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FE3 Book 2 Reversed Recruitment LP

Robert Stewart


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  1. 1. Should I use Abel or Rody in the final chapters?

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Time for another desert map, huzzah!

Chapter 2-11:


Lotsa sand and bones. I think the tower is the Thabes tower, the same place we fought Gharnef at in Book 1?

This chapter introduces Wyverns as enemies! They have capped move and sly, so they can be somewhat scary here. I seem to recall in FE12 they're quite fast, but here like all other dragons they have 0 speed.

Also introduced here are Barbarians. Oh, sorry "Barbarans." They're more or less "promoted" axe dudes, but axe dudes all the same. High attack, high bulk, but negligible Speed or Skill. Like other enemy axe classes, they're weak to the lady sword.

The "boss" of the chapter is just a Wyvern, but there's also this guy hanging around:
Yes, the original Berserker class was enemy only and used swords. He's holding the Master sword, which is basically a better killing edge.

As a class the Berserker is basically just a hero with a unique map sprite. with this being the only Berserker in the game, it makes you wonder what the point of including the class was....

Thar be treasure in these sands! This was the original desert map with hidden treasure, so if you've played any game that had a map like this, you can thank this game for "inspiring" that.

FE12 made it so that anyone could grab the treasures, but here only thieves have a 100% chance to grab them.

Merric can take out the Wyverns fairly easily thanks to Excalibur, though he does take quite a bit of damage.

I totally forgot to check the range of these guys and didn't realize they weren't affected by the desert!

Luckily, Rickard dodges!

He misses his attack on the next turn, so Merric gets the kill.

The hunters are limited by the desert so they're fairly easy to take out.

The Lady Sword makes short work of these guys thanks to effective damage.

Oops, I accidentally let Est get attacked by a wyvern. Their range is so huge it's easy to forget you even need to check it.

I actually sent Julian to grab a Speed Ring at the far southwest corner of the map, but totally forgot to actually put him on the proper tile to grab it. This will bite me later.

Some lucky gets from Est and Tiki will save us at least some time later.

And then Tiki de-transformed. It wasn't worth using an extra Divinestone use, so I just let her sit afterwards.

Nyna couldn't one-round this guy, so Est got the kill.

Lucky for us the Berserker is hindered by the desert, so units can stay just outside of his range to prepare to go after him.

Yumina and Merric took him out pretty painlessly. I could have had Minerva try to help out, but with his Massive crit chance I didn't want to risk

The boss also goes don fairly easily.

Feena grabbed the Power Ring here after dancing Yumina, which was unexpected.

Secret shop time! Lots of the next few maps have secret shops, actually. Wonder how much business Anna does out here.

That aside, the Rapier is pretty useless to us, but I did buy a few Wyrmslayers and Armorslayers.  The Wyrmslayers will be especially useful.

And at this point I realized I had actually missed the Speed Ring. I sent Julian down, but also Est and Nyna to hopefully luck into grabbing it.

And they did. Huzzah!

Probably could have done 15 if I didn't forget the Speed Ring earlier. >_>

Stat Update:


Tiki finally capped here. Her stats are a bit misleading as she's not transformed - she'll actually have 20 strength as a Divine Dragon, though she'll only have 18 as a Fire Dragon, so maybe she'll get the power ring.

See y'all next time.

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Back again!

Chapter 2-12:


Things are really heating up  around here. :3

Bringing Matthis along for the first time, let's see how it goes.

Our "boss" has identical stats  to all the other fire dragons on this map.

Didn't get screenshots of it, but Matthis and  Nyna got some statboosters to chug.

Samson takes the first dragon out easily enough.

I forgot reinforcements come form these first on my first try at this map and had to reset. >_>

Barbarians can come from the outer forts, and dragons from the middle. All with random appearance rates.

The Wyverns and Axe dudes approach, but the fire dragons need to be baited.

Did I mention Blizzard is effective against fire dragons? Well, it is in any case.

Had everybody bunch up here just out of range of the wyverns.

Afterwards, taking them down is pretty easy.

I sent Matthis ahead to kill the dragon here, but since he's in range off another dragon he actually ended up needing two physic uses to be safe.

The sad thing is because I got Matthis after the HP bug, he's probably significantly better than a lot of my units due to not being OHKO'd by the Fire Dragons here.

This upper area is outdoor so mounted classes can actually mount here.

Matthis missed here. >_>

Luckily Est was around to help out, and Elrean could patch him up with only one Physic use.

wXif9Ev.pngSent Est over to open this chest. Weirdly chests are considered indoor terrain, so Est had to dismount to open it.

We cleared out most of the non-boss enemies just in time for the trail of reinforcements to get to us.

And Matthis takes out the boss. Luckily, he didn't miss this time.

And we have our last Star Shard. This ones kinda lame honestly, it just slightly bumps HP, Luck, Defense, and resistance growths by 10% each I guess it's a counterpart to Aquarius, except Aquarius is more useful.

Could have finished on Turn 13 or so, but I wanted to take out a FE more reinforcements.

Actually ended up sending units all the way back here, so the starting area being indoors actually became relevant again.

There were two guys left, but I ended on turn 15 in any case.

Stat Update:


Because of not having as many movement restrictions and everyone more or less keeping together, we were actually able to make some more effective use of the star shards to get some decent levels all around.

Fun fact- while I was writing this update there was some kind of momentary drop in power and my computer shut off! Luckily, I didn't lose what I had written. Hopefully that doesn't happen again. >_>

Edited by Robert of Normandy
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Last chapter things got a bit heated, I think it's time to chill off.

Chapter 2-13:



I remember hearing a fan theory while ago that the Wyverns being here combined with something in the Dart/Farina support in FE7 was supposed to indicate that the Akaenia and Elibe games occurred in parallel dimensions. Or something. Dunno if that's true or not, I'm not super up on modern FE lore.

Another generic boss. Apparently they couldn't be bothered to even get a different palette for the Ice Dragon portrait.

Ice Dragons are basically Fire Dragons except they're effective against Fire Dragons, where Fire Dragons (and anything else with a fire breath) are effective against Ice Dragons. Oh, and ice dragons can cross rivers, which is relevant here.

