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Some o' My Stuff.


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All of these are rather dated, but I thought I'd post some stuff of mine:

Darth Vader profile. Incomplete.

Some weird thing I had in mind for a fanfic that never happened.

Bad drawing of Samus.


Other old-and-therefore-bad stuff:



http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v499/boo...rawings/Ike.png (Should be facing horizontally)


Two Photoshop works I've done for an EVE Online community I go to:



Enjoy them. :3

Edited by Fox
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I have to inquire after the two images at the bottom--how did you make those? :lol: Was 3D modeling involved, or do you mean that you used Photoshop to touch up images you already had, or...? I like the second one in particular, regardless. That's a neat angle to approach from. :3

I'm not really sure what you're looking for critique wise, since most of these look pretty complete to me already. (Plus, I would hate to have you make a mess of the paper by erasing/ruining all that delicate pencil shading. ^^; ) In particular, the drawing of Link strikes me as needing some help, even though you said it was 'old and bad'. It's still worth saving! :lol: I suggest adjusting his profile, as it's a bit pointed, and perhaps change the angle so that he head is tipped down a little more, and at a 3/4 angle. I think it would make the picture look really dynamic, and it wouldn't be all that hard to do. Making the foot closest to the viewer a little less wide would also help. The angle looks right, it's just that if you looked at his foot from a different direction, his shoe size would appear to be like, 35 or something. XD

The drawing of Samus isn't that bad, Fox. (LOL. I just typed Foxy. XD ) What's throwing me off is that the picture wasn't scanned quite straight. Other than that, the pose is a little bland, which might be why you seem to think it's so bad. At the very least, I think the shading looks great.

As for Golbez, trying heightening some of the shadows a little more, and make his right arm a bit more distinguishable. I'm not really sure where it is. But again, your shading looks awesome. Did you take a lot of art in school? You really seem to know what you're doing in that regard. (Which means you must rock at color. >:D )

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That drawing of Golbez looks amazing. Much like Popo, I'm curious as to whether you used 3D modeling for those two bottom pictures.

I really like the way you do your folds and shading. The capes on all of your drawings have some incredible detail in them. write a tutorial plz

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I have to inquire after the two images at the bottom--how did you make those? :lol: Was 3D modeling involved, or do you mean that you used Photoshop to touch up images you already had, or...? I like the second one in particular, regardless. That's a neat angle to approach from. :3

Nah, no 3D modelling to be had here. I went into EVE Online, took screenshots of the ships at the angles I needed them to be at, cut the ships out from the main image and reconfigured them to blend in a little more with the background. Then I added some layers and filters to make everything kind of mesh together well. The only ship that isn't cut out is the center one in the first image. That's the original image, though I blurred the ship a bit at it points.

The second one is my favorite. I was looking to see if I could add them in and make them almost look like they were part of the original picture, and I think I succeeded in that. And yeah, that was a really fun angle, I think it makes it seem a little more eerie, somehow.

I'm not really sure what you're looking for critique wise, since most of these look pretty complete to me already. (Plus, I would hate to have you make a mess of the paper by erasing/ruining all that delicate pencil shading. ^^; ) In particular, the drawing of Link strikes me as needing some help, even though you said it was 'old and bad'. It's still worth saving! :lol: I suggest adjusting his profile, as it's a bit pointed, and perhaps change the angle so that he head is tipped down a little more, and at a 3/4 angle. I think it would make the picture look really dynamic, and it wouldn't be all that hard to do. Making the foot closest to the viewer a little less wide would also help. The angle looks right, it's just that if you looked at his foot from a different direction, his shoe size would appear to be like, 35 or something. XD

The drawing of Samus isn't that bad, Fox. (LOL. I just typed Foxy. XD ) What's throwing me off is that the picture wasn't scanned quite straight. Other than that, the pose is a little bland, which might be why you seem to think it's so bad. At the very least, I think the shading looks great.

As for Golbez, trying heightening some of the shadows a little more, and make his right arm a bit more distinguishable. I'm not really sure where it is. But again, your shading looks awesome. Did you take a lot of art in school? You really seem to know what you're doing in that regard. (Which means you must rock at color. >:D )

Heh, color? I haven't tried color in years, and I wasn't too good at it back then. I should probably take it up again. Yes, though, those drawings are complete, and I'm aware of a lot of their flaws. I thought I'd get them up for something to tide people over until I get my new scanner. (Which has yet to arrive, a month after ordering). I'm not looking to change them, since I think the eraser marks really would destroy them. I usually complete a work, note the flaws and move on, making sure not to make the same mistakes as last time.

That said, your critiques are spot on.

No, I never took any classes in high school, which I deeply regret. I tried to, but the instructors were terrible, so I dropped the class. I'm mostly self-taught, which would explain a lot of the random inconsistencies that occur throughout my pieces. I've used a lot of resources though, including multiple volumes of art related books, and countless Internet tutorials. (I have a binder full of printed Internet tutorials).

Thanks for your comments, Popo and Wander!

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Like what Popo said, you should try colouring. I think you'd be great with (coloured) pencil art.

One of the main things I just saw with your human(oid) drawings is that their legs are too skinny. Of course, if it's manga, it doesn't matter, but otherwise, the proportion looks funny.

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Like what Popo said, you should try colouring. I think you'd be great with (coloured) pencil art.

One of the main things I just saw with your human(oid) drawings is that their legs are too skinny. Of course, if it's manga, it doesn't matter, but otherwise, the proportion looks funny.

Legs and arms are a real sore spot for me, you're right. However, practicing general anatomy has mostly fixed that, so we'll see when I get the new things up!

And between the two of you, you've convinced me to try something in color.

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Anyways, good work here. Also, I see you have photographic skills in taking pictures while cruising in your ship. (I'm glad I'm not the only one who takes a ton of pictures while playing an MMORPG. XD ) You gave it a pretty nice effect - - making it feel very surreal and IN MOTION. :3

Also, you have drawing skills, Fox. I mean, you're shading is actually very well done! You just need to hone an understanding of the human form (and I can see you are already getting it. :D )

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Well pretty much Roylover stole the words right out of my mouth along with many of the above posters as well. Id definitely would love to see you stuff if you decided to use a little color pencil on them.

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I have several issues with the top EVE image... The blending needs a ton of work as well as some of the blurring needs to be balanced a little more. But I don't like how some ships are either overblurred, or the edges are too sharp. The 2nd one out of the window is really nice. Though shouldn't the sun give off more of the lens flare effect than the reflections? Just a thought, but the lighting is incredibly done. If anything, maybe the clouds should be blurred a bit more since the ships are blurred as well, to make the depth more consistent.

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I have several issues with the top EVE image... The blending needs a ton of work as well as some of the blurring needs to be balanced a little more. But I don't like how some ships are either overblurred, or the edges are too sharp. The 2nd one out of the window is really nice. Though shouldn't the sun give off more of the lens flare effect than the reflections? Just a thought, but the lighting is incredibly done. If anything, maybe the clouds should be blurred a bit more since the ships are blurred as well, to make the depth more consistent.

Thanks for your critique. I'll try that latter suggestion right now, actually.

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  • 2 months later...

Update: first time painting in Photoshop.


Some random person I found from Google.

Current project:


An Apocalypse Battleship from EVE Online. Spent about two hours on it so far.

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I hope you like Golbez, 'cause you're getting a double shot.

This was done a number of months ago. Didn't bother uploading it 'til now.


This was completed oh, two hours ago. Guess which one I like better.


Also, just for fun, I decided I'd personify two characters from the Kirby series, Sir Kibble and Blade Knight.



Lastly, a portrait study:


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