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Fine then, KILLING is evil. I'm pretty sure kill is not a legal term.

Thank you Kiryn, I needed that.

Easu, I would appreciate it if you didn't insult me. Thank you.

You seriously are messing up my post. If you didn't realize, after the "Prostitution. Evil." comment, there was another sentence.

You know what? Ask Death, if you know him. I think he'll tell you I'm one of the most open Christians he has ever met.

Ya know what else? You aren't taking what I'm saying into consideration either, you hypocrite. "Oh this dude is Christian, we better not listen to what he has to say."

Atheism is garbage too then. COMPLETE and UTTER GARBAGE. If you are so prone to saying what you want to say, then leaving, I'm not sure if you are any better then the "low-life" Christians. "My word is right, yours is wrong because you believe in God." That isn't segregation at all. <_<

Atheism isn't the best thing to believe either ya know. (Or lack of believing really.) Neither is Christianity.

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Dude, seriously stop bawwwwing about your religion. No one cares. We just want to know how killing is ALWAYS evil.

You know what? I thought you were pretty cool when you welcomed me. Now, you are just a selfish Atheist.

Mods, warn me. I'm through dealing with hypocritical Atheists.

Edited by Citrusman
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I am reading all your thoughts and counter-arguing them with my own. You think I should change because of what you are saying? Not unless it really gets to me in here. *Hits heart.*

You've been saying the SAME thing OVER AND OVER AGAIN. "Good and evil are subjective."

"Prostitution isn't evil. Murder isn't evil."

I keep coming back with different reasons why it isn't subjective, and why they ARE evil. YOU are the one who doesn't seem to be listening.

If you're trying to think with your heart you're not going to see anything objectively.

Have a look at nature, for a moment.

How many times in a day does a predator kill other animals?

Why? Personal gain.

What reason does the regular thug have for murdering someone and taking their wallet? Personal gain.

Not evil, law of the jungle, you have to always stay on top.

And don't give me no "he didn't need to kill that person but a predator needs to kill to live" crap, people kill people for desperate reasons.

This thug might have a gambling debt, if he doesn't kill this dude he's dead himself.

His situation pushes him to commit the act, he did it because he needed it.

Human nature, primal instinct. You find it evil, if animals could talk they'd laugh at you.

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Atheism isn't the best thing to believe either ya know. (Or lack of believing really.) Neither is Christianity.

Atheism is about choice, I choose to be an Atheist because I'm inspired by Noam Chomsky and Richard Hawkins beliefs of how we can live a better life without religion having to interfere. I'm better off without religion...

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Atheism is about choice, I choose to be an Atheist because I'm inspired by Noam Chomsky and Richard Hawkins beliefs of how we can live a better life without religion having to interfere. I'm better off without religion...

I didn't ask that. Read my post OVER AND OVER until you finally get it through your head.

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You know what? I thought you were pretty cool when you welcomed me. Now, you are just a selfish Atheist.

Mods, warn me. I'm through dealing with hypocritical Atheists.

I'm not an atheist.

And Luxord there was no mention of "people." Read a few posts back. "Killing is always wrong." Again, I'll repeat myself. Is self-defense wrong then? What about to protect your family? What about on accident? What about for food (animals)? What about pests, like bugs?

Edited by Crystal Shards
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Atheism is not a bad thing. It does not cloud people's views, unlike certain religions. Anyways, for making that crack citrusman, I am warning you.

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Easu, I would appreciate it if you didn't insult me. Thank you.

I would appreciate if you would read my posts, but it seems you are not doing so.

You seriously are messing up my post. If you didn't realize, after the "Prostitution. Evil." comment, there was another sentence.

That didn't really back up your claim at all, unless you're really trying to say that all prostitution has to do with your scenario.

You know what? Ask Death, if you know him. I think he'll tell you I'm one of the most open Christians he has ever met.

If so, then that is a sad, sad fact.

Ya know what else? You aren't taking what I'm saying into consideration either, you hypocrite. "Oh this dude is Christian, we better not listen to what he has to say."

I don't care whether you are Christian. I care whether your arguments are faulty.

More religious individuals just happen to be faulty, that is all.

Atheism is garbage too then. COMPLETE and UTTER GARBAGE. If you are so prone to saying what you want to say, then leaving, I'm not sure if you are any better then the "low-life" Christians.

I didn't call Christians low-life.

"My word is right, yours is wrong because you believe in God." That isn't segregation at all.

I did not say this once. Don't put fucking words in my mouth.

Atheism isn't the best thing to believe either ya know. (Or lack of believing really.) Neither is Christianity.

Atheism is a lack of belief in a God. There is nothing faulty about that line of logic.

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Atheism is not a bad thing. It does not cloud people's views, unlike certain religions. Anyways, for making that crack citrusman, I am warning you.

I know it doesn't cloud views. But they seem to not listen to a word I'm saying.


I'm through, OK? Obviously you don't know many good Christians, you're views toward them are biased and unacceptable IMO.

The insult you threw at me wads saying that exactly. Who cares if you did not post it? You might be thinking it.


I'll end with this, good and evil aren't subjective. The views on them are interpreted to live a good life, without unneeded trouble.

Edited by Citrusman
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I know it doesn't cloud views. But they seem to not listen to a word I'm saying.

We are listening; you're just not making sense. You're letting yourself get in the way of whatever the hell it is you're trying to say.

And I'm still waiting for proof of my tolerance of hypocrisy.

Edited by Crystal Shards
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I'll end with this, good and evil aren't subjective. The views on them are interpreted to live a good life, without unneeded trouble.

Good and evil are wholly subjective, and you have failed to make any coherent argument since square one. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

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