue of some sort.

If she had, and the statue was there, then Ameryll believed that there was something more to this frozen realm. Perhaps Yvia had been a civilized place after all, not just a wasteland full of cold and monsters.

What news that would be indeed if the girl was right and saying the truth. What with all that was happening around them at the moment, the rangers knew they had to take a look at this, even if something bigger had passed just a few minutes before up in the sky.

For Ameryll had not forgetten about the moon and sun incident. However, she was a ranger of Yvia, and it was her duty to report to her superiors whatever she found in Yvia. Whether it was trouble with people or anything that had to do with news, good or bad, she had to report that to her superiors.

“We must be getting home,” Django told the guards, and she pointed at the moon, which depicted much of a golden ring around it now. “I am not sure what the heck is going on with that. My friends are scared and so we must be on our way.”

“I know you must be feeling scared and surprised at such a happening,” Ameryll told her, calming her down with her generous tone. “As is the case with anyone who caught a glimpse of it. Hell, I am scared too, but it is our duty to take a look at this statue. We must report any find to our leaders, you see?”

Django nodded, understanding.

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“However,” Ameryll nodded back at her. “Too much is going on at the moment. This statue can wait until the light of dawn, which I am sure will come.” And she glanced up at the sky, and she liked the beauty she saw there, the golden ring with the emptyness of darkness inside it. “Will you at least give my friend and I a ride back to Rella? Our horses ran away as you might know.”

“Hop on,” Django said, smiling and just eager to be on her way. “Let us be out of this place.”

Soon, the group was on its way to Rella, where more folk were surprised and scared. As soon as the wagon entered the village, many of the folk ran to it. Boo and Ameryll, who had taken over the reins, stopped the wagon and jumped off.

“We saw the event as well.” Ameryll calmed the small population down. “There is no reason to be alarmed, folks. My colleague and I shall ride to our boss’ headquarters in Sagä and meet with them, for it seems that another discovery has been made this day.”

And Ameryll smiled and looked at Kyuubi, who had gotten off the wagon alongside with her sister and the rest.

The village folks wanted to know what had been discovered, but Boo calmed them down and told them that it was not yet known fully whether the discovery was real. None of the rangers mentioned where it had happened, and neither did the orphans, who had agreed along the way not to speak a word of it until Ameryll and Boo came back with perhaps several other colleagues for Kyuubi, so she could direct them to the exact position of the find.

“We wont claim the find,” Boo had assured the group of orphans as the wagon had been rolling toward Rella. “If it is indeed there. I promise you that Ameryll and I, and anyone else we might bring along, will give credit to the little girl for it.”

And so the crowd was dispersed. Many went back to their shacks, but many others stayed outside, glancing at the ring in the sky.

“I thank you for the ride,” Ameryll told Django. “From here we can borrow some horses and be on our way. And we will keep our promise.”

Django nodded at them. Ameryll and Boo, who were very disciplined, bowed and then took their leave.

Confused and tired about everything that had gone on, Django and company headed toward their monastery, pulling the tired horses along and speaking quietly about both incidents. Django only wanted to get home and take a shower, for she was full of mud and dirt.

--End of Chapter--

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Chapter 2

The Dragon King

The eclipse was about to do its job. When the eclipse reached midnight that very day, the petrifying spell that had enveloped the dragon king, was broken. The restraining seal was gone.

The stone began to crack, and soon, large chunks of it fell to the ground, the prison that had kept the mighty king imprisoned for many centuries, was finally going to set him free.

A mighty roar echoed that night all around the forest, scaring all the animals and anyone who had heard it...

Kyuubi rose from her comfortable bed just as the roar had been shouted by the beast, though nobody in Rella had heard it, not even Kyuubi herself.

The young lass had been resting comfortably on her own small bed, but had awoken roughly thanks to the nightmare she had been having.

“Kyuubi, what is the matter?” Luvsasuke spoke all of a sudden from her own bed, which was a couple feet away from Kyuubi's. “Are you all right?”

“Just a bad dream,” she glanced Luv’s way and barely made out her funny looking face thanks to the candle that gave light to the room from on top a small rounded table that was set in the middle of the room.

Everyone else in the dormitory seemed fast asleep, Kyuubi noticed as she scanned the beds. Even her sister Django was snoring loudly, as she always did, though not louder than Hiro’s own snoring. That kid snored louder than a lion might, Kyuubi reasoned then.

