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Getting All The S Ranks (only EHM left!)


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In a non-ranked context, money isn't much of an issue. And Farina is a fun unit, can get a fair bit of XP by murdering the 74628 monks in her joining chapter and promote into a stronger, tankier, still sufficiently fast (if RNGeesus wills it) falco knight compared to her sisters. I can think of less worthwhile units that some people like to use and invest into.
(Maybe, if I'm acting inconspicuous, nobody will notice that it's been not 2, but 14 months since the last chapter... )
(waaait a second, I never posted Cog of Destiny? I already had that done, including the write-up. Good thing I do, I don't recall the finer details of that clear. Apparently Farina got +2 Spd though, so that's nice)

  • Chapter 29*

12/20 turns (240/287 in total) - 1556/3650 XP (lol - 34850/28550 in total) - Funds: * * * *
Fielded: Hector, Pent, Canas | Heath, Farina | Fiora, Sain, Harken, Priscilla, Ninian

Man, I just LOVE the status stave hell that you have to go through this chapter. :/:  12 turns isn't quite what I was aiming for (heck, I mananged a 9-turn in my previous run), but it's still a reasonable turncount. The final group of valkyries, paired with the Purge bishops and status druids made the last push towards the throne rather difficult.

I again carefully avoided all three non-Vaida reinforcement zones. Heath and Farina flew towards the north, dealing with the enemies mostly on their own - not without an initial Barrier boost, of course. Still, Heath needed some Physic by Pent at some point and both of their HP pools were pretty drained before I was able to heal them again. Hector, Pent and Canas stayed near the starting position to recruit Vaida on the spot and deal with the wyverns that come with her. The rest of the group went west - it's exactly 8 tiles from bridge to bridge (which are just outside of the reinforcement zone), so Priscilla and Sain were able to pass the southern island without triggering the Dark Magic reinforcements.

A little turn-by-turn for as long as I was halfway diligent making notes:
Turn 1 - some Barriers are applied and Heath, Farina (both to the north) and Sain (to the west) get in position to cross their respective reinforcement zones next turn. Fiora rescues Harken (not super necessary, but it keeps the Barrier up a a little longer) and also gets as far NW as possible without stepping into enemy range. Some scrubs are killed on enemy phase and the Purge bishop is drawn south to attack Heath, but misses.

Turn 2 - Farina goes and kills the Bishop, with Heath following her and trading both of them Javelins. Fiora goes to the tile right to the east of the centre bridge of the southern island, so Sain can rescue Harken ahead of the bridge. All of them have 1-2 range equipped, of course. Canas also gets barriered and moves towards the NE bridge to face the four mages coming from that direction. On enemy phase, both Sain and Heath need to dodge a status staff (at 33% and 34% hit, so the chance for both to hit was 44.22%) - Heath because I wanted to send Priscilla west and Sain because otherwise, Prissy would have to rescue him in order to get past the reinforcement zone and I absolutely wasn't in a position to waste PP actions for that.

Turn 3 - Pent physics Heath after he got hit by a stray Bolting. Fiora actually gets a Valkyrie kill. Harken had chipped her on enemy phase and Fiora was able to finish the job at 80% disp. hit with an iron lance. Harken kills another Valkyrie with the Brave Sword (@70 disp. hit). Since he didn't miss either attack, Sain was free to attack the nearby Druid (who had missed Fiora w/ Eclipse on EP), who also gets a somewhat lucky kill via 11% crit. He doubled and two-shot anyway, but only at 65% disp.hit. Similarly, Heath kills the Berserk Valk with the Brave Lance and Farina as an ultimately unnecessary failsave. Instead, Farina kills a mage and pulls one of the Silver Sword Heroes. Priscilla carries Ninian past the southern Island - nobody's around to drop Ninian, unfortunately, but Prissy is still able to double and kill a Luna shaman on enemy phase. :lol: Also, Sain stepped into the Sleep Druid's range, who slept him at 92% accuracy (and this is why I wanted Prissy on this side of the map).

Turn 4 - Farina is a bit worn down (to 17 HP), but thanks to some remaining Barrier protection, she's still magically bulky enough to go north, chip the Bolting Sage and face the two Valkyries there on EP (missing the first, but crit-killing the other one). Heath can two-shot the hero thanks to Farina's chip damage and also pulls the other one. Pent has nothing to do since Heath and Farina are out of his range, so he repairs Hector's ol' Wolfbeil, which had four uses remaining. Fiora drops Ninian and gets in position to visit the Vendor next turn (but also in position for Priscilla to restore her in case she gets Slept). Priscilla restores Sain, who joins Harken in moving a few tiles to the north.

Turn 5 - Farina is down to 9 HP, i.e. in killing range of a LOT of enemies, but she can kill the Bolting Sage while staying out of everybody else's range. Heath kills the Valkyrie that she had missed with the Brave Lance. He also pulls the Sniper - unfortunately, I wasn't able to trade him the Delphi Shield, so this puts him at low HP, as well. Priscilla restores Sain, who got targeted by the Druid again, and gets dropped a bit to the south - I derped a bit and miscounted the range of the Silence Druid, but luckily, Priscilla managed to dodge that status on this and the next turn (no hit% here because I generally play without animations and only activated them for Sain and Heath to see my chances on T2 EP). And while I neglected to mention him, Canas kills the last remaining mage from that northeast group - with Barrier, he was in absolutely no danger of dying and two-rounded all of the mages since he was one or two points of Spd away from doubling.

Turn 6 - Farina and Heath kill the Sniper - the latter is also just barely healthy enough to finish the Silver Sword Hero (who I avoided on the previous turn) on EP with exactly one HP remaining. Priscilla goes somewhat towards the SE to draw the Silence Druid a bit to the south. She can't quite get outside of her range (which I definitely would have preferred over this gamble), but avoids the status a second time. Fiora, after visiting the Vendor on the previous turn, buys a couple iron weapons as well as one Silver Lance.

Turn 7 - Sain and Harken (boosted by Ninian) go towards the throne, killing both of the Druids (who both had Eclipse equipped). Heath gets into Priscilla's range to get healed (and closer to the throne); Farina kills the Troubadour who ran around aimlessly the entire time until now. Fiora gets the Warp staff and goes somewhat towards the action, too.

Turn 8 - which is where my notes are starting to get scarce - Hector immediately recruits Vaida. She and Canas killed one of the accompanying wyverns, Pent the other. The three of them had the following reinforcements under control - other than those first wave, even Canas doubled all of them. Hector only had to step in once because Vaida didn't quite 2HKO with an Iron Lance. Sain one-shots one of the Valkyries with the Silver Sword, Harken kills another, which makes things a lot more manageable - two of the remaining Valkyries are still carrying status staves, so they prioritize those over attacking.

Turn 9 - the Purge Bishops go down. And other things happen that I don't quite recall. ;):

What I do remember is that the bosskill got delayed because Heath needed full HP to survive a round of combat against Lloyd without Ninis' Grace and Priscilla was constantly busy using Restore. The kill itself went just as planned - Heath with Ninian's Atk boost brought Lloyd down to 3 HP and Farina finished him with an Iron Lance hit. :):

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		20.00/1.00	38  18  16  12  7   19  9	153/63
Ninian		18.60		27  1   1   22  25  11  16
Priscilla	20.00/8.45	26  19  16  15  15  10  21	39/17
Heath		20.00/8.30	53  23  24  18  9   18  8	144/75

Farina		20.00/7.89	39  18  20  19  22  17  21	101/64
Pent		    */9.18	35  19  23  18  14  12  16	17/12
Fiora		19.17		31  9   18  19  10  10  12	69/32
Harken		    */9.38	42  23  22  18  12  16  11	9/7

Canas		19.16		28  18  13  14  9   9   14	76/46
Sain		20.00/7.51	39  25* 15  18  13  11  7	142/81	-- Str cap!
Vaida		9.20		47  22  21  13  11  22  7	4/2

In terms of the Funds ranking, I'm not really making any progress - I have about 600k in total, which is 26k below the current requirement. I'm hoping for some influx next chapter - ideally, two stat boosters, one Wolf Beil and some less valuable stuff, but I still might be cutting it close. And I shouldn't just _ assume _ that I'll be collecting everything I want. Last time, I had some trouble figuring out how to get as much funds as possible, although I also have quite a few more turns to play with this time, 23 to be precise. 🙂

And, of course, there's still 31x with its automatic 29k surplus even before factoring in the arena, thanks to the Silver Card.


  • Chapter 30*

15/0 turns (255/287 in total) - 546/0 XP (35396/28550 in total) - Funds: * * * * *
Fielded: Hector, Legault.

Not my favourite chapter in the game, I'll be honest. I don't like HHM's low deployment slots in general, so it's no wonder that I can't stand this one, I guess. The outcome is OK, though - 15 turns isn't great, obviously, but I got all the treasure except the Pure Water. And not only that, but I even gained one turn because Hector managed to crit Kaim on the second turn he fought him, so I really shouldn't complain too loudly. 😉

But let's go through the chapter: Since I wanted to get the Speedwings and the Wolf Beil, going north first was the only choice. I allowed myself some excessive rigging on turn 1 - three Killing Edge crits by Legault on the thief in the SE corner and (twice on EP) the Armour Knight north of that. Hector took the more direct path northwards, one-rounding the nearest Knight and pulling the second thief. He missed the thief, but thanks to the damage from the poison trap, killed him with an Iron Blade on turn 2. By attacking from the north, two knights attacked him on EP and were weakened in retaliation. Legault (with one regular hit) and Hector killed them on T3, with Hector using a Hand Axe to kill an approaching mage on EP.

The Speedwings mage was lured, robbed and murdered on turns 4 and 5, with Hector one-shotting him with the Steel Axe to avoid a counter. This slowed him down a little, but since Legault was going east to the Wolf Beil chest anyway, this wasn't too bad. Legault got the Beil directly on turn 6 and it takes until turn 8 (with a couple Knights killed along the way) until Hector would have been able to pull the Fighter with the Goddess Icon and the Steel Blade Mercenary.

This is the point where I might have lost a turn or two - Hector didn't go in right away he would have killed the Fighter in one round (not at 100% hitrate - the Fighter wields a Swordreaver - but still). Legault was still a little too far back to trade away Hector's weapons and I needed to kill the nearby Knight first, anyway, but I wonder if this could have been done a bit quicker. And the trade shenanigans did mean that the Hector and Legault couldn't use their full movement afterwards, too. Anyway, turn 9, Hector charged onto the eastern stairs to the throne room while Legault was positioned south of the pillar next to them - technically in range of both the Merc and the Fighter, but the Merc moved first (which I knew from a previous attempt) and blocked the fighter, so Legault was able to kill him over the course of EP 9 and 10.

The mage directly south of the throne room got aggro'ed before anyone entered his range, which allowed Hector to kill him with a Steel Axe on turn 11 to again avoid a counter. Well, I say that, but it put him in range of both mages guarding the throne, so using his Hand Axe would still have been preferable. But it was down to 3 uses because I'm too daft to plan ahead, and because 1-range enemies move first, the one remaining use after killing the first mage would've been wasted on the nearby Knight. Needless to say, I felt a little stupid at that point of the chapter. :D:

Luckily, Legault dodged enough attacks over the course of the chapter that he and Hector could kill both mages on PP 12. Hector at his current HP barely survived two hits from Kaim, so he was able attack on PP 13 while Legault moves towards the Elixir chest. Hector did get hit twice (and only 5HKO's in return), so he chuggs an elixir on turn 14 and then got the lucky crit on enemy phase, saving one turn.

Hector		20.00/3.50	40  19  18  13  7   19 10	175/76
Legault		18.88		32  10  18  20  12  9  7	29/10

Five star Funds rating gogogo! Not going to bother punching everything into Excel right now - total gains in this chapter are probably a bit under 28k, depending on how much money the weapon uses have cost, which would put me juuuuuust above the 5* requirement. Maybe after Battle Preparations and certainly after Victory or Death to see if I'm going to pay Kishuna another visit.


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  • Chapter 31*

12/11 turns (267/298 in total) - 3029/2050 XP (38425/30600 in total) - Funds: * * * *
Fielded: LEH, Heath, Sain, Lowen, Farina, Raven, Legault, Nino, Serra | Pent, Louise, Geitz, Priscilla

OK, this chapter, however, I can get behind. :): It wouldn't hurt to have "Kill Boss" as another victory condition, but it's really satisfying to clear out the enemy, especially in a ranked run like this. Getting a really nice XP count and most of the available funds put me in a good mood, so I might be a little biased right now. I did play a bit recklessly (as usual in this run, tbh) and had to restart three times in total (not counting some experimentation on the first two turns).

As for my setup, I wanted two staff users to be as safe as possible from status staves, so I put Pent and Priscilla (not Serra because I wanted all the firepower possible) here. Since shooting through walls is quite handy here, I added Louise (also for the Pent support, I was contemplating Rath as an alternative) and Geitz as a more tanky unit. The main group was mostly just my best combat units (Vaida and Harken being the most notable absentees) plus Serra for staff utility and Nino to grab some experience. She was legit the best choice for that, too - Erk and Canas are already level 17 and 19, respectively, while Lucius (Lv. 11) would have had a harder time securing kills (9 Mag vs. Nino's 11 and the worse weapon type). Nino managed to get 9 kills (and one chip against Denning), netting her 480 XP in total.

Anyway, the rundown of the chapter: The main group can't do a whole lot on T1 - I just barrier up Nino and rescue/drop her ahead to have more options on T2. I send Heath to the west to quickly deal with the Myrmidons and the Swordmaster blocking the treasure room, everybody else just scrambles east, cursing about the green units blocking their way. Only exception is Lyn, who just follows Heath and will get the two northern treasure chests while the competent units are fighting. ( :P:, pls don't take seriously)
In the small room, Geitz uses a Longbow to immediately get rid of the Nos/Silence Druid north of the room. Pent trades him an Iron Bow and barriers him up - the Shamans (except for the first one who kills a green Knight) still go for him, so this saves a good amount of HP. Louise does some chip damage against one of the eastern archers and Priscilla barriers her up, as well.
EP isn't particularly productive outside of Geitz's kills, but the very least, two more green Knights suicide on the enemy Shaman and make the map less cluttered. ;):

T2, Heath kills the first Myrmidon with the Brave Lance, which means that all three enemies are dead at the end of the EP. It's going to be Hammerned anyway, so he might as well reduce its uses and join up with the main group a little quicker. Eliwood kills the remaining Shaman and Sain uses a Silver Sword to set up a General kill for Nino, who does her best. Hector gets barriered up and goes into the reinforcing Druid's range to kill him on EP.
One of the Longbow Snipers hugged the northern wall of the small room, so Geitz uses the Brave Bow to get rid of him (and also bring down the Silver Bow Sniper to 1 HP on EP). Louise (Longbow) and Priscilla (who faces no crit) kill the two Luna Shamans.
Pent heals Priscilla with the two of them blocking the hallway to the south. This is a rather risky move (and caused one reset on a previous attempt) because Priscilla needs to dodge two Armor Knights (with 41 and 27 hit on her) to survive the non-status Druid's attack (55-60 hit, iirc), but it leads to two EP kills each on her and Pent (two archers through the wall). Unfortunately, the Sleep Druid changes targets and successfully goes for Farina despite her 21 Res. This is actually really annoying because Pent and Priscilla are carrying my only two Restore staffs...

(T3) Good thing the non-Status Druid drops a Restore staff - Louise with a full inventory kills him and warps the staff to Merlinus. Unfortunately, I didn't move Merlinus with the rest of the main group (he's sitting on the throne where he belongs!), so Farina still misses this turn. Hector goes east and killed the Sniper that Geitz had weakened, still carrying a Hand Axe, so that nothing here goes uncountered on EP. Unfortunately, I'm once again rather low on 1-2 range, so his EP utility is on a timer against the spawning Druids and Snipers.

Geitz blocks the door carrying a Hammer (which on EP allows him to kill a Knight and drop a General to 1 HP), Pent kills the remaining Longbow Sniper. Eliwood draws an injured General and gets a crit+hit with the Rapier on EP, once again leaving an enemy at 1 HP :lol:

T4 forward, my unit-by-unit stop - I do those to get through the start of the map quicker after a reset, but after a few turns it doesn't feel as worthwhile because divergence through RNG and slightly altered play becomes too big. So, really short: T4 and T5, the main group (plus Heath, who gets into the action on T4) has to stall a little to get rid of the initial Knight/General swarm. Lowen's a bit of a dud here because his attack power is a bit low at this point of the game.

The last Sleep charge hits Raven, so Serra heals him first because Farina doesn't do that well against Generals, either. Once Farina is healed, she joins Hector (carrying the Delphi Shield, obviously) to help clearing out the NE reinforcements. It's not too big a problem despite running out of 1-2 range fairly soon - at the end of T8 (when the reinforcements stop), only three Snipers are left and those are cleared out by T10. With Merlinus absorbing two or three shots, their HP is doing fine, too, with only two Physic needed for Hector over the entire chapter.

Legault is being reckless, as well, although I'm not sure what his actual chance of death was. He has two enemy phases where he was hit by a Silver Bow and then dodged one or two less accurate enemies. He steals three Lockpicks on T6-8 as well as the Body Ring.

The two Luna/Eclipse Druids spawning in the east on T6 and T7 are immediately killed by Geitz with his Longbow. I also wanted him to Hammer down the General reinforcements in the small room, but half of them spawn with Axereavers, which I didn't know. Geitz still has 50 hit on them, but Pent and Louise have to help out a little (and, of course, Geitz gets hit more often than not, so he needs some healing).

Lowen draws Denning on T7 and he is immediately surrounded (but still gets two Silver Bow shots because Raven and Sain needed to go into his range to attack some reinforcements). Lowen deals the final blow on T10 because surely, there's no reinforcements on the last turn?! (note to self: Keep FEWod open while playing) Oh well, I think I can savely assume that I'll earn more than 1600 XP until the end of the game. :lol:

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		20.00/6.52	43  20  18  16  8   20  10	190/85
Eliwood		19.93		30  14  14  13  18  13  3	94/51
Lyn		16.76		27  9   15  17  10  5   0	46/26 -- fully relegated to thief duties, didn't see combat
Legault		20.00		33  10  20  20  14  10  8	38/11 -- mostly relegated to thief duties, but killed a thief to cap XP

Geitz		    */7.45	49  21  16  16  11  12  7	32/18 -- he got a perfect level along the way
Pent		    */10.54	36  19  23  18  14  12  16	21/16
Louise		    */6.49	29  12  15  19  16  9   14	20/10
Priscilla	20.00/10.89	27  20  18  16  24  10  23	56/28

Farina		20.00/9.23	40  18  21  19  22  18  22	110/70
Raven		20.00/8.48	51  21  24  23  9   11  13	138/87
Heath		20.00/9.78	53  24  24  19  9   18  8	154/83
Lowen		20.00/9.15	48  16  12  19  11  18  10	243/124

Sain		20.00/8.64	40  25* 15  19  14  11  7	158/90
Nino		17.73		27  13  16  18  17  7   13	32/23
Serra		19.23		25  10  10  17  19  5   13	7/0

Funds rating went down to 4* again. This chapter's threshold is 36k (80% of 45k), which you reach with just the three chest items. I guess it goes to show that I was indeed just barely above the 5* requirement at the end of the last chapter. Oh well, I'll do the maffs after Battle Preps. In any case, I still have two Hammerne uses left - one very definitely for the Brave Lance (which has 3 uses left) and the other one most likely for the Brave Bow (10 uses). The Brave Sword is still mostly unused (still got 26/30 uses) and less than half as expensive than the Lance and Bow, anyway.


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  • Chapter 31x*
  • 6/5 turns (273/303 in total) - 321/0 XP (38746/30600 in total) - Funds: * * * * *
  • fielded: Hector, Farina, Florina, Fiora, Rath, Lucius, Kent, Isadora, Pent, Priscilla

Fiora flies around with the Silver Card. Hector helps with a couple Rescue/Drops and visits the 6th shop on T5 after taking the Silver Card from Fiora. Pent and Priscilla heal when needed.
With Farina and Florina rescueing two Arena combattants per turn, I can have three Arena fights per turn. Generally picked fast units with low to mediocre defense, which works fine until Kent bumps into an Armour Knight on the last turn. Not good when your Sword rank is higher than your Lance rank.

Arena list, for those who care:

  • T1: Rath (760$, Shaman) - Lucius (760$, SwordCav) - Isadora (660$, Valkyrie)
  • T2: Isadora (720$, Bishop) - Lucius (690, Shaman) - (bit of mismanagement, so no 3rd fight)
  • T3: Lucius (800$, Wyvern, lucky crit, woulda been RNG otherwise, Wyvern had ~50 hit and 2HKO'ed) - Kent (800$, Shaman) - Rath (790$, Mage)
  • T4: Rath (750$, Shaman) - Isadora (670$, Bishop) - Lucius (750$, Archer)
  • T5: Lucius(800$, Nomad) - Isadora (700$, Druid) - Kent (700$, Knight, yielded)

Total earnings: 8950$, including Kent's loss

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		20.00/6.52	43  20  18  16  8   20  10	190/85 -- High Def bad for Arena, so no XP for him
Farina		didn't fight, so no changes
Florina		didn't fight, so no changes
Fiora		19.17		31  9   18  19  10  10  12	69/32 -- she comes to VoD, so here's her stats

Rath		16.04 (54 XP earned)
Lucius		12.11 (91 XP earned)
Kent		15.45 (28 XP earned)  -- I'll do a full stat overview at the end of the game 
Isadora		 2.89 (104 XP earned) -- and these four aren't going to be fielded again.

Pent		    */10.79	36  19  23  18  14  12  16	21/16 -- some minor heal XP
Priscilla	20.00/11.09	28  21  18  16  24  10  24	58/28 -- same

Equipment-wise, everybody who's going to be fielded on Victory or Death has one or two Silver weapons in their inventory, as many 1-2 ranged weapons as possible (I hope it's enough ;): ), and some strategically distributed Vulneraries. I've sold a fair bit of low-use equipment and unneeded low-price items to free some Merlinus space (I tend to hoard, so that was necessary) and made sure that I have a fitting amount of liquid cash at hand: 46987$, which will buy me one Fell Contract, two Earth Seals, and one Physic staff at the final Secret Shop.
Strangely enough, I'm at 5* funds despite that large amount of gold in my bank, which fills me with optimism. Still, imma be diligent and do the housekeeping...
*weird excel noises*
Well, that went much faster than before clearing my convoy a little. :lol: My total item worth is a little above 644k right now, which means that my total funds (691.3k) are about 4.5k above the current requirement (686.8k). With the Secret Shop, that's around 50k spiel.

TL;DR: Numbers good.

  • Chapter 32*
  • 10/15 turn (277/313 in total) - 1608/6150 XP (lol) (40354/36750 in total) - Funds: * * * * *
  • fielded: Hector, Nils, Vaida, Heath, Farina, Sain, Lowen, Raven, Harken, Geitz, Priscilla, Pent, Louise, Fiora, Marcus

Gosh, what an awful XP count. That's like one quarter of the very reasonable requirement! I wonder if I should redo the chapter. :lol:

Seriously though, I'm really happy with how the chapter went and - just to have this on paper - the XP rank requires 40000 XP at the end of the game, so it really doesn't matter that I had ~35 enemies alive when Hector seized. Speaking of 35 surviving enemies: The huge reinforcement spam on turn 9 did give me some pause, but the clear as a whole was pretty reliable (well, almost) from start to finish. The worst thing is probably two spent Warp uses, but I'm sure I'll make do with the remaining three.

My general idea was to push straight through the middle path towards Limstella - avoid the reinforcement zone directly north of the starting location, which also allows me to ignore the enemies in that direction. I still went for both Renault and the Talisman village, but only with a small part of my army.
This time I actually have a complete turn-by-turn summary of how things went, so here goes:

Turn 1 - Raven and Priscilla take the two nearest forts, triggering the Monk/Bishop reinforcements and pulling the Silver Axe / Lightbrand Hero (who misses Priscilla with the Axe and gets chipped to 37 HP). My flyers circle eastwards to have the path less clogged, with Fiora carrying Harken for the same reason. Heath stays far enough behind for Pent to Hammerne the Brave Lance.
Everyone else just goes vaguely NE-wards, with Nils being rescued closer to the front. During the EP, a lot of movement happens, but only the Hero is in range of anyone.

Turn 2 - Priscilla and Farina (with a Javelin) chip the Swordmaster for Vaida to take the kill. This puts Farina in range of 2 Monks (who tink her), the Bishop, a Brigand and one Wyvern Lord - not a problem though, since she is quite tanky. The Wyvern Lord does put her to (iirc) 22 HP, but she crits him to half health in return and kills everything else.
Heath goes further east, draws the Warrior and the second Brigand, and triggers the reinforcements of the SE zone (4 Mages and a Bolting!Sage). He kills both Brigand and Warrior on EP, the latter with a crit.
Everyone else just follows the three ladies with some rescue/drops to catch up a bit more. Louise gets danced to reach the closer Ballista and takes a shot at the bishop (with no real benefit, tbh).
The rest of the Wyvern pack gets into that awkward position over the mountain east of the ballistae, just outside most of my units' ranges.