Spilling up for the first bit. Brought Tiki along because Fire Breath is effective against the Ice Dragons. On the downside, Ice breath is effective against her as a Fire Dragon, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Minerva can actually oneshot these axe dudes with the Lady Sword, so she makes pretty quick work of this group here.

Also, you can spot the group of Ice dragons around the boss moving forward. Luckily the two wyverns and all the axe dudes won't move unless you enter their range.

The remaining axe dudes go down pretty easily.

Ice Dragons spawn here with a 30% chance. FE12 added a second fort and I think eliminated the RNG  reinforcements, but luckily we only have to deal with one reinforcement occasionally.

Wow that's a lot of money. Really should have thought of putting that in a secure location instead of, y'know, completely out in the open. :v

Taking out the Ice dragons after they get to us.

Matthis missed a ORKO. >_>

In his defense, he was on a forest, so that probably was to be expected.

Baiting out the right wyvern with Elrean. Need these guys cleared out so Elice can safely trudge to the gate.

Castor gets his promotion bump! Probably could have waited, but I needed the extra movement so he could get to the left wyvern quicker.

Tiki has 18 def as a Fire Dragon, and since dragons are immune to the devence negating effect of dragon breath, the wyvern here wasn't baited. :V

I brought Est up to bait since Castor was taking to long, just in time for an ice dragon to spawn. >_>

Luckily it worked out, though!

Est blocks the reinforcements, so once the two other guys are dead the path will be clear for Elice.

And down they go. I noticed here the Wyvverns actually have more HP than the Ice Dragons, which seems a bit odd to me, but whatever.

Can't say no to another one of these, I guess.

And the boss goes down in one hit!

Feena and Ricard can also cross the rivers here, FYI. Luckily, hypothermia doesn't appear to exist in FE3, so we can cross these freezing rivers with no ill effects! :D

Time for more "me learning random stuff about FE3 during this playthrough!" Did you know that you can press A on the status screen in Book 2 to see a checklist of the star shards and various spheres that you need to collect for the story? I didn't, until this playthrough! :D

:eyes emoji:

Time for shopping! Bough several physics, shavers, killer lances, and one killer bow.

Minerva reached level 20 so not much point in waiting to promote her.

And now Elice will get to the seize point slightly less slowly. Huzzah!


Not bad.

Stat Update:


A few more promotions, but otherwise not much new.

Next time, FE3 sticks to a level theme for the first time in a while! See you then.

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3 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

Another generic boss. Apparently they couldn't be bothered to even get a different palette for the Ice Dragon portrait.

And disappointing is them and Mage Dragons sharing a model, but Fire Dragons and Divines were forced to share one too, so the loss cuts two ways.

I'm also a little disappoint only these two consecutive battles have Ice Dragons, but hey, FDs only appear at the Flame Barrel in B2 (IIRC), which is even worse. IDs are, pardon the bad and obvious pun, cool.


3 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

I remember hearing a fan theory while ago that the Wyverns being here combined with something in the Dart/Farina support in FE7 was supposed to indicate that the Akaenia and Elibe games occurred in parallel dimensions. Or something. Dunno if that's true or not, I'm not super up on modern FE lore.


The lines in question which led to the fan theory must have been:

Dart: Yeah, well maybe that’s because you weren’t paying attention to this bit that says “The hidden white fang…” That’s gotta be the Ilian wyvern’s…
Farina: No way. There are no wyverns in Ilia…

One might hypothesize the world beyond the Elibean Dragon's Gate is Archanea, Nils when he explains his backstory mentions:

Ninian was a medium in the other world, an oracle of sorts. She sat at the Dragon Shrine.

Said scene is accompanied by this CG:


Not the same as Archanea's in design, but N&N are Ice Dragons.

So far though, there is nothing save Awakening's creation of a multiverse to tie Archanea and Elibe together. Nothing that explicitly suggests Elibe's dragons wound up in Archanea.


Speaking of the LP itself, I don't get the random open air chests either. But the absence of snow in the southwest was a neat way of hinting at a Secret Shop (Anna must have a heater). And the battlefield is pretty in a way.

This battle would've been fairly quicker with Marth as the main, since he can water-walk. Although that the main pack Ices can and do come after you from turn 1 makes destroying the bulk of the enemies in this battle fairly fast.

I didn't realize that key items checklist either- neat to know. It'd make things seem less ultra-secretive than old games like this can be.

I've also come to think all the Devil Axe Barbarians the game throws at you, unique to FE3, were the inspiration for FE12's Legion. Legion is them rebranded into a single character, while being as numerous as they were through Anri's Way and the true final chapters. With savages as threatening as these, no wonder no civilized power considers exploiting the northern wildernesses. How do the tribes even survive?

As for Anri's Way as a whole, I like the narrative side of it, good world-building/lore. In gameplay, the Flame Barrel is my favorite if you try to run away from the reinforcements instead of fighting or blocking them, adds a thrilling chase to the battle. The Marmotoad Desert is the worst, sands make everyone sluggish (but I do like the random Master Sword), no enemy range highlighting in FE3 either makes Flying Dragons/Wyverns more annoying. Ice Dragon exterior is good, on the easier side; the interior is a heaping ton of interlocked dragon attack ranges and one big effort to slowly draw away a few of them safely before killing the rest quickly- so on the harder side.

The one issue with Anri's Way is all the battles brush aside Spd as a stat, and basically everyone gets two, three shotted at best. They're a bit lacking for enemy diversity.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Chapter 2-14:


More ice dragons. And also some thieves. They didn't even bother giving us a generic "boss" for  this chapter.

The opening is the main challenge here, as you have to figure out how to take out the Ice Dragons without getting swarmed.

The left tower being way further away from the center really bugs me.

The thief outside is holding the warp stave, and one of the indoor thieves holds the Guiding Ring.

HP: 70% Str: 50% Skl: 80% Spd: 20% Lck: 10% Wlv: 30% Def: 20%

Press F to pay your respects.

Yeah Palla did really not turn out well here. That's a hard pass for me...

Nyna, Navarre, and Samson take out the Ice dragons in the main hall pretty quick. Bolganone is actually powerful enough to one-shot the Ice Dragons, which is something to consider in a normal playthrough. Maybe I should have bought some in the secret shop last time, but then again we won't really be seeing any more ice dragons in the game.

On the second turn, Abel grabs us the Warp Staff.

