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Jarlaxle Q'etz

Django Hui

Kyuubi Hui

Hitsu Toushiro

Yumekui Ueno

Luvsasuke Takahara

Yosh Finnigan

Hiro Yuki

Shiki Taiko


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Prologue: The Accident

As he drove through the lonely highway, Jarlaxle thought about his dear beloved Django and the many friends he had had in town. He only hoped that she did not know already about his return, for he wanted to surprise her.

The young man was doing 120 miles per hour through the lonely highway that night, for the only thing that mattered to him in those moments was to get to the town and reunite with her, to show her what he had become while in the service of the navy seals. He had been gone from the town for way too long, well, six years to be exact. But the only thing he wanted to do was get there and be with his girl, for he had dearly missed her during that span of time.

But something had occurred a few days ago in the town of Ajenjo, something devastating and out of this world. As a very powerful storm had been rumbling throughout the night, something that resembled a large flying saucer had crashed in the streets of the large Texas town...

Edited by Extreme Void
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The navy seal had to stop the car abruptly, for up front in the darkened highway, he clearly noticed that there was debris scattered all over the place.

The tires burned and screeched in protest as Jarlaxle brought the car to a quick stop. It nearly toppled over, but since Jarlaxle was a good driver, the car ended horizontally on the highway. He took a deep, relaxing breath and tried not to get ahead of himself. He was now a navy seal, and he knew how to keep his cool under these circumstances. So keeping under total control, he opened the door of his vehicle.

Jarlaxle got out of the car, glancing ahead at the devastation. It was night but he still could see most of the debris since the lamps of the town lighted the place quite well. What the hell had happened here? Jarlaxle thought as he glanced all around him.

It seemed to the navy seal that a strong tornado had hit the town since everything around him was thrashed. Buildings were torn to pieces and main street was filled with trash.

Seeing that he would not be able continue riding his mustang into town, for the debris was blocking the road and it was much, Jarlaxle decided to park it on the highway's shoulder.

And he would have to go walking on foot into town, he realized as he killed the engine. He started to get worried, for without a doubt, he knew that a twister had indeed hit the town. Django, his sweet asian girlfriend came into thought then, and Jarlaxle hoped that she was okay.

So as soon as he opened the glove compartment on the passenger’s side and grabbed his faithful .45 caliber, he went out to the darkened night once again. He made sure that his mustang was left locked up and then proceeded into the entrance of the town, ready to explore it fully and decipher the mystery about why there was nobody to be seen.

Edited by Extreme Void
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Everything around him was solitude, and not a single noise could be heard. Only the sound of his footsteps could he hear, but Jarlaxle walked with his senses fully working, glancing to both sides of the empty street.

Something was out of place here. Something odd was going on, or had already happened, Jarlaxle thought.

“Damn it,” he heard himself say as he felt worried for Django and friends. He saw a newspaper flying through the street, and he did not bother to grab it. Instead, the navy seal ran to a car that was parked on the street, a black oldsmobile that seemed to have endured the storm untouched.

He did not see keys inside as he glanced through the window, and he spat on the side of the street when he realized it was locked, not that he would of done much anyway, for he did not know how to hotwire a car. I should of had paid attention to Yumekui, Jarlaxle lamented. Yumekui Ueno, a female friend of his and Django’s, had known how to hotwire a vehicle, any vehicle, and the pretty asian had wanted to teach him, but Jarlaxle had always refused.

The town was well lit by the large lamps that cluttered the streets, so Jarlaxle knew that at least there was electricity within the town, not all was bad news. But the fact that there was no signs of people nor movements of cars or any type of sound, really made him worry.

Further down of main street was a gas store that he had known as Rexon, a store where he and friends had spent time fueling up Yosh‘s old 77 chevy. So thinking that perhaps there he could find help and answers, Jarlaxle headed that way. And he also felt relieved at the fact that if the phones were working, perhaps he could call Django's house after all and tell her that he had arrived.

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“Do you think they are gone?” Hitsu’s childish voice was heard.

“Sshh,” Django silenced her in an instant.

“Well,” Hitsu whispered, glancing at her friends. “We’ve been here for three days now. The creatures could of had taken off.”

Django, who was seated on a pillow, keeping her eleven year old sister clutched tightly as she slept, only shook her head.

“I dont think they are gone. I saw the ufo crashing, it was torn to pieces. I am very sure it is not fixable. It is best if we remain hidden in here. Someone will surely find us soon. We will hear voices.”

Hitsu shook her head and tried to get up. “Just let me go up and take a quick peep out the window.”

“Remain where you are,” Yumekui, the 2nd oldest of the group at 16, pulled a stern Hitsu back down to the sofa they were sharing. “If those creatures saw you, it would be the end of us.”

They were four survivors inside the large basement of the house of the Hui family. Django, her sister Kyuubi, Yumekui and Hitsu. But Hiro, Shiki, and Luvsasuke, other friends of them, had gone with Yosh to the store the night of the storm. And neither of the four inside the basement knew of their fate, and so they had been worried sick for them.

“They should be fine,” Yumekui had argued many times as they had waited for them to return. “They have to be fine. Yosh is a pretty well rounded guy, he’ll keep them safe.”

Indeed Yosh was a very smart 23 year old. And at the moment, him and the kids that had gone with him to the grocery store, were hiding inside the store along with a dozen other peeps from town.

“They’re fine,” Yosh, a six footer who wore glasses and brown, short hair, assured the group when they had asked about how Django and the others had fared. “As soon as we can get a chance to leave, we will do so.”

But it was not that easy, for the manager of the store, a guy named Dave Blitz, was not gonna let anyone out of the store for fear of catching the creatures attention to the store.

“They are aliens,” Yosh had explained to the kids when they asked what the hell the creatures were. None of them had seen them, actually, but the talk around the store was that an unidentified flying object had crashed in the middle of main street, and that tall beings had crawled out of it. At least that was the story one of the survivors in the store had brought in with him two days ago. “Aliens from outerspace.”

Luvsasuke, Yumekui’s cousin, had chuckled at the mention of aliens, but Yosh had found no humor in it. The young man knew that the town itself was in serious trouble. And he was flat out worried for Django and the rest.

So four eyes was thinking of a plan to go back to Django’s house, but he had nothing at the moment. He was thinking though, and he would come up with something, eventually.

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