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Chapter 7 HM Help?


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     I've started playing FE6 for the first time on hard mode recently, and for most of it so far it has been difficult but manageable (except chapter 4, chapter 4 sucked). However, right now I'm on chapter 7 and it's driving me insane. Trying to have all of my units survive the stupidly large amount of enemies is already bad enough, how on earth is Treck supposed to survive? I've probably spent like over 3 hours on this chapter and I can't even survive past turn 4 without somebody dying. There are just too many enemies for me to handle with my few competent combat units (my alan being rng screwed really isn't helping either). Do you have any tips on how to manage this chapter? Usually Marcus/Dieck/Rutger can take on most of the enemies for a while, but everything falls apart on the enemy phase when the first wyvern rider comes down and kills somebody (usually NPC Treck). Either that or one of the cavaliers rides in from the left and kills somebody fragile like Saul or Clarine.

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I suggest using a save state at the start of every turn, then a separate one as you chew through the enemies.  Your first order of business is recruiting Ilia's Finest.  I don't remember if FE6 allows you to rescue NPC units, but if so, get Treck out of danger ASAP and on your side (Shanna if she can safely get to him, Marcus otherwise).  From there, grab the Physic staff (two rows down from Treck's spawning point) and use it to keep Zealot alive until you can recruit him.  Get Noah as well, every warm body helps.

You can also swap out Lot with Dorothy.  She'll do a number on the wyverns.

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16 hours ago, eclipse said:

I suggest using a save state at the start of every turn, then a separate one as you chew through the enemies.  Your first order of business is recruiting Ilia's Finest.  I don't remember if FE6 allows you to rescue NPC units, but if so, get Treck out of danger ASAP and on your side (Shanna if she can safely get to him, Marcus otherwise).  From there, grab the Physic staff (two rows down from Treck's spawning point) and use it to keep Zealot alive until you can recruit him.  Get Noah as well, every warm body helps.

You can also swap out Lot with Dorothy.  She'll do a number on the wyverns.

Thanks for the help! I got lucky with Treck, he decided to run straight towards Roy to use a vulnerary, using using Dorothy helped a lot too.

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