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Kyuubi chuckled at the thought.

“Why the laugh?” Luv wanted to know, and she had whispered so that nobody would awake thanks to her voice.

Kyuubi shooked her head and fell back on her pillow. “Just a thought.”

“Wait,” Luvsasuke said and she glanced Django’s way. Seeing that their “mother” was in deep sleep, the asakian got out of bed and towards Kyuubi’s own. They always did this when they wanted to talk lowly.

“Tell me about the statue. Did you really see it?”

Kyuubi waited for Luv to get into the bed next to her. When they both were well covered with the blankets, Kyuubi answered.

“Yes, I saw it. It was very scary, but also sort of pretty. I was surprised, you know?”

Luv nodded, but let her go on. She knew that Kyuubi had many things to relate.

“To be honest, the beast or monster, or whatever the heck it was, seemed rather sad, despite its face showing rage. Oh, you should have seen it, Luv.”

“I wish I had,” Luv agreed. “But tell me, how tall was it?”

“At least three times taller than me,” Kyuubi said. “Or perhaps more. It was huge, and it had long wings, too, like the pegasus do. Nay...like the wyvern beasts of Vanezia more likely.”

“Demon wings,” Luv realized. “I am thinking that you saw the statue of a demon, though to be honest, we know that demons are not huge, just average size, right?”

“Yes,” Kyuubi whispered back. “It was not a demon. This one was far more buffier than a demon found in those Vanezian history scrolls. Oh, but here is the good part, old friend.”

“Yes?” one eagerly Luv demanded.

“The monster carried many relics around its neck!”


“Amulets, necklaces, hangings, whatever the hell you wanna call them, Luv. But the mighty beast wore many.”

Luvsasuke chuckled after hearing her friend curse. The orphans rarely did such thing, Django kept them as straight as possible. Though nobody was perfect, and so sometimes words like that slipped.

“What do you think about the incident with the moon and the sun?” Luv asked then.

“That scared me more than that statue,” Kyuubi admitted.

“And it scared Shiki as well,” Luv said. “He went to bed trembling. He said that something evil was afoot.”

“Shiki is always thinking anything new to the world is related to evil.”

They both laughed, a little louder than they had intended, and so they quickly covered their mouths when they noticed Django shifting in her bed.

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“Those Yvian guards said they’d be back for you,” Luv said then, when they calmed back down. “When they do, can you please convince them that I should go with you?”

Kyuubi nodded right away, for Luv was her dearest friend. Aside from Django, who was her own sister and “mother”, Luvsasuke was the only girl besides her, and so Kyuubi’s and Luv’s friendship was a strong one indeed. The same could be said for Hiro and Shiki, the only males of the orphans.

“I will do what I can,” Kyuubi told her, and Luvsasuke smiled.

All of a sudden, Kyuubi got out of bed, leaving a surprised Luvsasuke staring at her and demanding why she had done so.

“Sshh,” Kyuubi said with a finger over her lips. “I’m gonna take a peep out the window and see if the moon is still as it was earlier.

She went to one of the windows of the bedroom and noticed that everything was dark, but in the distance, she could see that the moon still was as it was when she had seen it earlier.

She, as everyone in the realms too, wanted to know why the sun had not set. Why the moon had covered it and why it still remained shining up above, in a beautiful ring-like scene.

Kyuubi gulped when she remembered Shiki’s words, and as she saw the ring in the midst of darkness, she started to believe that he could be right for once.

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The whole castle was in an uproar, with princess Kilvas demanding answers as to what was happening.

“My lady,” Masu Kimo approached her, trying to calm her down. Masu was the elite leader of the princess’s personal guard. Him, along with five others, were all crows, just like the princess itself. They all had human bodies but had also dark wings, which they could use to fly for several miles before tiring. “Everyone wants to know as well. I want to know. Here, relax, have some honeydew while I search for answers.”

Honeydew was a sweet beverage, one that was imported from the realm of Asaki, and one that heightened the senses. It was princess Kilvas favorite beverage, and so she took it without question.

“Where are you going, Masu?” Kilvas detained him with her sharp voice. Masu turned respectfully at her.

“To send emisaries around the keep and see what they can learn, my royal lady. I will be sending riders out to the other realms and see what they’d be finding, perhaps the answer to our doubts lies in the west. It is there in that direction that the trouble started, anyway.”