Turn 3 - Raven kills the Wyvern Lord that Farina drew in. Louise uses the Ballista to chip at a regular Wyvern (so that Vaida can kill him despite not doubling) and gets danced to chip the other Lord (so that Heath can kill him with the Silver Lance instead of the Brave Lance). She deals a staggering 12 damage against the Wyvern Lord - x2 effectiveness really makes me sad.
Farina also flies a little ahead to kll another unpromoted Wyvern. Everyone else forms a wall to protect Louise and the Squishies, with Geitz and Lowen killing the remaining Monks (while still being part of the wall).
The following EP is the only really unreliable one, and it's only because I somehow didn't realize that the Wyvern Lord has injured Heath in retaliation. All the Wyverns gang up on him and the first one promptly crits him down to 11 HP (I should probably mention that they have Killer Lances). Luckily, only one other Wyvern hits him (--> 3HP), while the remaining four and the nearby Longbow Sniper all whiff their attacks. He does, however, also get hit by the Berserk staff...

Turn 4 - ...and because of that, Pent needs to spend a Rescue charge to then (after a Dance) Restore his sanity. Priscilla Mends him back to 44 HP, while Farina gets rid of the status Bishop. Heath then rescues Sain to go towards Renault's village soon.
Louise was supposed to chip the Fenrir Druid (for 2x12 dmg, exhausting the ballista) so that he won't get a hit in, but she crits on the 2nd attack.
Marcus and Fiora drop Raven onto a Mountain separating the middle and the Southern path, into the range of a Paladin (the horsie group starting at 3 o'clock is aggro from the start). He kills him with a Killer Axe (no crit required), while the Mage reinforcements come into his range.
Otherwise, the team slowly pushes NE-wards, with Lowen pulling a little ahead to pull the Warrior East of my position. He dodges a Killer Bow hit on EP (even a crit wouldn't have killed, though) and chips a little.
Also on EP, the long-range attacks start coming in - Lowen dodges a Bolting from Limstella's island, Marcus dodges a Bolting from the reinforcement Sage in the South, and Heath eats a Purge from the Bishop in the North.
The Brigand reinforcements start closing in on the NW and SE villages and will destroy them on T6 if they're not interrupted.

Turn 5 - Pent heals Heath, who is then warped North by Priscilla. Farina take/drops Sain over the mountain range, so Heath can kill the nearby Sniper - he needs a Silver Lance to do so, so there's no (crit-free) way to kill the Bishop on PP and then the Sniper on EP. The Bishop takes the opportunity and attacks Heath from 2 range on EP, bringing him to 34 HP. He dodges a Ballista shot from another Sniper - I don't think it would've killed, but it's nice to have some HP buffer left on him.
Raven kills the Bolting Sage with a Hand Axe, which puts him in range of all four mages and a Cavalier (part of that 3 o'clock group), but he's tanky enough to survive this even if they all hit. They don't, but he's still down to 25 HP at the end, which makes it too risky for him to continue towards the village - this was my initial plan and he would juuust have had the movement to get into the Brigand's range next turn.
Luckily, I did account for that - Vaida (with Nils boosting her a little) also approaches the village to draw the Brigands next turn. This turn, she' still flying over the peaks out of anybody's range.
Rest of the pack keeps slowly pushin'. Harken, Geitz, and Lowen press a bit ahead, with the latter spawning the Shaman Swarm near Limstella (who actually go northwest towards Heath's group). The three ballistae on Limstella's island are all active now, but they (and the Bolting Sage) all whiff. iirc, they wouldn't have been able to combine for a kill because they started with the Sage attacked Geitz, who was outside of the Killer Ballistae's range.

Turn 6 - Farina kills the Ballista and Sain one-shots the Bishop with a Silver Lance to preserve HP, which actually completely clears the area for now. Heath recruits Renault and cantos out of the heroes' range - this does in fact not aggro them. Renault obviously moves East, as well.
Vaida draws the Brigands away from the SE village - she does this from the village's north, staying outside of the Paladins' and Warrior's range. Raven goes into the range of only one Paladin - this doesn't aggro the whole group, so he's perfectly safe.
Harken gets boosted by Nils and kills the Bolting sage, who is hugging the river south of Limstilla's island. Nils has to be rescued back a little bit, so that only the Long Ballista can target him.
On EP, lots of Brigands die to Sain and Vaida. The Shaman Swarm keeps going towards Heath et al.

Turn 7 - Next Shaman Swarm, hurrah!
Heath trades some fresh Javelins over to Farina, so that she can approach the entire first Shaman Swarm (and kill another Brigand reinforcement on PP). Only the Druid can really damage her (well, some Shamans deal one whole point of damage), but he misses anyway. She does position herself just outside Limstella's range, though - no need to eat unnecessary Boltings.
Harken kills the first Ballista from beyond the river (he's just barely strong enough to do so with a Hand Axe), which puts him in range of three Shamans from the 2nd swarm - nothing dramatic, he survives easily.
Valkyries start spawning from the SE corner 2 at a time, so Vaida just grabs the village, wonders about Sophia's nonsensical appearance, and cantos into the mountain's safety. Raven retreats towards the passable mountains to his West - one Valkyrie will follow him, while the other one (and all subsequent ones) go North.
Main group mostly chills, actually. Merlinus is being useful and draws (and dodges) a ballista shot, though.

Turn 8 - Three Hurrahs for the third Shaman Swarm!
Priscilla barriers Hector and Harken (the former being useless in hindsight). Harken kills the second Killer Ballista, but unfortunately cannot reach Limstella next turn.
Heath gives his Brave Lance to Farina (also useless in hindsight) and she moves towards Limstella, killing a Druid on her way. Heath barely survives a Bolting, so he actually stays in Limstella's range to draw it away from Harken or Farina, but far away from any other enemy.
Fiora gets the central village and cantos Northeast, skirting the Long Ballista's range. She's still carrying the Silver and Member card, so she has to take them into that direction.
Rest of the group still chilling.
A lot of shamans and the remaining Druid suicide on Harken with only one Shaman being out of range. Limstella misses Heath.

Turn 9 - That's a lot of reinforcements! Knight Squad plus General in front of Limstella, Valkyries and Falcoknights to the North, Wyverns to the East, joined by the Valkyries from the SE corner... This does look scary on first glance, but it's actually only going to come crashing down on T10 EP - right now, I can avoid all the Valkyries and most of the other enemies, as well.
Geitz removes the remaining Ballista from the picture. Lowen kills the last Shaman. Pent heals Harken with Physic. Fiora gives the two cards to Heath, who gets in position to visit the Secret Shop next turn, still only in Limstella's range. If he had been hit by Bolting, Farina would have been able to do the same.
Harken kills the General with the Brave Axe to reduce potential damage on EP. Farina trades him a Hand Axe (I'm not made of money!), blocks the fort (not really necessery, but eh) and throws two Javelins at a Knight.
Vaida engages the group of Wyverns with an Iron Lance equipped (still not made of money!), Raven sits on a mountain in range of the one Valkyrie going after him.
Nothing happening on EP really matters - Heath does get hit this time, bringing him down to 4 HP. Raven gets the kill on the Valkyrie. Vaida gets some chip XP. Priscilla was in range of a single Wyvern and kills in retaliation.

Turn 10 - Well, not the most dramatic of boss kills. Harken attacks with the Brave Axe (4x11 dmg, 100% hit) and crits once to bring her down to 4 HP. The plan was to rescue him with Farina and have Sain finish Limstella with the Brave Sword, but now he can just chuck a javelin (2x8 dmg, 83% hit) because I found that funny (and because even if he had whiffed twice, Lowen could've rescued Harken to allow Farina to take the kill).
Heath visits Anna and now I have 112 gold remaining. Everybody who can gets one last stab in (Fiora chips a Valkyrie, for example), Priscilla warps Hector to the throne and he seizes.

That second warp was a bit wasteful, but I was being maybe a bit too careful with the Shaman Swarm (well, the Druid among them) combining with Limstella's Bolting. But as is, the chapter wasn't nearly as tough as I was anticipating and with 45 turns left to finish the game, I _really_ don't think that I will need a fourth Warp.

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		20.00/6.52	43  20  18  16   8  20  10	190/85 -- No combat at all. 5 move at work.
Nils		19.50		28   1   1  23  26  12  17	0/0
Fiora		19.30		31   9  18  19  10  10  12	70/32  -- purely fielded as a rescuebot
Marcus		    */5.20	33  16  16  11   9  10  10	94/50  -- same. Still, both were useful!

Pent		    */11.87	36  19  24  18  14  13  16	22/16
Priscilla	20.00/12.46	29  22  18  17  25  10  25	59/29
Farina		20.00/11.54	42  19  22  19  22  19  22	134/89
Lowen		20.00/9.53	48  16  12  19  11  18  10	251/17 -- same Spd as Farina, lol

Sain		20.00/10.18	41  25* 15  20  15  11   8	164/96
Harken		    */11.59	44  24  23  18  12  17  11	30/25
Vaida		    */10.43	48  22  21  13  11  22   8	14/7
Geitz		    */8.45	49  21  17  17  11  13   7	44/25

Louise		    */7.29	29  12  16  20  17   9  14	26/12
Raven		20.00/10.45	53  23  26  24  10  11  13	149/98
Heath		20.00/10.93	53  25  24  20   9  18   8	170/93


I was trying to go for a  "this unit does these things on PP and EP" format (unless the entire EP could be summarized really quickly) - I hope it's comprehensive. Do tell whether it is or isn't.

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Oops, I made a little mistake in the last post (total S rank turn requirement after chapter 32 is 318, not 313). Unfortunately, the forum software doesn't allow me to edit my posts in this topic - no idea, why.

Anyway, what's the only logical course of action when you've already reached the XP requirements and you're 50k ahead on funds? Why, to visit the zero-turn requirement Gaiden chapter of course! ;):I guess I don't want to waste my turn bolster? And as we all know, Overkill Good. Right?

  • Chapter 32x*
  • 11/0 turn (288/318 in total) - 1395/0 XP (41749/36750 in total) - Funds: * * * * *
  • Fielded: Hector, Heath, Sain, Lowen, Priscilla

No turn-by-turn for this one, since it's not quite as interestingly designed as Victory or Death ;): I took Lowen because he's bulky enough to survive two hits and still fast enough to double; Sain as a (unfortunately more frail) damage dealer, Heath as the perfect unit and Priscilla for healing and rescue/dropping. No Warp shenanigans; just a slow walk around the park.

Lowen starts by killing two of the door guards through the wall - he doubles them and 4HKO's the one and 5HKO's the other. Priscilla stays in the area not covered by Kishuna to use Physic when heeded, while the others secure the advance, using the first one-tile chokepoint to their advantage.

Heath reaches D Swords on turn 2, which allows him to one-round a fair amount of Berserkers with the Steel Sword (Iron Blade weighs him down below reliable doubling threshold, unfortunately). With Merlinus' valiant support (he actually draws one Tomahawk to take some potential damage away from Heath), the Berserker guarding the 12 o'clock chokepoint is defeated on turn 6. The next segment has fewer enemies in them (that didn't start aggro and haven't been pulled), so Sain kills the next point-choking Berserker on turn 7.

Priscilla carries Hector around a little bit, just to get everyone close to the door to Kishuna's room in time. She opens the door on T10, with the terribly unreliable strategy of attacking Kishuna with Sain's Brave Sword, then hope that Sain survives the two Berserker reinforcements (he did), then attack with Sain, Heath, and Hector, while Lowen and Priscilla rescue the first two attackers away. If nobody had crit at that point, I probably would have had to restart, but luckily, Sain does so on immediately on T11.

Not a particularly pretty clear, but hey, that's Kishuna for you ;):
XP count is obviously not particularly impressive - no Guy (or maybe Kent) to still some kills, none of the T12-17 reinforcements spawning... Balcerzak squeezed 2180 XP out of this chapter with Guy's help, so this is really a fairly good chapter to catch up on a struggling XP rank. Certainly less stressful than dragging out Victory Or Death would be.

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		20.00/10.35	47  22  21  16   9  23  11	198/92
Priscilla	20.00/12.74	29  22  18  17  25  10  25	59/29
Heath		20.00/14.43	56  26  25* 23* 12  18   9	185/100

Lowen		20.00/12.50	50  17  14  19  12  19  11	262/132
Sain		20.00/13.55	44  25* 15  20  15  11   8	177/104



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GODFUCKINGDAMMIT I forgot to change FFO's XP requirement in my Excel sheet from Lloyd's version to Linus'. And 273+10=277 in Pinglandia, apparently. That is going to bother me for a long time -.-

OH WELL at least Farina is here to stroke my ego. And I also don't need to bother hacking my inventory into Excel - I actually forgot that the Assets are just layed out here and made screenshots of everybody's inventories right before my final move. :lol: I was actually expecting something less enthusiastic for her quote, given that one of her main character quirks is her large ego, but I guess almost every character is at least a little excited when it's an S rank.


  • 10/10 turns (304/328 in total) - 1017/3000 XP (42766/40000 in total) - Funds: 938966/847200 (+91766)
  • fielded: LEH, Nils, Athos, Priscilla, Pent, Raven, Sain, Farina, Heath, Geitz

Today I learned that the Funds rank, at least on HHM, is actually really trivial to reach. No arena usage outside of Battle Preparations, Farina recruited, but still room to promote Eliwood, Lyn, and Legault. Good to know for the next time Dart or the Lord's promotions are brought up. :lol:

The turncount probably already tells half the story of this clear - that it's nothing fancy. No doorkeys (I brought some, but didn't use them), no warps, no crit on the dragon; just one room after the other, mostly.

Turn 1 - Pent repairs the Brave Bow (from 10 remaining uses) and Geitz uses it to immediately remove one of Uhai's accompanying Snipers. He gets rescued out of harm's way and everybody positions themselves at the edge of Uhai's range.

Turn 2 - Geitz, again with the Brave Bow kills the Sage in Kenneth's room. Athos goes in, protecting Geitz, and kills Kenneth and the Druid on PP and EP with the Luna tome.
In the south, Sain one-rounds the second Sniper, Lyn crits Uhai for 6 damage because I'm not exactly in a rush; Heath then crits Uhai with the Brave Lance and he explodes.

Turn 3 - Sain, who was just outside of Melee range, chips the generic Warrior with a Hand Axe, gets danced and chips Brendan with the Brave Sword. Priscilla adds some chip to that and Heath, using a Steel Sword, kills the Warrior first (because he has a Bow). The warrior actually connects his 25% counterattack, so Pent spends a Physic use. Brendan can choose to suicide on either Heath or Sain and chooses the latter.

Turn 4 - Pent (Thunder) and Raven (Brave Axe) kill the generic General. Darin attacks Pent, who can tank one hit, but dodges anyway and retaliates with a crit.

Turn 5 - Athos attacks Darin through the wall and crits - otherwise, Pent would have had to finish him. Geitz attacks Ursula through the northern wall to her room, gets danced and kills her. Nils gets rescued back to the center of the map, Priscilla heals the damage that Geitz had taken. On EP, Geitz and Jerme start a duel through the wall.

Turn 6 - The epic duel continues (It's just you and me. And three healers who can heal any damage you may inflict). Nils lets Athos attack Lloyd twice through the wall, killing him. Everyone else stays out of Linus' range, so Athos chips him on EP.

Turn 7 - The epic duel comes to a conclusion. Athos chips Linus again and Pent finishes him. People get into position to engage Nergal. On EP, on of Nergal's cronies attacks Hector (and misses. And gets crit on the counter. :lol: ), the other one berserks Pent (which, I believe, he even does if he would be able to get a kill, but don't quote me on that).

Turn 8 - Nils uses Filla's Might on Sain, who deals 40 damage to Nergal with the Silver Lance (unfortunately, he doesn't quadruple with the Brave Sword). Nergal adds another 30 damage and Hector gets the kill with the Armads. With 88 displayed hit, iirc, so it was a little risky. But also very cathartic. ;):

Turn 9 - Nils uses Filla's Might on Athos, who deals 40 damage to the Dragon. Pent and Priscilla heal him and he deals another 40 on enemy phase.

Turn 10 - This time, I don't bother. Filla's Might. Dead Dragon. Credits roll. And to make me feel a little better about my dumb mistakes in logging this run, at least I didn't get any of the turncounts wrong. A small victory.

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		20.00/11.92	48  22  22  17   9  23  11	200/94
Nils		20.00		29   1   1  23  27  13  17	0/0
Eliwood		19.93		30  14  14  13  18  13   3	94/51
Lyn		16.95		27   9  15  17  10   5   0	48/26

Athos		    */20.00	No Speedwings, no Body Ring	10/4
Geitz		    */11.28	52  22  18  19  12  14   7	52/29
Raven		20.00/11.02	54  24  26  24  10  11  14	150/99
Priscilla	20.00/13.48	29  22  19  18  26  10  25	60/29

Heath		20.00/15.40	57  26  25* 23* 12  18   9	187/102
Sain		20.00/14.89	44  25* 16  21  15  11   8	183/106
Farina		20.00/11.54	42  19  22  19  22  19  22	134/89 -- she was just here for the T-shirt.
Pent		    */13.33	38  20  24  19  14  14  16	25/17

But that's that! :): I _am_ a little proud that I finally got around and finished this, really. It was quite a bit more clear than I was anticipating, so in hindsight, I probably should have played more conservatively instead of wasting time resetting for... less than guaranteed clears. Still, most of the time I had fun doing that.

I will do a full unit stat overview in the next days, maybe even looking how people compared to their averages because I'm actually curious myself. Lyn, for example, is indeed fairly stat screwed, although it's only really bad in stats that don't matter. Farina's stats are just weird.


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All Character stats compared to their averages, rounded; .5 rounded up. All promotions done on level 20.

Most of the run has been done more than a year ago, so I might not remember some details of how units performed in early- and midgame. ;):

And if you're interested, this is the excel sheet with which I kept track of the XP rank. Cut together with Paint, so maybe not 100% pixel perfect, but with Excel shouting at me that this formula (and this, and this, and this, and this...) doesn't use all adjacent cells.


		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Hector		*/11.92	  48 (48) | 22 (24) | 22 (19) | 17 (18) |  9 (12) | 23 (24) | 11 (12) | 200/94
	Bit worse than usual, I guess. I believe Spd was more like -2 for a good chunk of the run,
	which made him double even less than usual. Lv.11 promoted isn't too bad for a 5 move unit. ;)

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Matthew		16.99	  28 (29) | 10  (8) |  7 (10) | 20*(20) | 10  (9) |  5  (7) |  1  (3) | 76/20
	Came out of Lyn Mode with 7 Str (i.e. 3 procs in 4 lvls), which was helpful in the earlygame.
	Even squishier than usual, which is a bit annoying, but Legault had replaced him 100% anyway
	(Matt was last fielded in chapter 20).

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Eliwood		19.93	  30 (32) | 14 (13) | 14 (14) | 13 (14) | 18 (15) | 13 (10) |  3  (6) |	94/51
	Mostly what you'd expect out of him, except he's pretty physically bulky. Good level-ups early,
	iirc, which makes Eliwood so much better. Maybe if I had known that Funds wouldn't be a problem,
	I would have promoted him because I kinda like his Knight Lord class.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Marcus		*/5.20	  33 (34) | 16 (16) | 16 (17) | 11 (12) |  9  (9) | 10 (11) | 10  (9) | 94/50
	No Spd proc hurts him a bit, but otherwise, who cares? Retired for XP reasons after chapter 20,
	at which point he was second only to Lowen in number of fights and kills (with Hector being
	very close to him). Made a brief return as a rescue bot in Victory or Death.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Lowen		*/12.50	  50 (51) | 17 (17) | 14 (15) | 19 (17) | 12 (18) | 19 (21) | 11 (10) | 262/132
	Possibly the MVP, if you look at the entire game. Not quite as much in the recent chapters, be-
	cause his low Str meant that he didn't one-round where other units could, but thanks to a un-
	characteristically high Spd stat and his trademark bulk, he was doing really well in the midgame.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Rebecca		5.21	  19 (19) |  5  (6) |  8  (7) |  9  (8) |  5  (6) |  4  (4) |  3  (2) | 19/11
	Yeah, about what you'd expect. She didn't make any appearance past the earlygame, chapter 16
	being the last one.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Dorcas		6.61	  32 (32) |  9  (9) |  7  (8) |  6  (7) |  4  (4) |  3  (4) |  1  (0) | 21/10
	Same, really. In my first attempt lost to computer issues, he procced Spd twice, which made me
	feed him some XP in (iirc) Crazed Beast. Here, no such luck.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Bartre		16.78	  42 (41) | 13 (16) |  8  (10) | 12 (9) |  7  (8) |  9  (8) |  1  (4) | 96/44
	Bartre, on the other hand... Str-screwed and Spd-blessed is a great spot for him to be in. He
	made the occasional appearance in the midgame, Unfulfilled Heart being the last one. Now I'm
	almost a bit disappointed that I didn't recruit Karla... ;)

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Oswin		13.22	  32 (32) | 14 (15) | 10 (10) |  6  (6) |  5  (4) | 15 (15) |  5  (4) | 53/19
	Back to "about what you'd expect". Very helpful earlygame, but with his last appearance on the
	boat map. His class and Spd just make him worse the further you are into the game.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Serra		19.23	  25 (26) | 10 (11) | 10 (10) | 17 (15) | 19 (17) |  5  (5) | 13 (15) | 7/0
	Staffbot/10. She got pretty close to lv.20, which is nice. Actually Useful (TM) not just for the
	free XP, because I didn't promote any magic user to be another secondary staffer before Pent.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Guy		11.51	  31 (31) | 12 (10) | 18 (17) | 17 (19) |  9  (9) |  8  (7) |  5  (3) | 51/20
	Did some work until chapter 15, then disappeared and only made a single guest appearance in
	Crazed Beast to get some XP from the pirates. If the XP rank had been an issue, he could have
	helped with that in Value of Life. [Dangit, main site doesn't seem to have his HHM averages...]

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Erk		17.20	  28 (27) | 12 (13) | 14 (12) | 18 (15) |  4  (8) |  7  (5) | 11 (10) | 62/41
	He was doing pretty good, honestly. Could have been another promotion candidate, for sure. But
	since he didn't, he made his last appearance in Crazed Beast. After that, he was kinda too high-
	leveled to be an XP sponge and not quite valuable enough as a chipper to field again. Got the
	LHM Energy Ring, but it really should have gone to Florina, tbh.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Priscilla	*/13.48	  29 (32) | 22 (20) | 19 (22) | 18 (20) | 26 (26) | 10  (9) | 25 (24) | 60/29
	Another MVP candidate. Free XP, great utility and the occasional fighting contribution after 
	promotion. Just a great support unit all around (and I can't believe people were discussion
	Serra > Priscilla in Florete's S rank topic :p )

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Lyndis		16.95	  27 (27) |  9 (10) | 15 (16) | 17 (18) | 10 (13) |  5  (5) |  0  (5) | 48/26
	Slightly screwed in almost every stat, super screwed in Lck and Res (but who cares), actually
	as physically bulky as expected. She's got her uses (namely, the Mani Katti), but I'm really 
	not a fan even with Lyn Mode giving her a decent joining situation. 

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Sain		*/14.89	  44 (47) | 25*(25) | 16 (16) | 21 (20) | 15 (15) | 11 (14) |  8  (7) | 183/106
	He punched things, very hard. Sometimes enemies, sometimes the air around them (although WTC does
	help with that). Being HP/Def-screwed didn't help with his survivability, but he was still a heavy
	lifter, especially towards the endgame. A Swords and S Lances (unlike Lowen, who wielded a lot of
	axes after promotion) helped, once Silver was the standard weapon tier to use.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Kent		15.45	  31 (32) | 12 (12) | 13 (13) | 15 (13) |  4  (5) |  9  (9) |  3  (5) | 79/32
	Solid. And would have remained solid if promoted, but I decided to go with the tankier Lowen.
	Did some arena in 31x (and got screwed by his higher Swd rank once) and I was giving him a non-
	commital try in Value of Life as a XP sponge with rescue utility. The idea of neglecting him in
	LHM so that he can gain more XP in the main run worked out decently, I think.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Wil		10.78	  25 (26) |  9  (10) |  9  (9) | 11 (8) |  9  (9) |  6  (7) |  1  (2) | 24/17
	I didn't realise he was Spd-blessed :D His only appearance post joining chapter was Unfulfilled
	Heart, where he gained about 700 XP, so... good unit in a ranked run? ;) I picked him over
	Rebecca for that because of his higher base Str and lower level.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Florina		16.03	  32 (33) | 11 (11) | 16 (15) | 16 (17) | 12 (15) |  4  (6) |  9  (9) | 44/27
	No Def proc in 15 level. Oh boy. The LHM Angelic Robe helped with that, but she was still kinda
	underwhelming as a combat unit, although I didn't make too much of an effort to change that.
	Still useful for her mobility, of course.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Raven		*/11.02	  54 (54) | 24 (25) | 26 (26) | 24 (28) | 10 (11) | 11 (14) | 14  (8) | 150/99
	That Res stat, what the hell? But yeah, he did start Light with 13 Res, so that's not an error.
	Anyway, he was obviously one of the heavy lifters of the team, especially once he got axes. I
	think I might purposefully haven't field him for a time (ch.20-23x) to have a good, underleveled
	unit after that. He didn't get fielded all the time because "good combat" isn't THAT rare in FE7.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Lucius		12.11	  26 (22) |  9 (12) | 12 (11) | 15 (14) |  5  (4) |  5  (2) | 12 (11) | 35/24
	Those stats in general, wth? Not really to his advantage - low magic meant that I fielded Canas
	or Erk (or even Nino) when I was looking for a magic user that could grab some XP. Ended up not
	being used all too much.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Canas		19.16	  28 (29) | 18 (15) | 13 (13) | 14 (12) |  9 (10) |  9  (8) | 14 (13) | 76/14
	Really, really good, just screwed over by my stinginess. He would have been at 17 Spd after
	promotion, which is about as good as Hector and Priscilla at the end of the game. He was still
	used pretty far into the game, Cog of Destiny being his final appearance.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Dart		20.00	  42 (42) | 20*(20) | 14 (11) | 14 (15) |  8  (7) |  7  (8) |  1  (3) | 84/41
	Being usable in Night of Farewells unpromoted makes him a really nice XP sponge and he was even
	legitemately good at clearing the pegasus reinforcements fairly safely. He only needed four 
	appearances after his joining map (ch.21, 24, 26, 28x) to cap his level.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Fiora		19.30	  31 (29) |  9 (12) | 18 (18) | 19 (19) | 10 (10) | 10  (8) | 12 (13) | 70/32
	Ew, that Str. Still easier to use than Florina thanks to her decent bulk and she reached Lv.19,
	so I won't complain too loudly. Still stings, though. ;) She made a final appearance in VoD
	because a second flyer that can carry Hector around seemed useful. I don't think I made that much
	use of that trait specifically, but her general rescue utility was still nice to have.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Legault		20.00	  33 (34) | 10 (10) | 20*(17) | 20*(20) | 14 (15) | 10 (10) |  8  (6) | 38/11
	Took over thieving from Matthew completely and his increased XP gain meant that he had an easy
	time reaching lv.20, just by getting some swipes in when he was deployed (which he was pretty

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Ninils		20.00	  29 (30) |  1  (1) |  1 (1) | 23 (25) | 27 (25) | 13 (11) | 17 (17) | 	8/0
	Deployed in all chapters they were available in, except Value of Life (and even there, Nils
	might have been good to use over a combat unit). Still only reached lv.20 in the final chapter,
	so I guess I could have used them even more? ;) Really, really valuable, obviously.
	All eight fights were Ninian, btw. 