Meanwhile in the main hall, it's on to taking out the thieves while trying not to aggro too many of the ice dragons.

A lucky dodge from Samson, avoiding what could have been an unfortunate situation since this thief has aggressive AI.

Probably should have given this to Feena sooner so she wasn't one-shot as much.

All that's left to do enemy-wise is slowly bait and take out the ice dragons.

Gave Elice a Power Ring ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Promotions! There will be more to come.

And Merric takes out the last dragon.

Elice gets her promotion as well!

Now the rest of the chapter is just plotdumps. You have to stand in front of each of the towers to get them to open, which can be inconvenient.

Waited until all the enemies were dead because after this point we lose all out star shards. But we get these two orbs in return!

They should be familiar from Book 1-  Lightsphere negates crits, enemy terrain bonuses, and effective damage; The starsphere preserves weapon durability and boosts all growths by 30%.

There's also this thing! It's effective against Mercenaries and Heroes, which is handy.

More class changes! Pretty much everyone but Merric is promoted in our main group.

We trek over to the right and get more new blood!

HP: 40% Str: 20% Skl: 70% Spd: 60% Lck: 80% Wlv: 70% Def: 10%

Interesting that this RR puts Linde in more of a situation like in Book 1. But regardless, I think I'm good on mages, so I don't see much reason to use her...

And now we move to the left tower. Man this would be such a pain if I hadn't given Elice the boots...

We use our fancy new warp staff to access a secret shop with a bunch of dragonstones!

...Probably really best not to think too hard about how Anna got ahold of these. >_>

More loot just before we end! The Again staff is really busted here, it's an all-range staff that refreshes all of your units. Can't imagine why other games didn't bring it back. :3

Not bad considering all the walking we had to do.

Stat Update:



Everyone's looking spiffy, more or less? Castor is a bit slower that I expected, but I'm not sure he's slow enough it  will matter except against Heroes and snipers. And Elice is still pretty far behind everyone else...

See y'all next time as we start a pretty long string of almost uninterrupted reused maps!

On 3/17/2019 at 7:56 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm also a little disappoint only these two consecutive battles have Ice Dragons, but hey, FDs only appear at the Flame Barrel in B2 (IIRC), which is even worse. IDs are, pardon the bad and obvious pun, cool.

Technically there was one Fire Dragon in Chapter 7 as well, for some reason. I  guess they figured they were old hat from Book 1, and wanted to focus on variety?

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2 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

The left tower being way further away from the center really bugs me.

Didn't notice the lack of symmetry before, yeah it is annoying. And all it does is force Marth/Elice to waste another turn or two.

Two possibilities to explain it:

  1. The frozen lake is as a deep as Lake Baikal and therefore ancient dragonkind could not drive pylons deep enough into the ground to hit bedrock solid enough to support the temple. Note that part of the modern Roman Colosseum's outer wall is in ruins, that area but not the entire Colosseum was built over a former river, and an earthquake affecting this thus unstable ground led to the damage.
  2. Anna's family already owned the frozen lake and the land around it. Unwilling to sell, the Ice Dragons had no choice but to build around the property.


Ouch for Palla. Fortunately, Catria should be a decent prepromote in the next chapter, with a chance she might be worth replacing Abel with in the final chapter, due to possible Lady Sword ORKOs in the first section of the final battle (but's only one third of the final fight). I'm interested in seeing how Draug has turned out. When do unpromoted units promote with this mod? I'm curious whether he'd be good for bringing Gradivus in the final chapter, or if Minerva or Est should just terrorize some Flying Dragons with it in the Dragon's Dale.


Also, it looked like you bought a Flying Dragonstone. That was the kind I think I was least interested in buying, owing to the non-Move stats of Flying Dragons (or should I just call them Wyverns?) being rather low. Although to be fair, you've already used one less than half of the Divinestone, the only other one with flight.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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12 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

HP: 70% Str: 50% Skl: 80% Spd: 20% Lck: 10% Wlv: 30% Def: 20%

Palla fans are just screaming right now.

12 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

We use our fancy new warp staff to access a secret shop with a bunch of dragonstones!

...Probably really best not to think too hard about how Anna got ahold of these. >_>

I assume they're just lying around in these lands, considering ho many mad dragons there are we really don't know how many manaketes just left their stones behind.. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was too busy last weekend for an update, but we're back!

Chapter 2-15:


Why did I bring Sheema? That's a very good question. I'm sure there's a good answer.


Gosh that's a bright palette. Really contrasts the previous chapters.

No dragons for once in forever! Nice being at a point where defense matters as a stat again. :v

Also I didn't mention this for Book 1 but FE1 actually had a different layout for this area in Chapter 16, and FE11 actually used the FE3 layout instead of that one! Weird. Also probably not relevant, but I thought it was still worth pointing out.

Wow, we have a real boss again! A standard general, but still.

Also a new unit:

HP: 70% Str: 50% Skl: 50% Spd: 10% Lck: 20% Wlv: 20% Def: 20%

yeah no

Geez that range is concerning.

Our fliers take out the bishops and one of the ballista. The Ballista here are using "Thunderbolts" which aren't effective against fliers, so I'm not too worried about them getting hurt.

The General in here won't move, but there's a Swarm Bishop who will attack Warren, so he needs to be moved out of range.

Elice ended up sweeping all of the units by the villages. It was a bit risky because both armor knights needed to miss for her to live, but with some luck and a few resets it worked out!

Tiki takes out the last ballista, which put her in range to take out the horseman and one of the paladins, plus the mage on the island. Meanwhile Sheema is in place to choke the point and block the remaining paladins.

For some reason Catria didn't attack on the first turn, but did on the second. Maybe Tiki entered the range to activate her AI?

We vwoorp Warren over to do the only useful thing he will this whole playthrough.

HP: 70% Str: 40% Skl: 80% Spd: 80% Lck: 40% Wlv: 70% Def: 20%

Not bad at all, honestly. But I think Minerva and Est both pretty much outclass her at this point.

Like in Book 1, we only get to visit one of these villages. The other one gives a dracoshield so I'm not sure what ever the point of visiting that one would be.

With the village visited the thieves kinda now just mill about and are easy pickings. Elice,  Matthis, Castor, Navarre, and Samson will be moving forward with very little difficulty.