Kilvas knew his personal guard and also lover, was right. She dismissed her future husband with a wave of her hand. Masu bowed and left, but not before hearing the princess explode again to one nearby crow guard.

“Where is Guy Cecil! I wish to speak to him. When I need him, the fool is never around.”

The guard knew that the fool was never around, for Guy Cecil, high druid of the dark line, spent all his time in the dungeons below, experimenting with magic and the such. All for love of his realm, and his royal princess, whom he loved to please. ^^

“I beg your pardon, princess,” the crow guard said, his voice trembling. “But Cecil never leaves his dungeon.”

“Shut up,” Kilvas ordered, and glared at the guard, who gulped in return. Kilvas smiled and went on. “Whoever asked you anyway.”

Happily, the guard saw the pampered princess depart the main throne room, where Kilvas spent some of her time sitting on the throne or flying around.

“That fool should know the answer to this,” princess Kilvas told herself as she flew down to the dungeon. There were no doors inside the Dhagria keep whatsoever, as many of the personnel were crow-like creatures. Most of the time they flew, but sometimes they walked. “And if he doesn’t, I’ll make him find it.”

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“Hahaha,” Yggdrassil laughed, and when he did, so did his crew, a bunch of good for nothings. Killers and robbers they were, a pitiful bunch who murdered for pleasure and stole for gain. They were known as the Northern Terror, for they operated way up in Asaki and the southern parts of Yvia. Their enemies were the citadel of assassins and several other linked bands to these guys. Yggdrassil had been working on removing those bands, and afterwards he planned on striking the citadel of assassins, which was the strongest of the guilds and bands. “This is precisely what we needed, crew. We will take advantage of all this and hit the citadel of assassins hard. I promise that Locke and his people will fall soon, and we shall control the realms. For now that we know where the assassins have their hideout, where are they going to hide?”

A loud shout was heard in the interior of the secret tavern, and it was very boisterous inside the place, for Yggy commended more than twenty rogues. When Yggy laughed, so did his crew.

After he let his crew go back to enjoying themselves with drinks and women, Yggdrassil pondered about the possibility of going face to face with Locke Cole himself, the number one assassin in all of Phydoria. Yggy wanted to be number one, nothing else mattered.

“So when are we hittin ‘em?” Luxord asked, a fine warrior Yggdrassil had recruited in a tavern in beautiful Iteol, Broah. This guy, Luxord, had been a general under the service of the Broahn armada, but he had retired when his only son, was killed in battle in the frontlines of the war that had been raging between Broah and Vanezia.

Having nothing to live for, Luxord had abandoned all hope and had arrived into one such guild that had ties with the Northern Terror. It had not been long when Luxord was a member of it, but in order to be in, he had to kill a target, and so he had. With no remorse for the victim.

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Luxord had degraded himself even more by doing that, by killing a young homeless girl in the streets of Kikure, just for the pleasure of the gang’s boss and for being part of a ruthless gang.

“You got a heavy set, my friend,” Yggy had laughed that day, after he had witnessed Luxord’s execution on the girl. The ex-General had gutted her open from the stomach, and had watched her die along with many others. Yggdrassil and his lieutenants had seen it all thanks to a scrying pool, one used for seeing far away places where they could not be at. “All my boys hesitated when given that task. It seems that you have become my second today.”

Luxord had not answered, not even when given a bottle of whisky. He just took it and drank, as the others around him shouted and cheered for him. Nothing in this life mattered for him, just the bottle he had in his hand.

“Soon, Lux, soon,” Yggdrassil told him, nay, assured him. They were both seated around a wooden table, with many opened bottles there, and many unopened as well. “Just remember one thing,” Yggy added and hugged his second by the shoulder. “When we do march into the citadel, and that will be sooner than you think, Locke Cole is mine. You can have his second, a fellow that goes by the name of Gatrie Guns.”

Luxord just drank on, uncaring. But then, he said. “Just put anyone in front of me. I will make him wish he or she had never been born.”

Yggdrassil laughed, and toasted him.

“Are you anxious to get into action?” Yggy asked him, suddenly, making Luxord stare at him because Yggy had hugged him stronger.

“Why do you ask, Yggy?” Lux said, in a trembling voice.

“Um because...” And Yggdrassil rose his right hand up and made some signals. One of the guards that guarded Yggy’s personal tavern in the Nhala woods, went into a room.

And later came back with a prisoner, one who had his arms tied around his back and his eyes with a dark cloth.

