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Yune Randomizer: A Universal Fire Emblem Randomizer


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On 10/31/2021 at 1:50 AM, Firion231 said:

Found another problem while trying to randomize FE6. I tried randomizing growth rates and set the minimum growth to 25, but no matter which of the three modes I select, there are still growths under 25. Additionally, sometimes when I select "Randomize Absolute" it just uses the character's default growth rates instead of generating new ones. I've spent the past hour or two checking different options and trying to generate a satisfactory randomizer seed and these setbacks are very frustrating.

I can't reproduce this issue. There is a known issue where randomizing CON blows away the growth changes, so if you're using that as well, disable it first (I'll have a fix for this later). But for me, when I set the minimum to 25% every playable character has growth rates in excess of 25% in every stat. Some of them even just have some areas that are flat 25% because of it.

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On 11/5/2021 at 9:13 AM, lushen124 said:

So, what's not immediately obvious is that the game tries to keep within the bounds of the original game when it comes to assigning new classes to units. Echidna likely won't ever be an unpromoted class because an unpromoted version of her normal promoted class doesn't exist (the female Mercenary). As such, she should be limited to any other promoted slot since you allowed cross-gender assignments (without it, she would be locked to only female prepromote slots, of which, Cecilia is one of 4 slots I can think of, the others being Juno, Igrene, and Niime.). That said, there are two potential issues here. One is that if you did have "Allow Cross-gender assignments" checked, then Echidna should be jumping around a lot more than just ending up with Cecilia's slot (assuming you are using different seeds).

The other is that maybe Allow Cross-gender assignments should also unlock these characters that can't demote to a valid class normally to demote to their closest analogue. Funnily enough, this only affects Echidna in FE6, as being the only one that doesn't have a directly demoted class to fall on. It's a much bigger issue in FE7, because most prepromoted female units don't have their corresponding unpromoted classes.

What you're saying makes sense, but what confuses me is that this wasn't a problem in previous versions of the randomizer. I have a randomized game from version 0.9.1 where Echidna randomized into Clarine's place as a male mercenary. I wanted something similar here, but it just doesn't work anymore. : (

What you suggested with Allow Cross-gender assignments demoting to their closest analogue sounds like a good idea.

One more thing I forgot to mention earlier: on the seed that I did end up going with, I selected Loose Restrictions on genders for classes. If I understand right, that means that characters try to maintain their gender if the class they randomize to has the option. When I started the first chapter, I got Cecilia as a Mage and Dorothy as a Shaman, but they were both the male versions. Is it only a better chance that the randomzer chooses the right gender or is this an error?

I can't quote your second post because it's on the next page, so I'll answer it here. I was randomizing Con before, so that might be why I was having trouble with growth rates. I'll make sure to disable that next time. Thanks for the heads up about the bug.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm not sure who else is aware of this but I'll mention it anyway in case no one has.


If you randomise affinity on a GBA game, it overrides the random growths.

e.g. even if you randomise absolute growths from 1-200 but affinity is random, the growths will barely change from the original (I think they are redistributed but i'm not sure)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just might not know how variance works, but it seems to be an all or nothing thing with the randomizer.


If I set the variance to max and the min/max for weapon stats to their own min/maxes, I assumed there would be more weapons with random numbers for stats.


But i just end up with dozens of different weapons that have 1 durability and max damage.

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Randomized Roy slot still freezes the game on promotion if he doesn't have a sword animation at base. I used to just codebreak him into a sword class and codebreak him to the proper class after promo, but something in the newest version seems to have changed the class values, and I don't know them like that. Is there any way to make the BB change weapon types to match Roy's slot's base weapon type when generating a rom? Or even just restrict Roy's slot to classes that have swords at base?


On the subject of problems I used to fix with codebreaker, is there a way to make Karla's recruitment work without a warrior in Bartre's slot? I don't mind having to level Bartre's slot to recruit Karla's slot, but I can no longer codebreaker to warrior and codebreaker back to recruit her slot.


Love the randomizer btw, these are minor gripes. If they can't be fixed soon it's no big deal.


edit: In Thracia chapter 11, if Fred rolls unmounted and you rescue him, he counts as dead if you're holding him when the chapter ends, and you don't get 11x. Easily circumvented by just dropping him before seizing. Not an issue or anything, thought it was interesting that since you're not supposed to be able to capture or rescue Fred in that chapter, he's just "dead" if someone holds him.

Edited by Cornguy
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  • 3 months later...

I'm trying to start an FE7 randomized playthrough, but halfway through randomizing, I get this error. I've tried on three separate computers, and so far, none of them have worked.



if its needed, this is the settings I was using.



is there a fix for this?

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On 6/4/2022 at 8:24 PM, donny33 said:

I update Yune to the newest version and now I can't randomize. Some error about the palettes not working

I get this as well, it looks like an error with specifically randomizing Lords. Unchecking randomizing Lord classes allows it to compile the randomization.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I enabled full growths randomization and the changelog doesn't show any difference between the original column and the randomized column. Is this normal? Did the growths randomize and don't show in the changelog? The bases and classes changed. Attached are images of what I see.