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Isadora		*/2.89	  29 (29) | 13 (13) | 12 (12) | 17 (17) | 11 (10) |  8  (8) |  6  (6) | 21/14
	Used in her joining chapter and then benched. I though I used her in FFO, but I guess I swapped
	her out of my eventual line-up? (...) Ah, I was contemplating whether or not to promote Lowen,
	so I was probably going to use her if I had decided against it.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Heath		*/15.40	  57 (58) | 26 (27) |  25*(25) |  23*(23) |  12 (12) | 18 (19) |  9  (9) | 187/102
	Third MVP candidate and the one I'd probably go with right now, but since his lategame performance
	is fresh on my mind, I might be biased. ;) Still, I think you can make a reasonable case for him as
	the best HHM unit for a ranked run - being underleveled isn't a negative (especially if your base 
	stats are better than the level would suggest) and once Heath gets going, he's just phantastic in 
	every way. The only map he skipped in this run was Genesis (and ch.30+31x, lol) and he wrecked face 
	in most chapters he was in.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Rath		16.04	  33 (32) | 11 (13) | 13 (13) | 12 (15) |  8  (8) |  8  (8) |  4  (4) | 27/17
	Did some work in his joining map, then tried to do the same in Genesis. Unfortunately, his awful
	level-ups made him miss some benchmarks, so the run was much more painful than in the first
	S-rank attempt. He came out of LHM with B Bows (Short Bow OP), which was really helpful, though.
	Almost 750 XP gained isn't terrible, either.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Hawkeye		*/6.54	  51 (51) | 19 (19) | 14 (15) | 12 (12) | 14 (14) | 14 (14) | 11 (11) | 14/6
	Only used him when he was forced to deploy. At first because he was overleveled, and then I picked
	Geitz over him for his Brave Bow access.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Geitz		*/11.28	  52 (51) | 22 (23) | 18 (15) | 19 (17) | 12 (13) | 14 (15) |  7  (6) | 52/29
	Speaking of...: Benched immediately at first, then fielded in ch.31, 32 and final; as I said, mostly
	because he's the shtronkest Brave Bow user around. He did really well even in the boss rush.
	(and now that I have a qualified opinion: I think it *is* worth it to train the lords in order to
	go to his FFO map, at least if your Lyn has som LHM levels under her belt. It's not obligatory,
	of course, but still quite nice for both Geitz and the more lenient turncount/funds requirements)

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Farina		*/11.54	  42 (43) | 19 (22) | 22 (21) | 19 (23) | 22 (19) | 19 (17) | 22 (20) | 134/89
	Afa's Drops included in the averages. Girl, it's nice that you're even bulkier than usual (more
	Def than Heath!) But seriously? -3 in both Str and Spd? She was still really good, but was more
	than one moment where I wished I had a speedier flyer (that didn't have 9 Str like Fiora).

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Pent		*/13.33	  38 (37) | 20 (20) | 24 (22) | 19 (20) | 14 (17) | 14 (13) | 16 (18) | 25/17
	He saw very little combat (less than Rath, in fact), but functioned very well as a staffbot
	that can actually fight when needed. I generally tried not to let my staffers fight too much
	and when I did, I tried to prioritize Priscilla for her higher XP gain, so that's why Pent didn't
	do as much as he could have. Still gained 587 XP, at least. ;)

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Louise		*/7.29	  29 (30) | 12 (13) | 16 (15) | 20 (18) | 17 (17) |  9 (10) | 14 (13) | 26/12
	Didn't do a whole lot. Some shooting through walls in Sands of Time and some Ballista fun in
	Victory or Death - both actually useful, though. Starting A rank in bows and the Pent support
	make her a decent filler unit.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Harken		*/11.59	  44 (44) | 24 (24) | 23 (23) | 18 (19) | 12 (13) | 17 (17) | 11 (12) | 30/25
	He actually didn't do that much more than Louise, surprisingly, although he did less chipping
	and more killing than her. He was only used in CoD and VoD, where there's a LOT of fighting to
	be done. I was considering him for both 32x and Final, but his low speed (and no Canto) made
	me bench him for those.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Nino		17.73	  27 (26) | 13 (13) | 16 (15) | 18 (18) | 17 (15) |  7  (6) | 13 (13) | 32/23
	Shame that Cog of Destiny is removed in HHM as a reasonable map to field her on. Still, 1273 XP
	ain't bad, and she wasn't even that bad against the Knight/General spam on Sands of Time.

		Lv	  HP        Str       Skl       Spd       Lck       Def       Res       B/W
Jaffar		*/13.63	  34 | 19 | 25 | 24 | 10 | 15 | 11 | 6/3
	Didn't get a single level-up. I probably could have used him on Cog of Destiny against the
	Valkyries and against the Value of Life Berserker spam, but whatever. 

		Lv	  HP | Str| Skl| Spd| Lck| Def| Res| B/W
Vaida		*/10.43	  48 | 22 | 21 | 13 | 11 | 22 |  8 | 14/7
	Averages don't make much sense when she only gained a single level. Don't tell past ping, he
	put a lot of effort (OK, not really ;) ) into Isadora's averages.
	Did a tiny bit on her joining map and then a little bit more on Victory or Death. Only 8 aid 
	sucks, but flying still meant that she could get the SE village without engaging the Valkyries.

		Lv	  HP | Str| Skl| Spd| Lck| Def| Res| B/W
Renault		*/16.00	  43 | 12 | 22 | 20 | 10 | 15 | 18 | 0/0
	Walked east a little bit.

		Lv	  HP | Str| Skl| Spd| Lck| Def| Res| B/W
Athos		*/20.00	  40 | 30 | 24 | 20 | 25 | 20 | 28 | 10/4
	Made the final map a lot easier and (with Pent and Priscilla healing him) killed the dragon.


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Now I can't help but think that it's weird to have an S rank in HHM (and LHM), but not on the lower difficulties. That needs to change!

Well, actually, I've been thinking that for ten days or so, which means that my ENM run is already pretty far in. I'm going to do the same thing as with the HHM run and post two chapters a day - I'm sure I'm going to catch up to where I am sooner or later.

Unlike HHM, this one is done without clearing LHM first - partially because I doubt that Lyndis's Legion really needs the headstart on ENM and partially because I got my LNM S-rank first and didn't want to go through it again. :lol: I guess I could've kept the LNM clear, but I think with an even XP contribution and without the stat boosters used, the extra stats are hardly worth the lower XP gain, especially on ENM.

  • Chapter 11* - Taking Leave
  • 6/7 turns - 468/350 XP

General idea: As fast as possible with as little Marcus contribution as possible. Marcus rescues Eliwood T1 (after E. kills the Brigand) to ferry him ahead T2, for example. Dorcas gets the village and buys two Vulneraries, doesn't really contribute anything else yet. Rebecca and Bartre get kills when possible.
Bosskill: Lowen wielding Marcus' Steel Sword (EP5+PP6), with Rebecca chipping in twice. Not terribly reliable, but it's a short chapter, so I wouldn't have minded a reset too much.

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		2.05		19  5   6   8   7   6   0	7/2
Marcus		     */1.03	base				1/1
Lowen		3.51		24  7   6   7   3   7   1	6/2
Rebecca		2.02		18  4   6   6   4   3   2	5/2

Dorcas		3.01		base				1/0
Bartre		3.06		30  9   5   3   4   4   0	4/3


  • Chapter 12* - Birds of a Feather
  • 8/9 turns (14/16 in total) - 598/500 XP (1066/850 in total)

Lowen and Marcus rescue Eliwood ahead. Rebecca takes an item from Dorcas so he can get the village. The boss seems to always go south, so everyone except Lowen (who goes shopping) goes to meet him and the rest of the eastern enemies.
Eliwood takes the mountain chokepoint in the SE - fighting through that choke is still pretty awkward, especially when Marcus is still being held on a leash, but Eliwood already doubling some of the enemies is helping out quite a bit. An EP crit allows Rebecca to get the bosskill on T7, which leaves only one Mercenary to kill on T8.

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		3.71		20  6   7   8   7   7   1	18/5
Marcus		    */1.07	base				2/2
Lowen		4.09		25  7   6   7   3   8   1	8/4
Rebecca		3.53		19  5   6   6   5   3   2	8/5

Dorcas		3.01		base				1/0
Bartre		3.91		30  9   5   3   4   4   0	8/5
Hector		2.26		20  8   5   5   3   8   0	4/4
Oswin		9.08		base				1/0


You'll notice that the logs are shorter this time - deliberate, although I'm very bad at getting to the point, so some of the later chapters might be a little too wordy again. :lol: But it should be fewer walls of text this run.

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  • Chapter 13* - In Search of Truth
  • 7/10 turns (21/26 in total) - 843/650 XP (1909/1500 in total)

The Axe Bros and the Lords take the western route, while everyone else goes south. Bartre can one-shot snags with the Steel Axe, which is nice. He also manages to hit a Mercenary twice (Iron Axe, then Hand Axe), which probably saves a turn because it allows Hector and Eliwood to use their full movement that turn.
Oswin pulls Guy on T3, completely unequipped for maximum ENM strats. The rest of the chapter, that whole group just milks the southern reinforcements for XP.
Hector 2HKO's the boss on EP6+PP7 (with 72 disp. hit). The final reinforcements are killed for XP and Eliwood seizes.

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		4.65		21  6   8   9   8   8   1	23/8
Marcus		    */1.07	base				2/2
Lowen		5.10		26  7   7   7   4   8   1	14/7
Rebecca		5.12		20  5   7   7   6   3   3	15/10

Dorcas		3.70		30  7   7   6   3   3   0	3/2
Bartre		4.51		31  10  6   3   4   5   0	12/6
Hector		3.40		21  9   5   6   4   8   1	6/5
Oswin		9.67		base				6/2

Matthew		3.01		19  5   5   11  3   3   0	8/1
Serra		1.66		base				0/0

Supports: Hector/Eliwood (C)

Haha, I just noticed that Rebecca had the most kills at that point. Good unit confirmed. :lol:

  • Chapter 13x* - The Peddler Merlinus
  • 8/7 turns (29/33 in total) - 817/650 XP (2726/2150 in total)

Hector and Matthew go to the southeast; Bartre, Guy, and Rebecca to the west; everyone else vaguely north. Serra gets attacked (and hit) by one Brigand coming out of the fog of war. At some point, multiple enemies from Puzon's island suicide into Marcus despite Eliwood being in range - no idea why. RIP XP.
Lowen gets the village, in case someone whiffs against Puzon and I need Marcus as an emergency button.
Puzon gets killed by Eliwood (EP4), Oswin (PP5) and Eliwood (PP5) again - this should be after the last reinforcements spawn, so no XP lost here.
Last enemy is killed on PP6 (thank you, Happy Music, for indicating when only one enemy is left).

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		6.60		23  7   9   9   9   9   1	29/12
Marcus		    */1.19	base				5/5
Lowen		5.81		26  7   7   7   4   8   1	17/9
Rebecca		6.05		20  5   8   8   6   4   4	19/13

Dorcas		4.09		31  7   8   6   3   3   0	7/2
Bartre		4.61		31  10  6   3   4   5   0	13/6
Hector		4.43		22  9   6   6   5   8   1	10/8
Matthew		4.38		20  5   5   11  4   3   0	16/3

Oswin		10.01		29  14  9   5   3   13  3	8/3
Serra		2.33		17  3   6   9   7   3   6	1/0
Guy		3.76		base				7/1


  • Chapter 14* - False Friends
  • 9/12 turns (38/45 in total) - 1078/900 XP (3804/3050 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Rebecca and Matthew (with Lowen swooping in on T2 to help kill a cav) make way for Serra to reach Erk; Oswin and Dorcas kill the Javelin cavalier in the back (with an Iron Lance cav remaining; everyone else presses forward.
Erk gets recruited T2; doesn't attack nearest cav because he'd make room for a second cav to attack and potentially kill him on EP.
Marcus rescue/drops Eliwood ahead T2-3, but not far enough to draw Eric. Lowen tanks for Erk. Guy visits the beach. Everyone else follows along.
Hector pulls Eric T4 (i.e. after the scene plays that I thought makes the enemies in the back aggro. Apparently it doesn't on ENM). Dorcas gets the kill. 😄
During the rain, nothing really happens except veeeery slow movement westwards. Serra misses a couple heals because of it (and me not planning ahead, I guess). Marcus goes to the armory and vendor to stock up on basic weapons. Killing Eric deactivates the pirate reinforcements from the south, which probably means one less turn and two less kills than it would have been otherwise.

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		7.52		23  8   10  10  9   10  1	33/15
Marcus		   */1.27	base				7/7
Lowen		6.65		26  7   7   8   4   8   1	25/10
Rebecca		6.59		20  5   8   8   6   4   4	24/14

Dorcas		5.53		32  7   8   6   3   3   0	11/4
Bartre		5.10		32  10  6   3   4   5   0	17/7
Hector		5.46		23  10  6   6   5   9   1	14/11
Matthew		5.91		21  5   6   11  4   4   0	22/6

Oswin		10.23		29  14  9   5   3   13  3	10/4
Serra		2.88		17  3   6   9   7   3   6	1/0
Guy		4.97		22  6   12  12  6   5   0	12/4
Erk		2.93		18  6   7   8   3   2   5	7/5

Priscilla	3.00		Couldn't quite reach anyone to heal



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  • Chapter 15* - Noble Lady of Caelin
  • 8/10 turns (46/55 in total) - 1283/1100 XP (5087/4150 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Lyndis' Legion spends all my remaining money, mostly on 1-2 range weapons, and goes west towards the village. Florina flies straight south, everyone else follows. Guy remains behind to protect Merlinus / gain some XP from Brigand reinforcements.

Lyn crit-kills two enemies, but also gets reduced to 2 HP and just chills for the rest of the chapter. Matthew manages to steal the Lockpick from the thief, who then steals a Vulnerary from Florina, which Matt steals back. 10 free XP! Hurrah!

Most characters slowpush through the enemies, with Marcus taking some kills as needed. I try to get as much chip XP as I can as well as some decent staff XP on Serra and Priscilla. Marcus chips the boss on EP6, but Hector (to take the kill) and Eliwood only reach on T8.

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		8.21		24  8   10  10  9   10  1	36/17
Marcus		    *1.73	base				13/10
Lowen		7.39		27  7   7   8   5   9   2	30/11
Dorcas		6.33		33  7   8   6   3   3   0	16/6

Bartre		5.10		32  10  6   3   4   5   0	17/7	-- did literally nothing :D
Hector		7.37		25  12  7   8   7   11  1	21/14
Matthew		6.42		21  5   6   12  4   5   0	26/6
Serra		3.32		18  3   6   10  8   3   6	1/0

Guy		5.78		23  6   13  13  7   5   1	16/6
Erk		4.74		20  7   7   10  4   2   7	13/9
Priscilla	3.77		base				0/0
Lyn		4.98		base				3/3

Florina		5.22		19  7   10  10  8   5   5	9/5
Wil		4.00		base				0/0
Kent		5.12		base				3/0
Sain		4.57		base				4/1


  • Chapter 16* - Whereabouts unknown
  • 12/17 turns (58/72 in total) - 1300/1100 XP (6387/5250 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Lyn starts with a perfect level by chipping against an archer :lol:

Strategy: Run, run, run. Matt and Sain go west initially; Oswin stays behind to farm the reinforcements.

The Turncount is mostly determined by (1) my ability (or lack thereof) to ferry Matthew from one treasure room to the other and (2) by my unwillingness to use the Chest Key. By baiting the Archer with the key to attack through the wall to his north, it's possible to get the keys to the northern treasure room much faster than Matthew can be carried.

However, since my turncounts so far have been pretty good, there's no zero-requirement chapters in EliMode, and I dislike Arena Abuse (which I arbitrarily define as "delay a chapter's clear just to use the Arena") on principle, I'm fine with Hector and Eliwood standing in the throne room building their support. When the treasure is taken (and all reinforcements dead), Hector bonks the boss with his Wolf Beil with Marcus standing ready to make up for a potential miss and Eliwood seizes.

Raven and Lucius are recruited as ususal, costing Priscilla a couple turns of healing. The Greenies are all saved.

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		8.59		24  8   10  10  9   10  1	38/18
Marcus		    */2.59	32  15  16  11  9   10  8	24/16
Lowen		7.79		27  7   7   8   5   9   2	32/12
Hector		10.21		28  14  8   9   8   13  1	28/20

Matthew		6.43		21  5   6   12  4   5   0	27/6
Priscilla	4.56		16  6   6   9   8   3   6	2/0
Oswin		12.34		31  14  10  5   3   15  4	23/10
Florina		6.71		20  7   10  11  8   5   5	16/9

Kent		6.26		23  8   7   9   4   6   2	10/2
Sain		5.70		22  10  5   7   6   7   0	8/4
Lyn		6.83		19  6   12  12  6   3   1	9/8
Raven and Lucius didn't see combat.

Supports: Eliwood/Hector (C), Lyn/Florina (C)


  • Chapter 16x* - The Port of Badon
  • 5/5 turns (63/77 in total) - 906/650 XP (7293/5900 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Oddly enough, it's Oswin and Canas farming the Pirates to the north.

Pirates triggered immediately; Hector @HA gets put just into their range in the southern chokepoint. That initial chip damage (plus a dead Shaman) is enough to just punch through enough enemies on PP to be relatively safe in future EPs. Only real issue is Damian's Killing Edge, which does cause a reset. Second try, Hector and Eliwood manage to bring him down with their effecitive weapons.

PP4, only Fergus, Dart, and the Troubadour from Damian's group are left. It's only a matter of getting people into position to get the remaining villages and talk to Fergus on T5.

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		9.96		24  8   10  10  10  10  1	40/20
Oswin		12.49		31  14  10  5   3   15  4	25/10
Guy		7.08		25  6   14  14  9   7   1	21/8
Hector		11.28		29  14  8   9   8   13  2	32/22

Priscilla	5.01		17  6   6   9   9   3   6	2/0
Florina		7.24		20  7   10  12  9   5   5	17/10
Sain		6.95		23  11  5   7   6   7   0	1/6
Erk		5.70		20  7   8   11  4   2   7	16/11

Lowen		8.78		28  8   7   8   6   10  2	36/14
Canas		8.99		base				4/3



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Since I may or may not be very close to finishing ENM, I'll keep posting more chapters per day than I said I would.

  • Chapter 17* - Pirate Ship
  • 10/7 turns (73/84 in total) - 1607/950 XP (8900/6850 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Matthew's haul: Pure Water (T1), Vulnerary (T2), Pure Water (T4), Speedwings (T7)

Shamans are easily one-roundable, sometimes even by Rebecca (which is why she's around). First two turns are a lot of point-choking, with some added rescue/dropping to keep Matt safe on EP1.

Sain's pretty good here because he deals big damage against the mercs (who aren't doubled by anyone). Bartre gives Priscilla reliable opportunity to heal someone every turn (and does do fine against the Shamans).

Map is practically cleared on T5 except for the boss, but since turncount is just a number, I'm waiting out the reinforcements. In the end, one Myrmidon on the eastern ship survives because I didn't see the T10 reinforcements on FEWOD.

For the bosskill, Matt chips a little bit on EP after stealing the Speedwings. Eliwood and Lyn (who doesn't have to face a counter anymore) kill him on T10. Still, fuckin' Luna crit chance.

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		10.09		24   9  10  11  10  10   1	41/20
Florina		8.79		20   7  11  12  10   5   6	22/14
Sain		8.52		25  13   5   8   7   8   0	17/10
Kent		8.07		25   9   7  10   4   6   2	20/6

Raven		6.55		26   9  11  13   2   5   2	8/3
Lyn		8.52		20   7  14  12   7   3   2	14/10
Bartre		6.55		33  10   6   4   4   5   1	26/10
Matthew		7.90		22   5   6  13   4   5   0	32/8

Rebecca		9.02		22   5  10  10   8   4   6	32/21
Lucius		4.40		19   8   6  11   3   1   7	6/3
Priscilla	6.03		17   7   6  10   9   3   7	2/0


  • Chapter 18* - The Dread Isle
  • 8/10 turns - 1454/900 XP (10354/7750 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Matthew steals the Torch from the Pirate to the east; Erk one-rounds said pirate with Thunder; Sain one-shots the thief with the Torch staff. Priscilla immediately takes the Torch staff from Merlinus and illuminates the area south of the two forts. ENM can be very satisfying. ;):

Lyn and Matthew take care of the Pirate reinforcements coming from the north, everyone else pushes through the forests, although a few stragglers don't really do anything.

T6, Fiora baits Uhai into using his Longbow so that Eliwood+Hector+Kent (w/ Longsword) can start attacking without being countered on PP. Hector whiffs (no big surprise), so Uhai is at 15 HP. EP is unproductive (Kent, now wielding an Iron Lance so Uhai doesn't double him, misses his counter), which makes the kill on T8 rather unreliable - Eliwood hits (--> 5 HP) and Canas kills with 53 hit. Last ditch effort would have been Fiora with the Steel Lance (63 hit, but one-rounded in return). The whole thing probably would have worked better if I had brought Guy or Raven over Hector (or brought Lyn along with any other sword user taking out the pirates).

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		10.97		24   9  10  11  10  10   1	45/22
Florina		9.21		21   8  11  13  10   5   7	24/15
Sain		9.82		26  14   5   8   7   8   1	22/13
Kent		9.84		26   9   7  10   4   7   2	33/9

Lowen		10.02		30   8   7   8   8  11   3	41/17
Matthew		9.53		24   6   7  14   4   5   0	37/11
Lyn		9.73		21   8  15  12   8   3   2	19/13
Hector		11.59		29  14   8   9   8  13   2	34/23

Priscilla	6.94		17   7   6  10   9   3   7	4/0
Serra		4.06		18   4   6  10   9   3   6	1/0
Erk		6.96		20   7   9  11   5   3   8	21/14
Canas		11.40		24  11  10   9   7   6   9	12/7

Dart		8.45		base				4/1
Fiora		7.01		base				1/0


  • Chapter 18x* - Imprisoner of Magic
  • 10/10 turns (91/101 in total) - 1728/1050 XP (12082/8800 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Nothing too fancy. Florina and Fiora have a little dance with the enemy pegasus knights, everybody else circles around to the boss, except Lucius who visits Renault because Kishuna makes him useless otherwise. I - again - spend a few additional turns to get more XP out of the chapter, this time by killing all of Kishuna's guards.

I didn't remember that in EliMode, Kishuna doesn't leave after the Boss is dead. Lyn and Raven are on boss killing duty (with Priscilla and Kent making sure that they can both attack every turn) while Kishuna's guards are milked for XP, just to make sure that the seize isn't delayed even further, given how dodgy Aion is without Bolting equipped. Lyn lands a lethal crit on T8 when there's still one of Kishuna's Knights left, so Kishuna staying allowed me to convert another turn or two into a bit of XP. Fiora and Florina also fly back to get the two Mage reinforcements, so outside of Kishuna, all the combat XP has been collected. ;): 

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		11.97		25   9  11  11  11  10   1	49/25
Lyn		12.41		24   9  17  12   8   4   4	26/18
Raven		7.32		26  10  11  13   2   6   2	14/4
Bartre		8.84		35  11   6   6   4   5   2	34/13

Matthew		10.61		25   6   7  15   4   6   0	42/12
Wil		5.51		22   6   6   6   8   5   1	8/3
Florina		11.24		22  10  13  13  11   6   8	32/20
Fiora		8.90		22   8  11  13   7   6   7	7/2

Sain		11.97		27  15   7   9   8   9   1	32/18
Kent		10.91		27   9   7  10   4   7   2	43/11
Lucius		4.52		19   8   6  11   3   1   7	7/3	-- didn't really do anything
Priscilla	7.63		18   8   6  10  10   3   7	4/0



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  • Chapter 19* - Dragon's Gate
  • 10/10 turns (101/114 in total) - 1856/1700 XP (13938/10500 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Also known as the Chapter That I Just Can't Play Right. Let's see how it goes this time.