Arena time, with Est! Something weird I noticed is that when she dismounts she's treated like an unpromoted unit in the arena. Weird.

Reinforcements start after you step onto that island with the arena and shops. I think FE12 changed this to include the bottom island as well. It says "Thief" because the reinforcements include thieves from the island in the center, and the game uses the name of whatever the first unit to spawn for the whole group.

Anyway, Cain and Tiki are guarding the bridges so there's not much to worry about. The enemies barely scratch either of them.

These poor javelin cavs can't even damage either of them because their attack is too low.


Sheema takes out the last paladin and takes over for Cain.

And Elice  & co finally encounter things other than thieves.

They aren't much of a threat either, though.

Hey, did you know there are dragons in the arena?  Because there are.

...I wonder if this is related to how Anna got her dragonstones to sell.

Est actually has pretty low HP so her doing well against them is down to luck, even with support from Minevra and Abel.

I accidentally left Elrean in range that the reinforcements could attack him, and he ended up sweeping most of them when I meant to leave most of them to level up Sheema & others. Oops.

Elice takes out the boss with ease.

There's still some enemies left with loot, so I took the time to go take care of them.

After taking out this Armor Knight, Elice also swept the Mage and Sniper on the other side. I think  in the DS games the gap is too big here for this to be viable?

Navarre and Samson team up to take out this General.

There ended up being one guy still left, but he doesn't have any loot so it's not worth it to go over to deal with him.

Stat Update:


Elice ended up making some good gains this chapter, which is nice since she didn't exactly have a great start compared to my other mages after promotion. And I got Sheema to level 20, because idk.

See y'all hopefully in less than two weeks.

On 3/24/2019 at 6:30 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm interested in seeing how Draug has turned out. When do unpromoted units promote with this mod? I'm curious whether he'd be good for bringing Gradivus in the final chapter, or if Minerva or Est should just terrorize some Flying Dragons with it in the Dragon's Dale.

I forgot and had to check my source code, but it's level 10.

On 3/24/2019 at 6:30 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Also, it looked like you bought a Flying Dragonstone. That was the kind I think I was least interested in buying, owing to the non-Move stats of Flying Dragons (or should I just call them Wyverns?) being rather low.

tbh I mostly just bought one of everything except a Firestone for completion. :v

On 3/25/2019 at 4:40 AM, Dayni said:

I assume they're just lying around in these lands, considering ho many mad dragons there are we really don't know how many manaketes just left their stones behind.. 

Except that the degenerated dragons are supposed to be the ones who refused to take human form. But then there's that fire dragon in Chapter 7 who had a dragonstone, so who knows.

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6 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

Except that the degenerated dragons are supposed to be the ones who refused to take human form. But then there's that fire dragon in Chapter 7 who had a dragonstone, so who knows.

It is confirmed in Xane's ending that he just left his dragonstone behind.

Other manaketes could have done the same.

(Others could be from already dead dragons, but that's just back to where 

6 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

HP: 70% Str: 40% Skl: 80% Spd: 80% Lck: 40% Wlv: 70% Def: 20%

Not bad at all, honestly. But I think Minerva and Est both pretty much outclass her at this point.

Now Catria knows what it's like to be outclassed.

6 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

Hey, did you know there are dragons in the arena?  Because there are.

...I wonder if this is related to how Anna got her dragonstones to sell.

I'd forgotten how terrifying they are to just be fighting in the arena.

It probably is too. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I, uh, ended up being busy again this weekend and couldn't update. >_>

But I got this out before the end of the week, all for you, the people(?) who read this!

Chapter 2-16:


Another familiar map. Though I have to wonder why only part of this castle  has a roof over it....

We've still got some plot important items to collect! This thief at the bottom has the Geosphere. It's "broken" so it isn't usable like in book 1, but it still boosts hit and crit rate for nearby units.

Abel grabs it on turn 1 with the help of Feena.

We vwoorp Sheena over to grab her promo item! Yes, I'm still determined to use her.

Opening a chest also uncovers the roof, which reveals a whole bunch of enemies.

Instead of a dragon boss like Book 1, we get a bishop boss with a meteor tome! And flunky bishops with Swarm and Physic.

...weird thing to bring up, but why does Meteor even have a use limit when its enemy only?

There's also these snipers, who are a bit scary.

Tiki and Elrean team up to handle most of the enemies here. Thanks to a Barrier use for Elrean and Tiki's Mage Dragon stats they're both immune to being targeted by the ranged tomes. And they have enough defence that the soldiers barely scratch them.

Castor also helps slightly!

He dodged! Enemies aren't supposed to dodge! D:

Sheena attracted the attention of some of the Heroes, but she only has to deal with one on this turn.

Elice hops over to help clear out the Heroes who came down this hallway.

With her promotion Sheena achieves MAXIMUM THWOMP with capped defense. Bringing her back was totally worth it, see?

Elrean got a def bump and now only the Snipers can damage him. :D

Sheena is handling the Heroes quite well. The heroes with the swordslayer and armorslayer can't damage her (she has the lightshpere to negate effective damage), and even the ones with silver sword only do one damage at a time.

Est handled the other Heroes pretty easily.

I guess we activated an event or something and Malicia started moving. Oops.

More clearing out random dudes!

Baiting this Sniper with Elice was risky, but it all worked out in the end!

Luckily Sheena can survive a hit from Bolganone, since she takes so little damage from the other enemies.

Hey look, Rickard helped out and killed a dude!

This was the only time any of the bishops attacked, and he missed. F.

Elice goes for the boss, and just misses the kill.

And this jerk undoes it. :(

Now over here we're just stalling for Yumina to be able to recruit Malicia.

Even with one crit out of two, Elice can't quite get the kill.

Navarre gets it done instead!

Finally, we get to recruit Malicia.

HP: 40% Str: 30% Skl: 20% Spd: 50% Lck: 30% Wlv: 70% Def: 10%

Nothing impressive, but she's the only one who can use the thief staff, so she might see some use because of that.

Feena kills the last of the bishops left.

Could have finished a turn sooner, but I had to wait for Rickard to grab all the treasure. Oh well.

Still a quite quick clear, I'd say.

Stat Update:


Elice sudden improvement continues from the previous chapter. I guess having a bajillion movement and hogging the starsphere will do that, huh?

