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Yune Randomizer: A Universal Fire Emblem Randomizer


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Oh, I see a potential issue. I can fix it, but, just curious, are you using both randomized recruitment and classes or just one of them? There's a bug if you only use one of those options at the moment.

Edited by lushen124
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On 10/13/2020 at 9:49 AM, lushen124 said:

EDIT: So I just used your settings, but I was unable to get the same result that you did (I got Cav Duessel as Eirika and Assassin Forde as Seth). Are you sure those are the same settings?

Oh heck I just noticed this. Sorry!

On 10/13/2020 at 9:49 AM, lushen124 said:

Was Armor Knight Marisa the lord unit? This would point to an issue with the new class I created.

Nope, I think that she replaced Gilliam. ('Cause Gilliam has a personal defense base of 0, so it added up.)

On 10/13/2020 at 9:49 AM, lushen124 said:

I'm not sure why she's using Gilliam's default palette. If the palettes were swapped correctly, she should have a different color. If they were swapped incorrectly, she should have the generic armor knight palette.

Hm... Maybe she's actually Franz, then? 'Cause Franz is green as well.

On 10/13/2020 at 9:49 AM, lushen124 said:

Even though I couldn't reproduce your exact situation, my armor knight animations seem to load fine. Does this happen with different seeds/settings as well?

Could be my emulator. (mGBA) I'll try again with a different setting, though!

Edited by Benice
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22 hours ago, TrumpetZorua said:

The 64-bit versions aren't working for me. I've tried other 64-bit applications and those work so don't understand why it won't open.

What version of Java are you running? If you open up the command prompt and type

java -version

it should print out the version and any options you might have. On mine, I get:

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19041.508]
(c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Lu>java -version
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx4g
java version "1.8.0_261"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_261-b12)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.261-b12, mixed mode)



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Can't figure out what version of Java I'm running. Just tried it after updating and command prompt crashes the moment I open it. This sounds like a problem I'll need to figure out how to fix elsewhere.

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  • 4 weeks later...
7 minutes ago, na6125 said:

sorry im new to this but  how do i get this to work with a naga patched fe4? 

Oh! You won't be able to use a patched ROM-Yune adds the patch for you. It is compatible with either headered or unheadered ROMs as well, so that is a really nice touch!

Edited by Benice
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So, made great progress with another run of FE8 with prf weapons! However, got a few glitches to report; First off, both lords randomized into Armor knights-However, weapons that normally deal effective damage against armor knights don't work on either of them. Effective damage seems to be working as normal everywhere else, though.

Only other problem I had was with the Battle animations not loading properly with certain classes again-This time with clerics. I used these settings, by the way:




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To start off, I absolutely LOVE this randomizer you have put together. I am curious though, how possible would it be for in a future update adding a feature where you could manually select what a unit's class is swapped too? I've wanted to try an archer-only or mage-only playthrough before where all my units are a given class. Is this a possible feature, or is there a way to generate a seed that does that? 


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Hi, sorry if this has been addressed already or has a workaround. I did my best to search, but I couldn't find any answers.

Currently playing a randomized FE7, and got to the chapter in Lyn's story where you recruit Rath. He has a scripted fight, but instead of Rath, I got a Cleric Karel that can't fight, so the game gets stuck. I tried holding L to skip animation, but that isn't working.

Fire Emblem Randomized-0.png

Edited by Cornchip
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Sorry for the late replies. I've been taking a bit of a break on this project for the last few months. Hoping to get back into the swing of things.

On 12/1/2020 at 1:28 PM, Benice said:

So, made great progress with another run of FE8 with prf weapons! However, got a few glitches to report; First off, both lords randomized into Armor knights-However, weapons that normally deal effective damage against armor knights don't work on either of them. Effective damage seems to be working as normal everywhere else, though.

Ah, I probably forgot to add their new classes to the effectiveness list. At least, I don't remember adding that logic. That should be a relatively quick fix (assuming I don't break other things in the process). Thanks for the report!

On 12/1/2020 at 12:54 PM, Callie said:

Would u do Mag/Str split for fe 6,7,8 ? and add skills to those games ?

This isn't planned for the time being. Maybe after a 1.0 release, I might look into supporting hacks and other mods to the base games, but my focus right now is to increase coverage for the base versions of each game.

