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The Culbert Report, again!

Destiny Hero

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Or you could just post this in the other thread. You don't need several for each comic... It kind of knocks off some other topics from view by doing this -_-;

Meh. I'll post it with the third. I don't like cramming it into one thread right when the series is made.

Now, suggestions and criticizing!

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This was even more unimaginative than the first comic. I'm not sure what it is (probably that the punchlines are too many and too quickly built up), but I just didn't find this one as funny as your last one at all. (Not even amusing at best.)

Also, so what if your series hasn't been kick-started quite well enough yet? Wait a bit for the post count to jump up, and then post. It's not gonna kill you if you keep on posting in the same thread.

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This was worse than the first one.


But of course! Valtome as a TV reporter? The very idea makes me laugh!

Well, not just Valtome. Michael Jackson and Dr. Crowler would also be reporters. If anyone knows any other Michael Jacksons, PM me.

My favorite line from the 2nd Report is "Raining kids!"

Edited by Destiny Hero
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Well, not just Valtome. Michael Jackson and Dr. Crowler would also be reporters. If anyone knows any other Michael Jacksons, PM me.

My favorite line from the 2nd Report is "Raining kids!"

You should read the announcements, they're there for a reason you know. <_<

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