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Characters in FE4


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We need to complete short definitions of FE4 characters. This is to possibly make a new character introduction page on the resource site. But since a lot of you have played this game more than me, I'll need your help. This is a good place to get info, but paraphrase that information and don't copy it word for word. Also, they don't have info like personality, so you might need to find that out through personal experience. Try not to post spoilerish info. We need one from pretty much every character on this image that has a name underneath.

Notice how I didn't list his relationships with any other character. That's because the other characters need to list him, but the lord doesn't need to list them.

I used this format. Ike only lists Griel as his father, but doesn't mention Mist or anyone else he has a relationship with.

Let me get started. Here's an example:


The prince of Chalphy located in the kingdom Grandbell. He is the main character and lord of the first generation. Carries the blood of the Holy Crusader Baldo.

Edited by Knife
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This is what's so annoying about FE4, some characters hardly have background at all.

Like this, then?


A knight serving the house of Chalphy.


A knight serving the house of Chalphy.


A knight serving the house of Chalphy. He has a hard time copping with his own slowness, which he is teased about.


A mage from Velthomer. He is a descendant of Fala, and the halfbrother of Alvis. He joins Sigurd's army because of his worry for Aideen.


A noble from Dozel. He is a descendant of Neir, and one of the two sons of King Langobalt. His friend Azel convinced him to join Sigurd's army.


The prince of Lenster, and descendant of Noba. He knows Sigurd from the military academy, and is married to Sigurd's sister Ethlin. Somewhat arrogant. He helps out Sigurd at Ethlin's request.


Sigurd's sister, and Cuan's husband. She and Cuan come to Sigurd's aid when the Verdane invasion begins.


A knight serving the house of Lenster. He is the only Lenster knight taken along by Cuan to help against the Verdane invasion. He thinks highly of Cuan.


A knight serving the house of Jungby. He is defeated by prince Gandolf of Verdane when protecting Aideen. When Jungby castle is retaken by Sigurd's troops, he joins up with Sigurd to rescue Aideen.


A thief formerly held prisoner by Verdane on account of stealing their castle's treasure. Jamka releases him along with Aideen on the promise that he quits stealing, which proves to be difficult.


A noblewoman of Jungby, and descendant of Ulir. She is captured by prince Gandolf during the Verdane invasion, but released by Jamka. When Sigurd leads his troops into Verdane, she joins up on his journey to try and find her long lost sister Brigid.


A noblewoman of Isaac, and descendant of Odo. Kinbois of Verdane forces her to fight Sigurd by holding her cousin, prince Shannan, hostage. After Sigurd rescues the prince, she agrees to join his army. She is known to be fierce, both in personality and on the battlefield.


The prince of Verdane, and the only fair one out of the three sons King Imuka has. He releases Aideen from prince Gandolf's grasp. His father, deceived by Sandima, tells him to meet Sigurd on the battlefield, but Aideen convinces him Sigurd is not out to attack the king, and asks him to try and get through to his father once more.

Edited by Mekkah
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Oh, yeah, I remember what I was going to say now. I was kind of tired when I posted before.

Basically, I'll give you a shout if things don't work out. Also, I might use some of the stuff that Mekkah suggested, since some of my current descriptions are a bit short (but, again, I blame FE4's lack of characterisation for minor characters). That and I didn't want to completely waste his time although technically, it's your fault Knife >: O.

Edited by VincentASM
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