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[SRPG Studio] Chronicles of Adria - Demo 1


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Update: Downloade replaced with version 1.1.

Hello there.

You probably know by now that SRPG Studio has been released. I've waited years for an english translation and spend around 2 weeks messing around with the trial and trying out the engine. I do plan to make a longer game now, but I have to start somewhere and early feedback as always good, eh? 

I am not a big fan of story wall of text (and most people don't read that anyway to my own experience), so let's just say: You can expect the typical Fire Emblem plot. Also, the intro dumps background on you anyway and I don't think just copying that is a great idea - also, this being an early version I may change some thing later on anyways.









Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/zl809rcj51d0rla/Chronicles_of_Adria_-_Demo_1.1.rar/file

At the moment, this demo has the Prologue and the first 3 chapters - so a total of 4 playable maps. It also comes with 4 difficulties. The length is probably around 1-2+ hours, depending on the difficulty and the things you skip. I am open to all feedback (a few bugs have already been eradicated), but I can guarantee you that I will definitly change the difficulty and add proper tutorial to at least easy mode later on.

Finally, controls:

Arrow keys = Move
Y/Enter = Accept/Open map screen
X = Cancel/Unit Status (when selecting a unit)/Speed Up Cutscenes (hold)
Space = Skip Scene/Battle/Enemy Phase
Escape = Close the game
F4 = Toggle Window/Fullscreen (a bit buggy)
F11 = Go instantly back to title screen

I think that's all. I have work now, but I can answer questions later. This is still an early test of the program, so it's rough around the edges and also only uses the base ressources with very few exceptions for faces/icons. And to be frank, the battle animations to look like several frames are just missing, but eh - it works for now. xD

And with that, have fun with the game!

Edited by Marston
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  • 2 weeks later...

Not that much has happend since I posted here, mainly due to WoW taking up all my free time. xD

However, I made a proper ending to chapter 3 and added the first base which now opens up a basic shop and the ability to get various conversations with allies (similar to FE 9/10 between battles). I planned the characters for chapter 4+5, mapped chapter 4 and am currently looking at available fanmade resources. The latter would give me access to stuff like Sword/Lance/Axe Knights, various other classes including promotions and so on and so forth. I am not sure if I will implement more of this stuff now or just add that later and adjust it then. 

Any feedback at all is still appreciated.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi.  I don't know if you're still working on this thing, but I'm going to try it out.  At the very least I can tell you I've made some Sword/Lance/Axe Knight and Sword/Lance/Axe Cavalier spritesets (actually, they're modified from existing ones by JAPANweb, but whatever).

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(Note: All of this is from Normal Mode)

General Comments:

  • Aside from typos in the script (I see this a lot in SRPG Studio games), the presentation is well-done.  I especially like how the approximate locations of each kingdom on the world map are graphically indicated.  The addition of important character portraits during opening narrations is also great.  I should probably do that too instead of pure text.
  • The map design is overall both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
  • What little of the story is currently present is interesting and has some nice twists.  Love the whole political intrigue thing.
  • The lack of Pursuit on your infantry (except Liselotte) looks like it might hurt their utility.  Meanwhile all of your mounted units have it and it makes them more OP than they need to be.  However, everybody performed adequately at the end of the day.
  • The stat-boosting Skills you currently have don't seem like they'd be very good in the long run.


  • The initial scene of the bandits scoping out the village at night is a very nice touch.
  • All of your initial units seem to be pretty good.
  • Overall, I won't judge this one very harshly since it's the first chapter.

Chapter 1:

  • The map may be a little too big relative to the number of enemies you fight.
  • I like the twist where that bandit boss was (spoiler).  That explains why the bandits had an armored knight with them; he looked out of place.

Chapter 2 (this one took me a few tries because of RNG shenanigans, to the point where I needed to use mid-chapter saves):

  • It's hard to tell when the boss and the two Soldiers near him are supposed to move.  I got a nasty surprise when I kept inching closer and closer after killing all of the enemies and all of the sudden they dogpiled me and killed Joff.
  • Interesting decision to give the player access to two Rapiers this early in the game.

Chapter 3:

  • This map felt a little too easy.  I guess I was expecting more reinforcements given the large map size.


  • How does promotion work?  I noticed Bertram starts as a Level 20 Paladin and gains 1 EXP from kills.
  • Have you considered adding Thieves that try to ransack Villages?  I didn't see any.
  • Do you plan to add 1-2-Range Swords?  I didn't see any of those, either.

Overall, this was a very strong first impression and one of the best SRPG Studio demos I've tried so far!  Keep up the good work!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the feedback. I am currently not working on the game but that is rather normal for me. I see the whole thing as a hobby and therefore only work on it when I am in the mood. I do the same for my RPG Maker games. Which sadly translates to my games having no progress for months. But, well, that's just me.

But you had some questions, so let me answer them:

At the moment, I plan to finish "Act 1" so to speak after 7-8 chapters. So roughly half the game is in this version. I am not sure if promotions are necessary, but if I wil add them, they will probably just work with a Master Seal or something. Base classes will cap at level 20, promoted classes will go to 40. I also do plan to add thieves, chapter 4 will actually introduce them. As for the ranged swords and so on, I am not sure. I know what chapter will come up next, but I haven't really thought about new weapons and general balance yet.

I can see why the +1 Stat Boost things are not that useful. Those are a relic of the SRPG Studio demo, where only a limited amount of skills was available. I will probably overhaul a few skills and character skillsets once all chapters of Act 1 are done. I will also take another look at the difficulty. Lunatic is really hard on some parts. Chapter 3 actually has I think nearly 10 more units present at the start of the map, all with higher stats. It's definitly not as easy as it is in normal mode. And as for chapter 2, if I am not completely wrong, then the boss starts moving once everyone except him and his guards (and maybe 1 other unit) are dead - that excludes reinforcements that appear at the end of the turn. 


I also have a new version. I think I fixed some of the smaller bugs and replaced some graphics. A friend of mine started recoloring overlord and battle sprites, so at least the player units have the same hair color as their portrait. xD



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2 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

Cool!  I might give it another go later.  Though I would put that new download link in the OP so people have an easier time seeing it.

Bold of you to assume I didn't do that already. :P

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