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Had the weirdest daydream/idea: A Genealogy... musical.


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I even had some names for songs!

Prologue: Birth of a Holy Knight

Off We Go:

The First Steps (Off We Go pt 1, Sigurd, Alec, Naoise, Arden)

Reinforcements (Off We Go pt 2, Lex and Azel, Arvis backing vocals)

Life Inside You (Off We Go pt 3, Quan and Ethlyn duet, with Finn backing vocals)

Longer Than Expected (Off We Go pt 4, Sigurd, Quan and Midayle)

Chapter 1: Girl of the Spirit Forest

Have To Run (Edain, Dew, Jamke)

Stupid Tomboy (Ayra and Shanan)

Fairy Tale Knight/Maiden of the Forest (Sigurd and Deirdre duet)

Not Scared (Edain, Midayle, Jamke)

March of the Cross Knights (Eldigan solo number)

Chapter 2: Disturbance in Augustria

Duel In The Arena (Ayra, Lex, Holyn)

Sword of Light/Sisters In Law (Deidre and Ethlyn)

Lance of a Hero/The Worst Knight (Quan, Finn)

Forbidden... Love (Lachesis, Eldigan)

Pay Me Up Front (Lachesis, Beowulf)

Humble Bard and Dancer (Lewyn, Sylvia)

Humble Bard (Reprise) (Lewyn, Erinys)

Chapter 3: Lionheart Eldigan

Torn (Eldigan)

Lance of Earth/Curse of Gae Bolg (Quan and Ethlyn)

Forbidden... Love (Reprise) (Sigurd, Quan, Lachesis, Eldigan)

Pirate Girl/Sister (Edain, Briggid)

Smile Through The Sadness (Tailtiu and Claud)

Separated (Manfroy, Deidre, Shanan, Oifey)

Chapter 4: Dance In The Skies
Staying Warm (Azel, Tailtiu)

Foolish Prince (Lewyn, Erinys, Sylvia)

Betrayed And Alone (Quan, Sigurd, Ethlyn)

Behold, Holseti's Power! (Lewyn)

Chapter 5: Doorway to Destiny

Love's Bloom

Twin Swords (Love's Bloom pt 1. Ayra, Holyn)

Prince and Priestess (Love's Bloom pt. 2 Jamke, Edain)

Pirate and Pickpocket (Love's Bloom pt. 3 Dew, Briggid)

Flame and Thunder (Love's Bloom pt 4, Azel, Tailtiu)

The Knight? Or The Mercenary? (Love's Bloom pt 5, Lachesis, Finn, Beowulf)
Rekindled Winds (Love's Bloom pt 6, Erinys and Lewyn)
Humble Dancer (Reprise) (Love's Bloom pt. 7, Claud, Silvia)

Without Her (Love's Bloom finale, Sigurd)
Power of Tyrfing (Sigurd, Vylon)

Dance of Lances/Yied Massacre (Ethlyn, Quan, Travant, Young!Altenna)

Hellfire/Belhella (Arvis)

I'll get more done with Gen 2 later, but HOLY CRAP that's a lot of songs.


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As someone who's had the thought of putting lyrics to Doors of Destiny, not all that farfetched.

Also interesting that only villains and Lewyn get solos.

Edited by Dayni
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26 minutes ago, DarthR0xas said:

Honestly, I'd be down to write some lyrics for those songs, in my free time that I currently do not have.

Really cool idea.

O. M. G. If you did that, I would be forever grateful and love you forever.

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You know what, screw sleep. I'm going to write the opening song.

Before diving into lyrics, understand that these might not sync up that well, and I'm not putting these to sheet music since I don't have sheet music from the Genealogy games.

The first problem I came into was the song itself. Genealogy's soundtrack has around 120 songs, which leaves around 60 per generation. Here's a link to the soundtrack for the curious https://serenesforest.net/music/genealogy-of-the-holy-war-original-soundtrack/

Anyways, Genealogy has two opening songs, the Fire Emblem Theme, and Beginning. While beginning has a fitting name, I chose the Fire Emblem Theme for two reasons.

1. It is significantly more iconic, memorable, and a better tune than beginning for a big opener.

2. It's longer, and opening songs normally sport one of the longest lengths from what I've seen. 

For simplicity sake, basses are labeled with B, Tenor with T, Altos with A, and Sopranos with S. E is for everyone. When we get to specific characters, I'll use their first initial to note them, but that comes later. I'd also recommend listening to the song while reading the lyrics, as without them it just kinda doesn't work (although I will fully admit I came up with some odd lyrics)

With all of that out of the way, I give you the opener, which since you didn't name it, I gave it the name "The Holy War".

