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Hero, Don't Kill The Demon King! (Interest Check)

Nanami Touko

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The Church of Ilrios has summoned you! Yes, YOU! To save their world! Only humans from Earth can wield the holy sword, thus, only you can defeat the Demon King. Through countless months of training, with professional knights, wizards, clerics and adventurers, you have been taught what it takes to fight against the hordes of evil that threaten all human life! With an entourage of powerful soldiers behind you, you lead the charge. Though... Things are not quite what they seem. Demons and montsers beg for your forgiveness at every turn. They only fight back when charged. You don't see any of the threats you've heard about your whole time here...What's going on?

Finally you find yourself faced with the Demon King's right hand, his head general, fighting you to a standstill. Your men are dead or too wounded to carry on. The enemy general wishes for the fighting to end, as well. It dawns on you, "am I doing the right thing?" With a heavy heart, and a heavier body, you surrender... And find out that things aren't what the church has told you they are.

Hello SF. I've had this RP idea cooking in my head for quite some time, well over five months now. I'm just trying to prod interest out of people to see if it's worth trying to run three games at once.

What I need are several roles, and interested individuals, in an idea like this. The demons aren't so bad! Or are they?

One player will be tasked with playing the hero/heroine. You are the main character, the focal point of what happens in this little story. Will you work with the demons? Do the humans deserve to be overthrown? Do you have your own ambitions?

Another will be the demon king's head general, and play an advisor role to the hero/ine. Suggesting what they should do, where they should go, who they should attempt to deal with in their endeavors.

The rest will either be survivors of the hero/ine's entourage, or monsters working with them, as you work to find out why you were summoned to end the life of a group that just hasn't done anything.

It'll be FE format. I know, big snore. But there will be plenty of character customization based on what sort of race/person you want to play, rather than hard formatting classes into a mold.


Anyone interested?


Edited by SnakeMomMelissa
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