Priscilla opens the door in the north, so that Kent can kill the Archer. Bartre opens the door to the sniper, who unfortunately rolls an extra point of Def compared to when I loaded the chapter without resetting, so Bartre can't 2HKO with Hand Axe + Steel Axe -.- Instead, Raven goes in and kills with a rigged KE crit.

Hector kills the nearby Knight and gets rescued ahead so he can kill two more cavs and bring Cameron down to 7 HP with the Wolfbeil. Erk goes into the naughty corner to get rid of the two nomads through the wall (he's barely tanky enough to do so without healing). Lyn kills the Knight coming from the west on EP.

Cameron kill goes to Fiora (with Matt chipping in on the way). Florina and Kent punch through walls to clear the path to the Killer weapon secret shop.

Eliwood recruits Legault on T5, just east of the throne. The required rescue/drop to do so gets Fiora into Darin's HA range, which opens opportunity for Eliwood or - in this case - Lyn. Hector chips first with not too great accuracy, but the worst possible outcome would have been a one-turn delay because Fiora and Eliwood could have rescued Lyn out of harm's way after a miss from Hector and no crit from her. It goes as planned, though.

Getting all the treasure delayed things quite a bit - a 7-turn probably would have been feasible with only the Member Card, but I was a little sloppy with Legault's movement, which made it a 10-turn instead of a 9-turn. Still, overall not too bad, especially given my history with this map. Also on the plus side: All reinforcements have been farmed and Bartre starts looking like a decent unit. 7 Speed!

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		12.45		26   9  11  11  12  10   1	51/26
Lyn		14.07		25   9  18  13   9   4   5	29/21
Hector		14.41		31  16  11   9  10  14   3	45/31
Florina		13.04		24  10  14  14  12   6   9	40/25

Fiora		10.39		24   9  11  15   7   7   8	12/4
Sain		13.99		28  16   8  10  10  10   1	41/24
Kent		12.50		28  10   9  10   5   8   4	49/15
Raven		9.29		27  12  11  13   2   6   2	18/8

Bartre		9.70		36  12   7   7   4   5   2	37/15
Matthew		10.83		25   6   7  15   4   6   0	43/12
Legault		12.20		26   8  11  15  10   8   3	0/0	-- stole Antitoxin and Member Card
Erk		8.29		20   8  10  12   7   3   9	25/17

Canas		12.55		25  11  10  10   7   6  10	16/10
Priscilla	8.60		19   8   7  11  10   3   8	5/0


  • Chapter 20* - New Resolve
  • 5/5 turns (106/119 in total) - 1086/950 XP (15024/11450 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Short and sweet. There's some reinforcements on T6 and 7 that I considered farming, combined with some additional Arena visits, but that would be too close to my personal arbitrary definition of Arena Abuse. ;): As is, I only was able to visit the Arena once with Matthew (who beat a Shaman for... 720 gold, iirc), but all existing enemies are killed, the Hero Crest is stolen (didn't get the Antitoxin though! Oh no!) and some unnecessary chip damage was dealt for XP.

Sain pulled Oleg on T4, Javelin equipped to get a little bit of counter damage in, and then chipped him down to 7 HP on PP5 (Sain doubles with Iron Sword/Lance, but not Javelins). Kill went to Erk.

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		13.07		27   9  11  12  13  10   2	53/28
Ninian		1.50		base				0/0
Lyn		14.41		25   9  18  13   9   4   5	33/22
Bartre		11.53		38  14   9   8   4   5   3	45/20

Dart		9.94		35  13   8   8   4   6   1	8/5
Matthew		12.17		27   8   7  17   4   6   1	49/14
Sain		15.38		30  17   9  11  10  10   2	49/28
Fiora		10.83		24   9  11  15   7   7   8	14/5

Florina		13.79		24  10  14  14  12   6   9	43/27
Erk		9.49		21   9  11  13   7   3   9	28/18
Priscilla	9.56		20   9   7  11  11   3   8	5/0


  • Chapter 21* - Kinship's Bond
  • 4/5 turns (110/124 in total) - 834/1150 XP (15858/12600 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Isadora ferries Eliwood towards Heath, takes an Iron Sword to kill two fighters on EP and takes quite a beating in the process. Lyn is ferried east towards Rath's spawning point, everyone else just goes south, with a little bit of additional rescue/drop to gain a couple tiles for Hector.

With Ninian's help, Legault steals the lockpick on T2 and Isadora kills the thief in case he tries to flee. (she's the only one around who one-shots). Heath clears the ballista, from 2 range to avoid pulling Eubans. ...what do you mean he doesn't move?

NEW PLAN! Four-turn with all treasure and at least most enemies cleared (including the reinforcements that spawn that last turn) seems reasonable.

Actually, this doesn't change too much, except that I don't have to use 2-range to kill some enemies and that Sain just charges south with full movement. RNG and enemy movement changes a bit, of course (for example, the Mage in Heath's room attacks Priscilla through the wall instead of Isadora, which makes him killable though the wall), but the general idea is the same.

The only thing is that I focus more on getting a fair number of units close to Eubans by turn 3 instead of awkwardly dancing around his displayed range.

Bosskill: Eliwood and Canas chip for Hector. Fairly staightforward. Ninian's dance allows Legault to loot both chests, Fiora can barely reach the Secret Shop after killing that mage through the wall two turns prior and thanks to some rescue/drops to get some infantry units closer to the 6 o'clock reinforcements (two Monks, two Knights), I do manage to clear out the entire map.

Looking at the XP gain, it's obviously not that impressive - Isadora killing 5 enemies probably doesn't help, neither does skipping the T5 reinforcements (which would be another four units). But I think I'm still doing OK overall in that regard - this is the first chapter where I didn't reach the XP requirement, even if it's by a fair bit.

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		13.21		27   9  11  12  13  10   2	54/28
Lyn		15.26		26  10  19  14  10   4   5	36/25
Hector		15.41		32  16  11   9  10  14   3	46/32
Sain		16.44		31  18   9  11  10  10   2	53/32

Kent		12.50		28  10   9  10   5   8   4	49/15
Fiora		11.21		25  10  11  16   7   7   8	15/6
Florina		14.13		25  10  15  15  13   6   9	45/28
Dart		9.94		35  13   8   8   4   6   1	8/5

Guy		7.51		25   6  14  14   9   7   1	23/9
Wil		6.23		23   6   7   6   8   6   1	12/4
Priscilla	10.12		20  10   7  11  12   3   9	5/0
Canas		12.70		25  11  10  10   7   6  10	17/10

Legault		12.30		base				0/0
Ninian		1.91		base				1/0
Isadora		    */2.01	29  13  12  17  11   8   6	7/5
Heath		7.78		base				2/2
Rath		9.41		base				1/1



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  • Chapter 22* - Living Legend
  • 9/9 turns (119/133 in total) - 1567/1000 XP (17425/13600 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Fiora is tasked with "rescuing" Pent from the "threatening" bandits. With Ninian boosting her movement and Priscilla her Res, she can safely kill the nearby archer from two range without dying to the mages on EP - it's worth a bit more than 100 XP that Pent would usually have taken. She does actually rescue him on T2 and gives him to Hawkeye, just to be sure that he doesn't end the chapter early or something like that.

Jasmine is pulled on T2 - he's actually fairly threatening to most of my units with his 17 Str, 14 Spd - for example, he one-shots Erk from full health (and doubles Canas, so he's no alternative, either). In the end, Lyn just crits him, stealing valuable XP from other targets. *shakes fist*

Lyn pulls Paul on T8 and promptly gets hit on EP (with 28 hit, no less), barely surviving at 1 HP. She still attacks on PP because I don't have enough damage output without her (especially since she got a +Spd level from Paul attacking, so she doubles him now) and luckily dodges this time and doesn't crit, either - this allows Heath to take the boss kill, after Erk getting a last bit of chip XP. Actually, scratch that. This allows Matthew to take the boss kill with the same 90-ish hit that Heath has with the Axereaver. I doubt that both my thieves will reach Lv.20, so this might be more XP-efficient in the long-term.

In terms of treasure: Legault and Matthew got ferried around the map to get all the buried items (apart from one lucky find by Heath). I swear the desert reset trick worked when I did HHM ranked (or I got insanely lucky, I guess), but this time, I couldn't make Hawkeye pick up the Ocean Seal. Some old SF topic says that you have to look at the unit's stats with the right timing? It didn't matter too much, I guess, although I wouldn't have minded Canas over either Matt or Legault to have another 5-move unit.

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		13.58		27   9  11  12  13  10   2	55/29
Lyn		17.21		28  10  19  16  10   4   7	42/28
Hector		16.23		33  16  11   9  10  14   3	51/34
Fiora		14.60		27  10  14  17   8   7   9	24/15

Florina		14.71		25  10  15  15  13   6   9	49/29
Heath		 9.53		29  12   9   8   8  11   1	9/6
Legault		12.58		base				2/0
Matthew		13.65		28   9   7  17   5   7   1	52/16

Erk		11.86		22  11  12  15   7   3  11	33/23
Priscilla	11.79		20  10   8  11  13   3  10	5/0
Ninian		 2.92		14   0   0  13  10   5   4	2/0	-- spare turn for one Nini's Grace
Hawkeye		    */4.00	base				0/0

Supports: Eliwood/Hector B | Lyn/Florina C

As an aside: The levels on my lords are at a number that still lets me decide what FFO to go to. Right now, they add up to 46 with Eliwood trailing a little behind the rest of the army, so I only need to get him from 13 to 17 in order to get to Linus' version. Doable with NM XP gain. On EHM/HHM, I think it's always worth going for it because Linus' 5* requirements are way more lenient (it's 250 XP more, but you also have 11 more turns to get those). On the normal difficulties, they have the same turn requirement, but Linus' version wants 350 XP less than Lloyd's. Weird, but it makes Linus a decent choice for this run. [Present Me would like to admit that Past Me thought that Linus would be better for ranked runs in all four difficulties, but he hadn't looked at the HNM requirements yet]

  • Chapter 22x* - Genesis
  • 11/21 turns (130/154 in total) - 1565/650 XP (18990/14250 in total) - Funds: * * * * *
  • LHS: Hawkeye, Florina, Serra, Rath, Legault
  • RHS: Eliwood, Bartre, Fiora, Sain, Priscilla, Ninian

Man, this chapter gets a LOT easier without long-range tomes and Kishuna moving about to mess you up. Eliwood got his four level-ups, so Linus' FFO it is. Feeding him XP did delay things by a turn or two, but 11 turns with all treasure taken is still pretty decent.

XP-wise, the only thing I'm a bit salty about is Hawkeye crit-killing two of Kishuna's guards through the wall; otherwise, I'm very OK with who took the kills. Rath and Bartre punched some walls with their Brave weapons, but still gained a fair bit of experience.

As reinforcements, I went with the magic squad, meaning that Rath attacked Kishuna with a Longbow before (or rather instead of) opening the door. Eliwood had to kill two of the four to reach Lv.17, but was able to do that in one EP by standing behind a chokepoint, so it didn't delay things much further.

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		17.18		31  12  13  15  14  10   3	63/35	-- Rapier's down to 2 uses :/
Bartre		12.73		38  14  10   8   4   6   3	49/21
Sain		17.58		32  19  10  12  11  10   2	59/34

Fiora		14.74		27  10  14  17   8   7   9	25/15
Priscilla	12.95		20  11   8  12  14   4  10	5/0
Ninian		 4.02		16   0   0  14  12   6   6	2/0

Hawkeye		    */4.77	base				4/2
Florina		15.51		26  10  15  16  14   7   9	51/30
Rath		14.05		31  11  13  14   9   8   2	10/7

Legault		12.80		base				3/0
Serra		4.94		18   4   6  10   9   3   6	1/0

Since the first routesplit is coming up, one quick look on the second one: Kenneth's XP is ahead of Jerme's by around 350 (2627 vs. 2286), so that looks fairly safe unless I'd REALLY lean on Raven for next two chapters.

  • Chapter 23* - Four-Fanged Offense (Linus)
  • 8/13 turns (138/167 in total) - 1941/1400 XP (20931/15650 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Huh, the iron ballista directly south of Linus is actually really annoying. Just in range to cover the regular one on the island and while Heath isn't one-shot, the iron ballista puts him into kill range for the enemy wyverns, so I have to take those out before clearing the first ballista.

8 turns means "no delay for the arena", as per usual. I do squeeze in what I can - in this case, three fights for Legault and one each for Erk and Dart - but I still keep pushing towards Linus. The T6 reinforcements (4 mercs, 2 wyverns) make things a little dicey because I'm a bit spread out over the map at that point.

General tactic: Rath, barriered by Priscilla and boosted by Ninian, goes to collect the Earth Seal. He dodges the Bolting Sage like a champ so that he doesn't even need to heal on the way. Dart, Geitz, and Rebecca don't really fight after the first few turns and visit villages and shops instead (unfortunately, I didn't remember that there's reaver weapons to buy, so I only had the money for a single Lancereaver left). Heath deals with the ballistae, pulling back to get healed before darting towards the Iron one. Once that's clear, Florina brings Heath's Axereaver to get some Pirate XP - in the end, two of them are still alive because she doesn't double, but she still almost got two levels out of it.

The T8 bosskill was a little lucky - Sain dodged a ~50% counterattack, which allowed him to attack again after Ninian's dance instead of retreating. With some additional chip by Erk, Heath then took the kill.

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		18.62		31  13  13  16  15  10   3	71/39
Ninian		 4.82		16   0   0  14  12   6   6	2/0
Fiora		16.10		28  12  15  18  10   7  10	31/18
Florina		17.33		28  10  17  18  15   7  10	63/34

Heath		11.77		31  13  10   9   8  11   1	17/10
Sain		19.79		34  20* 11  14  13  11   2	73/39
Rath		15.93		32  12  14  15   9   8   2	19/11
Rebecca		10.01		22   5  10  10   9   4   7	35/24

Dart		11.78		37  15   8   9   6   7   1	15/9
Legault		14.68		26   8  13  17  10   8   3	8/4
Erk		13.34		24  13  14  16   7   3  12	39/26
Priscilla	14.36		21  12   9  14  16   4  11	5/0

Geitz		    */3.06	base				1/0


  • Chapter 24* - Unfulfilled Heart
  • 12/11 turns (150/178 in total) - 1790/1000 XP (22721/16650 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Bit of a snoozefest. The only reinforcements on ENM are 2x4 wyverns in the north on T7+8, so there's really not a whole lot that can kill you, unless you step into Vaida's range. Brought a couple low-leveled units to get more XP out of the chapter, bought a few Killer weapons, healed a bunch (but didn't use more expensive staves because no Silver Card means that Funds might be the tightest requirement)...

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		19.19		31  14  14  17  15  10   3	75/40
Lyn		18.80		29  10  20* 17  10   4   7	49/32
Hector		18.24		34  16  12   9  11  16   3	59/38
Ninian		 6.12		18   0   0  16  14   7   8	2/0

Sain		20.00/1.00	37  21  13  15  13  13   4	75/40
Fiora		16.84		28  12  15  18  10   7  10	33/20
Heath		13.07		32  15  11  10   8  11   1	23/12
Bartre		14.54		40  15  11   9   4   6   3	54/25

Dart		12.25		37  16   9  10   6   7   1	16/10
Matthew		14.44		29   9   7  18   5   7   2	57/17
Guy		 8.99		25   7  15  15   9   7   1	28/12
Wil		 8.16		24   6   9   6   9   6   3	21/7

Canas		13.87		26  11  10  11   7   7  11	22/12
Priscilla	15.24		22  13  10  15  16   4  12	5/0
Serra		 6.59		20   4   7  11   9   3   6	1/0
Pent		    */6.00	base				0/0
Louise		    */4.00	base				0/0

Kenneth vs. Jerme was pretty clear without putting much thought in it - 3169 vs. 2615 XP. Small wonder when Bartre is the only Hero Crest unit that I've used semi-consistently. ;): None of the other three even reached Lv.10 yet.


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Turns out I was fairly close to finishing the ENM run - so fuck it, here's the rest of the chapters. I already played the first few HNM chapters and I really want to catch up to myself.

  • Chapter 25* - Pale Flower of Darkness (Kenneth)
  • 10/14 turns (160/192 in total) - 2133/1250 XP (24854/17900 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

FE7 weather sucks.

Since this is ENM, I didn't want to bother waiting for Harken. No Brave Sword is a bit of a shame, but I think I'll manage.

Rath goes east to kill the Bolting Mage on T2 so that he can't combine with the Purge Bishop for a kill (which means that a wyvern can attack him, but eh). Priscilla joins him for healing, barriering and door opening and Rath proceeds to solo the entire southern part of the building, reinforcements included, and almost hits the level cap in the process.
Canas solos the nearest room, with a barrier boost and a "lucky" dodge on PP1 against the General to make it perfectly safe. He and Dart stay near Merlinus because the path to the north is already crouded enough (FE7 weather sucks).

The rest is fairly straightforward. Fiora deals with the Druid and Shamans in the northwest, Legault steals the reinforcement thief's lockpick, Lyn hangs out with them and recruits Karel once he appears. Sain kills Kenneth on PP9 with a Killing Edge crit - he would have had EP9 and PP10 for additional attempts with his less-then-stellar hitrate, with Serra healing him if needed. I wait the extra turn anyway so that Karel spawns, ready to let his sword feast on all the zero enemies left at that point. ;):

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		19.55		31  14  14  17  15  10   3	76/41
Lyn		18.80		29  10  20* 17  10   4   7	49/32
Ninian		 7.23		19   0   0  16  15   7   8	3/0
Heath		15.53		33  17  11  10   8  11   1	32/17

Fiora		19.67		30  12  18  20  12  10  11	46/26
Sain		20.00/4.29	39  24  13  17  13  13   5	83/48
Rath		19.71		36  13  15  17   9   8   3	31/21
Dart		12.73		37  16   9  10   6   7   1	17/11

Legault		15.41		27   9  13  18  11   8   3	11/5
Matthew		14.87		29   9   7  18   5   7   2	59/18
Canas		16.75		28  13  10  12   8   9  13	29/17
Priscilla	16.58		23  13  11  16  17   4  13	5/0

Serra		 8.23		21   4   9  12   9   3   8	4/0
Karel		    */8.00	base				0/0


  • Chapter 26* - Battle Before Dawn
  • 16/20 turns (lol) (176/212 in total) - 2601/2550 XP (27455/20450 in total) - Funds: * * * * *
  • going left: Sain, Priscilla, Ninian, Heath, Florina, Isadora, Legault
  • going right: Eliwood, Fiora, Marcus, Matthew, Serra, Lyn, Kent

Lotsa rescue/dropping to get to Nino and Jaffar quickly. Sain manages to be more enticing to an injured Maxime than Jaffar by equipping an Iron Sword, netting him some extra experience on the EP kill.

Fiora, freshly promoted, barely arrives in time to intercept a Fighter on T6. Likewise, Matthew arrives fast enough not to stop the enemy thief from looting the eastern treasure room, but to steal the Delphi Shield and his Lockpicks so that he drops the Rescue staff.

After that, the riveting gameplay of "linger just outside of Ursula's Bolting range to farm reinforcements" begins. I only approach Ursula on T14, giving her a juicy target (Matt, who survives with 1 HP) out of anybody else's range to use the fact that she moves first. Same turn, Jaffar is carried to Nino, talked to and rescued again.

Happy Music confirms that all reinforcements have been farmed after Fiora kills a mage, so I get some final chip XP against Ursula with Isadora and Marcus before Sain takes the Bosskill (which he could've gotten on his own - 18 damage @94 hit with an Iron Sword (lol) against Ursula's 36 HP).

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		19.94		31  14  14  17  15  10   3	77/42
Lyn		19.59		30  11  20  17  10   4   7	51/34	-- same speed as Eliwood :D RNG pls
Fiora		20.00/2.19	37  14  20  20  13  13  15	53/30
Kent		14.59		30  11  10  10   5   8   5	55/19

Marcus		    */4.91	33  17  17  11   9  10  10	35/22
Serra		10.16		22   5   9  14  10   3   9	4/0
Matthew		15.08		29   9   7  19   5   7   2	60/18
Nino		 7.03		20   9  10  13  12   4   8	6/2

Ninian		 9.14		20   0   0  18  17   8   9	4/0	-- she's using her rings a bit for more XP
Sain		20.00/7.98	42  25* 14  18  13  13   6	94/57
Isadora		    */2.37	29  13  12  17  11   8   6	11/5
Heath		19.37		37  17  14  11   9  12   1	42/24

Florina		20.00		29  10  18  20* 16   7  11	72/39	-- probably not gonna promote her
Priscilla	18.74		24  14  12  16  19   5  13	6/0
Legault		15.51		27   9  13  18  11   8   3	11/5


  • Chapter 26x* - Night of Farewells
  • 13/10 turns (189/222 in total) - 2882/1900 XP (30337/22350 in total) - Funds: 637791/602320 (* * * * *)

Unplanned, but 13 turns is actually the minimum turncount to farm all the reinforcements. Nice :lol:

It's about what you get when you don't really go faster than the dictated pace - the path to Sonia appears on T12. Only three flyers means that I didn't really have the ability to rescue/drop ahead while also clearing the NE part of the map and ferry Jaffar over to get the chests there with a Lockpick, without Sonia nuking him in the process. Since I managed to feed XP to underleveled units (Nino, Rebecca, Dart) until the last turn, I'm fairly happy with the results.

Bosskill went to Sain, crit+hit with a Killing Edge. Crit+miss would have allowed Heath or Isadora to take the kill, no crit at all would have delayed the clear for a turn. Sain's kiiiinda overleveled at this point, tbh.

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		20.00		32  14  15  18  16  10   4	80/42
Heath		20.00/3.39	43  17  17  14  10  12   4	56/31
Fiora		20.00/6.38	39  17  23  22  13  15  17	65/41	-- way bulkier than Heath, wtf
Florina		20.00		29  10  18  20* 16   7  11	73/39

Sain		20.00/11.13	45  25* 15  20  14  14   7	105/67
Isadora		    */4.53	31  13  12  17  12   8   7	22/11
Dart		14.02		38  18  10  10   6   8   1	24/13
Hawkeye		    */7.10	50  19  14  12  13  15  12	14/8

Matthew		16.13		29   9   7  20*  6   7   2	65/19
Jaffar		    */13.28	base				2/1
Rebecca		12.11		23   7  11  11  10   4   9	41/29
Nino		12.75		21  12  11  17  13   5  11	17/12

Priscilla	20.00		24  15  13  18  19   6  15	6/0
Pent		    */6.90	base				0/0
Ninian		10.45		21   0   0  19  18   8  10	5/0

Financially, I'm a bit more than 35k above the requirement, which seems leaps and bounds above my position in the HHM run (-26k after the upcoming chapter). But since there's no Silver Card and no zero-requirement Value Of Life coming up, I'm not entirely sure where I really stand. There's three or four characters that I wouldn't mind promoting, plus a couple that I would promote if this wasn't a ranked run, but I'm not sure what I'll be able to afford. For now, I'll promote Priscilla but not Florina, because I would have to spend an Earth Seal for the latter.

  • Chapter 27* - Cog of Destiny
  • 12/18 turns (201/240 in total) - 4487/3150 XP (34824/25500 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

In HHM, I decided to avoid all non-Vaida reinforcement zones. In ENM...nah.

Swordfighter and Knight/General reinforcements are triggered immediately, followed by fairly turtle-y advancement. Heath triggers the Horsie reinforcements on T5 by flying over the mountains. Sain triggers Vaida on T6, with Eliwood, Erk, and Heath near the starting area to greet her and the wyverns coming with and after her.

Overall, only one General and one Knight are blocked from spawning, netting a pretty ridiculous amount of XP. Coming back from HHM to ENM is fucking weird in that regard, with promoted characters still earning XP like crazy. Like, Vaida gains 24 XP from killing an unpromoted wyvern?!

Fiora visits village on T6, Legault steals Blue Gem, Elixir and Guiding Ring (but not Mine, Antitoxin, Light Rune).

Bosskill: Fiora (Silver Lance) and Priscilla (Fire + Filla's Might) does the trick.

