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Things not to say at a job interview.

Question: How do you know when the next poster will be on the next page?

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"So, you must be the applicant for the job?"
"Oh no, that was another guy called 'Shit Sherlock', first name 'No'."
I swear I'm using that one one day. And no, I totally didn't steal it from DBZA. You have no proof!

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At a daycare applications:

Interviewer: Are you okay with changing diapers?

Interviewee: Hell no, I ain't changing some old fogey's adult diapers.

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"I will have to say that I'm not available on the following days....

(Proceeds to list several weeks worth in a row during a busy season, as well as other days throughout the year)

....Because of personal reasons"

(The sad part is I made a similar mistake recently.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

"I don't think inside or outside the box.  I try to question everything about the box and what sort of implications of had being in the establishment especially when we're being asked to consider our work as being the equivalent of being in a box.  I especially get a little concerned about boxes in general.  I'm worried about being stuck inside a box.  I learned about the Schrodinger Cat Box when I was a kid and it scarred me for life."

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"Why do you think you would make a good roofer?"

"Well, I've climbed onto the roof more times than I could count as a kid. To the point where I actually brought several toys up there to play with. Heh, I still remember the time I lost the arm of my favorite transformer, and a year later found out that it had somehow ended up in the rain gut-"

"Hmm, interesting. As you may know, roofing can be a dangerous job, especially with the risk of falling off and suffering severe injuries. Even death. Are you prepared to accept these risks?"

"Risks? Dude, I've jumped off a two story building more times than I care to count. And obviously survived."

"...Do you mean jumping from the roof into a pool, or onto a trampoli-"

"What? No no no. Our family didn't have the space or the money for those kind of things. I was just curious on how you successfully do those cool looking rolls that stuntmen always do in the movies. I was also curious to see if that mobsters line about being able to survive a three story drop from that Batman movie was true or not."

"I see. Well, I thank you for applying. I found this interview to be very helpf-""

"...AND that wasn't even the craziest thing I did! There was this one time where I brought my bike onto the roof, as well as my friends skate ramp, as I accepted a bet from said friend that I could successfully ride my bike on the power lines, and..."

"THANK YOU! We will inform you on whether or not you got the job via mail."

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"I can say that one of my specialities is in blame diversion. I have successfully passed mistakes onto others in previous engagements. Would you like some examples?"

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Q: "Do you actually believe after the way you've just behaved that I would ever even consider hiring you?"

A:    "No. I'm gonna be honest with you. The only reason I'm interviewing is so my dad will keep paying for my apartment. I really have no desire to work here."

Q:    "But you have perfect credentials!"

A:      "Yeah. Just 'cause you're hung like a moose doesn't mean you gotta do porn."

Q:   "Get out!"


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On 12/5/2018 at 7:22 AM, Shoblongoo said:

Q: "Do you actually believe after the way you've just behaved that I would ever even consider hiring you?"

A:    "No. I'm gonna be honest with you. The only reason I'm interviewing is so my dad will keep paying for my apartment. I really have no desire to work here."

Q:    "But you have perfect credentials!"

A:      "Yeah. Just 'cause you're hung like a moose doesn't mean you gotta do porn."

Q:   "Get out!"


This is from a movie I know it is.

To add:

"I require an emotional support animal or else I have meltdowns. I currently have a support 10 foot python."

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"Why did you print your resume on bright neon pink paper?"

"There was nothing stating it had to be a certain color. And honestly, I wanted it to stand out over all the other resumes you get."

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