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The Absolute Best Controller Setup

Destiny Hero

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Wiimote and Nunchuck:

Z is Sheild/Dodge

C is jump

Tap Jump is off (prevents some common and frustrating mistakes and makes tilts and jumping esier)

The entire directional pad is Smash shortcuts

A and B together is grab (it'll take a day or so to be able to do it well)

A is attack

B is special

1 and 2 do the Taunts

This is by far (at least for me) the best controller setup there is. It took me weeks to perfect this. It's the most comfortable and flexible setup (you don't have to stick your hands together to play) and, despite what most people think, it can do everything a GC controller can, and in many cases, easier. The only slight flaw with ths is that the grab will take a while to get used to, and if you're clumsy, you might mess up sometimes.

Don't say it sucks until you've tried it out and have been able to use it well. I'm telling you, it's amazing.

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There is no best set up. I use the wii mote and have to say i'm best using it. I can't seem to learn the others. My point is the controller setup is just so you can be confortable with it. Nothing more.

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There is no best set up. I use the wii mote and have to say i'm best using it. I can't seem to learn the others. My point is the controller setup is just so you can be confortable with it. Nothing more.


I used the GC controller default set-up (except I changed it so you don't jump when holding the control stick up).

Edited by Boo
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What can that setup do that someone with control over a GC controller can't?

DH, do you think your having gotten possibly better at this game entitles you to telling people how to get better, or something to that extent? Just asking since this isn't the first thread or post you've made like this.

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Tap jump is REALLY annoying and it's too easy to mess up with. If it's off, you're free to do tilts and jumps as you please. I CAN NOT STAND IT.

Stopped reading after this.

The Wiimote/Nunchuck combination can do everything the GC controller can, and it's more comfortable.

It can do all those funky C-stick things, too, with the shortcuts on.

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The Wiimote/Nunchuck combination can do everything the GC controller can, and it's more comfortable.

It can do all those funky C-stick things, too, with the shortcuts on.

Complete opinion. I find the Classic Controller more comfortable. Does that mean that it IS more comfortable? No.

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this topic is epic rofl and suxor.

"Absolute Best controller Setup"

Proof plz.

Anyone who uses CC or GC will say it sucks because they dont use the fucking wiimote.

Opinion is not absolute

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Either way, all of the top placers at tournaments use Gamecube controller since that's what we've been using since Melee, so we're not going to change it up. And the people who use Wii-mote and nunchuck place low. The highest placing one I personally know is Pyronic Star, and he still doesn't place that high.

Personal opinion it is, but statistically, people who have used the gamecube controller place higher :P.

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It's only easy to mess up if you try.

Not true. doing some kirby stuff can get annoying if you by accidentally jump. Also using angled tilts up can sometime result in jumping previously. The ONLY advantage to tap jump though is the fact it lets you use Up-B out of shield without having to press a jump button.

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