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Favorite type of laguz?


What is your favorite laguz type?  

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  1. 1. ...

    • Dragon tribe-Black dragon
    • Dragon tribe-Red dragon
    • Dragon tribe-White dragon
    • Beast tribe-Wolf
    • Beast tribe-Cat
    • Beast tribe-Tiger
    • Beast tribe-Lion
    • Bird tribe-Raven
    • Bird tribe-Hawk
    • Bird tribe-Heron
  2. 2. Dragons are awesome

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He is. :/ Stat-wise, at least. I prefer Tibarn to him personality-wise, too, but that doesn't much matter.

"He is"?! That's not true! Naesala's got far better speed and magic and magic resistance. And he starts on level 27 - Tibarn on level 31 - and at that time, Naesala's only got one less point in strenght that Tibarn. Naesala's got better growth rates too. Tibarn mostly focuses on HP and defence, which isn't very necessary if you've got as good avoid and speed as Naesala.

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"He is"?! That's not true! Naesala's got far better speed and magic and magic resistance. And he starts on level 27 - Tibarn on level 31 - and at that time, Naesala's only got one less point in strenght that Tibarn. Naesala's got better growth rates too. Tibarn mostly focuses on HP and defence, which isn't very necessary if you've got as good avoid and speed as Naesala.

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The large amount of crossbowing-using enemies will completely obliterate Naesala. Besides, he doesn't even have the strength to one-shot most enemies on normal mode. Tibarn and Caineghis can, at least.

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The large amount of crossbowing-using enemies will completely obliterate Naesala. Besides, he doesn't even have the strength to one-shot most enemies on normal mode. Tibarn and Caineghis can, at least.

That's actually why I rather use Naesala than the other Laguz Royals. He's the least broken of them and I don't feel as noobish to use him. Plus, his battle theme is made of pure win.

Edited by Black Luster Soldier
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That's actually why I rather use Naesala than the other Laguz Royals. He's the least broken of them and I don't feel as noobish to use him. Plus, his battle theme is made of pure win.

That is true. I mainly used him for his support with Leanne, though.

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That's actually why I rather use Naesala than the other Laguz Royals. He's the least broken of them and I don't feel as noobish to use him. Plus, his battle theme is made of pure win.

I don't use any. I feel even less n00bish. Anyway, can't we agree he's the worst?

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The large amount of crossbowing-using enemies will completely obliterate Naesala. Besides, he doesn't even have the strength to one-shot most enemies on normal mode. Tibarn and Caineghis can, at least.

Hey! Naesala is one of the few characters who actully avoid the crossbow-guys! I remember I had someone else who did not. What was his name again? ...It started with... a "T". Then there were ...Tib-Tibarn. Yes! It was Tibarn!

Anyway, Naesala doesn't need to kill the enemies in one shot since he always attack twice and his beak can not be worn out.

Anyway, can't we agree he's the worst?


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Even Ranulf is made of Fail. Cat Laguz are just terrible, even when they have good stats. They're weak even at max strength and have pretty failure defense. At least Tigers, while they might not double, inflict, like, 50 damage a hit.

The real killing point of cats is their totally broken transformation gauge. Sure they gain 10 gauge a turn while not shifted, but they lose, like, 5 or 6 per battle about as many per turn while transformed, meaning they can participate in a battle or two at most per round without being a liability. That's one reason why Skrimir is so awesome: 2 per battle, 2 per round? An Olivi grass every couple of rounds is all you need to keep him uber the whole time.

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Even Ranulf is made of Fail. Cat Laguz are just terrible, even when they have good stats. They're weak even at max strength and have pretty failure defense. At least Tigers, while they might not double, inflict, like, 50 damage a hit.

The real killing point of cats is their totally broken transformation gauge. Sure they gain 10 gauge a turn while not shifted, but they lose, like, 5 or 6 per battle about as many per turn while transformed, meaning they can participate in a battle or two at most per round without being a liability. That's one reason why Skrimir is so awesome: 2 per battle, 2 per round? An Olivi grass every couple of rounds is all you need to keep him uber the whole time.

I don't usually use the the Baest Tribe Laguz, but the tigers and Skrimir sound awsome when you mention them like this.