The Holy War

B - Ho-ly

T - Ho-ly

A - Hol-y

S - Ho-o-ly

S - Oh that war, swept across the land

(Drums Start)

E - Fi-ire E-hem-blem, Heroes desend from blood-lines, out comes the generations now, and for a time

T - Fi-ire Ee-mblem

A - ooh hoo hoo

T - who, hath you brought for-orwards

A - For-or-wards

T+A - De-cendants laden with strife, and at what cost

S - Oh these heroes, fight through the mel-ody trying to find whaaat, is their pur-pose

B+T - Yes these heroes fight on with might, of a thousand spears that never rest

E - Fi-ire E-hemblem though fi-ers consume you, lead me to-day so that I, may find the light

B - Fi-ire Em-bulem

S - The em-blem

B+S - will never falter (Soprano goes up the note)

B+S - and it will be right here, forever more

S - Though the Lopto, they try to con-ciel you, know that your dawn will always shine

B+T+A - Bloodlines kneel before you, to ensure that your heavenly light shines

E - Fi-ire E-hemblem wea-pons forged in your name, heroes they bleed, but it won't be done in vain.

T - Fi-ire E-hemblem

A - Oh emblem

T+A - we must adore (Altos climb the note)

T+A - you, for the things that you have, gi-ven us all

B - Fiiii-ire Emblem

T- Oh ho ho

B+T - Fiiii-ire Emblem

A -  Oh ho ho

B+T+A - Fiiii-ire Emblem

T - Ho-ly wars it cau-ses but we, fight through the pau-ses (repeat with Sopranos joining in on the second time)

S - Fi-ire Emblem Gene-ee-ology of the Holy War Starts

E - NOW (Basses hold longer than everyone else)

And that is song one of whatever crazy number that is. Coming up with lyrics to sixteen-bit jingles is way harder than I though it would be, but it's a good challenge. Come back next time to hear Sigurd's opening song, "The First Steps"

Edited by DarthR0xas
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This is happening. THIS IS HAPPENING.

Thank you so much, Darth! I'll assist with extra lore details as well as the second generation's songs to help!

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Alright, here's song number two. 

Simple stuff, S is for Sigurd, Al for Alec, N for noish, and Ar for Arden. If I use one A, it means both of them, since I have to cut corners somewhere. V is for a verdane soldier E still stands for Everyone. Lex will also make an appearance (represented by L), but that's more to make for a better connection to part two of this four part song thing.

Used the song "Prologue" here, for obvious reasons

Off We Go: The First Steps

(Three second opener, probably a small trumpet solo)

S - Ho men, we're off to ba-ttle

A+N - To Ba-ttle

S - Jug-dral re-qu-ires our mi-ght

A+N - Our mi-ght

(same time as previous line) S - Pu-sh on and show that 

E - We a-har the on-ly light, so we must move on and fight

Al - Ar-den, why are you so damn slow? Rush to reach us now!

Ar - Al-ec I'll make you eat those words, my de-fence is true

S - Men cut with the pointless chats (drum), time to slay these Verdane rats.

N - What Lord Si-gurd said is true, Al-ec hand me that jav-a-lin

Al - No way, I could never

V - HA cau-aught you in my trap! Surr-round them you paid riff-raff.

S - Gods no, this can't be our ending, we have grea-ter heights.

Ar - Don't fal-ter sir, we're still standing

Al+N - We won't flee the fight

S -  Thanks men, but we're all still trapped, support-less and all a-round sapped

(Song abruptly stops)

L - You're not support-less for long my friend

(Transition into part two)

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Chapter 6: Light Inheritors

What Father and Mother Wanted (Ensemble, Seliph, Lana, Larcei, Ulster, Delmud)

New Generation/Guiding Hand (Seliph, Oifey)

Scion of Light (Lewyn, Seliph)

Shy Girl (Lewyn, Julia)

She's Mine (Johan, Johalva, Larcei)

For My Sister and Your Brother (Arthur, Fee)

Chapter 7: Passing The Desert

Strength To Rule and Unite (Leif, Nanna, Finn)

Always Running/Brilliant Blade Balmung (Shannan, Patty)

Are We Evil/No Black And White (Lewyn, Oifey, Seliph)