Rickard also looking okay considering how little I've used him.

As noted before Sheena has achieved MAXIMUM THWOMP, but she's still a bit slow. Castor is too, actually. Debating if I should give the speed ring to one of them - or maybe Matthis or Nyna? Vote now, and maybe I'll listen, or not.


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I'd say Sheema or Castor for the speedring.

I think Rickard or Yumina would like that skill book as well and a bunch would love the goddess icon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Late again...but this time, there's a double update! Though both chapters are pretty short.

Chapter 2-17:


Another familiar map.

Hey, remember in Book 1 when Jiol demanded Dragoons from Macedon? Looks like they finally showed up. :v

Another gimmick chapter - mixed among the Akaneia soldiers/archers are these weak Gra units. We can't kill any of them if we want to recruit the units at the end of this chapter. Luckily they  won't ever attack us, so this isn't that hard to accomplish.

The Akaneia soldiers may  be unpromoted, but they actually pack a decent punch with their Silver weapons. They even have a total of 4 AS, which is not nothing.

The dragons go down pretty easily with some magic and effective damage.

After chasing down this thief, we finally get a Nosferatu tome! We lost the original that Linde had in the inventory editing, but at least we did finally get this one.

Meanwhile another group moves in the center courtyard-like  area.

And we get an Angel Robe from this village. While she was up here, Elice bought a Door Key from the shop.

The other group of dragons goes down easily as well.

After Est killed this guy, all the Gra soldiers started running. Not sure if the AI  flag is based on turncount or on what enemies are left.

We get the door key over to open up the final area.

Positioned some units just out of range so Ryan(oops, spoilers) wouldn't get baited. But Elice could still make it all the way to the throne without dancer support.

Draug: HP: 60% Str: 20% Skl: 40% Spd: 40% Lck: 20% Wlv: 40% Def: 10%
Ryan: HP: 60% Sr:  40% Skl: 70% Spd: 40% Lck: 30% Wlv: 40% Def: 20%

Should've been Gordin and not Ryan here, and it would've been perfect, but alas.

Draug will certainly not be choking any points in this playthrough, but Ryan looks all right.

And that's that. On to Chapter 18!

Chapter 2-18:


Wow, a map that isn't  reused from Book 1! Kinda small though.

The "bosses" of this chapter are the Wolfguard and Gordin. They won't really be a factor, though. I'll leave you do guess which of them will  end up  being recruitable.

The two ballista(I guess they're catapults, really) get taken out easily.

Elice makes it to the village on turn 1 with dancer support. We have a chat with Hardin's brother and nab the Lifesphere, which fully restores HP at the start of a turn. Also, doing this causes all the mounted units to retreat.

Afterwards some thieves appear from the cave above the village, and also more dragons. I guess the thieves here are Soothsires, somehow?  I guess they moved west after we dealt with them in Book 1.

In the meantime, Nyna decimates the remaining enemies with Nosferatu, which we can use infinitely thanks to the Starsphere. :3
For some reason, the three Generals around the castle only moved on Turn 2. But Nyna takes them out, plus the two groups of Wyverns that appeared.

After that only the bishops and thief reinforcements are left.

Secret shop, with promotion items! We just grabbed a Guiding Ring for Merric to use, because otherwise we'd wait until Chapter 20 to get one.

Meanwhile Sheema and Castor chug speed boosters.

And Merric finally gets promoted, with his own fancy sprite even!

Another short gimmick chapter.

Stat Update:



Looking spiffy. Minerva capped def(only while mounted, though). Merric wasn't used for a few chapters, but he's about on par with my other mages.

See you all next time.

Edit: Derp, completely forgot to comment on Draug and Ryan's stats. >_>

Edited by Robert of Normandy
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That Ryan has comparable stats to FE12 Tomas, who joins in the same fight, which says something about how bad Tomas starts. FE12 was also a bit weird in removing the two southern Dracoes, but then adding two zone-triggered ones down there, plus three simultaneously to the east. And it made the hard-to-get Nosferatu less desirable by giving Katarina one in the prior fight. It slashed the western flier reinforcements to just two, moved the two shops, added a village for Tomas (which makes little sense other than wasting an action for Marth, since they just had Macellan and Dolph join on turn 1 of their maps and could have done that), and lastly replaced all the Archanean Soldiers with Warriors. 

The battle in the pass oddly became easier in FE12. It got rid of the Dracoes and added nothing to replace them, though two Archanean Paladins surround the village (one of which a mountie can kill immediately). And Aurelis leaves the map at a much faster pace once you've chatted with its king.

...I've been running through 12 on Hard for my first time, and its differences from 3 sometimes bite- namely the same turn reinforcements. I got bitten real bad by the changes to Flame Barrel and the Ice Temple exterior. Nor do I get why in some cases it slashed the maximum unit count, FE12 has FE's largest roster; Julian has really suffered for it.


And good that you're using Sheena, playing FE3 for the first time made me really like her. I'm not sure why Merric gets a unique Bishop sprite, which Arlen doesn't use, but it's fair to call it Sage in all but name.

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Just the one chapter this time:

Chapter 2-19:


Boy that is a lot of ballista. Several of the bishops are also packing Swarm. Yay.

Our boss, who is nothing special.

Everyone heads north except Abel, Est, Minerva, Elicee, and Samson, who head through the village instead.

All the people who head north get pelted by ranged weapons. Luckily, this turn they all miss.

We'll be making the most of our last chance to arena grind by having Est go at it with support from Abel and Minerva.

More potshots from over the mountains. A few actually start to hit.

Meanwhile, Elice visits the village, and we get....

HP: 40% Str: 30% Skl: 30% Spd: 30% Lck: 40% Wlv: 60% Def: 10%

Wow, who could have guessed we'd be seeing him here?

He's slightly ahead of  his little brother in terms of bases, but worse in terms of growths. Not that I'm sure that matters at this stage in the game.

A bit later, and the paladins and Mages start to move out.

Sheena tanks a few but doesn't get enough crits to kill more than a few. Probably should've used a Ridersbane, but oh well.

We clean up a few of them afterward.

And then Elice nosfertanks the rest.  :3

Only this guy with the killer lance survived, by retreating to heal first.