On 12/6/2020 at 3:42 AM, ProfessorRPG said:

To start off, I absolutely LOVE this randomizer you have put together. I am curious though, how possible would it be for in a future update adding a feature where you could manually select what a unit's class is swapped too? I've wanted to try an archer-only or mage-only playthrough before where all my units are a given class. Is this a possible feature, or is there a way to generate a seed that does that? 


It wouldn't be too hard to do, but it is somewhat outside of the scope of a randomizer. I may look into creating a different tool to do these kinds of modifications, since this line of thought opens the door to several other features that would probably complicate the UI more than it already is.

On 12/12/2020 at 1:39 PM, Cornchip said:

Hi, sorry if this has been addressed already or has a workaround. I did my best to search, but I couldn't find any answers.

Currently playing a randomized FE7, and got to the chapter in Lyn's story where you recruit Rath. He has a scripted fight, but instead of Rath, I got a Cleric Karel that can't fight, so the game gets stuck. I tried holding L to skip animation, but that isn't working.

Fire Emblem Randomized-0.png

That is odd. Rath's slot is marked as requiring range attack, so under no circumstances should the character filling it be unable to attack at range. Do you have the changelog? I can look into it more if I can reproduce it.

On 2/26/2021 at 7:49 AM, radev1924 said:

would it be possible to add the feature in the future for units to be able to randomize into enemy-only classes like Zephiel's king class, Idunn's dragon class, Julius's dark prince and so on?

It's possible, but I explicitly disabled these classes mostly because they 1) upset game balance due to how their stats are coded, and 2) take away from the uniqueness of the final boss/characters (also 3) they're probably glitched in more ways than one if you try to use them outside of their intended purpose).

On 3/23/2021 at 7:39 PM, Fatal_Cerberus said:

I'm having trouble getting the randomizer to work for FE9, every time I try to randomize FE9 it gets stuck on loading text data. Not sure if I'm doing anything wrong but any help would be appreciated.

This usually means you're out of memory. FE9 requires a bit more memory than the default allocated memory for Java since it's processing the entire ISO. You can override the memory limit with java flags at runtime, or install a 64-bit JRE. The latter is easier if you don't already have a 64-bit JRE.

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2 hours ago, lushen124 said:

Sorry for the late replies. I've been taking a bit of a break on this project for the last few months. Hoping to get back into the swing of things.

No problem! We all really appreciate you doing this for free and putting so much time into it regardless.

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On 5/3/2021 at 1:15 PM, lushen124 said:

Sorry for the late replies. I've been taking a bit of a break on this project for the last few months. Hoping to get back into the swing of things.

S'all good. What you've put out is already more-or-less a finished product.

On 5/3/2021 at 1:15 PM, lushen124 said:

It wouldn't be too hard to do, but it is somewhat outside of the scope of a randomizer. I may look into creating a different tool to do these kinds of modifications, since this line of thought opens the door to several other features that would probably complicate the UI more than it already is.

It could be tucked away in an advanced settings window. You'd have to press a button to open it or something, I don't know. I agree that it would complicate the UI too much to but it all in one window.

If you eventually get to implementing such a feature, you might as well let the user define their own class pools and assign characters to them individually. For instance, define Class Pool A as containing Nomad and Myrmidon. If Rath is assigned to Class Pool A, he'll be one of those two classes. If you want Rath to be a female myrmidon, simply set Class Pool A to only contain female myrmidon. This could also be a way to incorporate King and other silly classes without messing things up too horribly- you just leave them out of the default class pool.

On 5/3/2021 at 1:15 PM, lushen124 said:

That is odd. Rath's slot is marked as requiring range attack, so under no circumstances should the character filling it be unable to attack at range. Do you have the changelog? I can look into it more if I can reproduce it.

Would it be possible to remove the event entirely? I understand that it might be beyond your vision, but it could also simplify things.

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So i've used this before for fe4 and I love it, but now when I am trying to do another run it gives me all the same classes and growths from like a pool of pre set stuff? Sigurd keeps being the same classes with the same blood and growths to a t as previous randomizations. Was just wondering if they pulled all the changes from a pool or if there's some way to fix this and make it more random. Thanks! 

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On 5/5/2021 at 6:59 PM, AnonymousSpeed said:

S'all good. What you've put out is already more-or-less a finished product.

It could be tucked away in an advanced settings window. You'd have to press a button to open it or something, I don't know. I agree that it would complicate the UI too much to but it all in one window.

