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Total War: Rome II features female generals...


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1 minute ago, Slumber said:

Gender and race politics, on the other hand, are so intertwined with the overall social politics of each party right now that it's harder to imagine somebody going "I'm a huge liberal... but goddammit the brown people are causing the SJW media to commit white genocide."

I'm also thinking of GamerGate before it was even called GamerGate - back when the main issue was focused on proper disclosure.

GamerGate is absolutely an abomination now, but at the root was an actually legitimate concern for consumers.  So all I'm saying is I understand those who might cling to that movement for what it once represented.  I think it'd be foolish nowadays to support it if you're not an outright misogynist, but I get those who used to support it in, like, 2013 or whatever year it started in.  Or who may still feel they support it but have been out of the loop about it.

And for the record, I can definitely see someone making such a paradoxical statement as "I'm liberal, but I hate colored people".  People are weird and crazy, and say inane garbage like that.  It's like that one guy who ran for president under the Liberal party in 2016, but actually had mostly conservative ideals and was obviously overshadowed by Sanders and Clinton.  I forget his name, but I couldn't forget how ridiculous his platform was.  Just like how I can't forget about "Pokemon Go to the polls".

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7 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

It's like that one guy who ran for president under the Liberal party in 2016, but actually had mostly conservative ideals

Don't know anything about the party in question, but liberal is a word whose meaning has become a mess over time.

Liberal, derived from liberty, meaning freedom, originally, to simplify things was freedom of society and economy. Old conservatism was societal and economic control. Then in the US the terms eventually get mixed up. The Democrats took the freedom/tolerance of society part, the Republicans took the laissez-faire economics. Neoliberal and neoconservative actually mean the same thing, which is used depends on whether one is American and or in less academic setting, or European and or more using of formalized academic terminology.

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25 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

I'm also thinking of GamerGate before it was even called GamerGate - back when the main issue was focused on proper disclosure.

GamerGate is absolutely an abomination now, but at the root was an actually legitimate concern for consumers.  So all I'm saying is I understand those who might cling to that movement for what it once represented.  I think it'd be foolish nowadays to support it if you're not an outright misogynist, but I get those who used to support it in, like, 2013 or whatever year it started in.  Or who may still feel they support it but have been out of the loop about it.

And for the record, I can definitely see someone making such a paradoxical statement as "I'm liberal, but I hate colored people".  People are weird and crazy, and say inane garbage like that.  It's like that one guy who ran for president under the Liberal party in 2016, but actually had mostly conservative ideals and was obviously overshadowed by Sanders and Clinton.  I forget his name, but I couldn't forget how ridiculous his platform was.  Just like how I can't forget about "Pokemon Go to the polls".

Back when the Zoe Quinn thing was happening, that's when I was like "Yeah, this all makes sense. This DOES seem like unethical journalism". It's right about the time that the term "GamerGate" really started to stick when I realized how... gender focused the whole thing was.

It's even worse in hindsight, when that Zoe Quinn deal wound up to be a big pile of nothing, Brianna Wu and Anita Sarkeesian DIDN'T ruin video games, and a whole bunch of creepy assholes rose to prominence in their place and have gotten a massive audience because of it.

And yeah, I guess there could be somebody like that, but it's rarer to see a liberal take issue with the identity politics of their party than the gun issues. I also don't really care about guns. I do think there should be more restrictions on people allowed to get guns and harsher penalties on people who let their guns get into the hands of others, but I am more in the "We're not doing enough to care for people showing obvious warning signs and our mental healthcare is dogshit" boat.

Edited by Slumber
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39 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Don't know anything about the party in question, but liberal is a word whose meaning has become a mess over time.

Liberal, derived from liberty, meaning freedom, originally, to simplify things was freedom of society and economy. Old conservatism was societal and economic control. Then in the US the terms eventually get mixed up. The Democrats took the freedom/tolerance of society part, the Republicans took the laissez-faire economics. Neoliberal and neoconservative actually mean the same thing, which is used depends on whether one is American and or in less academic setting, or European and or more using of formalized academic terminology.

Yeah, it definitely gets complicated when people in the US use left and liberal interchangeably in online discussions when they're not at all synonymous in the rest of the world.

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2 hours ago, Ertrick36 said:

It's never really that simple.

I've consistently been left-leaning my whole life, but at one point I was so hardcore about gun rights that I believed people should be able to bring them into public places (Montana's extremely hardcore about gun rights, even in liberal communities).  And even though I am still left-leaning in general, there are a lot of things some of my leftist Facebook friends say that make me want to smack my head against a wall until I forget that they were even my friends to begin with.  Which I suppose goes to show how much of "friends" they really are to me.

The lizard people are real

It's almost like the entirety of all sociopolitical issues are more complex than a two sided us vs them system.

On topic, if they want to make female Generals, then I'm sure they can just use some actual historical women. I don't know, like Cleopathra or something. Don't know if she ever personally commanded attack forces, but it wouldn't be inconceivable to see her in such a role. And I'm sure if you look through Roman history you'll find plenty of powerful women that could be retooled as military generals (haven't played Total War so if this is exactly what they are doing, then never mind).

Edited by Jotari
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