“You are from Broah, right, Lux?”

“Yeah, and?” Lux knew what was coming. Just for one fleeting moment, he felt his heart stop, for in seeing that young prisoner there, standing before him, he also saw his son.

“Yeah and?” Yggy laughed. “Well, you can practice with this fool, he‘s from Vanezia, you see? The land that is at war with your own. Come on, Lux, show us what you are gonna do to Gatrie and any other assassin dog that gets in your way.”

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The other killers inside the tavern shouted in glee. It was time for another show.

Drunk as hell as he was, Luxord started to shake his head in disapproval, but stopped, realizing well what disobedience meant in the gang. Death itself.

“Shall Higgins Von Higgins remove the prisoner’s cloth from his eyes, or do you want to kill him like that?” Yggdrassil laughed harder and took a good swig from his bottle.

Luxord took a long drink of his own bottle, just to buy some time. Killing was okay with him, when done in defense. Killing for pleasure however, was another thing.

But then it hit him. Why should he care about this prisoner from Vanezia? Why? He had not cared when he had killed that young girl in Kikure. Damn it all, he had nothing to live for, nothing in this world mattered to him.

Up stood Luxord from the table, and the killers all around erupted in cheers.

Slowly, Luxord unsheathed the huge Killing Edge he had been given by Yggy himself as a reward for joining the posse.

Everything seemed to stop for just a moment, the shouts, the cheers, everything. Luxord glanced around the tavern, taking a good measure of everyone in it. He glanced around nervously, just like he had done so when killing the homeless girl in Kikure. Then he turned to the prisoner, whom had been forced down to a kneeling position thanks to a hard punch from Higgins Von Higgins.

Luxord made his way over to the doomed bastard, and everyone around cleared the way...

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They had set up camp under the orders of general Zero the hero. Zero was a hero, and his name was known through out all Broah and several other places as well. Zero was one of the Zephilans, a group of warriors that had slain the legendary fire dragon of mountain Crownia in Broah not some five years ago.

That dark night, which to Harvey seemed as the darkest night he had ever witnessed, the young knight seemed unable to find rest. He had stripped of his silver armor and had set it inside his tent, but dressed regularly as a merc would, Harvey headed out for a walk among the many encampments about the region.

The solar event had brought a stop to the war, it seemed, for while it had been happening, both armies had stopped their advancement and had returned back to the camps.

Harvey ran into a comrade, a friend named Ether who was with the Knights of Iteol, elite knights they were, and second only to young General Yogurt’s own squad. Harvey was with the knights of Fen Arch, a very good bunch indeed, though not as elite as Iteol’s knights or Yogurt’s regiment.

“What is going on with you?” Harvey smiled when he recognized the soldier seated in his camp aside a fire. There were other soldiers about, friends of Ether, who were warming themselves up that night.

Ether, a handsome young man, stared at the arriver and stood up when he recognized him too.

“Ah, if it aint Harvey,” he said and they both saluted then hugged.

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“I heard the Iteol lines were hit hard by the Dhagrian mercs,” Harvey said. “I see you came out fine.”

Ether laughed. “Mercs are tough, either from Vanezia or any other place. They hit and hit hard. But my squad and I resisted their attack. Not so lucky, though.” And Ether showed him a graze on his forearm where a sword had dug in deep.

“That seems like a nasty cut.”

“It was,” Ether nodded. “Luckily, we Broahns have the best sages and magical healers available.”

It was true, Broah led the other realms in that. Their magic was outstanding.

“So what has happened today, my friend?” Harvey asked, and Ether begged him to sit. “Why no war?”

At first, Harvey did not want to sit, but after Ether presented him to the few soldiers that were gathered about, he smiled and did so. A soldier wearing a silver helmet quickly gave him a mug full of some hot beverage that the group had been sharing.

“Drink it, friend,” Ether told him as he sat as well. “It will keep you warm through out the night.”

It was a little chilly, and so Harvey accepted the drink. As he drank, he saw that Ether had brought out a silver sword from a scabbard that he had set close by. He began caressing his weapon, he always did.

“It seems that the war is off,” Harvey told him, glancing at him but keeping his hands on the blade.

“The war is off?” Harvey could not believe what he had heard coming out of Ether’s mouth.

“More like a stalemate at the moment,” Ether said. “General Zero and General Wist of Vanezia, curse his name, have come to an agreement. You can say it is because of that damn thing up there.” And Ether pointed at the darkened moon with the ring around it with his silver sword.