If you eventually get to implementing such a feature, you might as well let the user define their own class pools and assign characters to them individually. For instance, define Class Pool A as containing Nomad and Myrmidon. If Rath is assigned to Class Pool A, he'll be one of those two classes. If you want Rath to be a female myrmidon, simply set Class Pool A to only contain female myrmidon. This could also be a way to incorporate King and other silly classes without messing things up too horribly- you just leave them out of the default class pool.

Would it be possible to remove the event entirely? I understand that it might be beyond your vision, but it could also simplify things.

Customizing class pools is definitely a bit much. The use case I was responding to was more about directly setting what you want for some parameters (like an archer-only run or 0% growths) and randomizing the others. It'd be essentially integrating a simpler version of FEBuilder into the pre-randomization phase. There have already been a few suggestions from some people that we could support a serializable XML or JSON style format to specify changes. Hell, the Yune name would naturally lead into Ashunera: Ashera for the editor and Yune for the randomizer. The data models are already mostly in place for an editor for every game Yune supports. 😉

As for the class pools, it actually wouldn't be too difficult to implement the logic to support custom class distributions, but as we agreed on, the space needed to layout that UI would necessitate a secondary window, with it essentially controlling who can be randomized and what they can be randomized into. Supporting class pools on an individual or even group level would be another step up. I think at some point, I would probably be looking into a redesign of the UI to actually support large UIs like that. It's already getting a little bloated with the introduction of skills and weapon effects with the more recent releases.

As for the event, it is my goal to hopefully not have to entirely remove events, so I still want to know how it was possible to get a cleric in Rath's slot. My guess is that Bishop Karel was considered "ranged" and was assigned to Rath's slot, but then realized he had to demote, which no longer made him "ranged".

6 hours ago, BrewenMoon said:

So i've used this before for fe4 and I love it, but now when I am trying to do another run it gives me all the same classes and growths from like a pool of pre set stuff? Sigurd keeps being the same classes with the same blood and growths to a t as previous randomizations. Was just wondering if they pulled all the changes from a pool or if there's some way to fix this and make it more random. Thanks! 

There isn't any fixed pool, but if you're using the same settings with the same seed phrase, you're going to get the same result. This is by design (and makes it easier to debug if things go wrong). That said, I don't guarantee that every phrase will yield a different result, as I'm really just taking a hash of the string you give me. It's possible for two different strings to yield the same result, but you'd have to be incredibly lucky/unlucky for that result. Try a few other seed phrases and see what you get. If you still get the same result, then after making sure you aren't loading the old ROM, let me know, and I can look into it. 🙂

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On 5/11/2021 at 4:51 PM, lushen124 said:

Customizing class pools is definitely a bit much.


I mean, I get it, but still. Aw.

On 5/11/2021 at 4:51 PM, lushen124 said:

It'd be essentially integrating a simpler version of FEBuilder into the pre-randomization phase. There have already been a few suggestions from some people that we could support a serializable XML or JSON style format to specify changes. Hell, the Yune name would naturally lead into Ashunera: Ashera for the editor and Yune for the randomizer. The data models are already mostly in place for an editor for every game Yune supports. 😉

I think at some point, I would probably be looking into a redesign of the UI to actually support large UIs like that. It's already getting a little bloated with the introduction of skills and weapon effects with the more recent releases.

Maybe, but I think part of the appeal of the randomizer isn't knowing what exactly you'll get, even if it's just between two options. Using an editor for something more narrow takes away some of the magic, though having it before randomization definitely helps. Still, if you don't want people to randomize into Lords or Cavaliers, or you want Matthew to be literally anything besides an archer, it might be cool. Still, it's not a big deal, so I'm fine waiting for the slick and cool giant UI to bring it up again.

On 5/11/2021 at 4:51 PM, lushen124 said:

As for the event, it is my goal to hopefully not have to entirely remove events, so I still want to know how it was possible to get a cleric in Rath's slot.

I understand wanting to leave the game as close to its base form as possible aside from the randomizations, but I think removing the event is more in line with the spirit of the randomizer than forbidding Rath's slot from being a cleric. That makes his slot a little less random to accommodate this one fairly minor detail that no one would really miss, especially if they skip Lyn mode.

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On 5/17/2021 at 6:48 PM, AnonymousSpeed said:

I understand wanting to leave the game as close to its base form as possible aside from the randomizations, but I think removing the event is more in line with the spirit of the randomizer than forbidding Rath's slot from being a cleric. That makes his slot a little less random to accommodate this one fairly minor detail that no one would really miss, especially if they skip Lyn mode.