And now we're back to moving forward slowly under a bunch of ranged weapon fire.

Weirdly there was one turn where none of the enemies attacked and this one bishop just retreated. The AI in this game is weird.

We  break though and start clearing a few of the enemies.

Elice dispatches the boss easily.

And then everyone gets a second go thanks to the Again staff! Really didn't want to have to deal with the reinforcements that would've spawned here.

And we kill a few more units, with just one bishop living.

Also bought a few door keys which I probably don't need but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Not a bad clear time.

We have a chat with Boah about story stuff, and he keels  over and gives us a Thoron and Physic. Uh, thanks?

Stat Update:


Not much to comment on here that's different from earlier chapters.

On 4/28/2019 at 7:06 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

The battle in the pass oddly became easier in FE12. It got rid of the Dracoes and added nothing to replace them, though two Archanean Paladins surround the village (one of which a mountie can kill immediately). 

Well it seems the dracos were changed into starting enemies, at least on Lunatic.

On 4/28/2019 at 7:06 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

And Aurelis leaves the map at a much faster pace once you've chatted with its king.

FE3 enemy AI is super weird when escaping. It seems like enemies can only leave once per turn, even if the leave tile  is open, which is super bizarre.

On 4/28/2019 at 7:06 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

And good that you're using Sheena, playing FE3 for the first time made me really like her. I'm not sure why Merric gets a unique Bishop sprite, which Arlen doesn't use, but it's fair to call it Sage in all but name.

It's not just a unique sprite, it's a wholly different class with different bases/promotion bonuses which are superior to regular bishops in every way. He gets 2 extra skill and 1 extra strength, speed, defense, and resistance.

Maybe it has something to do with him being Excalibur's inheritor, who knows. Just a symptom of Kaga being seemingly super biased towards wind mages and wind magic, I guess.

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Time for the showdown with Hardin.

Chapter 2-20:


For some reason, the whole map is covered on the preparation screen. Not really sure why....

Oh, and this map actually gets special preparation music, unlike very other map in the game which just use the enemy phase theme. They really want you to think this is the final map.

Oops, did I spoil that it's not?

Doesn't really matter that the map is covered, because it  all gets uncovered as soon as you start. The thief opens it, but he's in the Akaneia army?  I don't get it.

The boss man himself, with capped everything except HP. An Wlv and Luck, even though some plot important bosses have a luck stat? Well, he's certainly going to be a challenge.

You may also notice this earth dragon, who I believe has the same stats as Book 1 Medeus. We're just going to leave him be.

The upper area of the map is full of these meteor bishops, which could be a real problem. Normally this map is an ideal place to use silence, but we don't have that, so... :v

We also get our first appearance of the Dark Mage class, alongside the Doulam tome. The Doulam is one of several "reduce HP to 1" spells that were somewhat recurrent in FE at this time, though I think Gaiden actually  had the first spell like that.

We also get more or less our last new unit here:
HP: 70% Str: 40% Skl: 50% Spd: 50% Lck: 40% Wlv: 60% Def: 20%
Rody is stupid good, better than all of my current Paladins even. Unfortunately two Paladins are forced if we want the best ending, and the last is Abbel who I kind of want to keep using, so....

IDK, I guess I'll do a poll.

This entryway being only one tile wide is quite annoying, it slows everyone down by giving everyone overlapping movement.

Yumina contributes by getting Rody to us, and he leads up with some equipment in case he needs to fight something.

And we finally use the Thief staff to grab this out of the way chest.

The Heroes and Snipers are actually quite fast, so Elice can't just one round them with Nosferatu. In this case, she got an assist from Tiki.

Busted out the Thoron so Elice could double this guy, but she ended up  critting and oneshotting him so her AS didn't matter.

Elrean ended up being attacked by all three meteor bishops. Thankfully his massive HP and decent RES helped him live. Really would have been nice to have that silence staff right about now, though. >_>

We clear a bit of a path here, and...

Again staff to the rescue!

Most of the enemies wound up cleared out, but the one Swarm bishop here lived.

He attacks, and misses, but for some reason the Meteor bishop up by the chest didn't attack.

Gordin handles him for us.

And after the Swarm bishop is gone too, it's on to the throne room.

The "HP to 1" effect isn't so scary when Elice immediately restores all her health thanks to Nosferatu.

...I suppose I should mention the treasure. It's 10000G and some promotion items...so basically all more money. Didn't feel worthwhile to screenshot grabbing them.

We enter the throne room proper. The AI for all these guys seems to be set to keep them stationary, so we have to confront them directly.

After we enter there's a cutscene, and this area opens up revealing a General and another Swarm and Fortify bishop.

Gordin finishes his contribution this chapter by taking out the bishop with fortify here. I decided the two other guys here weren't worth taking out.

The new area also has reinforcements! Actually kinda scary ones, even.

Cutscenes happen with Haridn even though I had battle animations turned off. Guess they really wanted you to hear his battle theme.

I would have had Elice help to take out Hardin, but he would have one shot her, so....I went for something safer.
Elrean opens up, with one crit to deal a fair amount of damage.

Navarre just misses doing the rest in one hit

He eats a hefty counter, but the job is done!

Hardin apparently has enough time to put on his old outfit, including his turban, before he dies.

We get a cutscene, and the binding shield is restored. Or RestoredA, I guess.

Now we just  have to clear out the remaining enemies. I think killing Hardin stopped any more reinforcements, but the ones that did appear approach pretty quick.

And the Earth Dragon is taken out by the Binding Shield.

Tiki probably could have survived these guys, but I wasn't sure since she does get doubled and they do have a decent crit chance.

Case in point, Elrean got hit by a crit here. >_>

He just barely hangs on to take out all of the reinforcements, though.

After that we just bait and kill the remaining units on the map.

Gee, that was definitely worth coming all the way out here to grab. >_>


Then we get a whole bunch of new units....

Psyche, they're actually evil!

Hardin may be dead, but we still have some foes to take care of. See you all next time at Wyvern Valley!

Stat Update:


Samson ate a Goddess Icon, Elrean and Nyna got Power Rings.

Gordin gained a level but didn't gain any meaningful stats really, so I think we'll  stick with Castor for the remainder of the game.