“Today we would of crushed the mercenary ranks,” a soldier joined in, one to the right of Ether.

Ether nodded at the man, then said to Harvey.

“That is Ninji. A good man but one that has not the heart to plow right into the heart of battle anymore. He is a coward, and he likes it when people tell him that. Right, Ninji?”

Ninji nodded, a smile spread across his face.

Harvey did not know what to say. He had never heard of a coward militant before.

“Of course,” Ether added. “He is a traitor as well, or sort of. You see, he was born in Vanezia, in Ozarka, but was brought at the tender age of two to Broah. To many in the squad, Ninji is a coward simply because he fears striking those from the land where he was born. The lad fights quite well to be honest, but fall in the back of the lines, something that we all know is not dignified of a true warrior.”

Ninji simply nodded and seemed deep at thought.

“I wonder what it all means,” Harvey said then, glancing at the ring above in the sky. “Is it just something that had never happened before? Or is it a message?”

“A sign of things to come, perhaps?” Ninji said, and took a drink of his beverage.

Ether stood up, not sure himself.

“Whatever the hell it is,” he said to them all. “We shall confront it united.”

Many nodded, others said yes, and a few others drank from their mugs.


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Princess Kilvas flew down the twirling staircases all the way to the bottom, where the dungeons were located.

There were many prisoners being held in most of the dungeon cells; prisoners from other lands that Kilvas had decided to keep. These prisoners reached out to grab her with their famished, skinny hands, though the flying crow princess was too fast for them and to balanced in the middle of the hallways to be reached. She laughed at their pathetic attempt, though, and went on.

She entered Cecil’s private quarters moments later, and found the druid very busy with some potions.

Cecil turn to stare at her when he noticed that she had entered un announced.

“To what do I owe your visit, your majesty?”

Kilvas flew closer to him and finally landed in front of the long wooden table, right in front of the short druid. The table had many potions and tomes on it, as well as other magical things like gems and magic stones that were dug from Uria, a southern Vanezian city located way south of the realm.

“Don’t you know what the hell is going on?” Kilvas berated, setting her palms on the table.

“Uh. not really,” Cecil responded and went back to his potion mixing. “I am at the edge of making a startling discovery at the moment, princess. So war stuff can wait. If you came here to scold me because the war with Broah fares bad, then do so later. I want to finish this spell.”

Kilvas stared hard at him for just a moment.

“What is this new spell about?” princess Kilvas shouted at Guy Cecil, her top dark druid who had the duty of developing new weapon and magic tomes for her realm.

Shrinking a bit due to the princess’ demanding tone, Guy simply said with pride and respect. “One that will allow you, us, anyone who uses it, to disappear entirely, your highness.”

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Kilvas stared at him for a long moment, as if she did not believe him. Inside of her head, the princess of Vanezia was digesting the news of this spell, and the possibilities that would come with it would Guy Cecil develop it fully. With that sort of spell, her armies would be able to march unnoticed to any other realm. She smiled at Cecil then, imploring to continue on with his work.

“Whatever you should need, will be given, and quick. All you need to do is ask.” And with that, the young crow princess flew towards the door, leaving a very happy Cecil in the dungeon.

But then, before she went out completely, Cecil shouted at her.

“Wait, you mentioned something was going on, that I didn’t know of. Care to explain?”

“Guy,” Kilvas flew back in the room. “Something strange is taking place far away. I forgot to mention it to you.” She had, for the new spell talk had made her forget about it.

“Yes, a war,” Cecil laughed. “I already knew about that. It is good that your majesty plans to expand the realm.”

“I am not talking about the war,” princess Kilvas said, full of fury. Of all people she talked to on a daily basis, none were more hard to scare and intimidate like Cecil. He really did not get scared easily, for Kilvas knew that he was a powerful druid, far more advanced than any other mage or sage in the realm, perhaps even in Broah. And he could easily kill anyone with a simple spell. That is why Kilvas did not threatened this one too much.

“Then what?” Guy shouted back.

“Something odd happened earlier today,” Kilvas explained as she again landed in front of the table. She picked up a potion and seemed to study it, glancing carefully at its content. “The moon started to block the sunlight, the sun itself. And now, the whole land is shrouded in total darkness. My advisors inform me that the frontlines have settled for a stalemate with our adversaries, for everyone was startled at the incident.”