		Lv		HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		20.00/1.00	36  16  15  19  16  11   7	80/42
Sain		20.00/13.34	46  25* 15  21  14  14   7	112/73
Isadora		    */7.03	31  13  14  18  13   8   9	35/17
Marcus		    */6.58	34  17  19  13   9  10  11	49/25

Heath		20.00/5.56	45  19  18  14  10  13   5	63/37
Fiora		20.00/10.56	42  20  25* 24  14  15  18	78/50
Vaida		    */9.96	43  20  19  13  11  21   6	4/4
Dart		17.45		40  19  11  13   7   9   1	36/18

Bartre		20.00		44  19  11  13   5   7   4	73/36
Legault		16.89		27   9  13  18  12   8   3	16/7
Nino		20.00/2.31	31  19  19  21  19  10  20	34/29
Canas		20.00		30  13  13  13   9  12  14	40/23

Erk		16.96		26  14  15  19   9   4  12	47/34
Priscilla	20.00/3.59	28  18  16  19  21   9  19	10/3
Serra		11.75		22   5  10  14  11   3   9	5/0
Ninils		11.75		22   0   0  20  19   8  11	5/0

Supports: Eliwood/Hector (B) | Eliwood/Ninian (C) | Lyn/Florina (C) | Pent/Louise (A)


  • Chapter 28* - Valorous Roland
  • 7/9 turns (208/249 in total) - 811/850 XP (35635/26350 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Lava Tile Canto is fun.

Left path, Rath (who promotes T2) and Priscilla just run through the enemies. Rath's Longbow is occasionally useful to clear a path for Eliwood or to attack from a Lava tile for Canto. Promoting Rath wasn't really planned (I was considering Kent, who's still at Lv.14), but I do like having a strong Brave Bow user for the endgame and I already used Geitz in the HHM run. Variety is the spice of life, as I always say while playing through the same game four times in a row.

Right path, Vaida's pretty much invulnerable with the Delphi Shield, so the second slot here is pretty meaningless. Dart manages to sneak in two kills; one Archer, one Sniper.
Eliwood isn't really challenged, either. He lures the boss into that corner directly south of the throne, so he was able to retaliate with the Silver Sword on EP. I actually tried to give the kill to Vaida because Eliwood's inventory was full, but Georg attacked Eliwood instead of her. Oh well, I only lost an 11-use Steel Sword, or 220 gold.

Rath is going to be the last promotion in the run - I wanted to promote Canas to Druid, but that would actually drop me down to 4* Funds. And unless I'm missing something big, item drops, treasure etc. won't give that much more money than the chapter requirements. Battle Preparation Arena, Hammerne and stealing Lockpicks will add a bit, but weapon/staff usage is also a thing, so I think I'll rather be safe than sorry. That means that Canas is being robbed of his promotion a second time, although he's not nearly as blessed as in the HHM run. ;):

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		20/4.13	  39  16  17  19  17  13   8	94/49
Rath		20/2.58	  41  16  16  18  10  11   6	40/27
Priscilla	20/5.22	  28  19  18  21  23  10  21	14/7
Vaida		 */10.61  44  21  19  13  11  21   6	13/10
Dart		18.28	  40  19  11  14   7  10   1	38/20


  • Chapter 29* - Sands of Time
  • 12/14 turns (220/263 in total) - 2520/1700 XP (38155/28050 in total) - Funds: * * * *
  • Main Group: LEH, Sain, Isadora, Marcus, Kent, Nino, Priscilla, Fiora, Heath, Legault, Matthew, Serra
  • Quartett: Pent, Louise, Rath, Vaida

Vaida's blurb at the start of the chapter is kinda funny. "Look at that! Bowmen as far as the eye can see! ping! Do you have something against me? Heh, you know better than that. Let me tell you, Vaida is not your average wyvern rider! ping! Sit back and watch me perform!"

I start the chapter with Rath@Longbow one-rounding the Silence Druid. Another reason to promote him, actually, since he's barely strong enough to do so. The Archer/Sniper swarm below the throne room can be whittled down to just the Longbow sniper and some Poison Bow archers, which makes x2 effectiveness just a number.

The Sleep Druid is very cooperative and gets into Rath's Longbow range to sleep a green Knight, so that Denning can be left unpulled for another turn. T3, the map is mostly cleared so I do pull him so that he attacks Sain from next to a wall, so three characters are enough to box him in on T4. XP was practically won before the start of the chapter, but I might as well see how much XP this chapter can be worth, For Science! (tm).

(some time later...) Ah. M-hm. Fascinating indeed.

A bunch of Heal XP is included, but none of the more expensive staves because even the Heal spam is pretty silly given that Funds is the only realistically failable rank at this point. Speaking of, I almost forgot to send Matthew to get the Body Ring, which would have been a silly and embarassing reason to redo the chapter. All the possible funds, including the three Lockpicks, have been collected, though - still not enough to prevent me dropping to 4*. We'll see how it pans out; I'll keep a safe from before Valorous Roland around just in case I need to demote Rath.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		20/7.28	  42  18  19  20  17  14  10	100/55
Lyn		19.74	  30  11  20* 17  10   4   7	52/34
Hector		19.58	  35  16  12  10  11  16   3	61/40
Vaida		 */11.68  44  22  19  13  11  21   7	18/14

Heath		20/8.37	  48  21  19  17  12  14   6	70/44
Fiora		20/11.82  43  21  25* 25  14  15  18	81/53
Sain		20/14.02  46  25* 15  22  14  14   7	115/75
Isadora		 */7.37	  31  13  14  18  13   8   9	38/17

Marcus		 */7.24	  34  17  20  13  10  11  11	53/27
Kent		17.31	  32  12  11  13   5   8   5	68/24
Matthew		16.43	  29   9   7  20*  6   7   2	65/19
Legault		17.37	  27   9  14  18  12   8   4	17/8

Pent		 */7.52	  33  19  21  18  14  11  17	1/1
Nino		20/3.44	  32  20  19  22  19  10  21	37/31
Priscilla	20/6.12	  29  19  18  21  23  10  21	15/8
Serra		12.63	  23   5  11  14  12   3   9	5/0

Rath		20/7.30	  45  19  18  22  10  11   7	54/38
Louise		 */5.99	  28  13  14  18  16  10  13	12/4


  • Chapter 29x* - Battle Preparations
  • 6/5 turns (226/268 in total) - 787/0 XP (38942/28050 in total) - Funds: * * * *

T1 - Raven (670g, Pirate), Karel (670g, Swordmaster), Isadora (630g, Falcoknight)
T2 - Isadora (650g, Bishop), Raven (650g, Pirate), Eliwood (600g, Druid)
T3 - Eliwood (590g, Druid), Raven (660g, Brigand), Nino (560g, Paladin)
T4 - Nino (760g, Bishop), Karel (570g, Berserker), Raven (680g, Shaman)
T5 - Raven (680g, Brigand), Nino (630g, Sage), Karel (580g, Warrior), Isadora (610g, Valkyrie)

Total earnings: 10190g.

Florina and Fiora get their C support. Shops are being visited. Still no 5* Funds ranking...

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		20/8.39	  43  18  20  20  18  14  11	102/57
Fiora		20/11.82  43  21  25* 25  14  15  18	81/53 	-- only rescue and shopping duty
Florina		20.00	  29  10  18  20* 16   7  11	73/39	-- same
Heath		20/8.37	  48  21  19  17  12  14   6	70/44	-- same

Nino		20/4.87	  33  21  20  22  19  10  21	40/34
Priscilla	20/6.12	  29  19  18  21  23  10  21	15/8	-- same, because people kept dodging in the Arena
Serra		13.18	  24   5  11  14  13   3  10	5/0
Raven		11.02	  29  12  11  14   2   7   2	23/13

Karel		 */9.70   32  16  24  21  15  13  12	3/3
Isadora		 */8.72	  31  13  14  18  14   9  10	41/20


  • Chapter 30* - Victory or Death
  • 9/13 turns (235/281 in total) - 2218/5000 XP (41160/33050 in total) - Funds: * * * * (oof)

Similarly to CoD, I don't think it's necessary to go around any reinforcement zones on ENM, although in this case I only dodged the one directly north of the starting point on HHM, anyways. Long-ranged threats are considerably fewer - some ballistae, the Purge Bishop to the north and one Bolting Sage that is killable T1, which means that only my flyers have to excercise some caution.

I send Sain and Marcus north, Hawkeye, Fiora and Isadora east, and everyone else through the middle path. Nils boosts Vaida so she can reach the Bolting sage on T1 and (not really planned, but it barely works out) the Eclipse Druid on T2.

Fiora reaches the SE village on T3 and turns north. Sain and Marcus take a little longer to fight through the axe reinforcements and the ballista Sniper. Vaida does some serious work hopping from one long-ranged enemy to the next: Bolting, Eclipse, Ballista, Purge, Ballista in the first five turns.

Limstella is tanky, even on ENM, so it's a group effort to bring her down. Eliwood (three rounds of combat on PP,EP,PP), Nino, and Fiora bring her down on T8, but since Nils is nowhere near Limstella yet, I can only seize on T9. Having Fiora around earlier (or Sain, at all) probably would have made it a turn quicker.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		20/10.56  45  20  20  22  18  14  12	111/61
Nils		12.45	  23   0   0  21  20   9  12	0/0
Fiora		20/16.90  45  22  25* 28* 18  16  20	91/63
Florina		20.00	  29  10  18  20* 16   7  11	73/39

Heath		20/8.37	  48  21  19  17  12  14   6	70/44
Vaida		 */16.06  49  25* 19  14  12  22   7	34/23
Isadora		 */9.87	  31  13  14  19  14   9  11	45/22
Sain		20/16.68  49  25* 17  22  15  14   7	121/81

Marcus		 */8.40	  35  17  20  13  10  11  12	57/29
Rath		20/7.30	  45  19  18  22  10  11   7	54/38
Louise		 */7.35	  29  14  16  19  16  11  14	18/7
Hawkeye		 */7.99	  50  19  14  12  13  15  12	20/10

Priscilla	20/6.80	  29  19  18  21  23  10  21	17/9
Nino		20/5.84	  34  22  21  22  20  10  22	43/36
Pent		 */8.20	  34  19  21  19  15  11  17	4/2		
Serra		13.51	  24   5  11  14  13   3  10	5/0

Renault		 */16.00  base				0/0

Hm, maybe it would've helped the Funds rank IF I DIDN'T FORGET TO USE HAMMERNE LIKE A COMPLETE DUMBASS. Also, convoy management really isn't my strong suit. I'm literally at 100/100 capacity with every benched character's inventory filled out. :lol: Granted, there's a lot of stuff like "Iron Lance, 5 uses" cluttering up the space, but I don't like selling even that when I'm still at 4* Funds.

Ksq2E6Y.pngFinal Chapter: Light

  • 8/10 turns (243/291 in total) - 891/3500 XP (42051/36550 in total) - Funds: 942104/922320 * * * * *

To make sure that I don't forget, Pent immediately hammernes Eliwood's initial Rapier (2 uses) and Hector's Wolfbeil (4). Rath removes one of the Snipers and gets rescued a little back, barely in Uhai's range - Rath is just fast enough not to get doubled. Athos moves towards Kenneth's room to solo it next turn, everyone else just falls back northwards a little.
But honestly, there's no reason to deviate from the standard slow "wait for the doors to open" strat here, so I'm just going to shut up. ;):
Things get accelerated just a little bit by Athos crit-killing Linus on EP6 and Rath doing the same to Jerme. Since Athos doubles Nergal in EliMode (he's one short on HHM, iirc), he and Fiora easily kill Nergal on PP7. And then Athos (with Filla's Might) just casually one-shots the Dragon with a Luna crit. :lol:

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		20/11.72  46  20  21  22  18  14  12	113/63
Nils		13.35	  24   0   0  22  21  10  13	0/0
Lyn		19.91	  30  11  20* 17  10   4   7	53/34
Hector		19.58	  35  16  12  10  11  16   3	61/40

Athos		have a guess				11/8
Fiora		20/18.61  46  23* 25* 28* 18  17  20	95/66	-- DAMN girl!
Vaida		 */16.17  49  25* 19  14  12  22   7	35/23
Rath		20/10.29  48  21  19  23  12  13   8	62/42	

Hawkeye		 */8.69	  51  20  14  12  14  16  12	21/11
Priscilla	20/7.10	  30  20  18  21  23  10  21	19/9
Pent		 */9.07	  34  19  21  19  15  11  18	5/2
Sain		20/16.68  49  25* 17  22  15  14   7	121/81

Turns out Canas would've been able to promote after all. ;): That's just shy of 20000g leeway on the Funds rank, 8300 of which are coming from the two Hammerne uses (with no third big option available, I think). But seeing how little my magic users (excluding Athos) have been doing in the last few chapters, I doubt he would have had much of an impact anyway.

Unlike Funds, Tactics and XP have been a breeze, with 48 turns and 5500 XP leeway. Still, it's rather foreboding for EHM to see me miss the last two chapter's XP ranks by (combined) 5300 XP :lol: I'm going to go for HNM next, so I'll have a bit more of an idea how NM and HM compare to each other, but I can already see why EHM XP rank is considered to be the most difficult 5* rank to get. I would still like to uphold my Arena Abuse clause, but I wouldn't be surprised if I'll have to cave in on that. On the plus side, there was quite a lot of potential XP left to gain for Ninils and my staffers (and EHM has a Silver Card to enable staff spam).

All units not fielded in Light, sorted by level:

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Renault		 */16.00				0/0	-- *shrug*
Jaffar		 */13.28  34  19  25  24  10  15  11	2/1	-- Unused outside Night of Farewells
Karel		 */9.70	  32  16  24  21  15  13  12	3/3	-- 170 XP from 3 Arena fights? That's crazy.
Isadora		 */9.87	  31  13  14  19  14   9  11	45/22	-- OK-ish filler. Still fielded in VoD.

Marcus		 */8.40	  35  17  20  13  10  11  12	57/29	-- Made a return when he wasn't overleveled anymore.
								   Pretty solid even in VoD, thanks to +2 Spd
Heath		20/8.37	  48  21  19  17  12  14   6	70/44	-- Slightly squishy, weirdly enough. Still good, ofc.
								   Fielded almost every map until VoD.

Louise		 */7.35	  29  14  16  19  16  11  14	18/7	-- Did some work in ch. 29+30.
Nino		20/5.84	  34  22  21  22  20  10  22	43/36	-- Did less after promotion than I thought she would.
Geitz		 */3.06	  40  17  12  13  10  11   3	1/0	-- Coulda been useful if I had fielded him at all. :D

Florina		20.00	  29  10  18  20* 16   7  11	73/39	-- Capped ch.26; fielded as a rescue-bot afterwards
Canas		20.00	  30  13  13  13   9  12  14	40/23	-- Too expensive to promote
Bartre		20.00	  44  19  11  13   5   7   4	73/36	-- gained 550 XP in CoD
Dart		18.28	  40  19  11  14   7  10   1	38/20	-- Slow, but consistent XP gatherer

Legault		17.37	  27   9  14  18  12   8   4	17/8	-- Thief/10
Kent		17.31	  32  12  11  13   5   8   5	68/24	-- Didn't do a whole lot after ch.19.
Erk		16.96	  26  14  15  19   9   4  12	47/34	-- Quite the glass cannon. Fielded regularly
								   until ch. 23, then once more in 27.

Matthew		16.43	  29   9   7  20*  6   7   2	65/19	-- Thief/10, chipping utility in early- and midgame.
Serra		13.52	  24   5  11  14  13   3  10	5/0	-- Staffbotting until VoD.
Oswin		12.49	  31  14  10   5   3  15   4	25/10	-- Useful early, but already benched after 16x.
Rebecca		12.11	  23   7  11  11  10   4   9	41/29	-- Benched early, occasional XP sponge later.

Raven		11.02	  29  12  11  14   2   7   1	23/13	-- Benched after ch.19, some arenaing in 29x.
Lowen		10.02	  30   8   7   8   8  11   3	41/17	-- Last seen in chapter 18.
Guy		8.99	  25   7  15  15   9   7   1	28/12	-- Benched early, semi-successful XP sponge later.
Wil		8.16	  24   6   9   6   9   6   3	21/7	-- Only ever used as a semi-successful XP sponge.

Dorcas		6.33	  33   7   8   6   3   3   0	16/6	-- Slightly useful early. Last seen in ch.15.
Lucius		4.52	  19   8   6  11   3   1   7	7/3	-- Hardly ever used. Huh.


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Some initial thoughts on HNM:

  • Turncount requirement is actually really tight - 275 turns instead of ENM's 291 (because Taking Leave and Valorous Roland are replaced by zero-requirement chapters) and HHM's 328 (!!!), all assuming that I do the same FFO and Pale Flower versions. My HHM turncount ended up at 304 while visiting all possible Gaiden chapters and while I'm sure that a proper LTC player will sneer at that number, I didn't have the impression that I could go that much faster with my limited abilities. Now, I'm sure that normal difficulty will allow me to shave off some turns, but still:
    • Visiting ch.19xx seems like a terrible idea, which means I don't really need to do Lyn Mode
    • Lloyd's FFO has the same turn requirement as Linus', but can be cleared a lot faster. Another reason I don't really need LHM.
    • Jerme's Pale Flower allows for 8 more turns than Kenneths. Equally important though: I hate that map. Not sure how I'll go about this one.
  • Required Funds is a fair bit lower, too, for the same reason: 883920 instead of 922320 (assuming same everything). However, I have to recruit Farina (no choice, I gotta) and there's still no Silver Card, so promotions should probably still be given out sparingly.
  • Experience: Less XP needed, more chapters, same XP formula, and I overshot XP by quite a bit on ENM. I don't think this will be a huge problem.


  • Chapter 11 - Another Journey
  • 7/0 turns - 322/0 XP

Hm, on normal difficulty, it actually seems to be better to go south first. The west first route has potentially the same turncount, but Matt can't open the door towards the boss and then get the Red Gem before T8.

If I'm counting tiles correctly, a 6-turn is possible by rigging a crit against the second Archer with Matthew - Hector can chip the first one on EP1 so Matt can clear a way, but he needs to equip the Wolf Beil on T2 to one-round the Knight, which leaves the second Archer stays unharmed. Matt is 4 Str short of one-rounding (so LNM wouldn't have helped here), but has a 2% crit chance.

If you rigged that, Hector wouldn't lose 3 tiles by going around the archer onto a pillar, so he would be able reach Wire on T6 and easily kill him on PP+EP. As is, he does the same, but one turn later.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		3.40	  20   8   5   6   3   9   1	8/4
Matthew		2.82	  18   4   4  11   2   3   0	2/2


  • Chapter 12 - Birds of a Feather
  • 4/9 turns (11/9 in total) - 582/500 XP (904/500 in total)

Hector and Oswin chip the nearby Brigand and Archer (both with 1-2 range, some burnt RNG necessary) so that both of them suicide on EP, on Matt and on Hector. Hector also hits a counter against the Mercenary, but misses the approaching Peg Knight. :lol:
In Eliwood's group, Rebecca gets the village. Everyone except Marcus teams up for kills against a Brigand and an Archer; Lowen also chips the next Brigand. Marcus goes N to assist with the Bosskill.

Hector also lures the two remaining Peg knights (one went after Eliwood) on EP2; the boss starts moving west.
Getting the Red Gem to the Armory is a little convoluted - Marcus trades it from Matthew (T3), Oswin takes it from Marcus and gives him the Javelin (T4), Lowen takes it and cantos south; Dorcas and then Eliwood take it, so that Bartre can take it from Eliwood while standing on the Armory. #prostrats
I buy two Iron Axes (for Hector and Marcus) and an Iron Sword (Eliwood); Rebecca also gets two Vulneraries, which reminds me that I could've just sold the Secret Book instead, so now I don't feel that smug about the trade chain anymore :(:

Marcus needs the Javelin to reach Zagan, which brings him to 4 HP, which is enough for Matthew to take the kill. 4-turn clear, minimal Marcus contribution, Bosskill doesn't go to Marcus or Hector (who's easy enough to cap out before promotion anyway) either - I'll take it :]

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		4.54	  21   8   5   6   4  10   1	16/6
Eliwood		1.88	  base				5/2
Matthew		4.93	  19   4   5  11   3   3   0	6/6	-- that's one deadly Matthew
Marcus		 */1.06	  base				1/0

Oswin		9.48	  base				3/2
Lowen		2.10	  base				1/0
Dorcas		3.10	  base				1/0
Bartre		2.73	  base				2/2

Rebecca		1.00	  base				0/0
Serra		1.22	  base				0/0


  • Chapter 13 - In Search of Truth
  • 7/10 turns (18/19 in total) - 640/650 XP (1544/1150 in total)

Ugh, starting positions are awkward in HecMode. Oswin kills the Snag; Hector gets an Iron Axe from Bartre and gets rescue/dropped ahead by Lowen and Dorcas, towards the village. Everyone else moves south - Rebecca chips the Brigand for XP before Marcus kills him with a Javelin, so that he counter-kills on of the Archers on EP.

Lowen drops Hector into the choke west of the castle on T4; Marcus simultaneously draws Guy, Javelin equipped (which brings Guy down to 4 HP).

Hector parks in front of the boss T5 (they 2HKO each other, so he can't attack first). The other group farms reinforcements (not perfectly - one archer reinf. is blocked and Marcus has to take a kill). Hector kills the boss on PP (no risk no fun ;): - but mostly because I would have restarted if the clear was being delayed). Lowen and Dorcas kill the cavs that start in front of Boies.

Killing Boies did prevent the T7 Pegasus reinforcement (is this always the case in FE7? I remember this being a little inconsistent in Binding Blade), so there's only the 11 heal-XP to be had on that turn. It's not the kind of XP harvest that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside, but for now I work with the assumption that it's Tactics, not XP, that may be a problem down the line. That's gonna be different in the EHM run, that's for sure :lol:

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		5.77	  22   8   5   6   4  10   2	19/7
Eliwood		1.89	  base				6/2	-- missed the one swing he was given :D
Matthew		5.72	  19   4   6  11   3   3   0	11/7
Marcus		 */1.42	  base				10/7	-- so much for "I use Marcus sparingly"

Rebecca		2.27	  18   5   5   7   4   3   1	6/3
Lowen		3.27	  24   8   5   7   3   7   0	5/3
Dorcas		3.82	  base				6/1
Bartre		2.92	  base				4/2

Oswin		9.48	  base				3/2
Serra		1.88	  base				0/0
Guy		3.60	  base				2/2


  • Chapter 13x - The Peddler Merlinus
  • 8/7 turns (26/26 in total) - 936/650 XP (2480/1800 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Hector and Dorcas cover the lower right (I wanted Guy to do that, but I forgot to trade him an Iron Sword last chapter). Oswin, Bartre and Rebecca go west, everyone else north. Matthew is a greedy boi and steals two Vulneraries.

Rebecca kills the Snag which allows her group to approach Puzon. Oswin pulls him T5 - the plan was to then pull him over to Matthew in the east of that island next turn to steal his vulnerary. Oswin and Rebecca (chipping for XP) push him into Healing AI though, which put him out of range of Eliwood, Guy and Lowen for the last turn.
Matt still goes ahead and takes the Vulnerary, since Oswin+Rebecca is enough kill him from his current HP. Marcus is in range to bodyblock Rebecca in case she would have missed her 77%. Puzon probably would've suicided into Matthew then, but Rebecca does connect.

Probably the cleanest clear of this map that I've ever done, despite the Guy conundrum. :lol: At least he got one Nomad kill, borrowing Lowen's sword to do so.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		6.40	  23   9   5   6   4  11   2	22/9
Matthew		6.81	  19   4   6  11   4   3   0	17/8	-- 6B/6W in the first 2 maps, 11/2 afterwards :D
Eliwood		3.35	  20   7   6   7   9   5   0	12/6
Marcus		 */1.58	  base				14/11

Rebecca		4.05	  18   6   7   8   5   4   1	11/6
Lowen		4.99	  25   8   5   7   3   7   0	14/7
Dorcas		5.12	  32   8   8   6   3   3   2	14/4
Bartre		3.04	  30  10   6   4   4   5   0	6/2	-- He'll double Soldiers! Woooooh!

Oswin		9.92	  base				6/3
Serra		2.54	  18   3   5   8   6   2   5	0/0
Guy		3.92	  base				3/3


  • Chapter 14 - False Friends
  • 6/12 turns (32/38 in total) - 997/900 XP (3477/2700 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Dorcas stays behind to deal with the Soldiers and the Pegasus reinforcements (which is only 2 Peggys ambush spawning on T4). Their movement does cause a reset because the eastern one went after Merlinus, staying outside Dorcas' Range during the rain. And since the Peg knights retreat to the forts when injured, Dorcas couldn't attack during PP either... -.- Very annoying, but Dorcas still manages to solo this part on the second try by going for the eastern Peggy first, which allows him to also pull the other one before she reaches Merlinus and get that kill on T6. He even survives a crit in the process, ending the chapter with 6 HP. :lol:

Bartre gets the Soldier blocking the way to Erk and catches up with the main group afterwards. It's very considerate of Erk to not move, so he gets recruted T2. He fights the nearby Knight and then the Myrmidon, with Serra healing him when needed/possible and getting the village when she's got the time.
Guy and Eliwood move south to deal with Pirates and the lonesome Cav guarding Priscilla's village. Eliwood buys a decent stock of basic weapons and a couple Heal staves.
Everyone else moves vaguely westwards. XP is given to low-level units when possible. Matt steals a Vulnerary from the Archer.

Erik is pulled T4, right before the rain starts, (which gives him time to have his cutscene, which does aggro the enemies in the back on HNM). Bartre chips on EP, Hector takes the kill on PP.

Since the leftmost enemies have been aggroed right before the rain started, they're all in range to kill (and for Matthew to steal yet another Vulnerary) on T6. The final enemy remaining is the last Brigand reinforcement, but Erks chips him so that he suicides on him during EP (Erk has 84 disp.hit here).