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/20/2022 at 3:48 PM, Roc18 said:

I enabled full growths randomization and the changelog doesn't show any difference between the original column and the randomized column. Is this normal? Did the growths randomize and don't show in the changelog? The bases and classes changed. Attached are images of what I see.

Seems to be a bug?  In your output, you have randomized affinities.

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  • 1 month later...

I have been trying to do randomizers for months and ive downloaded this many times. Every time i go to make a rando I get the following error message. If anyone could help me either get a copy of Yune that doesnt give them theres errors or the version of FE7 that they use to randomize in hopes to not have these error messages in the future, id greatly appreciate it. Ill even attach the settings I would like to use. https://imgur.com/gallery/7hjZiQr

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, I've been immensely enjoying this randomizer since I found out it existed but I've ran into a problem. I've been going through FE6 with randomized recruitment and classes and Roy got randomized to Geese, the issue is that when I got to chapter 21X when Roy is supposed to Promote, the game just gets stuck, he does actually promote but the stats menu that comes up doesn't show and I'm just stuck, I've been losing my mind trying to figure out how to fix this. (I've already tried changing his class to lord, it just turns him into a buggy mess that cant seize) I'm truly at my wits end trying to figure out how to fix this, Please help me 


Edit: it unfreezes itself after a while but it immediately crashes once the screen goes black

Edited by Raray2011
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  • 1 month later...

Hey so I have used this randomizer a bit and been really enjoying it but I've run into an issue with Sacred Stones. I've done two randomizations of Sacred Stones recently, and in both cases, the custom prf weapon generated for Ephraim has caused the game to freeze and crash halfway through the attack animation. The only settings I used for these randomizations were to change character and boss unit classes (excluding dancer classes) maintaining personal growths and creating custom prf weapons for the lords. I also added a 10% chance of enemies spawning with random drop items. I did not mess with weapon or character stats or growth rates and I did not change regular enemy units or mess with recruitment order. One randomization did include monster classes in the randomization while the other did not. In one randomization Ephraim became a Monk (custom prf light tome), and in the other he became a Bow Bonewalker (custom prf Bow). I used a ROM-to-CIA converter to be able to play the randomized rom on my jailbroken 3DS, but I've also run into this issue when playing it on the NO$GBA emulator on my PC, so I don't think the 3DS aspect is causing the problem. In addition, when I made a Sacred Stones randomization several months ago with identical settings (other than the random enemy drop chance which I did not include that time), Ephraim's custom prf weapon worked just fine and did not cause the ROM to crash (in that randomization Ephraim was a fighter with a custom prf axe). FWIW, for all randomizations mentioned I've used the most recent version of the randomizer (0.9.3) and a clean US FE8 ROM. Also when I tested and ran into this error on the NO$GBA emulator, I got an error message that said the ROM image had crashed and then the emulator closed out. I know I can just turn Ephraim's battle animations off in the settings to get around the problem, but that's boring, and I shouldn't have to considering all other weapons work fine for him. Any idea what might be causing this issue and/or how I might fix/prevent it?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hey so I've noticed a couple issues with some items when randomizing. Across all the gba games the Fili/Delphi shield breaks and does not grant the flying immunity. In fe6 wyrmslayers also lost effectiveness against mamkutes. Not too sure why this happens but it happens even when not randomizing items. 

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  • 2 months later...

I have started a randomized FE9 playthrough (my favorite game) and was wondering since the randomizer is able to make so many characters adjustments would it be able to make the changes specifically?  As in instead of randomizing the growth rates to actually change them to specific numbers?  Change the classes to specific classes?  so on and so forth.  I have always wondered about playing a Laguz only run.  Additionally 0% growth runs are also common and being able to guarantee that would be great.  

All things considered... loving the run!  My Ike became a soldier.  The halberdier is my favorite class so I am very happy about that.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I've been trying to hack FE4 myself and I have a question for you.

It seems that Yune is able to remove the restriction on Holy Weapons being sold in the pawnbroker, thus making it possible to pass them between multiple units.

Do you know how this is done?

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  • 1 month later...
On 6/2/2023 at 7:03 PM, Sum Donuts said:

I have started a randomized FE9 playthrough (my favorite game) and was wondering since the randomizer is able to make so many characters adjustments would it be able to make the changes specifically?  As in instead of randomizing the growth rates to actually change them to specific numbers?  Change the classes to specific classes?  so on and so forth.  I have always wondered about playing a Laguz only run.  Additionally 0% growth runs are also common and being able to guarantee that would be great.  

All things considered... loving the run!  My Ike became a soldier.  The halberdier is my favorite class so I am very happy about that.

I am wondering the same, that would be amazing. It could make for a decent RR also.

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I'm late to the party but is there any plans to include bosses on the random recruitment? Switch around some of them so for example you might recruit Glass in Sains place and then fight Wil as the final boss. Stuff like that?

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