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Do you believe true evil exists? I don't. The reason why we see others as evil is because of perspective. To the German people back in the 40's, Hitler was the greatest man who ever lived. But the rest of the world see him as the most evil person ever. Other people commit "evil" when they do something for their own benefit which harms others.

Also, insanity is not evil, it's just insanity.

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For example, raping someone is evil.

No it is not. The rapist might have a perfectly logical reason for doing it, usually revolving around some mental problem.

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This is going back to a philosophical point: What is good? What is evil? We can only determine how we're evil depending on how we're properly educated and how we are taught. I personally don't believe there is evil. However, I believe that there are aspects of evil.

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Good and evil are social standards, based merely on perspective. One guy does something some may see as good and others may see as evil. It's as Nasir said, "There is no definite line."

I believe that there are only evil and good actions.

For example, raping someone is evil.

And risking your life to save someone is good.

Those actions are good and evil.

However in a war for example, there is no good and evil, only sides.

Well then, what if someone raped someone to save someone else's life? (I know this probably hasn't nor will ever happen, but just go along with it. =D)

Edited by Fireman
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Some people could think that killing animals is evil, some think it's ok because they want to eat at In-n-out (its a california burger place, very good too)

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Well, anybody can do good things and bad things, so there aren't really such things overall good or evil people. I do agree that there are evil and good actions. Killing innocent people for fun, definately evil. Helping people that have the misfortuane to be genuinely unable to help themselves, definately good. We're all human, so going against somebody because they did something bad is like yelling at someone for yelling at them. If you point your fingers, three fingers point back. Sure, that person could of done the worst thing ever, but would that override any good he/she did? The good Lord forgives everyone who asks for it (yeah, yeah, religious stuffz), so who are we to judge other people and hate them?

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I realize it's a matter of view, but it doesn't stop me from believing in what I think is right or wrong.

Yeah, there are things people can consider right or wrong and good or evil, but there is no universal set of things we must follow.

It's really not complicated, it's o-p-i-n-i-o-n. Like "I like chocolate" or "My car is awesome".

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Just to but in:

Good and evil are a fiction, an elaborate lie invented by humanity to rationalize the universe and squeeze it into there tiny little boxes. In fact, everything in society is a lie--that what we consider “truth” is merely lies less egregiously wrong. Mainstream humanity attempts to paint things in terms of black and while, some more forward thinking ones in shades of gray, when in fact life is a great rainbow of color, and one must only just open their eyes to witness it’s glory. What we consider to be important is merely what our society dictates is “important”. Of course, society itself is just a refection of the communal imagination of a group of humanity, shaped by there ruling elite. We like to pretend like we have “conquered” our base instincts, our anamalian nature, when in fact we live by it every day; our veneer of civilization is a foolish product of our egotistical self importance, a pathetic attempt by humanity to pit themselves in a contest of wills against the infinitely sprawling universe that they are destined to loose.

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People say the things they like/agree with are good and those they don't are evil, basically. There's no such thing as actual evil. It's all based on perspective. No act is universally good or evil. Somebody just thinks it's good or evil.

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Okay here's an indefinite answer to this. Hopefully this makes a valid point.

The general monotheistic definition of god is as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship. God is great; god is good. A major argument against the existence of God is the problem of evil. People have a hard time comprehending that evil exists in the same world where there is an all loving, all powerful God. If God is all good and all powerful how can he allow evil to exist?

18th Century philosopher David Hume thought that the great amount of evil in the world makes it doubtful that God exists. When considers free will though, which God allowed man to have, a good point is made for the coexistence of God and evil. difficult to consider God on a purely empirical basis, for his existence lies only in indescribable faith. Hume wrote of God, “Is he willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is impotent. Judaism notes in the book of Isaiah 45:7 that God says “I am the eternal and there is none else, I form light and create darkness, I make peace and create evil. ” It is interesting that the more suffering and evil experienced by people, the more likely they are to turn to theistic belief for hope and comfort. Can millions of people be wrong? Many philosophers have weighed in on the subject and my conclusion is that the existence of evil does not preclude the existence of God; however it supports the argument for the existence of God. Is he both able and willing: whence then is evil?" Hume’s skeptical views were shared by modern philosopher J.L. Mackie who believed the problem of evil made the belief system of monotheistic religions unsustainable.

If there is a philosophical question that will be debated over until the end of time, it will be the existence of god. In debating the existence of god, we must consider all arguments for and against whether or not god exists. The most commonly debated argument when arguing against god is the problem of evil. Evil is defined as the existence of human pain and suffering. If there is a god, and this god is all loving, all knowing, and omnipotent then how can there be evil in the world? How could a god allow human pain and suffering where seemingly none is deserved? There are many arguments retorting to this, but two stand out. First, God claim to have created the best possible world. Evil plays an important roll in our world, the world is better off with some evil that it could be with no evil. Second, moral evil on our planet is due to human free will. Since God claim to give us freedom, which is a necessity of a perfect world, it is the fault of humans that moral evil exists.

Similarly, in order to create the perfect world God was correct in giving humans free will.

In conclusion, it is very possible for an all knowing, all loving, omnipotent God to coexist in a world containing evil.

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Despite the fact that I'm an atheist, religions are there to help improves people lives and make it better. We can't really prove that God doesn't exist with mainly scientific evidence. Many people have faith in God because they believe that there is more to than just science alone...

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I understand that topics can be derailed here to a greater extent than what I am used to, but I simply don't like derailing them at all. If you would like to debate right and wrong with me I am more than willing, but if you want to bring religion into it I am going to have to decline.

I've said my piece, nothing to add.

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Good and evil is subjective.

To God, Satan is bad. To Satan, God is bad. To America, Iran+Iraq are bad. To Iran+Iraq, America is bad. Thus making Good and evil non-existent.

Not exactly. I know Death doesn't want religion in this BUT, GOD doesn't believe anyone is "evil" until their judgment has been passed. Now before anyone says "Why would you want someone to judge YOU?," let me answer with this quick response: How we live determines OUR judgment, GOD only "stamps the paper," or gets the last word on the people he judges. You do know Lucifer is the "Fallen Angel" right?

Iran+Iraq aren't "bad" to America, we are just bullies, which means we will pout and throw tantrums 'till we get what we desire. I don't know if the US is "bad" to the Middle East, you'll have to ask people who actually live there.

Without religion coming into play, good and evil DO exist. Except they are law, instead of lifestyles. A man murdering someone is Evil, but nearly everyone believes there is a time and a place for murder, like war. Everyone thinks a good-moraled (lol not a word, but I think you'll understand me) is "Good," how about behind closed doors? How does he treat his wife, children, other members of the family? How does he really think about the people around him? The truth is, the most "Good" person you know can be the most evil being in existence. Unlikely, but still.

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This problem so hard for me to discuss in english...damn. But, everyperson in the world always have 2 side, good and evil, they are co-exist. Of course, the way of view about good and evil always change from time to time, from place to place so no one can excatly judge the others. When many accept that you are evil so you are evil.

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