Nobody reaches Priscilla's village, so she join at the end of the chapter.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		7.66	  24  10   5   7   4  11   2	24/11
Matthew		7.15	  20   5   7  12   4   4   0	18/8
Eliwood		4.03	  20   7   6   7  10   5   1	14/8
Marcus		1.67	  base				17/13

Rebecca		5.16	  18   7   8   8   6   4   1	15/10
Lowen		5.27	  26   8   5   7   4   7   0	17/7
Dorcas		6.60	  33   9   8   6   4   4   3	20/8
Bartre		5.25	  31  11   6   5   5   5   1	14/8

Oswin		10.51	  29  13   9   5   4  13   4	13/4
Serra		2.76	  18   3   5   8   6   2   5	0/0
Guy		4.12	  21   7  12  11   6   5   0	5/3
Erk		2.51	  18   6   6   8   4   2   4	7/3


  • Chapter 15 - Talons Alight
  • 8/0 turns (40/38 in total) - 953/0 XP (4430/2700 in total) - Funds: * * * * *
  • Main group: Hector, Lowen, Oswin, Bartre, Serra, Rebecca
  • Secondary group: Eliwood, Erk, Matthew

Erk and Bartre go after the nearest Knight and the Javelin Soldier, respectively, which already takes a lot of pressure away. Rebecca (in position to kill the northern Mage on EP) and Lowen move northeast, everyone else groups together at the southern stairs to the throne room.

Serra gets attacked once by a mage (2 damage) and then baits Sealen into that corner west of his starting point, so that Hector can trap him on his own.
Matthew steals Lockpicks and one Vulnerary, then goes to collect the chests.

In the end, I'm almost too clever for my own good by trapping, but not killing Sealen - the Cav reinforcements are being pretty darn dangerous. FEWOD seems to have little mistake there, they appear turn 5-7, not 5&7.

Eliwood takes the bosskill - Bartre chipped through the wall on T6, would have had a second chance on T7, and Erk could have jumped in, as well. Although, if Erk had been needed, I wouldn't have been able to rout the chapter. As is, Lowen (with some chip from Rebecca) can trap the final cav and kill him in EP7.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		8.36	  25  11   5   7   4  12   3	28/13
Lowen		6.34	  27   8   5   7   5   7   1	25/9
Bartre		6.39	  32  12   6   5   5   5   1	18/11
Oswin		11.10	  30  13   9   5   4  14   4	17/6

Rebecca		6.28	  18   8   9   8   7   4   1	21/13
Serra		3.44	  19   3   5   8   7   2   6	2/0

Eliwood		5.59	  20   8   7   7  11   5   2	18/10
Matthew		7.36	  20   5   7  12   4   4   0	19/8
Erk		4.97	  19   6   8   8   4   3   4	16/9


Well, this is where I'm actually at right now. Quarantine accelerates this quite a bit :lol:

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  • Chapter 16 - Noble Lady of Caelin
  • 7/10 turns (47/48 in total) - 1166/1100 XP (5596/3800 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Forgot to get the Red Gem on my first try, noticed it (and that noone was in range) right before moving Hector onto the gate. I hate it when I'm being stupid -.- On the plus side, I was already being stupid during the clear, so now I can redo the chapter and never mention those silly mistakes.

Lowen and Florina (both w/ Iron Lances) go south to kill one merc immediately. Lyn's Legion turns her Blue Gem into a bunch of HAs, Javelins, Steel Swords, as well as some Iron Lances for Sain and Kent to immediately equip. Bartre stays back a little to draw two Peg Knights - he doubles the Jav one :]

Obligatory Silly Mistake for this run was to leave Rebecca in range of the first Brigand reinforcement, but all that really did was lure him away from Lyn's group and toward her and Guy. As a result (and because Guy pulled the second Brigand when killing the first one), only Kent and Florina gain a decent amount of XP.

Matthew's haul: The Lockpick and two Vulneraries, plus Florina's Vulnerary that the Thief stole from her.

Florina and Marcus drop Hector in front of Bauker on T6, Wolf Beil equipped. Same thing I did in the scrapped run, except Hector didn't get a +Spd level-up during the chapter this time, so he doesn't double. That means that Marcus has to take the bosskill to keep this a 7-turn clear - shame, but he still gains 54 XP from it. His first level-up was STUPID good: all stats except Def o.O

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		8.86	  25  11   5   7   4  12   3	33/14
Eliwood		6.45	  20   9   8   7  11   5   2	6.45	-- Still at base speed :/
Marcus		 */2.75	  32  16  16  12   9  10   9	24/18
Lowen		7.00	  28   8   6   7   5   7   2	30/10

Bartre		7.39	  33  13   6   5   6   6   1	23/13
Matthew		8.03	  21   5   7  13   4   4   1	21/8
Guy		4.65	  21   7  12  11   6   5   0	8/4
Rebecca		7.29	  19   9   9   8   8   4   2	25/16

Erk		6.59	  19   7   8   8   5   4   6	22/13
Priscilla	3.44	  base				0/0
Serra		3.88	  19   3   5   8   7   2   6	2/0
Florina		3.91	  base				5/2

Lyn		4.36	  base				1/1
Wil		4.11	  base				2/0
Kent		6.08	  23   9   8   8   4   7   1	4/3
Sain		4.39	  base				3/0
  • Chapter 17 - Whereabouts Unknown
  • 10/17 turns (57/65 in total) - 1304/1100 XP (6900/4900 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Fairly standard shmandard opening. Sain@Javelin is the only one going into the Cav+Nomad's range, Kent goes towards the southern treasure room. Matthew steals the Door Key from the Archer on T2 and Kent takes it so that he can get the treasure on his own.

Priscilla recruits Raven on T5, he then goes east to get Lucius.

Oswin farms the Cav+Nomad reinforcements in the south a little. Kent goes that direction after getting the treasure, but he's too late to get any additional XP in. The two T10 reinforcements stay completely unfarmed as a result.

Bosskill: Hector hits 1/2 Wolfbeil attacks on PP9, gets traded an Iron Axe for EP and hits 1/2 on EP again, which leaves Bernard at 7 HP. Lyn deals 8 damage with 90% disp. hit. :lol: (She doubles, but that doesn't help when you're one-shot in return)


For real tho, this is a great example why LHM levels are _so_ important for her, even if it's only HNM. If she gets to Lv. 9-10, there's a good chance that she survives the counter (with the robe, it's obviously guaranteed) and can deal ~20 damage with a fairly good chance to crit-kill in return.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		10.35	  27  13   5   9   4  13   3	39/18
Marcus		 */3.18	  33  16  16  12   9  10   9	29/22	-- only HP on the 2nd level-up :(
Lowen		8.03	  29   8   7   7   6   7   2	33/13
Kent		7.01	  24   9   8   8   4   7   1	8/6

Sain		5.90	  23  10   6   7   5   8   1	16/2
Florina		5.71	  20   7   9  11   9   4   5	12/6
Matthew		8.23	  21   5   7  13   4   4   1	21/8
Lyn		6.96	  20   6  11  13   6   3   0	7/6

Erk		7.60	  20   7   8   8   5   5   6	28/15
Priscilla	4.10	  17   6   6   8   7   3   6	0/0
Oswin		12.48	  30  14  10   5   5  14   4	25/10
No combat for Raven or Lucius.


  • Chapter 17x - The Port of Badon
  • 5/5 turns (62/70 in total) - 981/650 XP (7881/5550 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

I want to try the same opening strat as in ENM and rescue Hector ahead to do some work with a Hand Axe on EP1. Literally the first thing that happens: Killer Axe crit. :lol: Aside from that, he needs to dodge the Shaman (60 hit) - the RNG string after resetting the game actually lets that happen with no burnt RNs, although he gets crit by the Archer for some minor damage.

Hector's damage output (dead Archer, injured Shaman, not quite as good as it could've been) allows to mop up the entire area on PP2 with only the two Pirates in the south and Damian's ambush reinforcements remaining.

Still, there's enough enemies that it's impossible to kill all of them on PP3, especially since Sain has to move west already to reach the Lancereaver village in time. Two actions (Marcus to chip, Hector to kill) are needed to kill Damian - well, technically Marcus coulda one-rounded with the Silver Lance, but we can't have the Jeigan steal XP, now can we? ;):

The Halberd Pirate and the Cav from Damian's group survive, but can't agree on one target, so nobody is in mortal danger. They (and the Troubadour) are mopped up on PP4. The remaining villages are visited and Fergus talked to on PP5.

Guy was working on the Pirates in the north the entire time, finishing the last one on PP5, as well. Nothing spectacular happening there.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		11.99	  28  14   5   9   4  14   3	45/20
Marcus		3.79	  33  16  16  12   9  10   9	32/24
Kent		8.21	  27   9   8   8   4   7   2	10/8
Sain		6.04	  24  11   6   8   6   8   1	17/2

Florina		6.65	  21   7  10  12   9   4   5	15/7
Guy		6.08	  23   8  12  13   7   5   0	18/7
Raven		5.63	  25   8  11  13   2   5   1	3/1
Wil		5.87	  22   6   6   6   7   5   1	5/3

Priscilla	4.56	  17   6   6   8   7   3   6	0/0
Canas		9.00	  21  10   9   8   8   6   8	3/2


  • Chapter 18 - Pirate Ship
  • 5/7 turns (67/77 in total) - 804/950 XP (8685/6500 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Matthew steals: Pure Water (T1), Vulnerary (T2), Pure Water (T3), Speedwings (T4); he gets rescued out of the Boss' range afterwards.

Bartre gets rescued ahead into range of the Archer and a Peg Knight... except that the Mercs block the Archer from attacking. :lol: Slightly annoying, but nothing severe.

Rebecca chips twice against the boss with the Longbow from chapter 15, which allows Hector to one-shot (69 hit and doubles; would face 18 crit if he missed, but connects the first hit).

Not a whole lot to say otherwise. Bartre, Raven, Sain, and Florina have been clearing the ship to the east. I've already established that it's Tactics, not XP, that I'm worried about, so no reinforcement farming. Worst case scenario, I play Value of Life.

I do my very best to see if Combat (that's B/W ratio) can actually be four-stared, though. ;): In particular, Lucius is very good at chipping against shamans that somebody else could've one-rounded anyways. His only "real" contribution was to body-block Matthew on T2, but even that wasn't exactly necessary.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		12.92	  29  15   6   9   4  15   3	46/21
Matthew		9.04	  22   5   8  14   5   5   1	22/9
Kent		8.91	  24   9   8   8   4   7   2	12/10	-- I kinda wanted to use Kent over Sain 
Sain		6.82	  24  11   6   8   6   8   1	21/4	-- this run, but these stats, man...

Florina		7.18	  22   8  10  12   9   5   5	18/8
Rebecca		8.34	  20  10  10   8   9   4   3	29/18	-- +3 Str | -2 Spd :D
Lyn		7.38	  21   7  11  14   7   3   0	9/7
Raven		6.46	  26   8  12  13   3   5   1	6/3

Bartre		8.62	  34  13   6   6   7   7   1	27/16	-- Waiting for his Spd to outgrow Rebecca's
Priscilla	4.78	  17   6   6   8   7   3   6	0/0
Lucius		3.54	  base				5/0



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  • Chapter 19 - The Dread Isle
  • 7/10 turns (74/87 in total) - 1413/900 XP (10098/7400 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Matthew immediately steals the Torch from the Pirate on the eastern Bridge, as well as the Light Rune later in the chapter.

Dart (with an Iron Axe traded to him) and Erk deal with the eastern part of the map, including the Peg Knight reinforcements. Guy stands in a forst and fights the Pirate reinforcements (and gets promptly hit by the first 12% coming his way)

Plan to kill the boss: make him equip the longbow and pelt him with bad hitrates (Eliwood: 68 hit | Lyn: 57 hit | Hector: 43 hit | Kent@Longsword: 55 hit) while rescuing people out of Killing Edge range with Sain, the Peg sisters, and Priscilla. What happened: Eliwood chips, Lyn crits, which turns a probable 8-turn into a lucky 7-turn.

Map has been routed, so XP should be about as good as it gets. I guess Guy would've had ~10 more XP if he hadn't procced Str and Priscilla missed a last-turn heal because she had to stand by for rescue duties. ;):

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		13.20	  30  15   7   9   5  16   4	47/22
Kent		10.02	  26   9   8   9   5   7   3	22/11
Sain		7.29	  25  12   6   8   7   8   2	24/5
Florina		8.38	  22   8  11  13  10   5   5	22/11

Lyn		8.88	  22   8  12  15   8   3   1	12/9
Eliwood		7.34	  20  10   8   7  11   5   3	28/13
Guy		7.44	  24   9  12  13   7   5   0	23/10
Matthew		9.39	  22   5   8  14   5   5   1	24/9

Rebecca		10.19	  21  10  11   9   9   4   5	35/23
Erk		9.46	  22   8   8  10   5   5   7	34/20
Priscilla	5.33	  17   6   7   8   8   3   7	0/0
Serra		4.55	  20   4   5   8   8   3   6	3/0

Dart		9.09	  35  13   8   9   3   6   1	3/3
Fiora		7.95	  base				8/2

Supports: Lyn/Florina C


  • Chapter 19x - Imprisoner of Magic
  • 9/10 turns (83/97 in total) - 1625/1050 XP (11723/8450 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Fiora and Florina intercept the Pegasus Knights and get a fair bit of chip XP against Kishuna's snipers afterwards.

Lucius does his "unnecessary chip" shtick again - the enemy Mages and even the Shaman like attacking him for some reason. Once the action is taken into Kishuna's zone, he turns back and gets the Goddess Icon, although he managed to get more XP than in the ENM clear of this chapter.

Lacking a good, accurate unit, the bosskill goes via the "sometimes, a 40% attack will hit" approach. Yeah, yeah, my own fault, but this is usually still fast enough to coincide with hitting Kishuna's XP pinatas. ;): In this case, Wil manages to get the final shot in (51%, 3 dmg with the Iron Bow).

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		13.49	  30  15   7   9   5  16   4	50/23
Eliwood		9.09	  22  12  10   8  11   5   4	34/17	-- What a weird Eliwood. Still at base Def
Kent		10.88	  26   9   8   9   5   7   3	26/12
Sain		9.14	  27  14   6   9   8   8   2	31/7

Lowen		10.09	  31   9   9   8   8   8   2	43/15
Florina		9.64	  23   9  11  13  10   6   5	30/13
Fiora		9.78	  21   9  12  15   6   6   7	15/5
Bartre		9.86	  35  13   7   6   7   7   2	35/19

Dorcas		7.40	  34   9   8   7   4   4   3	27/9	-- Spd proc!
Wil		8.18	  23   6   9   7   8   6   1	13/7
Priscilla	6.11	  17   7   7   8   9   3   7	1/0
Lucius		4.76	  19   8   7  11   2   1   7	11/2

Supports: Lyn/Florina C | Hector/Eliwood C


  • Chapter 20 - Dragon's Gate
  • 7/10 turns (90/107 in total) - 1616/1700 XP (13339/10150 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Raven goes to get the Brave Bow (he two-rounds the Sniper without being one-shot in return), Florina opens him the door and lingers around to carry him into the action afterwards. Rebecca goes to the corner northeast of Merlinus to bait a Nomad. She stays in that area, which allows her to farm the Archer and Hand Axe Fighter reinforcements to the room east of her. Bartre stays around the starting location, ultimately just to kill one Archer because I finish the map before the Peg Knights can appear. Lucius stays behind a little further to the north to farm the Mage reinforcements in that small room.

Priscilla opens the door north of the starting location and Kent goes in to bonk the Longbow Archer. Eliwood takes thefront, which allows him to do some heavy chip against Cameron and one Cav. Risky because he's so frail that he gets two-shot by those two, but Cameron wields a Halberd and Eliwood is likely to dodge that. And since Eli's still slow as fuck, he doesn't double and one-round anything to make room for another attacker. :lol:

Lyn recruits Legault near the throne on T6. Hector has to kill Darin over the course of EP5, PP6 and EP6 (he 2HKO's with 68 disp hit) to make sure it's a 7-turn clear, which he does despite missing the first attack. A 6-turn would have been possible (albeit not very reliable), but Matthew needs the extra turn to get both treasure chests to the northwest.

Darin dying prevents a few reinforcements from spawning (a Mercenary and a Mage, according to FEWOD) and three Knights (the ones along the eastern border of the map) stay untouched. I do get to the Knight dropping the Short Spear in time, though.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		14.94	  31  15   8   9   6  16   4	54/25
Eliwood		11.74	  24  12  10   9  12   6   5	44/22
Lyn		 9.64	  23   8  13  16   8   4   1	14/11
Kent		12.02	  28  10   9  11   7   8   3	30/15

Florina		10.06	  23   9  11  14  11   6   5	32/14
Fiora		12.17	  23  11  15  18   7   6   7	24/11
Bartre		10.62	  36  14   7   6   8   7   2	37/21
Raven		 7.27	  27   8  12  13   4   5   1	9/5

Rebecca		12.01	  22  11  13  11  10   5   5	41/28
Matthew		 9.49	  22   5   8  14   5   5   1	24/9
Lucius		 6.92	  20   9   9  12   2   1   9	17/6

Priscilla	 6.83	  17   7   7   8   9   3   7	1/0
Serra		 5.33	  20   4   6   9   9   4   7	4/0
Legault		12.20	  base				0/0	-- stole Member Card and 1-use Chest Key


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  • Chapter 21 - New Resolve
  • 5/5 turns (95/112 in total) - 1043/950 XP (14352/11100 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Bartre (danced) and Kent initially take the front. Florina and Fiora visit villages and shops, Fiora being closer to the action.

Arena: T2 Raven (690g | Sword Cav)
T3-5 Bartre (690g | Pirate) (670g | Brigand) (680g | Shaman)

Kent (w/ Javelin for very minor chip damage) pulls Oleg on T4. Matthew gets the Hero Crest. Kent chips (3x8 damage w/ Steel Sword and a thank you to Ninian), Hector takes the kill (79 hit w/ Iron Axe). If Kent had connected all four attacks, Raven would've been able to take the kill, but now he's slightly too weak, despite doubling with Steel.

As far as I can see, one Brigand and one Monk remain unkilled.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		16.22	  32  17  10  10   6  17   4	56/27
Eliwood		12.08	  25  12  10  10  12   7   6	45/23
Kent		14.65	  30  12   9  12   7   8   3	44/21
Florina		10.11	  23   9  11  14  11   6   5	33/15

Fiora		12.79	  23  11  15  18   7   6   7	26/13
Bartre		12.03	  38  16   9   7   9   8   2	42/24
Raven		 8.52	  28   9  13  14   4   5   1	15/8
Lucius		 7.68	  20  10   9  13   2   1   9	19/8

Serra		 6.04	  20   4   6   9  10   4   7	4/0
Matthew		10.07	  23   6   8  15   6   5   2	26/10
Ninian		1.50	  base				0/0


  • Chapter 22 - Kinship's Bond
  • 6/5 turns (101/117 in total) - 1248/1150 XP (15630/12250 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Kent ferries Eliwood towards Heath for recruitment. Matthew (who'll steal the lockpick and get the chests) and Ninian also go into that direction, while Florina heads to the Secret Shop where she buys four Physic and two Barrier staves. Lyn gets carried towards Rath's spawning point so that she can recruit him on T3.

Kent goes towards the southwest corner to deal with reinforcements. Isadora goes ahead through the southeast room to kill the first Ballista. The bulk of my army goes through that room, but then to the east to have a better spot to engage Eubans in. Erk, Eliwood, and Heath stay in the center of the map to get some XP from reinforcements.

Isadora kills the east-most Ballista through the wall, which also pulls Eubans northwards. Or, alternatively, Hector also gets dropped at the edge of his range... HE DOESN'T MOVE? Oh, goddammit, I thought that was an EliMode thing. The 5-turn clear would've aligned perfectly with Matt getting the treasure and most reinforements farmed.

Oh well. Hector chips against Eubans on PP+EP with a Hand Axe; Kent draws a Wyvern kill out by using an Iron Sword; Rebecca gets some additional chip XP by using the Ballista on Eubans, Ninian does some special Dance (for Lyn, not Eliwood) to get extra XP without expanding staff uses. Bartre does the final blow. Eubans' crit chance on Hector made this slightly dangerous (crit+hit would have been a kill, iirc), but otherwise, this was the safest bosskill I've had in a while.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		16.49	  32  17  10  10   6  17   4	59/27
Eliwood		12.08	  25  12  10  10  12   7   6	45/23	-- Green Cav blocked him from getting some XP
Lyn		 9.64	  23   8  13  16   8   4   1	14/11	-- Rath did stuff instead of ferrying her
								   anywhere, so no XP here, either

Ninian		 2.30	  15   0   0  13  11   5   4	0/0
Kent		16.13	  31  13  10  13   9   8   3	50/26
Sain		 9.92	  27  14   6   9   8   8   2	33/9
Florina		10.11	  23   9  11  14  11   6   5	33/15

Fiora		12.79	  23  11  15  18   7   6   7	26/13
Bartre		13.11	  39  16   9   8  10   8   2	44/25
Rebecca		13.48	  23  11  14  12  10   5   5	47/32
Matthew		10.17	  23   6   8  15   6   5   2	26/10

Erk		11.29	  23   9  10  12   6   5   7	42/24
Serra		 6.89	  20   4   6   9  10   4   7	4/0
Priscilla	 7.62	  17   7   7   9  10   3   8	1/0

Isadora		 */1.99	  base				9/4
Heath		 8.22	  29  12   9   7   7  10   1	3/3
Rath		 9.82	  base				4/2


  • Chapter 23 - Living Legend
  • 8/9 turns (109/126 in total) - 1283/1000 XP (16913/13250 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

One of those clears that shouldn't really have worked. I was doing a "figure things out" run, especially with regards to what Pent does and how fast I have to be to prevent him from smoking the bosses, that suddenly became a serious attempt when Fiora one-shot Jasmine with a Axereaver crit after Matt had stolen the Guiding Ring.

The general idea is to clear out the area north of the starting location first and then worry about everything else. With two magic users, two Peg Knights and Ninian, it's not a problem to get rid of all but one of the closest enemies. Unfortunately, Heath's low speed hurts him quite a bit here, because Fiora and Florina don't really have the time to set up kills for him. He ends up rescuing Pent, although he gives him to Hawkeye and get at least a little bit of XP this chapter.

Double thieves with some flying support allows to collect all the hidden items decently quick. They both get hit by some Wyvern or magic reinforcement at some point, but don't face any chance of death during the chapter.

Two characters who do risk dying horribly are Raven and Fiora. They both have to avoid a crit from Paul's Killer Axe (and both dodge the hit altogether). Raven gets a Killing Edge crit on EP, which allows Fiora (Axereaver) and Lucius to set up a kill for him. Erk unfortunately had to help deal with the last reinforcements from the north.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		16.80	  32  17  10  10   6  17   4	60/28
Ninian		 3.21	  16   0   0  14  12   5   4	1/0
Florina		11.67	  24  10  12  15  11   6   5	38/18
Fiora		15.33	  26  12  17  19   8   6   8	32/18

Heath		 8.75	  29  12   9   7   7  10   1	6/4
Raven		10.02	  29  10  15  15   4   5   1	18/10
Matthew		10.45	  23   6   8  15   6   5   2	30/10
Legault		12.34	  26   8  11  15  10   8   3	1/0

Erk		13.97	  24   9  11  13   6   7   8	49/31
Lucius		 9.30	  22  10  10  13   2   1  11	25/12
Serra		 7.95	  21   5   7   9  11   4   7	4/0
Hawkeye		 */4.00	  base				0/0


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  • Chapter 23x - Genesis
  • 10/21 turns (119/147 in total) - 1455/650 (18252/13900 in total) - Funds: * * * * *
  • LHS: Hawkeye, Kent, Rath, Serra, Ninian
  • RHS: Hector, Lyn, Priscilla, Matthew, Fiora, Bartre

Lyn and Rath are here to gain a lot of XP, which worked especially well for Rath. I was considering Rebecca over either one of them for the memes. ;): It wouldn't have made a huge difference with Rebecca over Lyn (except for Lyn's higher XP gain), but Rath's once again Actually Quite Good (tm) thanks to the Brave Bow (Rebecca's still at C rank) and movement.

Kishuna keeps to the west of his starting location the entire time, so Serra doesn't do a whole lot this chapter. On the plus side, it allows Priscilla to use the Unlock staff twice. Otherwise, nothing unusual. Hawkeye and Rath farm Kishuna's guard for XP before poking Kishuna himself; Rath kills the magic enemies that appear afterwards. The RHS group loops around to get both treasure chests, while Kent gets the one in the SW corner. 10 turns instead of 9 because Troubadours don't suicide into your units on EP. Matthew uses his awful Str to get some extra chip XP on her before Lyn takes the kill.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		16.93	  32  17  10  10   6  17   4	61/28
Lyn		11.80	  25   8  14  18   9   4   1	18/14
Bartre		14.76	  39  17   9   9  10   8   2	48/27	-- just now reached B Axes

Fiora		15.96	  26  12  17  19   8   6   8	33/19
Matthew		10.61	  23   6   8  15   6   5   2	31/10
Priscilla	 8.29	  18   8   7   9  11   3   8	1/0

Hawkeye		 */5.16	  50  18  15  11  13  14  11	7/2
Kent		17.90	  32  13  10  13   9   8   4	53/29
Rath		14.72	  31  11  12  15   7   9   4	14/9

Serra		 8.17	  21   6   8  10  12   5   7	4/0
Ninian		 4.31	  17   0   0  15  13   5   5	1/0


  • Chapter 24 - Four-fanged Offense (Lloyd/Wallace)
  • 6/10 turns (125/160 in total) - 1112/1750 XP (19480/15650 in total) - Funds: 401199/360720 (1850 in gold)

Ahhhhh, Lloyd!FFO. It's been a while. Almost two years, in fact. This time I'm not going to do the 2-turn like I did back then, though. :lol:

T1, I leave no squishy target in the closest Ballista's range, which causes the Sniper to use his Silver Bow on Rath from one of the forts instead. The ballista behind that is bad enough on its own and forced two restarts because it one-shots some of the squishier units like Priscilla. :/: 

Kent, Florina, Erk, Legault, and Serra go east to get through to Wallace.