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All Earth Dragons, B1 Medeus included, just use the Class Bases. You don't notice with Medeus, because B1 has no other EDs to compare him with. Shadow Dragon Medeus and Emperor Hardin also use their classes' bases, but he is the only one of its kind.

The opening to C20 reminds me of FE7's final chapter, which bans you from seeing the map at all until you deploy.


I didn't use the Silence to deal with the siege gauntlet at the start, or Again, since I wanted to save those for the final chapters (which really really likes them). I just Warped Tiki into the treasure room, as a Mage Dragon I think. With one of the siege units gone, things became much easier.

It's cool witnessing the Binding Shield do its job. Although how it zaps away an Earth Dragon not at the Altar or Table or whatever you call it is a little unexplained. Still, neat to see such a threat effortlessly removed.

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Get hype, time for the finale to begin!

Chapter F-1:


...or not. This is labelled as one of the final chapters by the game, but aside from the fact that it's after the bad ending, it's kind of just another chapter. FE12 did away with the weird F-1 and F-2 labeling and just gave ever chapter but the end proper numbers, which I think makes more sense.

The return of the generic bosses! This one has a sort of unique weapon, at least in this chapter. There will be plenty more enemies like him in the coming chapters.

Wow, it's like Anri's Way all over again!

We won't be seeing the wyverns after this chapter, but the barbarians will be a fairly common sight. They're packing devil axes this time around. I think they aren't affected by the recoil(?) of the devil axe, so they're effectively packing equivalents to the Regalia in terms of attack.

The rest of the Dark Bishops are packing Meteors.

Some thieves will  randomly spawn from this cave. I think there are some random wyvern reinforcements too, but I didn't run in to any this time.

For the first turn, I bunches up my units here and put Tiki out front. Oh, and Minerva and Est snuck up the mountains on the left.

One of the wyverns reached my main army, but the other two were safely dispatched by Tiki.

More wyvern baiting on the next turn!

With all the wyverns on this side of the map gone, we can move a bit more freely.

Nor particularly important, but  I thought it was worth mentioning that Castor one-shot  that Barbarian with the last use of a killer bow.

This could have been a disaster, but it was amazing instead! Samson one-rounded this barbarian with a crit on the counterattack. :3

Minerva has capped def and these guys still do some meaty damage to her.

More wyvern baiting! Tiki's really putting in good use of her divine stone.

In a way, baiting and one-shotting all these wyverns reminds me of when Tiki joined in Chapter 3. A bit poetic, perhaps?

According to war of dragons there's a silver axe on this spot, but since we can't get a thief up there, getting it is pretty much purely RNG. And I didn't end up grabbing it...

Abel taking care of the last of the enemies over here.

Forgot to check the range of this guy, so Minerva ended up getting hit. Can't say I'll be all that sad to not see any more of these guys. >_>

With all the wyverns gone, Tiki moves on to clearing out a few of the Meteor bishops. Just wanted to make sure the path to the village is mostly clear.

Abel taking out a few more enemies. I dismounted him in the hopes of  getting him to cap speed, but he didn't end up getting enough speed levels to matter.

I plopped Minerva in an open patch of ground here to slow down this thief, but he ended up not moving after that even though the village hadn't been visited yet. Weird.

Cain takes on the boss! Dealing with Doulam is a bit of a mixed bag - on the one hand your res stat doesn't matter, but on the other hand as long as you can heal after taking a hit you'll be safe.

And down he goes. Now we just need to get to the village and do some last-minute shopping.

Elice nosfertanks and Matthis regular tanks.

...and this is what happens when you don't check enemy ranges. >_>

And that's all the enemies! Well, there are two thieves, but they're not really worth going after.

Since Sheema is the only one who will be able to use lances, I sold of pretty much all of the lances I still had.

Michalis is back! Well, only for a bit. He gives us Starlight and then croaks. Unlike in FE12 there's no way for him to live. A redemptive death?

Just like in Book 1, there's a secret shop before the final chapter with infinite buyable statboosters. After selling of a good chunk of my inventory, we have plenty of cash to spend.

Mostly power rings and a few speed rings to top off everyone's speed and strength stats, but also a couple angelic robes to boost everyone's durability for the finale.

Also bought a few tomes and staves, and a TON of swords for all the sword units we'll  be fielding.

We grabbed a few chest keys since we won't have any thieves, plus a bunch of pure waters because why not.

I was too lazy to actually have Elice walk back down to the gate, so I just warped her instead.

An alright time, I guess.

Stat Update:


Everyone is roided up and ready for the endgame! See you all then for the exciting(?) conclusion...whenever that may be.

Oh, and since nobody voted in the poll, I'm going to keep using Abel.


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Question: Do you have everyone who'll be recruiting the bishops sorted out?

I've forgotten who'd be who this time round.

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20 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Question: Do you have everyone who'll be recruiting the bishops sorted out?

I've forgotten who'd be who this time round.

Yes - it's Elrean, Cain, Ogma, and Matthis.

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On 5/19/2019 at 2:27 PM, Robert of Normandy said:

The return of the generic bosses! This one has a sort of unique weapon, at least in this chapter. There will be plenty more enemies like him in the coming chapters.

I always figured the generic bosses in book 2 was the developers trying to save time or perhaps memory on portraits, I'd have liked to see them get portraits in New Mystery but alas.

Anyone find it odd that Dark Mage has two portraits, this one and one thats a recolor of Bishop?

On 5/19/2019 at 2:27 PM, Robert of Normandy said:

Oh, and since nobody voted in the poll, I'm going to keep using Abel.

I'd have voted for Rickard and Sheena/Sheema if I'd been here on time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oops, I forgot to do an update again, didn't I?

Well, that aside, I might stream the finale of the LP for those who are interested, so...get hype?

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  • 3 weeks later...

...oops, kind of forgot about this, didn't I? Well, I did stream the finale...but didn't advertise it, so...

Well, that aside, lets get on with the actual finale!

Chapter F-2:




Our first map is very purple indeed. In terms of enemies, we have Mage Dragons in addition to the Barbarians and Dark Bishops with Meteor, Doulam, and healing from the last chapter. Oh, and one bishop with Bolganone, I guess.


I spent the first couple of attempts playing this  opening really defensively before I realized it was easier if I just bumrushed it. :v


We also make use of our remaining statboosters - mostly just HP boosting to get everyone over 32 HP for...reasons.