Cecil had stood up as soon as the princess had explained the event. He walked around the table and toward the princess.

“You say the moon blocked the sun?”

Kilvas nodded at the fool and set the potion back on the table.

“This I gotta see,” Cecil said, surprising the princess, for this odd little druid hardly went out of his dungeon works. Princess Kilvas saw him start to chant.

“What are you doing, Cecil?”

“It’s a teleportation spell, your majesty,” Cecil said. “One that will take us outside of these walls. I do wish to see the moon, you know?”

Kilvas said nothing, but later, she and Guy Cecil were outside of the keep walls, on top of a tower. And Cecil, just like everyone else had been earlier, marvelled at the scene he saw in the sky.


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The mighty dragon flew through the darkened sky. He knew quite well the region where he was at the moment. For how could he forget the cold weather of this land? He himself had been the one who had given this land its coldness.

The mighty dragon king was pissed as he flew over the Yvian region, but he was also happy that the 1000 year petryfying spell was finally up.

“Yumekui, you traitor,” Rad the dragon king vowed. “I’m going to find, and kill you, along with everyone who was involved in the conspiracy.”

He flew towards the cold Kaisa mountains, where he once had had his home, his huge crystal palace.

The dragon’s night vision allowed him to scan the area as if a person was seeing the mountains in plain day. Yes, he had many powers, for Radamanthys Q’etz was the creator of this world, the all father.

But he had been victim of a conspiracy. The sole powerful dragon king, ruler of all the world, had been treasoned by his own love; Yumekui.

And one of Yumekui’s servants, queen Janine of the gorgons, had imprisoned him in that 1000 year cell. Janine’s potent petrifying spell had been powerful enough to keep him sealed. Not even the mighty dragon king’s powers had saved him.

He remembered how it had all happened...and closed his eyes as he flew, for really, he had been stabbed in the back by his own royal court, overthrowned from power.

Now, Yumekui held his sword, a mighty powerful weapon known as Bahamut Tear, and the only weapon that could destroy him completely.

Lucky for the king, the petrifying spell had also been like a guarding device to him, for it was solid enough to have withstood Yumekui’s Bahamut Tear sword attempts on him.

He was pretty sure Yumekui and company would come out of hiding soon enough, for the spell was up and Yumekui would not waste time to put him to ruins. What troubled the king, though, was the fact that nobody had been around when he had come out of the spell. If they had, he would of probably been a goner.

But they hadn’t been around, and he was much alive, with much power still. He carried his ten amulets around his neck, and many enchanted rings in his human fingers, as well as several other trinkets.

At the moment, the king was in his dragon state, not his human transformation, but he would indeed transform into a human when he went to hunt down the person who had touched his stone state. Being alive under the skin of the stone, he had heard everything that the small female had said, and the dragon king had found her worthy. Perhaps he would use that one for his service.

At the moment, he circled around the tall mountains of Yvia, where in ancient times the land of Yvia had been called Icia, because of the ice.

King Radamanthys Q’etz had been a lover of ice. His queen and ex-wife, now enemy, was of the ice affinity. He had made her like that.

Nothing he could see that resembled the times of old. His ancient palace was not to be seen where once it had stood, and that saddened the dragon king indeed.

Yumekui and Yosh had done what they had conspired.

That angered the king, and more angry he still became when his dark brown eyes concentrated on the eclipse. The land was covered in darkness, and the king wisely knew that Yumekui had set that eclipse as a remembrance to her that the time of Janine’s spell was up.

Soon the land would be covered in chaos, something that the all-father abored. But he had to stop it, and soon. But first, he knew he must get back the item that so threatened his very existence. If the king died, so did the world. Only those he had created as dragons, would withstand such a catastrophe, but with the death of the king of the dragons, died everything that he had created non dragonkin.

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The dragon king found the young girl early the next day. She agreed to help him when he asked her to.

From there on, King Rad united the realms and together, they took on Yumekui and the forces of evil she had created while the absence of the king had been young.

They battled, they fought, and many died from both sides, but in the end, Dragon King was able to take away Bahamut Tear from the grasp of his enemy, Yumekui. He struck her down hard and was able to reclaim his honor, his power and the right to rule over his creation, the earth.

The End.

Ok, glad that is over with. I wont ever write using forum members again, ever.

I will just stick to my writing in my own way. ^^ Dont ask why.

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