Raven frequents the Arena: T2 650g Myrmidon | T3 630g Knight (early crit allows him to win) | T4 660g Shaman

Legault buys two Swordreavers in the Armory and sends both to Merlinus, where Rath takes and delivers them to Hector and Hawkeye.

Florina can reach Wallace on T5 and Wallace can immediately visit the village, so in hindsight, I could've pulled Lloyd on T4 already. But Wallace's movement seems kinda erratic, so waiting here was the right call, I think. Rath gets into his range on T5 instead. Raven stops arenaing so that I have an additional attack against Lloyd, just in case (bit silly in hindsight, tbh).

Bosskill: Rath hits with the Iron Bow on EP, Hawkeye chips with the Swordreaver. Fiora takes the bosskill (86 hit), with Rath, Ninian, and Raven (as last-ditch effort, he gets one-rounded in return) as possible backups. Hector technically would have been an option, but he's in the same boat as raven with worse hit/avoid numbers, iirc.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		17.27	  33  17  10  10   6  18   5	62/29
Hawkeye		 */5.58	  50  18  15  11  13  14  11	10/4
Fiora		17.63	  27  14  18  19   9   6   9	36/22
Florina		11.78	  24  10  12  15  11   6   5	39/18

Kent		18.53	  33  14  11  13   9   9   4	57/30
Rath		16.78	  33  13  13  17   8   9   5	22/13
Raven		11.19	  30  11  15  15   5   6   1	21/13
Oswin		12.88	  30  14  10   5   5  14   4	26/11

Legault		13.27	  27   8  12  16  10   9   3	2/1
Erk		15.13	  25   9  12  14   6   7   9	52/33
Serra		 8.89	  21   6   8  10  12   5   7	4/0
Priscilla	 9.29	  19   9   7   9  11   3   8	4/0

Ninian		 4.82	  17   0   0  15  13   5   5	2/0
Wallace		 */1.00	  base				0/0

Now that a big, 100% unavoidable drain on my funds is coming up, it's probably prudent to take a look at those numbers. I'll have to liquify 40k worth of items to pay Farina her fee, which will almost completely kill my current surplus, so that's "nice", although Crazed Beast also gives an Elysian Whip worth 10k. I'll have a better idea where I stand after Night of Farewells (because that's where I did the only money count in ENM), but it's probably a terrible, terrible idea to recruit Farina. Which I will still do, of course.

HNM notably doesn't have the two stealable stat boosters in The Berserker like HHM does, so that's a bit of a pickle as well. On the plus side, I'm doing way better in Tactics than I anticipated, so Value of Life (about 14k worth of items) is actually an option. Nonetheless, I probably should't overwrite the pre-ch.25 save file, before I sell the items to get to 20k gold.

I can foresee a very prepromote-heavy roster in the endgame, though. :lol:


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  • Chapter 25 - Crazed Beast
  • 6/0 turns (131/160 in total) - 2530/0 XP (22010/15650 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Quickest Farina-including clear possible, with a fair bit of XP still on the map - three Monks, four Cavs, one Pirate.

Lyn and Guy solo the Pirates, except for two in the north that get pulled to the main group. Neither of them gets hit at all, Forests OP. Guy gets the bosskill and Lyn seizes, both on T6.

Florina (with a Barrier boost) and Fiora (carrying an Axereaver) roam the eastern part of the map. Florina gets the bosskill by parking right in front of him. They're somewhat threatened by cav reinforcements being drawn towards them, but Florina on the gate can only be engaged by one of them per EP.

Wil and Rebecca do an epic Ballista duel with the three opposing Archers. Unfortunately, Wil is so weak that he can only kill one of them after Rebecca's chip. With some Ninian support, he still goes out of the chapter with two kills and about 125 XP in total. If Kent hadn't crit on the last turn, it even would've been three kills. *shakes fist*

Dart, Bartre, and Kent punch through the Cav swarm. Bartre pulls Pascal on T3, chips with Hand Axe (EP) and Halberd (PP), and Dart takes this bosskill. T5 and T6, they kill some more Cavs for XP (Kent, who can't even set up a kill for Wil, caps his Lv with this kill), Ninian dances for Kent and he seizes.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		17.63	  33  17  10  10   6  18   5	63/30
Ninian		 5.43	  18   0   0  16  14   5   6	3/0
Kent		20.00	  35  15  11  13   9  10   4	66/34
Fiora		19.81	  28  14  19  20* 10   6  11	43/28

Florina		16.57	  26  12  16  16  14   7   7	56/28
Bartre		18.89	  43  20* 11  10  11   8   2	61/37
Dart		11.81	  35  14   8  10   3   7   1	11/8
Lyn		14.12	  24   9  15  20*  9   5   2	24/19

Guy		 9.47	  26   9  13  14   8   5   0	28/13
Rebecca		15.42	  23  11  16  13  11   5   5	54/36
Wil		 9.42	  24   7  10   8   8   6   1	18/9
Serra		 9.61	  22   6   8  10  12   6   7	4/0

Priscilla	 9.98	  19   9   7   9  11   3   8	7/0
Farina		12.10	  base				1/0	-- threw a Javelin at a Pirate

Since promotion o'clock is approaching: In ENM, I promoted seven non-Eliwood characters and would have had room for one more in the end. So for now, I'm assuming that four promotions should be fine - probably Fiora and Farina, Priscilla or Serra, and Bartre. Too bad about Kent, but I have to make up for not recruiting Karla in my HHM run despite Bartre doing really well there. ;):

Kenneth vs. Jerme is actually fairly close, with Kenneth leading by little more than 200 XP, so if I wanted, I could still forcefeed some XP into my Hero Crest units next chapter. I still hate Jerme's map, though.

  • Chapter 26 - Unfulfilled Heart
  • 12/11 turns (143/171 in total) - 2708/1000 XP (24708/16650 in total) - Funds: * * * * (5* before promoting Bartre)

Not quite the perfect XP harvest - the last four Wyvern reinforcements are only bruised, but not beaten, and Bartre took two (!!!!!) kills while being capped. And I forgot to bring a Hero Crest for him because item management is my passion and all my promotion items are stored in some benched characters' inventories.

I did some rescue/drop shuffling to have more characters in the north for the first six or seven turns of the chapter and then carried most of them back to the center to deal with the Wyverns spawning in the south T7-10. Not close enough to the spawning locations to get the rout-minus-Vaida's-group though.

Legault stole the Knight Crest and Heath got the Hammerne quite early, so all funds are there. Heath actually felt his low base speed quite a bit in this chapter, with some Wyverns even doubling him. Wil and Guy collected some XP, although Guy constantly had to use a Steel Sword with only 80 hit to get the kill. All three Lords got some decent XP, as well.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		18.91	  33  17  10  10   7  18   5	69/33
Lyn		15.70	  28  10  15  20* 10   5   2	31/22
Eliwood		13.36	  26  13  11  10  12   7   6	51/25
Ninian		 6.53	  19   0   0  17  15   6   7	3/0

Fiora		20/2.22	  34  16  20  21  12   8  14	49/33
Florina		17.62	  26  12  16  16  14   7   8	62/30
Farina		14.74	  26  10  14  16  11  10  13	11/5
Heath		10.69	  30  13   9   7   8  10   2	19/7

Bartre		20/1.00	  48  21  14  10  12  11   6	70/42
Dart		15.36	  38  18  10  14   5   7   1	20/16
Guy		11.39	  27  10  14  16   8   6   2	37/17
Legault		14.60	  28   8  12  16  10  10   3	8/3

Wil		12.92	  27   9  12   9   9   6   1	32/15
Serra		10.83	  23   7   8  10  13   6   8	4/0
Priscilla	11.92	  19   9   8  10  11   3   9	7/0

Pent		6.00	  base				0/0
Louise		4.23	  base				1/1


  • Chapter 27 - Pale Flower of Darkness (Kenneth)
  • 10/14 turns (153/185 in total) - 2043/1250 XP (26761/17900 in total) - Funds: * * * * * (nice!)

Unit split: Rath, Marcus and Priscilla go directly east. Dart stays near the starting location. Everyone else goes north.

Dart does not engage the Knight/General group right away - they don't start aggroed and I want to recruit Harken. Ninian stays right at the edge of the Purge bishop's range to draw him as far SW as possible so that Bartre (who has 3 move in snow now) can kill him on T2. Risky, because the Bolting mage targets her as well, but it allows me to get rid of both long-range tomes immediately, since Rath can reach the Mage with the Longbow (which also gets rid of the Longbow Archer on EP).

Everyone hugs the eastern wall to avoid the General's range, with some characters kept rescued to occupy less tiles.

Some time laitèr....

Isadora sticks around to recruit Harken right away, with Legault (stealing Lockpicks) and Ninian (making sure that the Sniper in the northwest can be killed on the same turn Harken is recruited) joining her.

Dart has been waiting all this time, now he can kill the Knights (on EP) and the General (he doubles and 2HKOs with the Hammer) for XP.

Rath and Marcus have been farming the reinforcements in the southern room, with Priscilla healing them (but not using Barrier on her spare turns).

Matthew got the treasure chests, Farina flew around fighting random enemies, for example the Hero spawning next to the Purge Bishop.

The bosskill gets delayed a little, just in case there's some T10 reinforcements to farm that FEWOD missed (there aren't). Fiora 5HKOs / 3-rounds him with an Iron Sword at 96 accuracy, although Kenneth's 5% crit makes this whole deal slightly unreliable.

Very happy with this clear - minimal turncount, Harken instead of Karel, all treasure looted (including both Lockpicks), all enemies farmed.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		19.78	  34  17  11  10   7  19   5	71/35
Ninian		 7.85	  19   0   0  18  15   7   8	5/0
Fiora		20/4.19	  35  17  22  22  12   9  15	54/36
Farina		17.10	  29  12  15  17  14  10  14	18/9

Marcus		 */4.65	  34  16  16  13  10  11   9	36/27	-- Two Spd Procs! :)
Isadora		 */3.74	  30  14  13  17  12   8   6	17/9
Rath		19.58	  36  13  14  19   9   9   6	34/20
Bartre		20/3.10	  49  21  14  10  13  12   7	79/48

Dart		17.72	  40  20* 10  15   5   7   1	26/21
Serra		12.05	  25   7   9  10  15   6   9	4/0
Priscilla	12.86	  19  10   9  10  12   3   9	7/0
Legault		16.21	  29   8  12  17  10  10   3	11/5

Matthew		10.61	  23   6   8  15   6   5   2	31/10
Harken		 */8.27	  base				1/1	-- That's a Thief kill


  • Chapter 28 - Battle Before Dawn
  • 16/20 turns (169/205 in total) - 2337/2550 XP (29098/20450 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Both Nino and Jaffar reached on T5. Nino's Healing AI helped by moving her towards Hector (and into Ursula's range - good thing EP comes before greenie phase), Jaffar's AI was a dick and kept sending him further south. Fiora reaches him, Farina and Isadora have to take him backwards to avoid either of the Peg sisters' Spd to be halfed. Farina has to face one Archer on EP (who roughly brings her to 50% health) as a result. One Fighter reaches Zephiel, but it's only an Iron Axe one.

Matthew steals all three lockpicks, gets the chests in the west and two Thief kills for some XP, Legault gets some chip XP and the chests in the east.

Reinforcements become fairly boring in the later stages of the chapter (only 4x2 magic users after T8), so Harken and Lyn approach Ursula on T10. With Barrier on both of them, Legault as bait and Serra with Physic, Bolting isn't too threatening, so I actually delay the kill - Harken could've one-rounded her on T11 with the Brave Sword (and honestly with any non-Iron weapon, but I didn't give him any), but Lyn was blocked by a Mercenary and couldn't reach her. Some XP down the drain, I guess, but not that much and XP is more or less won already at this point.

If there was only one defend chapter that needed to end after the boss is killed, it's this one.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		19.78	  34  17  11  10   7  19   5	71/35
Lyn		18.04	  30  11  17  20  11   6   2	34/25
Ninian		 9.65	  21   0   0  20  17   8   9	5/0
Fiora		20/5.27	  35  17  22  23  12   9  16	56/39

Farina		20/1.35	  37  16  17  17  16  12  18	26/16
Florina		19.42	  27  13  17  17  15   8   8	68/34
Marcus		 */8.14	  36  17  18  15  13  12  11	49/38	-- 15 Spd o.O
Isadora		 */5.19	  32  14  15  18  12   8   8	25/13

Bartre		20/3.61	  49  21  14  10  13  12   7	81/49
Harken		 */9.88	  38  21  20  18  12  15  14	11/6
Serra		14.02	  26   8   9  11  16   7  10	4/0
Priscilla	14.47	  20  10   9  10  14   3   9	8/0

Matthew		12.14	  24   7   9  17   7   5   4	33/12
Legault		16.48	  29   8  12  17  10  10   3	15/5
Nino		 6.66	  19   8   9  11  10   4   8	3/2	-- very trustworthy XP count


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Two corrections for the last post (which I'm unfortunately not allowed to edit): One, I promoted seven characters in ENM including Eliwood. Two, I gained 2437, not 2337 XP in BBD - little Excel mishap, should be sorted out now.

edit: Huh, I can edit this one no problem. Is this maybe related to the length of the posts?

  • Chapter 28x - Night of Farewells
  • 10/10 turns (179/215 in total) - 2378/1900 XP (31476/22350 in total) - Funds: 601578/583920 gold (+17658)

Fiora gets barriered, kills Bolting Mage with Short Spear (to one-round the Sage on EP). Hawkeye kills the Sniper directly to the east. He and Rebecca (who gets in position to counter-kill a Jav!Peggy on EP) will be dealing with the flyers coming from the southwest. Florina and Heath drop Legault on the island with the Hero with the Red Gem, so he can steal it on T2. He then gets rescued over to the north, gets danced, and steals the Antitoxin from the Cavalier. On T5, he steals the Blue Gem from the Wyvern Lord starting above Sonia and the Angelic Robe from the Berserk Bishop.

Fiora goes off on her own in the south, drawing the Wyvern squad. She doesn't quite one-round the Lord with a Silver Lance, unfortunately, but she dodges everything and kills him on PP3 instead. She then goes further east to kill the Sleep Druid and some small fries. T5, she enters Sonia's room. T6, she engages her with a Silver Lance (12x2 damage vs. Sonia's 44 HP, which is a 2-round through throne healing). There's an Elixir in her inventory in case her dodge-tanking failed her, but she's doing an excellent job at it.

Jaffar is dropped on the northeast island with a Lockpick and enough inventory space on T7. Hector is rescue/dropped to the throne room T9. Harken and Legault are dropped to the island with the single chest the same turn. TL;DR: 10-turn with all the treasure, except for the stealable Mine. :): (and that one's annoying to get because it's on a non-aggro pirate three tiles into the water)

Little Addendum: Rebecca dodged a fair number of Wyvern attacks on enemy phases, so I could get away with feeding her some more kills. If she had been hit earlier, Hawkeye would have been able to just EP-kill them all to keep her safe.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		19.78	  34  17  11  10   7  19   5	71/35
Fiora		20/9.58	  39  19  24  25  14  11  18	75/50
Farina		20/3.91	  37  17  18  18  16  13  18	38/22
Florina		20.00	  27  14  17  17  16   8   8	73/36

Heath		12.18	  32  14   9   8   8  11   2	23/9
Isadora		 */6.33	  33  14  15  18  12   9   9	30/16
Harken		 */11.08  40  21  20  19  12  15  11	15/9
Hawkeye		 */7.63	  51  19  15  11  13  14  11	16/10

Legault		17.48	  29   8  12  18  10  10   4	20/6
Rebecca		18.59	  25  12  17  15  12   5   6	64/43
Nino		 9.50	  20  10  10  14  11   4   9	11/6
Serra		15.30	  26   9   9  12  16   7  11	4/0

Priscilla	15.51	  21  11   9  11  15   3   9	8/0
Ninian		10.76	  22   0   0  21  18   9   9	6/0
Jaffar		 */13.01  base				1/0

In ENM, I had a 35k surplus in Funds at this point, promoted three characters afterwards and came ahead by 19k at the end. Chests, drops and stealables seem to add up to fairly similar numbers, so if +35k allowed for four more promotions, +17k should pretty safely allow for two more. Probably three, considering ch.30 and 32x, but there's no real reason to push my luck.

I've done some thinking about who the two characters should be - one of Serra and Priscilla for sure (leaning towards Serra, if only for variety's sake), both could've been an option too; Kent to have another, better Pala; Rath because I don't have Geitz as an excellent endgame bow user; Rebecca for the memes (she's pretty much worse than Rath in every way). In the end, I ended up with Florina because more flyers is more better. ;):

  • Chapter 29 - Cog of Destiny
  • 11/18 turns (190/233 in total) - 3278/3150 XP (34854/25500 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Isadora uses the Slim Lance to double and one-round the Myrms west of the starting location, without triggering the reinforcements from that island.She and Farina go west to save the village, while everyone else moves northwest. I avoid the east-most reinforcement zone as well, but immediately trigger the middle one.

Dorcas gains XP. He needs the Hammer to really do so without some precise setting up, but it's still funny that he does reasonably well this chapter as a Lv.7 unpromoted Fighter.

Vaida's reinforcements are triggered T7, with Hector, Bartre, and Harken in the area to immediately stomp the Wyvern riders.

Matthew and Legault manage to get all six stealables of this map. Farina gets the village before going north towards Linus.

Bosskill: Farina and Florina chip, just for XP. Ninian buffs Fiora's attack and with the Silver Lance, she would triangle Linus for 72 damage. While doubling. Since that's slightly overkill, I go with the 51-damage Iron Lance option instead. :lol:

Bit slower than it maybe should have been (Farina and Florina were able to reach Linus T10, but Fiora was still further away, for example), but still decent enough, I think.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		20/1.00	  38  17  14  13   8  20  10	76/36
Fiora		20/13.59  42  20  25* 28* 15  11  20	86/57	-- becoming the MVP again
Farina		20/5.88	  39  19  20  18  17  14  18	45/27
Florina		20/3.85	  34  17  18  19  17  12  10	83/42

Isadora		 */9.58	  36  14  15  20  12  10   9	42/25
Marcus		 */10.90  38  17  19  15  14  12  11	57/43
Bartre		20/5.09	  51  23  15  11  14  13   7	87/53	-- Karla confirmed!
Dorcas		13.46	  38  11  12   8   6   7   4	44/19

Harken		 */12.08  40  21  20  19  12  15  12	20/14
Matthew		13.57	  25   8   9  18   7   5   5	38/13
Legault		17.91	  29   8  12  18  10  10  4	23/6
Nino		13.79	  22  11  11  18  14   4  11	20/13

Serra		16.51	  27   9   9  12  17   7  12	4/0
Priscilla	16.85	  21  12  10  11  15   3  10	9/0
Vaida		 */9.48	  base				2/2



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  • Chapter 30 - The Berserker
  • 11/0 turns (201/233 in total) - 738/0 XP (35592/25500 in total - Funds: * * * * *

Pent for the dual utility of fighting and healing (although he doesn't do that much of either). Farina because she can one-shot Thieves and one-round Knights with an Iron Lance (and also because she's tankier than Florina and lower-leveled than Fiora)

Pent and Hector go north, Farina goes west. All items are collected. Not much more to say - no stealables and the additional unit slot make this infinitely less difficult to figure out.

Bosskill: Farina and Hector. Farina takes the kill on PP to save a turn.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		20/4.30	  40  18  14  14  10  22  10	89/47
Pent		 */6.67	  base				3/2
Farina		20/9.29	  43  22  22  20  19  15  19	56/36


  • Chapter 31 - Sands of TIme
  • 12/14 turns (213/247 in total) - 3012/1700 XP (38604/27200 in total) - Funds: * * * *
  • Small group: Pent, Louise, Canas, Wallace (lol)

Louise crit-kills the Silence Druid with the Longbow on T1. Unrigged, too, although I wouldn't have been above that if the Silence would've caused any resets. ;):

Bartre goes to the east to farm the Shaman/Archer reinforcements from the stairs. He can one-shot the Shamans with a Hand Axe on PP to preserve his HP.

Denning gets pulled T4, so that he can be boxed in against the wall. A short look at the XP rank (it's 35700 XP at the end of the game for 5*) and he goes down on T7 - the money spawns (the thieves with Lockpicks) all appeared already. Wallace gets the final hit, because life can't be all Triangle Attacks.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		20/6.95	  42  18  16  15  10  24  11	96/53
Lyn		18.47	  30  11  17  20* 11   6   2	37/25
Eliwood		15.27	  27  14  12  10  13   9   7	54/28
Farina		20/10.51  44  22  22  21  19  15  19	61/40

Fiora		20/14.37  42  21  25* 28* 15  11  21	91/60
Florina		20/5.47	  34  18  19  19  18  12  11	88/46
Isadora		 */10.00  37  14  15  21  12  10  10	45/26
Marcus		 */11.96  38  18  19  15  14  12  11	61/45

Bartre		20/8.32	  53  25  15  14  15  14   7	97/63
Wallace		 */4.79	  36  17  11   8  10  20   6	16/6
Louise		 */8.67	  29  14  15  18  17  10  15	16/10
Pent		 */8.57	  34  18  21  18  15  13  16	6/5

Lucius		11.26	  23  10  11  14   3   2  11	30/15
Canas		10.65	  22  11  10   8   9   6   8	9/5
Serra		18.01	  28   9   9  12  17   7  13	4/0
Priscilla	17.46	  22  12  11  11  16   3  10	9/0

Matthew		14.32	  26   9  10  19   8   5   6	39/14
Legault		18.11	  30   9  12  19  11  10   4	23/6

The drop in the Funds ranking was to be expected, this chapter has a pretty silly requirement - 80800g with only about 40k available in chests and drops. Happened in both HHM and ENM, as well, and persisted until the very last chapter in ENM, so I'm not too worried. I might keep a save file with unpromoted Serra around, though. ;):

  • Chapter 31x - Battle Preparations
  • 6/5 turns (219/252 in total) - 797/0 XP (39401/27200 in total) - Funds: * * * * * (even after promoting Serra)

Bartre does his Iron Bow/Iron Rune thing to recruit Karla. Serra Hammernes the Wolf Beil (8 uses left) and Rapier (13)
Arena work:

  • T1 - Karla (600g, Sword!Pala) | Eliwood (680g, Mage) | Guy (690g, Soldier)
  • T2 - Guy (680g, Peg Knight) | Karla (600g, Warrior) | Sain (660g, Brigand)
  • T3 - Sain (670g, Shaman) | Eliwood (660g, Shaman) | Guy (690g, Myrmidon)
  • T4 - Guy (690g, Sword!Cav) | Bartre (520g, Warrior) | Sain (680g, Knight)
  • T5 - Sain (690g, Soldier) | Karla (490g, Sword!Pala) | Pent (600g, Warrior)

Bit of mismanagement T4/5, so it's one, maybe two fewer fights than it could have been. 9600g won in total.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		20/6.95	  42  18  16  15  10  24  11	96/53
Eliwood		16.13	  28  14  13  11  13   9   7	56/30
Florina		20/5.47	  34  18  19  19  18  12  11	88/46
Heath		12.18	  32  14   9   8   8  11   2	23/9

Sain		11.42	  29  15   7  10   9   8   2	37/13
Bartre		 */8.92	  53  25  15  14  15  14   7	99/64
Guy		12.74	  27  10  15  17   9   6   2	41/21
Pent		 */9.36	  35  19  22  19  15  14  16	7/6

Serra		19/1.00	  32  11  12  13  17  10  16	4/0	-- promoted before VoD at Lv. 19.14 
Priscilla	17.79	  22  12  11  11  16   3  10	9/0
Karla		 */6.41	  30  14  22  18  17  11  12	3/3


  • Chapter 32 - Victory or Death
  • 8/13 turns (227/265 in total) - 2889/5000 XP (42290/32200 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

YOLO strats, much more effective than they should be. Basically, I was counting on the Ballistae to miss often enough to survive, and it worked.

Karla and Bartre go north, on a quest for self-improvement (the enemies in that direction don't start aggro, so you can just avoid their ranges and be fine). Pent physics Karla once, otherwise, they're fine on their own.

Vaida flies ahead and across the map, eliminating long-range threats and ultimately getting Renault because Karla and Bartre took a bit too long fighting the Knights, General, Nomads, and Snipers north of the starting location. Lack of 1-2 range.

Farina and Fiora dart eastwards to save the SE village. Afterwards, they dart towards Limstella. Marcus follows them around, increasingly falling behind, and kills a few Brigands on the way.

