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Dorothy (Of FE6) Is The Greatest Character In The Series

Steven Tyler

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Dorothy is so cute that I would rather snuggle with her than have awesome, mind blowing sex with Karla, Louise, Isadora, Sonia, Fiora and Ninian.

Dorothy is so cute that the term Moe was originally called Dorothy.

Dorothy is so cute that Japanese girls carry around small figures of her because IT'S SOOOOOO KAWAII!

Dorothy is so cute that Myrrh wonders if she should get cuteness increasing surgery to be as cute as Dorothy.

Dorothy is so cute that Florina squees and faints.

Dorothy is so cute that Jaffar would trade in Nino for her.

Dorothy is so cute that Ravage would be her lovable little kitty instead of a mean, Autobot killing monster.

Dorothy is so cute that she could bring peace between Megatron and Optimus Prime.

Dorothy is so cute that one wink would make Unicron blush and not eat planet Earth.

Dorothy is so cute that they wanted to put her into Kiss Players, but they feared her kisses would make a Transformer so powerful that he could rip Primus a new one, so they decided to go with somebody else.

Dorothy is so cute that the Quintessons made machine copies of her, and enslaved a whole galaxy because everybody wouldn't stop looking at her.

Dorothy is so cute that if she were in it, the live action Transformers movie would have been more awesome than if it included Soundwave (which would have pulled that movie out of suck).

Dorothy is so cute that if she asked, all world religions would be at peace.

Dorothy is so cute that if he had her as his VP, McCain would have won.

Dorothy is so cute that if it were her, Bill Clinton wouldn't have even seen impeachment, because everybody would pat him on the back and gave him a big thumbs up, including his wife.

Note: I didn't write this.

Source: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage....1649&page=1

Been a LONG time since I actually laugh WITH GameFaqs . . .

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I think this is just a bit too... er, crazy, for the serious boards : )

This officially counts as your post in FftF for the week ^_^

Edited by Rei
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