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How would you monetize your dream superpower(s)?


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My dream superpower is to be an omnipotent and omniscient god, so I do not think that really counts since I can just create money out of nothing.

Dialing it back a little, I like travelling so some of my more lowkey dream superpowers would be time traveling, teleportation, go to other universes, etc. that sort of thing, so I guess space-time-dimension manipulation to combine them all into one power, which I will shorten to STD powers for fun. To make money with my STD powers, I can be a travelling merchant like Anna selling exotic goods between different places.

I also want immortality, which is useful as a traveller in case I end up somewhere unpleasant.

Another superpower I would like is to have psychic powers like mind reading and seeing the future. If I am a psychic and I want to make a quick buck, I think I would just play the lottery as my job and win an obscene amount of money.

What are your dream superpowers? How would you make money off of it?

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Well my dream superpower is to have Wolverine's healing ability so I won't have my health problems anymore.  I have no idea how I would make money off of that, but if I did have that power I would be saving close to $5,000 a year since I wouldn't have to spend all my money on supplies and health insurance. 

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