Bosskill: Farina attacks Limstella 4x (as in, she attacks twice while doubling) with a Silver Lance and gets a Crit once. This allows Fiora to take the kill one turn earlier, once Florina rescues Farina. The Sniper reinforcements were a bit of a surprise ("YOLO strats" include not looking at FEWOD beforehand), but they don't seem to prefer targetting flyers, so Priscilla and Isadora were able to draw some fire away from the Pegasus Sisters.

Pent warped Hector ahead so that he can seize right after the bosskill.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		7.97	  43  19  17  15  10  24  11	99/56
Nils		12.77	  23   0   0  23  20  10  10	0/0
Florina		20/8.91	  36  19  20  20  19  12  11	100/54
Farina		20/13.24  47  23* 25* 23  22  15  19	68/45

Fiora		20/18.53  45  22  25* 28* 17  11  24	102/70
Vaida		 */13.61  44  22  21  15  11  22   6	20/9
Isadora		 */10.49  37  14  15  21  12  10  10	51/27
Marcus		 */13.24  38  19  20  15  14  12  11	67/50

Hawkeye		 */7.63	  51  19  15  11  13  14  11	16/10
Bartre		20/13.03  58  28  18  17  16  16   8	110/71
Karla		 */8.66	  31  15  23  19  18  12  12	14/7
Jaffar		 */13.35  base				3/1
Serra		19/1.41	  32  11  12  13  17  10  16	6/1

Priscilla	18.35	  22  13  11  12  17   3  11	10/0
Pent		 */10.11  35  20  22  20  16  14  16	7/6
Louise		 */9.88	  29  14  15  19  17  10  15	22/12
Renault		 */16.00  base				0/0

Life has no Value this run. ;): I was in a bit of a "let's just finish this" mood and I've already been back at 5* Funds after Battle Preps (unlike the ENM run), so I just decided to skip it.

EkQknhN.png Final Chapter - Light

  • 9/10 turns (236/275 in total) - 998/3500 XP (43288/35700 in total) - Funds: 919006/886320

Seven turns to reach and kill Nergal (Athos on PP+EP with Pent healing, boring). Two turns to kill the dragon - no insta-crit this time. All very standard.

More funds available than I anticipated - still room for three more promotions. Sorry, Kent and Rath!

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Hector		20/9.48	  44  20  17  16  11  26  13	102/58
Eliwood		17.13	  29  15  14  12  13   9   8	57/31
Lyn		19.48	  31  12  18  20* 11   7   2	39/26
Nils		13.78	  24   0   0  23  21  11  11	0/0

Florina		20/9.54	  36  20  21  21  20  12  11	101/55
Farina		20/14.82  47  23* 25* 23  22  15  20	72/48
Fiora		20/18.75  45  22  25* 28* 17  11  24	104/70
Bartre		20/13.81  58  28  18  17  16  16   8	114/72

Karla		 */9.91	  31  15  24  20  19  13  12	18/9
Serra		19/1.81	  32  11  12  13  17  10  16	6/1	-- worth, right here
Pent		 */10.70  35  20  22  20  16  14  16	9/6
Athos		 */20	  numbers			13/7


Units not fielded in Light:


		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Renault		 */16.00  43  12  22  20  10  15  18	0/0
Vaida		 */13.61  44  22  21  15  11  22   6	20/9
Jaffar		 */13.55  34  19  25  24  10  15  11	3/1
Marcus		 */13.24  38  19  20  15  14  12  11	67/50

Harken		 */12.08  40  21  20  19  12  15  12	20/14
Isadora		 */10.49  37  14  15  21  12  10  10	51/27
Louise		 */9.88	  29  14  15  19  17  10  15	22/12
Hawkeye		 */7.63	  51  19  15  11  13  14  11	16/10

Wallace		 */4.79	  36  17  11   8  10  20   6	16/6
Kent		20.00	  35  15  11  13   9  10   4	66/34
Rath		19.58	  36  13  14  19   9   9   6	34/20
Rebecca		18.59	  25  12  17  15  12   5   6	64/43

Priscilla	18.35	  22  13  11  12  17   3  11	10/0
Legault		18.11	  30   9  12  19  11  10   4	23/6
Dart		17.72	  40  20* 10  15   5   7   1	26/21
Erk		15.13	  25   9  12  14   6   7   9	52/33

Matthew		14.32	  26   9  10  19   8   5   6	39/14
Nino		13.79	  22  11  11  18  14   4  11	20/13
Dorcas		13.46	  38  11  12   8   6   7   4	44/19
Wil		12.92	  27   9  12   9   9   6   1	32/15

Oswin		12.88	  30  14  10   5   5  14   4	26/11
Guy		12.74	  27  10  15  17   9   6   2	41/21
Heath		12.18	  32  14   9   8   8  11   2	23/9
Sain		11.42	  29  15   7  10   9   8   2	37/13

Lucius		11.26	  23  10  11  14   3   2  11	30/15
Raven		11.19	  30  11  15  15   5   6   1	21/13
Canas		10.65	  22  11  10   8   9   6   8	9/5
Lowen		10.09	  31   9   9   8   8   8   2	43/15



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Initial thoughts on Eliwood Hard Mode:

  • I expect EHM to be the most difficult mode to S-rank, at least if I want to uphold my No-Arena-Abuse policy.
  • Funds shouldn't be a problem, thanks to the Silver Card. The requrements are more strict than for HHM - 25k more gold without the zero-requirement chapters - but still a lot of room to spam staves.
  • Tactics is trivial. More turns, no zero-requirement chapters, which means that the Arena in FFO can be easily used to obliterate XP and Funds.
  • But without that Arena (or only the handful of fights you can have without delaying the clear), XP seems really tough. It's 13 levels more than HHM and without the zero-requirement chapters - if I just take my HHM numbers and subtract Ch.25 and 32x, I even would have failed the HHM XP rank, not to mention the higher EHM requirements.

Still, I'm going to give it an honest attempt to keep my personal rule intact. It means that I'm going to farm ALL reinforcements (those Turn 20-25 reinforcements in Dragon's Gate look really tasty right now) and abuse ALL the staves. You better believe Lucius is going to promote and Barrier everything in his range.

The scary part: If I do fail, I might not be able to just use a save from before FFO and be fine, since I am going to waste a lot of turns farming reinforcements. (Like, for example those ~12-15 turns in Dragon's Gate)

One more thing: I've taken a look at the XP formulas on the main page. The one difference between normal and hard difficulty is in the XP from defeating an enemy - this is based on the level difference between character and the slain enemy, with some adjustments for specific classes. On ENM/HNM, your own character's level is halved in the formula, but only if it's as high or higher than the enemy's. As long as your character is lower-leveled than the enemy, the XP formula is the same.

So basically, for Ranking purposes it's even more important on EHM to have low-leveled XP sponges in your team whenever possible, since XP gain goes down much more drastically with your unit's level. And that means no Lyn Mode for me, but I'll still make an effort to go to Linus' FFO.

  • Chapter 11 - Taking Leave
  • 7/8 turns - 596/450 XP

Professional HP management. Lowen and the Axe Bros end the chapter with 1, 2, and 3 HP, respectively. :lol: A few attacks were absolutely not allowed to miss (the most questionable one being Dorcas hitting with his Steel Axe) to avoid character deaths.

I'm able to keep Marcus completely out of combat - he just gets the Dracoshield and bodyblocks once or twice, but with someone else in range to be attacked.

Lowen is able to 1v1 the boss - attack on PP with the Steel Sword, survive the counter with 1 HP remaining (he needed to heal once earlier to be able to survive here) and chip him down low enough to finish him with an Iron Sword hit. Rebecca buys two Vulneraries in case I'll need them and Eliwood seizes.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		2.27	  19   6   6   8   8   5   0	4/4	-- excellent first level-up
Marcus		 */1.00	  base				0/0	
Lowen		3.90	  24   7   6   7   4   7   0	11/2	-- less so
Rebecca		2.41	  18   5   5   6   5   3   1	7/4	-- Str proc!

Dorcas		3.80	  base				7/2
Bartre		2.58	  base				5/1


  • Chapter 12 - Birds of a Feather
  • 9/8 turns (16/16 in total) - 745/550 XP (1341/1000 in total)

Bit of Chokepoint: The game. Eliwood sits on a mountain and faces loads of enemies. Dunno if it's possible to get the boss to go west instead of south in EliMode, but that would make things quite a bit faster. HNM was a four-turn, ffs :lol:

Marcus has to take one kill to clear a path for Eliwood, but once he sits on the mountain, Eliwood practically can't be hit by the boss (it's a single-digit hit rate, iirc), making this whole thing safe, if nothing else. Bartre and Rebecca fire across mountain and peak to add some DPS on the carpet of enemies. Ugly clear, but it'll have to do.

Oh, Oswin and Hector visit the armory after clearing the enemy on their side of the map. Dorcas gets the Secret Book.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		4.99	  20   7   6   8  10   6   1	17/10
Marcus		 */1.04	  base				1/1
Lowen		4.59	  25   7   6   7   4   8   0	17/3
Rebecca		3.08	  19   5   5   6   5   3   1	12/5

Dorcas		3.80	  base
Bartre		4.32	  30  11   6   4   4   4   1	16/6
Hector		2.28	  20   7   4   6   3   9   1	6/4
Oswin		9.31	  base				4/2



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  • Chapter 13 - In Search of Truth
  • 8/12 turns (24/28 in total) - 973/750 XP (2314/1750 in total)

Eliwood, Hector, Oswin, and Bartre go west, everyone else south, carefully avoiding Guy's range for the time being. Marcus mostly bodyblocks and helps with Rescue/drops again, which is enough to keep the number of enemies low enough not to die.

Hector and Eliwood reach Boies on T6, with Hector parking himself in front of him with the Wolfbeil (they 2HKO each other). I'm a bit XP-greedy here - since Marcus only pulls Guy on T8 anyway, I don't take the kill with Hector on PP7. Because of throne healing, Hector barely misses the kill on EP. Since Hector gets hit (and thus risks being killed if he misses his 70% attack), Bartre throws a Hand Axe first and actually connects (60 hit). Oswin would have thrown a Javelin after that with the same hitrate after that, to make Hector taking the kill the last-ditch effort.

As is, Hector just kills the freshly spawned Soldier, Matt recruits Guy, and Eliwood seizes.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		5.81	  21   8   7   9  11   6   1	21/13
Marcus		 */1.09	  base				3/2
Lowen		6.13	  27   7   8   7   5   9   1	27/8
Rebecca		4.44	  19   6   5   6   5   3   2	19/10

Dorcas		4.25	  31   7   7   6   4   4   0	11/3
Bartre		5.96	  30  11   6   5   4   4   2	20/9
Hector		4.04	  22   8   4   7   3  10   2	13/9
Matthew		3.36	  19   5   4  12   2   4   0	11/2

Oswin		9.39	  base				5/2
Serra		1.67	  base				1/0
Guy		3.00	  base				0/0

Supports: Hector/Eliwood (C)


  • Chapter 13x - The Peddler Merlinus
  • 8/7 turns (32/35 in total) - ~866/700 XP (~3180/2450 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Note: I wrote down the wrong XP count for Lowen and unfortunately overwrote the save file from before ch.14, so the XP count for this and the next chapter are estimates. The total after ch.14 should be correct again.

Guy and Matthew deal with the enemies in the SE (which I believe are far fewer than on HecMode). Lowen gets the village and duels some brigands with an Iron Lance becaus item management during the fight is my passion. He sits in the forest before the village, at least, but still has to back out eventually.

Bosskill: Oswin draws Puzon on T5 and deals some hefty chip damage in the process. Rebecca brings him low enough for Eliwood to take the kill.

Marcus can still get away with being lazy, so that's nice. He also doesn't one-round the Merc near the starting location, so I'm hopeful that he can do actual Jeigan work soon instead of roflstomping everything in his path. ;):

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		 7.38	  23  10   8   9  12   6   1	28/17
Marcus		 */1.17	  base				5/3
Lowen		 6.xx	  27   7   8   7   5   9   1	35/10
Rebecca		 5.13	  20   7   6   7   5   3   2	24/12

Dorcas		 4.93	  31   7   7   6   4   4   0	19/4
Bartre		 6.76	  31  12   6   6   4   4   3	26/13
Hector		 4.93	  22   8   4   7   3  10   2	19/12
Matthew		 4.52	  20   5   4  13   3   4   0	18/4

Oswin		 9.97	  base				13/6
Serra		 2.34	  17   3   5   8   7   2   6	2/0
Guy		 3.67	  base				3/2

Supports: Hector/Eliwood (C)


  • Chapter 14 - False Friends
  • 10/10 turns (42/45 in total) - ~1170/850 XP (4350/3300 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

I'm honestly getting some "OK, how far do I REALLY want to push that reinforcements farming thingy?" vibes already :lol: The last reinforcements here are four pirates spawning in the two more distant forts on T6-7, so they take another few turns to actually get into range. Normally, I would just kill Erik before they spawn.

In the end, I commit the Golden Mean fallacy and let only one of them spawn. With better unit distribution (or just Dorcas' Steel Axe on Bartre to one-shot a pirate on EP9) this could have been a 9-turn, but I think I'll stick with the clear I got, especially because I accidently overwrote the most recent save instead of doing my usual save file rotation.

A quick overview: Serra recruits Erk on T2 and the two deal with the enemies going towards the northern village. Bit risky because Erk gets two-shot, so if he missed on PP and the enemy cav suicided on EP, he would be facing a chance of death. He doesn't miss though and even gets some additional work done against the Myrmidon and the Brigand reinforcements from the north.

Guy handles most of the Pirates, except the one spawning in the east-most fort, who goes towards Bartre who killed the Soldiers starting in your back and stuck around to protect Merlinus from that exact Pirate.

Erik gets pulled on T4 (right before the rain starts) and I willingly delay killing him by not using the Wolfbeil here. It would have been possible to keep him alive longer, but I realized too late that Eliwood doubles him. ;): Still on PP, so I'm able to give to kill to Dorcas, but Eric probably would've suicided on Eliwood because that's what he did on a previous attempt.

Oh, almost forgot: Matthew stole two Vulneraries. Very impactful. ;): (it is actually good if I keep stealing small stuff consistently, if only for the little bit of free XP)

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		 8.11	  24  11   9   9  12   6   1	34/19
Marcus		 */1.17	  base				5/3
Lowen		 7.48	  28   7   8   7   6  10   1	39/13
Rebecca		 5.89	  20   7   6   7   5   3   2	29/15

Dorcas		 6.69	  33   8   8   6   6   5   0	24/8
Bartre		 7.64	  31  13   7   6   4   4   3	32/18
Hector		 5.61	  23   8   5   7   4  10   2	25/13
Matthew		 5.67	  21   6   4  14   4   4   0	23/5

Oswin		10.15	  29  14  10   6   3  13   3	15/7
Serra		 3.00	  17   3   6   8   7   2   7	2/0
Guy		 5.47	  22   6  11  13   5   7   1	13/7
Erk		 3.38	  19   5   6   9   3   2   6	12/5

Priscilla	 3.24	  base				0/0

Supports: Hector/Eliwood (C)

These XP numbers I did double-check, so the total should be accurate.


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  • Chapter 15 - Noble Lady of Caelin
  • 9/7 turns (51/52 in total) - 1295/1100 XP (5645/4400 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

The lower deployment number actually makes it quite a bit tougher to slog through all the enemies. Especially when Marcus isn't fielded. ;): There's honestly no exceptional strat that I used, just slowly pushing though with some minor rescue/drops to keep Matt or Erk safe, or to get Hector and Eliwood ahead a little faster.

Speaking of, Hector gets dropped in front of Bauker on T8. He doubles and theoretically one-rounds, but he misses one of his 70 hit swings. Not a problem though, since Bauker only carries a Javelin with him, which means he's barely any threat to Hector.

Clearing this in 9 turns means that the Cav reinforcements from the starting location (5x2 Cavs) remain unfarmed, but I don't think it's worth converting one turn into two Lv.3 kills. Later chapter have higher numbers of reinforcements, I'm pretty sure. Guy and Dorcas kill one of the first two, at the very least.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		 9.45	  25  11   9   9  12   7   1	47/26
Hector		 7.63	  25   9   5   8   6  12   2	32/17
Lowen		 8.17	  28   8   8   7   7  10   2	46/14
Dorcas		 7.12	  34   8   9   6   6   6   0	26/10

Matthew		 6.78	  22   6   4  14   4   4   0	28/7
Guy		 6.50	  23   6  12  14   5   7   1	21/10
Erk		 5.03	  21   5   7  11   5   3   7	20/9
Priscilla	 4.13	  17   6   6   9   8   4   6	1/0

Lyn		 4.60	  base				2/2
Florina		 4.39	  18   6   8  10   9   4   5	9/2
Wil		 4.30	  base				1/1
Kent		 5.57	  base				4/1

Sain		 4.93	  base				5/2


  • Chapter 16 - Whereabouts Unknown
  • 13/18 turns (64/70 in total) - 1456/1100 XP (7101/5500 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

The lack of Chest Keys means that the 13-turn is actually mostly justified. Only mostly, because I fumbled Matthew and Kent's movement a little bit early in the chapter. Basically, I didn't use the freshly stolen Door Key to open the door to the southern treasure room with Kent, which means that getting to the northern chests is delayed by one turn. 12 turns would have been nice because that's when all the reinforcements have spawned (although it's just a single archer on that last turn).

On the plus side, I don't think I could've gotten much more XP out of the chapter. In theory, a lower-leveled character than Oswin could've gotten more from farming the cav reinforcements, but Oswin is the only one that can deal with them on his own and completely risk-free.

Raven doesn't start moving on his own in EliMode, I think, so Sain has to pull him. He gets doubled, but still doesn't die to Raven plus the Archer next to him. Raven kills the Archer and goes recruit Lucius. He rescues one of the Greenies who walked in to the Archer reinforcement's range, but that's all the two sweethearts do this chapter.

Hector doubles Bernard, so that's a stomp. He chips a little on EP12 with an Iron Axe, Marcus adds some more chip damage so that Hector one-shots from there with the Wolf Beil (for reliability, although the tiny bit of XP doesn't hurt).

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		10.64	  25  11  10   9  12   7   2	59/33
Hector		10.26	  28  11   6   9   8  14   2	42/24
Lowen		 9.51	  28   8   9   7   7  10   2	57/17
Marcus		 */1.34	  base				10/4

Kent		 6.19	  24   9   7   9   4   6   1	11/3
Sain		 7.30	  23  12   5   8   6   7   1	20/6
Erk		 7.63	  21   5   7  13   6   4   9	31/16
Priscila	 5.34	  17   7   6   9   8   4   7	1/0

Matthew		 7.02	  23   6   5  14   5   4   0	29/7
Oswin		12.07	  30  14  10   6   3  14   3	35/17	-- just shy of 200 XP from the Cav reinforcements
Raven		 5.27	  base				1/1
Lucius		 3.00	  base				0/0


  • Chapter 16x - The Port of Badon
  • 9/10 turns (73/80 in total) - 1013/700 XP (8114/6200 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Took some tries until neither the Killer Bow nor the Killer Axe landed a crit on EP2. But the result is quite nice, with Hector and Raven one-rounding one enemy each, as well as Canas and Hector doing some really nice chip damage to three more enemies.

9 turns is, again, one or two too many, this time because the lack of horsies doesn't allow me to get the Lancereaver any sooner. Maybe Lowen instead of Oswin would have been a better option - but otherwise, I feel like I needed the units that I fielded. Well, minus Lyn, I guess, who did some self-improvement against the Pirates in the North.

On the plus side: Raven visited the Arena, once. :lol:

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		11.13	  25  12  11   9  13   7   3	62/35
Lyn		 6.07	  20   7  11  12   6   3   2	12/6
Hector		13.18	  31  14   6  12   9  16   2	51/29
Raven		 7.82	  27   9  11  13   3   6   1	11/8

Priscilla	 6.12	  17   8   6  10   9   4   8	1/0
Oswin		12.98	  30  14  10   6   3  14   3	42/20
Canas		 9.01	  22  11   9   8   8   5   8	5/3


  • Chapter 17 - Pirate Ship
  • 11/11 turns (84/91 in total) - 1764/1450 XP (9878/7650 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

That's a lot of enemies spawning in the last few turns and I'm not ashamed to admit that I didn't even come close to routing them. The swordfighters tend to have 9 AS, which means that Matthew would be the only one on my team doubling them, so it always takes two rounds of combat to beat them. In the end, 11 enemies are still standing, but I don't think I can improve too much on that - not without fielding Marcus, at least, which would kinda defeat the purpose.

I didn't have too much opportunity to steal, partly because Matt's damage output was actually needed in the first few turns - like in HHM, it's pretty easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of fairly heavy-hitting, 1-2 ranged enemies if you don't kill 'em on player phase. At least I got the Guiding Ring and two Pure Waters. Florina immediately put that to use, too.

The bosskill is, as always, unreliable thanks to Luna critrate. Matt and Lyn have to face combat on EP before Lyn can kill him on the last turn. Matt would've been in range to take the kill, too, but I do want to get XP on my lords, so Lyn it is.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		12.86	  25  13  11   9  14   7   3	82/42
Lyn		 8.75	  22   9  13  13   6   3   2	20/12
Kent		 8.09	  26   9   8  10   4   6   2	25/8
Florina		 7.69	  19   7   8  12  10   4   5	29/10

Matthew		 8.85	  24   6   6  15   5   4   1	38/10
Rebecca		 7.91	  22   8   8   8   6   4   2	38/22
Lucius		 6.08	  18   8   7  12   5   1   8	12/8
Priscilla	 7.22	  17   8   6  10  10   4   8	1/0


  • Chapter 18 - Dread Isle
  • 8/10 turns (92/101 in total) - 1604/1100 XP (11482/8750 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

Not much to say. Marcus takes the Thief kill right on T1 which is a waste, but I'm not dealing with that thief outrunning everything but Florina, who can't go too far from Fiora's spawning location. Matthew and Guy farm the Pirate reinforcements and both Wil and Dart get a little bit of action in, so that's nice.

Lyn and Eliwood engage Uhai on T7 - they 3HKO, but Lyn misses and neither Eliwood nor Lyn on EP crit, so it's a 8-turn instead of a 7-turn. On the plus side, Florina scores... I think it was 18 XP for a 1-dmg chip on T8. :lol: Lyn takes the bosskill - if both she and Eliwood had missed, I would have restarted for a better turncount anyway, so that's why Florina attacked instead of standing by for an emergency rescue/drop.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		13.20	  26  13  11  10  15   7   4	86/43
Lyn		10.59	  23  10  15  14   8   3   3	29/16
Florina		 8.74	  20   8   8  13  10   4   5	35/13
Marcus		 */1.49	  base				13/6

Kent		 9.35	  27  10   8  10   4   7   3	37/12
Sain		 8.49	  24  13   5   8   7   8   1	33/9
Bartre		 8.37	  32  13   7   7   4   4   4	38/19
Guy		 8.65	  25   6  13  16   5   8   2	33/16

Matthew		11.28	  26   6   7  17   6   5   1	49/15
Wil		 5.33	  22   7   5   7   8   5   1	4/4
Erk		 8.69	  22   5   7  14   6   5  10	35/19
Priscilla	 8.23	  17   8   6  11  11   4   8	1/0

Dart		 9.19	  34  12   8   9   3   6   1	9/4
Fiora		 7.61	  base				4/2

It's still ways away, but Kenneth vs. Jerme is very even at this point, with the Hero Crest users ahead by about one level. As always, I'd prefer Kenneth's map, but I'm not trying super hard to avoid Jerme's. Not sure which one is actually better - Jerme wants 700 XP more, but he has a fair number of additional enemies on the map, as well.


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  • Chapter 18x - Imprisoner of Magic
  • 15/10 turns (107/111 in total) - 1861/1000 XP (13343/9750 in total) - Funds: * * * * *

That's a lot of turns. Good XP count, too, but still a lot of turns. Kishuna's XP pinata is a good part of the reason - they're pretty awkward to engage with this line-up because the Knights deal some heavy damage to whoever is attacking the Snipers from above or below. Eliwood actually went forward after the bosskill to get one of the Knights with the Rapier.

Eliwood is actually on of my better boss killers here, thanks to his high Str and accuracy. He doesn't double Aion, obviously, but only Guy and Matthew do and they both sit on 6 Str. (*doublechecks* yup, Matt didn't proc Str this chapter, either...)

Nothing much to say, otherwise. Wil gets some kills in; Matt steals both the Silver Card and the Elysian Whip, the latter being a bit of a annoyance, too. Fiora and Florina couldn't fly west engage the Peg Knights, which means that they're targeting Merlinus on EP. Fiora gets the village on T1 instead.

		Lv	  HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res	B/W
Eliwood		15.43	  28  13  12  11  16   7   4	97/49
Kent		11.49	  28  10  10  11   4   8   4	53/18
Sain		10.54	  26  13   6   8   8   8   2	47/13
Florina		11.99	  20   9  10  14  11   4   5	47/19

Fiora		10.33	  23   8  14  16   6   6   9	20/9
Wil		 7.47	  24   9   6   7   9   6   1	13/10
Priscilla	 9.57	  18   8   6  12  12   5   9	2/0
Matthew		14.02	  28   6   9  19   7   7   3	60/16



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