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Which Food Do You Want Fire Emblem To Partner With??


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@Emperor_Siegfried, I think your efforts have paid off and started a trend in the Fire Emblem community. The meme is still missing Mountain Dew though.


Anyways, for food, I am not really sure what kind of food I want to have Fire Emblem characters on it. I guess they can put it on snack foods and ramen since they seem pretty popular with young people.

Maybe frozen dinners could work with Three Houses and serve a cafeteria style meal that you can microwave or heat up in the oven.

I think 7 Eleven partnered with Shadows of Valentia to give out 7 Eleven food items in the game, but I am not sure if they served Shadows of Valentia themed food in real life.

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Now to really press on with it.  Let's just agree that as a goddess, Sothis' hair runs ocean tides of Mountain Dew.

Snack foods might be the go-to idea since I'm not sure any big name restaurants would be willing to take it on.  Unless there was one opening up that served everything in Three Houses anyway.

I still think my idea if pairing the next game with Doritos would be a great idea.  Just go with a red, blue, purple, or green motif for every lord in the next game to correlate with the most popular flavors (Nacho Cheese, Cool Ranch, Sweet Spicy Chili, and Salsa Verde).

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9 hours ago, Emperor_Siegfried said:

I still think my idea if pairing the next game with Doritos would be a great idea.  Just go with a red, blue, purple, or green motif for every lord in the next game to correlate with the most popular flavors (Nacho Cheese, Cool Ranch, Sweet Spicy Chili, and Salsa Verde).

Oh, yeah! I can totally see Lucina as Cool Ranch flavor and Roy as Nacho Cheese flavor.

8 hours ago, Benice said:

Red bull to give eople wings so they can become Wyvern knights.

Give Red Bull to your pet lizard so you can fly on your pet lizard.

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I'm picturing string cheese with pretimeskip Dimitri's face sans the hair on the wrapper. And the wrapper is one that you can just roll down instead of taking it all the way off.

I am a horrible person.

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