The Dragons in this chapter don't move and the bishops appear to only move if you enter their range. The Barbarians will all charge at you regardless, however.


They're pretty physically bulky but they go down to our mages easily.


Sent two guys to grab these chests, which are guarded by a mage dragon and doulam mage each.


Meanwhile the main group draws the attention of the Bolganone mage.


Funny thing about Doulam, is that if there's no other enemies in range and you have more than one HP, it's completely not a threat to you.


Anyway, here's the treasure. Not much for us honestly, but the purewater is actually quite helpful in the magic-heavy chapters...especially the next one. The door key is here to ensure that the player has a way to complete  the chapter, since if somehow you didn't have any keys and all your thieves were dead, you couldn't open the room with the throne.


Everyone grouped up around this door before opening it to reveal...more of the usual.


The enemies inside go down fairly quickly.


Fortunately for me, the meteor bishops are right next tot he wall, so Castor and Sheena can take them out from the outside.


These dragons have enough bulk that Tiki can't one-shot them even with effective damage. 😞


Helpfully, he suicides on enemy phase for us.


The remaining enemies go down easily. Helpfully, the barbarians came charging again so we didn't have to go to them to take them out.


Elice fights the "boss" on enemy phase. Even with two crits though, she can't quite take him out with thunder. Luckily, we have other units to-




Oh well, Minerva got the job done on the second hit.

I would show the turn count, but it's counted cumulatively for all three final chapters, so I'll just do that at the very end.


More purple! I  used to think this was all over some big void or chasm or something, but on closer inspection I think this chapter might be over some water or something, because of the way the shadows under the pillars and walls move. Or maybe not, who knows.


A familiar face. No doppelganger gimmick this time. Strangely he actually has less speed and skill than Book 1, not that it's a significant difference. All his other stats are the same or better.


There's meteor bishops galore in this chapter! There's two in the outer chambers and two on each of the upper platforms, for a total of six.


Unlike in the last map, the dragons here can actually be baited!


Made sure to get all of my physical units a pure water to help with all the fireballs being dropped on them.


Went up the main column a bit slowly. Tiki Helpfully takes out a Doulam bishop for us.


I somehow still hadn't decided to use this, so Elice gets it!


I, uh, kind of forgot Gharnef moves. I guess it's to make the game winnable even if you missed Starlight somehow? Well, it worked out fine in this case.


More fireballs getting dropped on us, yay!


One less fireball to worry about.


Once she equips the right weapon, Elice takes out Gharnef easily.


And the path forward is helpfully cleared.


Warp gets a use in helping us eliminate another fire hazard.


And also helping in getting a treasure which TBH I don't need , but felt like grabbing anyway. :v


Clearing out more enemies, and we grab another item that might be useful but we can't use! :v

On to the really, really final chapter:


Technically there's 5 earth dragons too but they disappear on the first turn thanks to the Binding Shield.


Our final boss, with no speed but massive attack and bulk. And with the usual half attack gimmick. Oh, and he's also just immune to magic - it's blocked just like attacking Gharnef without Starlight.


And his map sprite is HUGE!



And here are our 4 "clerics."


Surprise - Marth and Luke moved! Their default AI reacted weirdly to being given weapons.


Also, earth dragons keep spawning.


They may disappear on player phase, but they can attack on the enemy phase.

Alright, get ready for some crack ships.


I don't think there's much more to add.


Warp gets its last use helping us get Marth recruited.


brb petitioning IS to add Matthis to FEH so I can S Rank him with Marth


Even though there's one cleric left, Samson and Castor open up with some chip damage on Medeus.


The Again staff's last hurrah, helping us get our last recruitment and refreshing everyone to take on Medeus!


Wow, Ogma was so worried about Luke he transformed into Minerva!


Back on the boss front, Sheena chips in with the power of PINK!


Even with the Fachion, at base Marth won't be doing any more damage than the rest or our units, and with 32 HP he'll be one-shot by Medeus. If you plan to use him, be sure to bring statboosters.


Samson says who needs Math anyway?


And that's officially it! Doing this was a wild ride, with all the unexpected bugs and oddities that came up to debug along the way.

Stat Update/Retrospective:



Marth's real canon love interest was alright? I think he's better in FE3 than his usual reputation, but star shard can make anything usable, I guess.


Honestly I should have used him way more than just the final chapter. He's good in the base game and I think even more stupid good here.


Honorary mention? I wound up deploying her a lot, actually. Honestly I think she's probably better than Nyna, but I felt like using Nyna anyway, so¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


Grouping these three together since I think they differ the lest form vanilla of the units I used - they joined close to the same time and with few changes in stats. Still very good, though!


Another unit I probably could've used more? Even though his join time didn't change, swapping with Wendell boosted his bases a lot.


Basically Sirius but even better, somehow. He got hit by the 20 HP bug, and I think he might've been even better without it.


She did good. Nothing to write home about, but certainly not terrible either. Certainly there were de-promoted units who fared worse. *cough* Medea *cough*


He wound up being pretty good too. He was a bit iffy at the start, especially compared to Elrean, but aside from bulk I think he actually slightly surpassed Elrean later on.


This gut I think was the biggest surprise, he got really lucky with his bulk early on.


Possibly a candidate for MVP? Being able to fly and oneshot so many enemies - including Dracoknights! - so early into the game was just amazing.


RR Est gonna RR Est.


Funny how he reverses in usefulness in both Book 1 and 2 - here he wound up being a lot like his Book 1 self, but with more initial bulk.


Honestly she's not great, but I wanted to carry the spirit of Lorenz from Book 1 and used her anyway. Kinda funny how she wasn't used for most of the game but then I got her up to speed after Anri's Way.


Not quite as good as in Book 1 I think, but still quite good. Certainly fared the best of most of the de-promoted units.


Nyna is basically a necessity in Chapter 2 for taking out the wyverns. After than she's still good for quite a while, but I think some of the many other choices for bishop/cleric might be better.


The de-levelling definitely didn't do her any favors at first, but luckily her role as a cleric meant some of her stat losses didn't matter too much for a while. And then after promotion she suddenly turned out pretty great!

And that's that! The patch for this can be found here, if you'd like to try a playthrough yourself. Thanks so much for reading this mess!

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