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MySpace Users Please Take This Survey


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Basically, I've put together some questions based on a prompt I have received from my class. It's basically about internet privacy and trust. I'd appreciate it if you could answer these survey questions. I'll be ending the survey on Friday, as I need to organize the data and form a report.

Why do you use myspace (pick only 1 as your primary reason)?

-Show off your interests

-To practice designing your own layouts

-Create photo galleries of your work to share

-To make new friends that you haven’t met before

-To read the daily bulletins people post

-To blog and/or read blogs

-Post personal photos

-Other (please specify)

If you do read/write blogs/bulletins, what type (pick 1) of blogs/bulletins are you interested with the most?

-People’s personal lives

-Chain letters

-SurveysPeople’s views on major issues going on


-Other (please list)

Comments on pages:

Do you display them publicly (Y/N)?

Do you approve of them before it is posted (Y/N)?

If yes, which do you approve?If no, are you confident with trust?


Do you display them(Y/N)?

If Yes, what kinds of pictures do you post?

If No, are you concerned with your privacy or personal issues?

Is your profile private (y/n)?

Why or why not?

Thank you in advance.

Edited by Tuxedo Kamen
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-Show off your interests

-To practice designing your own layouts

-Create photo galleries of your work to share

-To make new friends that you haven’t met before

-To read the daily bulletins people post

-To blog and/or read blogs

-Post personal photos

If you do read/write blogs/bulletins, what type (pick 1) of blogs/bulletins are you interested with the most?

-People’s personal lives

-Chain letters

-SurveysPeople’s views on major issues going on


-Other (please list)

Comments on pages:

Do you display them publicly (Y/N)?

Do you approve of them before it is posted (Y/N)?

If yes, which do you approve?If no, are you confident with trust?


Do you display them(Y/N)?

If Yes, what kinds of pictures do you post?


If No, are you concerned with your privacy or personal issues?

Is your profile private (y/n)?

Why or why not?

no, I know nobody will stalk me, i don't really have much personal stuff, and people who will "stalk" you have ways to view your profile anyways


hope that was correct/helpful

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Why do you use myspace (pick only 1 as your primary reason)?

-Show off your interests

If you do read/write blogs/bulletins, what type (pick 1) of blogs/bulletins are you interested with the most?

I don't

Comments on pages:

Do you display them publicly (Y/N)?

Do you approve of them before it is posted (Y/N)?

If no, are you confident with trust?

I rarely get comments anyway, I don't really care


Do you display them(Y/N)?

If Yes, what kinds of pictures do you post?

My interests, hobbies, etc.

Is your profile private (y/n)?

Why or why not?

To stop random retards from going "ZOMG FE FAN, ADD ME!"

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Why do you use myspace (pick only 1 as your primary reason)?

-Other (please specify): To keep in contact with friends and family

If you do read/write blogs/bulletins, what type (pick 1) of blogs/bulletins are you interested with the most?

i don't read blogs

Comments on pages:

Do you display them publicly (Y/N)?

yuppers. don't see anything wrong with them being public

Do you approve of them before it is posted (Y/N)?

If yes, which do you approve?If no, are you confident with trust?

nope. i don't particularly care about my comments page. besides, my profile is private, so only my friends can see the comments anyways


Do you display them(Y/N)?


If Yes, what kinds of pictures do you post?

me, family and friends, things i like to do, etc.

If No, are you concerned with your privacy or personal issues?

not applicable

Is your profile private (y/n)?


Why or why not?

because i can. no particular reason, actually.

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Why do you use myspace (pick only 1 as your primary reason)?

-Show off your interests

If you do read/write blogs/bulletins, what type (pick 1) of blogs/bulletins are you interested with the most?

-Surveys/People’s views on major issues going on

Comments on pages:

Do you display them publicly (Y/N)?

Do you approve of them before it is posted (Y/N)?

If yes, which do you approve?If no, are you confident with trust?

If it's spam, I delete it. I don't like censoring people.


Do you display them(Y/N)?

If Yes, what kinds of pictures do you post?

Disappointing pictures of me. =(

If No, are you concerned with your privacy or personal issues?

Is your profile private (y/n)?

Why or why not?

I made it public because I have nothing to hide. I might make it private again though on a whim.

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