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Hey! Naesala is one of the few characters who actully avoid the crossbow-guys! I remember I had someone else who did not. What was his name again? ...It started with... a "T". Then there were ...Tib-Tibarn. Yes! It was Tibarn!

Anyway, Naesala doesn't need to kill the enemies in one shot since he always attack twice and his beak can not be worn out.

>_> What about Ulki? Ulki, a non-royal, is about the same as Naesala, dodging-wise. And your Tibarn got hit, what, once? His dodging ability, in my experience, has always equaled or surpassed Naesala. Only difference was that Tibarn could actually one-round any enemy. And Caineghis and Nailah kicked both of thier asses.

Tibarn, also, always attacks twice and no laguz weapon can wear out.

And I meant one-round, not one-shot.

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>_> What about Ulki? Ulki, a non-royal, is about the same as Naesala, dodging-wise. And your Tibarn got hit, what, once? His dodging ability, in my experience, has always equaled or surpassed Naesala. Only difference was that Tibarn could actually one-round any enemy. And Caineghis and Nailah kicked both of thier asses.

Tibarn, also, always attacks twice and no laguz weapon can wear out.

And I meant one-round, not one-shot.

Ok, let's forget about Ulki. Because for the first, when you wrote "can't we agree he's the worst?" I assumed you meant the royals only, it would be laughableif you did not, and second, I said that Naesala is one of few, not the only one.

I can ensure you, Tibarn's got hit by crossbow men and snipers more that once.

No matter Naesala's dodging ability, he's never criticaled, not even by Killer Weapons. I hate to mention that Tibarn has.

I know that on Laguz weapon can be worn out. I just wanted to point it out.

And what do you mean with "one-round"?

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Ok, let's forget about Ulki. Because for the first, when you wrote "can't we agree he's the worst?" I assumed you meant the royals only, it would be laughableif you did not, and second, I said that Naesala is one of few, not the only one.

I can ensure you, Tibarn's got hit by crossbow men and snipers more that once.

No matter Naesala's dodging ability, he's never criticaled, not even by Killer Weapons. I hate to mention that Tibarn has.

I know that on Laguz weapon can be worn out. I just wanted to point it out.

And what do you mean with "one-round"?

I did. One of the few what?

At least Tibarn has the HP and Def to survive an attack.

Seriously, who gets criticaled? Enemies in these games barely ever critical. >_>

What would it prove?

Being able to kill an enemy at full health in one round. A round would be I attack, you attack, I attack. I admit that Naesala could probably solo Part 4 Prolouge, but come endgame, he'll one-round NOTHING.

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I did. One of the few what?

At least Tibarn has the HP and Def to survive an attack.

Seriously, who gets criticaled? Enemies in these games barely ever critical. >_>

What would it prove?

Being able to kill an enemy at full health in one round. A round would be I attack, you attack, I attack. I admit that Naesala could probably solo Part 4 Prolouge, but come endgame, he'll one-round NOTHING.

Ok. I meant one of few characters who can avoid a crossbow man.

Yeah. Tibarn's great when facing Deghinsea. He's the only one I've used who can survive an Ire-attack.

That's very true. When I said Tibarn has been criticaled, I didn't mean more than once.

Since I thought you meant "killing in one-shot" I said that to point out that Naesala might not do it, but instead he attacks twice and kills the enemy anyway. Naesala attacks > the enemy counter attacks > Naesala avoids > Naesala attacks and kills the enemy. He's not wasting any weapon durability points since beaks, talons, etc. can not be worn out.

Ok, I understand, thanks. And I agree on that last. I actually had Naesala solo the prolouge. And he could have done it on chapter 2 as well, in case the Black Knight hadn't shown up, ruining everything. :angry:

And I do think he could solo the two first chapters in the endgame, in case I could just hide the others. I think he could do it just as good as Tiban probably could, but I don't know... Naesala's got better avoid, but worse strenght than Tibarn. Interesting...

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Tibarn and Naesala are both quite powerful. Tibarn relies on strenght and defense, while Naesala is high on speed, and has good overall stats.

Yeah, I think they're quite much alike. I can't really say one of them is better than the other, even if it sounded so above.

Oh, and that Naesala vs Tibarn would be quite exciting!

Edited by xanatha
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