Dancing Girl/Black Knight's Love (Ares, Lene)

Hatred of the Demon Sword (Seliph, Ares)

Siblings of Thunder (Tine, Arthur)

Reunited At Last (Delmud, Nanna)

Twin Lords/Scion and Sage (Seliph, Leif)

Chapter 8, Dragon Knights of Thracia

Premonition (Julia, Seliph)

Fear of Failure (Worst Knight Reprise, Finn, Leif)

Fighting For The Wrong Side (Faval, Patty)

Goddess of Thunder (Ishtar, Julius backing vocals)

Letter to a Vengeful Son (Nanna, Ares)

Ced The Hero (Fee, Lewyn, Ced)

Red Dragoon of Thracia/My Sister (Altenna, Leif)

Chapter 9: For Whose Sake

Shield of Thracia/Faithful Son (Hannibal, Coirple)

Dancing For Memory (Lene, Coirple)

Please Come Back (Leif, Finn, Altenna)

Broken Family (Travant, Arion, Altenna)

A Battle, But What For? (Sibling Pairs)

Chapter 10: Light and Dark

I Need You Beside Me (Leif, Nanna)

You Are Worthless/Watch Me, Mother (Arthur, Tine, Hilda)

Power of Tyrfing (Reprise) (Seliph)

Hellfire (Reprise) (Arvis, Seliph)

Knight and Maiden (Seliph, Sigurd, Deirdre)

Finale: The Last Holy War

Black Lightning (Julius and Ishtar)

Black Knight, Dance (Ares, Lend)

We Found Them (Arthur, Fee)

A Beautiful Storm (Tine, Ced)

Love Tug-Of-War (Larcei, Johan, Johalva)

That Day In The Desert (Patty, Shannan)

Where Is She (Seliph)

My Toy (Julia, Julius, Manfroy)

Death To Him (Seliph, Manfroy)

Tome of the Dragon King (Julia, Lewyn)

Sorrowful Thunder (Ishtar)

Dance, Deadlords (Group number)

Scion of Light, Prince of Darkness (Seliph, Julia, Julius)

Nothing But Wind (Foresti!Lewyn)

Memories of That Holy War (Ensemble number, epilogue)

Edited by Corrobin
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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got time to continue writing these songs. Next song is "Recruitment" with Lex (L), Avel (AV), and Arvis (AR). Sigurd comes in as well, represented by (S)


Single bass note

L - Av-el come on our friends are stan-ding right there

AV - Sir Lex please just slow down, we've been marching so long

L - Jeez boy it's not that hard but

L - If we must stop

AV - Yes we must

L - Here should be fine

AV - But what about the


L - Bandits? Oh ho this will be in-ter-es-ting, just take my axe and SWING

AV - Bandits? Looting, raiding, how bar-baric. light a fi-i-ire and BURN

Spotlight shifts from Lex and Avel to Arvis

AR - There goes my bro-ther off to fight a damned war that, he wasn't invited to.

Spotlight shines on both of them, as Lex and Avel bicker

AR - If I must help

L - Head westward.

AR- Can't pick a side

AV - No eastward

AR - Plans un-hinging I must find a way to insure that my he survives

L + AV - Fine split up and take them from all sides that they all die.

L - Ho Sigurd

S -  What's up friend?

L - Fighting on in the end

S - I cannot thank you enough

AV - Hey I'm here too.

S - Yes you are

AV - Noble and true

S+L - Not a doubt in my mind

AV - use my powers to ensure that victory occurs with Lex too.

S + L - Fight on with the goals combined of Lords who are out to prove.

Song comes to a close

AR - Lord Sigurd!

S - Lord Arvis, whatever are you doing so far from Castle (forgot its name)?

AR - Well someone needs took keep an eye on Avel, although I can't stay here long.

S - No need to bother, I'll keep a close eye on the boy.

AR - My gratitude is immeasurable, please take this sword as thanks for the further care of him.

S -  Is this a Silver Sword? You flatter me Lord Arvis, this sword is far too pristine for a prince lowly as I.

AR -  Nonsense Sir Sigurd, take it with good faith, I'll be off now, best of luck with Verdane.

Arvis walks offstage

S - Arvis, such a weird fellow. Can't focus on him now, there are bandit pouring out of that castle, even with the boosted manpower I don't think it'll be enough to handle it. If only Quan and Ethlin were here, they always have my back.

Ethlin: Brother, don't think that now is any different.

Edited by DarthR0xas
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