Reasonable points. The reason I try to avoid touching scripts too much because they're a bit more fragile and error prone while being hard to comprehensively test. I only adjust them if I really have to for the game to function properly. In the case of Rath, he isn't quite limited enough for me to justify making script changes (he can literally be any class except for Cleric, Troubadour, and Dancer/Bard). For an example that I would prioritize, you can look to Fiora and other fliers, who really only have to be fliers because of a scripted move. But even then, at least for now, the simpler solution is to just restrict some characters and not open the can of worms of modifying scripts until I'm ready for it. That rabbit hole goes deep.

Also to note: my priorities with the randomizer aren't actually about being faithful to the original games. It's actually more about stability, both game stability and randomizer stability. To start entertaining script changes is to increase both test cases and possible points of failure. At a high enough confidence level, this isn't an issue, but we're not quite there yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for sharing your experience! I want to try the randomizer soon. I will return and share the feedback with you!

Good luck for everyone and everyday!

Edited by auwebber23
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Update 0.9.3 is now available. The headliner for this is that FE9 is greatly improved to the point that it works with Nintendont/real hardware now. Shadow Ikes should be eliminated at this point and any scripting oddities and cutscene crashes should be resolved. For GBAFE, quite a few new additions were added including the ability to have finer grain control over random weapon effects, enemy buffing, and class assignments. There's also an option to revert to 1 RN mode if you didn't like being lied to with 2 RN. One feature that was suggested was an option to randomly add Fog of War to maps, so a beta version of that has been included for testing. It can look a bit weird in some cases, but it seems functional from my testing. For FE4 fans, a few improvements have been made including one to change Pursuit to only make it easier to double instead of being a hard requirement for follow up attacks (AS thresholds adjustable). Sigurd/Deirdre/Seliph also have more options for holy blood now due to the third holy blood byte now being available for use.

Release: https://github.com/lushen124/Universal-FE-Randomizer/releases/tag/0.9.3

As for what's next, I think it's time we tackle FE10 and aim for a full 1.0.0 release. Since FE9 should be fairly solid at this point, I want to dive into FE10 and seeing if we can make that happen. I have a few ideas that could involve randomizing FE9 and 10 in tandem, and FE10 is so much more fleshed out mechanically that there's a lot more to play with, IMO.

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That's a pretty neat update! looking forward to more FE9 stuff. =]

Regarding FE10, though I always enjoy more people looking into the inner workings of FE10, there already exists an incredibly extensive Randomiser for FE10. 

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Not sure how useful this is, but I had some issues where the randomiser would close when I loaded a rom, which consistently happened over a good number of tries when trying to troubleshoot it. But, when I was going through methodically to be able to give a more useful report, it suddenly started working.

Specific order of actions undertook was
Try (untranslated, headered) FE4 rom on 0.93 x64 exe, program closes. (All failures were identical - after verifying the window would expand to its full size but before populating itself with widgets it would suddenly close).
Removed the header and changed extension from .smc to .sfc just in case, program closes.
Tried different JP FE4 rom, program closes.
Tried FE7 rom, program closes.
Tried JP FE8 rom, Yune complained about being unable to verify, told it it's FE8, program closes.
Downloaded & tried executable jar file, didn't even start. Not sure why. Navigating to the directory in a command prompt window and trying to run it that way didn't give any errors, but no window appeared and I didn't see java processes appearing in task manager.
Tried x86 executable, wouldn't open either.
Checked my jre version, slightly out of date. Updated, tried x64 exe and .jar again, same results.
Restarted computer, tried those two again, same results.
Tried last version of Yune I had (0.8.5 x64 executable), work without issue.
Downloaded source code zip from releases, tried x64 executable in \Executables\Windows, program closes.
Tried 0.9.2 x64 executable in \Executables\Windows\0.9.2, works just fine.
Tried 0.9.3 again, no-go.
Tried 0.9.2 again just in case it was a fluke or something(?), still works.
Wanted to confirm whether it was all games it didn't work with or not so opened some random non-FE game file in 0.9.3 to tell Yune that it was each game in turn to load each set of options in turn, they all suddenly work.
Load actual FE4 rom in 0.9.3, it's working.
Wonder if 0.9.2 still running in the background is somehow effecting this, close 0.9.2, try 0.9.3 again, it still works.

And that's where I am. It went from not working 100% of the time in an consistent manner to just working, but I figure it's still worth a bug report.

Edited by Kalieum
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