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Sniper growth rates are better than Bow Knight?

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Am I missing something here or is it normal for a lower tier class to have better growth rates than an endgame class? Does this mean I should never promote to Bow Knight until a unit is maxed out in levels?

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4 minutes ago, Jayvee94 said:

There's a trade-off between stats and utility in this game.

What's the trade off between Hero and Swordsmaster then? Hero has worse growths and mastery skill when compared to Swordsmaster and doesn't provide any utility.

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37 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

What's the trade off between Hero and Swordsmaster then? Hero has worse growths and mastery skill when compared to Swordsmaster and doesn't provide any utility.

Sligthly more HP, axe proficiency, reachability (A rank is a lot, it means you basically used a sword the whole game), and as a big plus it doesn't look weeb (though shoulders are ridiculously overdesigned this time around, and it's not just Hero, they ruin a lot of designs tbh).

And you get vantage, which yes, you can also get by mastering merc, but not every unit is going to be able to master the intermediate class.

btw on the topic at hand, some (not all) Master Classes are more of a utility promotion, but even then I agree that Bow Knight comes out weirdly low. I'm not sure if it's a mistake on the dataminers or what, because it's on par with a beginner class (Dark Knight/Holy Knight don't have it that bad, and they're as much utility promotion as BK). But maybe for the time you reach Master Classes you don't have many levels left? And Bow Knight has an absurd range with combat arts (I think you can reach 6? Add in Cavalry movement and it's just crazy).

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1 hour ago, timon said:

Bow Knight has an absurd range with combat arts (I think you can reach 6? Add in Cavalry movement and it's just crazy).

Having that much attack range sounds amazing... that is, until you realize that your hit rates are going down the crapper. Unless using Deadeye from 5 range doesn't result in wtfmassive hit penalties.

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9 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Having that much attack range sounds amazing... that is, until you realize that your hit rates are going down the crapper. Unless using Deadeye from 5 range doesn't result in wtfmassive hit penalties.

tbh now that I've been playing the game I can say these penalties are not relevant. I haven't reached range 6, but at 4 you can safely hit 80%, and remember that the combat arts for bows usually raise hit considerably.

Hitting from that far off is well worth a 20% chance to miss, and with Canto you can leg it if the miss happens. Bows are just really good, imo the best weapon in this game (besides magic).

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25 minutes ago, Jayvee94 said:

So basically Mekkah Emblem.

You could say that.  Though I hear Armored classes in this game (especially Fortress Knight) are a lot better than one would think.  I haven't gotten to use any yet, but so far I'm inclined to believe it.  Getting double-attacked by enemies is surprisingly common, and I've also heard they continue to hit really hard in the later parts of the game, so maybe someone in an Armored class would be worth having to soak up hits.

22 minutes ago, timon said:

tbh now that I've been playing the game I can say these penalties are not relevant. I haven't reached range 6, but at 4 you can safely hit 80%, and remember that the combat arts for bows usually raise hit considerably.

Hitting from that far off is well worth a 20% chance to miss, and with Canto you can leg it if the miss happens. Bows are just really good, imo the best weapon in this game (besides magic).

I'm sure Ignatz will make an excellent Bow Knight since he gets 20 free Hit.  But do we know what kind of RNG Three Houses uses yet?  So far I think it's either single RNG or Fates RNG.

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1 hour ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

 Though I hear Armored classes in this game (especially Fortress Knight) are a lot better than one would think.  I haven't gotten to use any yet, but so far I'm inclined to believe it.

Defense scales pretty good on those, you can also give them Shield accessoires to further their resistance as weight is irrelevant anyways due to the low spd. At least in the case of Edelguards class the res rating also also pretty hight making her near indestructible. 

So yeah, if you play with them in a way that moving like, you know what, doesn't hinder your strategy i would say that they are worth it.

Edited by Lord of Riva
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3 hours ago, timon said:

tbh now that I've been playing the game I can say these penalties are not relevant. I haven't reached range 6, but at 4 you can safely hit 80%, and remember that the combat arts for bows usually raise hit considerably.

Hitting from that far off is well worth a 20% chance to miss, and with Canto you can leg it if the miss happens. Bows are just really good, imo the best weapon in this game (besides magic).

All of three combat arts for bows give sizable (sizable being 20 or more) boosts to hit - and two of those are exclusive. So yeah, I'm unconvinced you can attack from 6 range and still have respectable hit rates against something even remotely evasive.

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Having finished BL on hard, my "under leveled" units were doing just fine compared to my "over leveled". Dimitri was rocking lvl 50 while Annette was still 35 or something. Both made major contributions. Annette is low-key amazing (Rally str and spd from authority, plus major magic dmg). She didn't need levels though. Dimitri was very over leveled. Critting bosses for 250+ on one hit was huge overkill.


Edit: TL;DR: Once benchmarks are hit, levels/growth rates are no longer relevant. Extra movement is always good.

Edited by Centh
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