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Corrupt a wish: normal variation


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Granted, but there are zero quality of life improvements, double the ambush spawns, all of the gaidens are untouched, and in order to get the true ending Juno has to die before being recruited.

I wish that I could have good story ideas whenever I wanted them.

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1 hour ago, Emperor_Siegfried said:

Rule 34 comes...  Hey, you brought this on yourself.

You say that like it's a bad thing 😉
I'm no doctor but I think that wish is already corrupted. You kinda need calories to live so if eating food burned calories you wouldn't have any energy.

I wish I had magical personal heater\cooler to control the temperature of my vicinity.

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It takes up the actual space of and has the same weight as a heater and is tied to your back at all times.

I wish that chapter 21 of fe6 didn’t send out waves and waves of wyverns literally every turn.

23 minutes ago, Shrow said:

You say that like it's a bad thing 😉

The FBI are coming

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Granted, the wyverns have now been replaced by weak children that trigger a 1 minute cut-scene on who they could have been before you slaughtered them you monster.

I wish my office wasn't so dry.

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Granted, but now you can’t speak, write, or type at all.

I wish learning stuff that isn’t useful and cramming into my memory for 1-2 weeks and then spitting it out on a paper wasn’t the path to success in life.

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3 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Granted, now it's flooded.

I'd love it if my office was turned into a swimming pool. I'd be hydrated 9 to 5.
Wish Granted, You now have a by with all tests and essays. You no longer have to work.
(This might not sound corrupted but the unfortunate truth is that you've become so accustom to not doing any work you grew up to be the laziest person of em all, a grandiose freeloader not even your parents can be proud of.)

I wish I could visit my best friend who lives on the opposite hemisphere.

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Just now, DragonFlames said:

You write the next 50 Shades of Grey.

That...*wretches*...THAT IS A FATE WORSE THAN DEATH!


Granted, but you end up writing the script for Fates 2.0.

I wish I could focus on writing without having my thoughts scramble.

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Granted, but every time your try to write your words become scrambled everything and like this write you is.

I wish I was sure that joke would make sense.

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