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It's a good thing that I made sure to said that I laughed at myself, for being trigered by it, thus showing that I realized that in the end I wasn't that trigered and, showing self awareness about how ridiculous it was on my part. 😛

1 hour ago, Rose482 said:

Um, no. 

While I'm sure they added it for fan service reasons, and not for realistic reasons, but the fact it's not out of the realm of thoughts to have something like that in a academy makes it better in my opinion. 

You got a point, I'm more annoyed by the possible stupid anime aspect of it than anything else really.

I'll try to rectify, technically (and only technically), it makes sense too in Fates to have hot springs to relax and stuff, because you know, war, Japan... but Fates doesn't make sense, so my point was, using it as a bar isn't a good move.

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24 minutes ago, Druplesnubb said:

So you actually agree that it's not a big deal?

Either it's literally nothing or something doesn't hold up. As others have said, it could be mostly relevant during the 2nd part of the game I suppose.

Also, since you're confirming that your previous post was partially targeted at me, I'm not trying to fight anyone. I gave my opinion and answered people who addressed it.

Edited by Cysx
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The sauna tradition is so strong that whenever Finns go abroad, they relish the chance to have a good sauna: even the Finnish Church in Rotherhithe, London, has its own sauna. Finnish soldiers on peacekeeping missions are famous for their saunas; even on the UNMEE mission in Eritrea, a sauna was one of the first buildings to be erected.[3] A Second World War-era Finnish military field manual states that a break of eight hours is all that is required for a battalion to build saunas, warm them and bathe in them.

So a religious institution with a sauna - check. A peacekeeping base with a sauna - check. Regular use during times of war - check. Sounds like a perfect fit to me. 😉

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5 hours ago, Humanoid said:


So a religious institution with a sauna - check. A peacekeeping base with a sauna - check. Regular use during times of war - check. Sounds like a perfect fit to me. 😉

I'm from Germany and (mixed) Saunas are not only part of a lot of public pools but also a lot of (middle class) homes have them as well. I guess this is in part cultural difference.

Edited by Lord of Riva
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