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I think you're forgetting, the topic title is to tell what the topic is about, and what draws someone's interest to click on it. Going off on a tangent, no matter how serious, or interesting is creating a misleading topic title, which qualifies as spam if you make a topic with a title that has little to do with the topic.

The reason we try to get people to relate to the original topic is because the longer a tangent goes, the farther and farther it gets from even relating to the topic.

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Isn't a better option, then, to just request the topic be split instead of further disrupting the topic?

I never said to "disrupt," the topic, as if you subtly add facts to relate to the original topic it isn't like all the people spamming to get the topic back on track.

Secondly the moderators would be up to their necks in topic split requests.

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Either way they're going to be up in their necks in reports: if someone spams, they'll get a report. If someone requests a topic be closed, they'll be up in their necks in reports. They might as well do something that makes sense.

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Let me get this straight, we are encouraged to report posts, even though a staff member said (in this thread I believe) that not all reports are even looked into? Why have no new staff members been hired, or if someone is not pulling their own weight why have they not been talked to or replaced?

I am in no way stating that any staff member here does not deserve their job or does poorly at it, I am asking a hypothetical question. Also, I am not meaning to be rude by this post, or sarcastic by this disclaimer of sorts. I am attempting to avoid any confusion over my tone (neutral) that could lead to unproductive discussion on an issue I have an interest in seeing resolved.

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YokaiKnight: I would recommend a concise outline which details what you think could be handled better and why you think your suggestions would benefit the forum if they were to supersede the guidelines already in place. I suppose it should ideally lack any hint of an accusatory or sarcastic tone to maximize its chances of being discussed as a valid suggestion.

Death: Every moderator receives every report. I personally check every report I receive, I assume I'm not the only one to do so. Amongst all of us each report is almost guaranteed to be looked into; depending on timing, a fair number of reports have been addressed or looked at by the time I see them.

Edited by Wist
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I completely agree with Crystal Shards on this (lol on FEP we didn't always agree on stuff ^_^;;;)

This is the solution. If someone is getting off topic, just report the topic for the reason "getting off topic"

There is a report button for a reason people. Also, doing things like that shows good judgement and is usually something sought after if the administration is looking for mods (as well as a lot of other things)

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Ok, I get that this place is supposed to be laid back, but seriously? (And, note, I've only skimmed over the posts on pages 2 and the first 3/4s of 3.)

1) A thread can have a few off-topic posts. It's not going to kill you to have a discussion led slightly astray, as long as no one has a problem with it. If someone has a problem with it, then ask a Moderator to split the posts out to a new thread. If the Moderator agrees that this is the best course of action, then the posts can get moved. On the other hand, if the entire thread has gone widely out of swing, then something might need to actually be done to rope people back in (more on that in a minute).

2) Moderators and Administrators are the leaders of the community. In general discussions, we and the members are all peers, except when we need to perform some sort of bureaucratic duty. As such, it is of my opinion that members should stay out of things that should be handled by the staff. If you see something that goes against the rules, that's what we have the Report button for. All of the staff members get a message about the post(s), so if it doesn't look like the post has been touched, then either wait longer, as a staff member might not have seen it yet, or you can probably assume that no one deemed it worthy of moderation. Stemming from this, that means if someone sees something, then don't reply to it or flamebait the poster or troll the topic or anything else. Just keep the discussion on track. Replying to the post only causes more trouble and more work for the staff to handle. Seriously, there's only eight of us, and we're not always going to be online. If you can't behave yourselves until someone does log on, then take a break or something.

(Also, Death, for your information, two staff members were "hired" about 10 days ago - myself and Musashi. It doesn't help your case if it seems like you haven't been keeping up with current events on the boards.)

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I became active less than 10 days ago I believe, no way for me to know, but thanks for clearing that up. I was actually just told that on MSN by someone else who saw my post so I was about to edit it. No need now. I was operating based on what one said, which made it look like not all were read. It has since been cleared up.

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Size of the forum doesn't matter in regards to the availability of its staff members. Even if there were 98 members and two staff members to moderate them all, the staff members might still not be on when something happens that requires attention. It still boils down to a matter of patience and discipline while waiting for a staff member to handle the issue. (And, frankly, the number of reported post PMs in my Inbox begs to differ with your statement that 8 staff members is too many for SF. If your implied statement was true, I'd have 1/5 of the number of PMs that I do have. And I've only been here a little over a week.)

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I became active less than 10 days ago I believe, no way for me to know, but thanks for clearing that up. I was actually just told that on MSN by someone else who saw my post so I was about to edit it. No need now. I was operating based on what one said, which made it look like not all were read. It has since been cleared up.

What most people do when they become active in a place is read through a couple of the most recent announcements. Had you done that, you'd have known.

I'm not blaming you or saying you're a horrible person for it, but it's just a piece of advice: read the announcements forum.

I guess then the question is: is this going to be made a rule or not? If not, should I continue just labeling posts like this spam?

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Personally, I see no need for a rule. At most, it's a common sense guideline that people should be following. I doubt that my fellow staff members or myself want to have to spend time enforcing punishments for minimodding that could easily be avoided with smart posting habits (as noted in my post) by all of the members. (This actually generalizes to other posts as well, not just minimodding posts.)

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For my two cents, I would say mod it like you do with other minor offenses. If someone makes a bad habit out of minimodding, then simply give them a verbal warning. That should cool them off, and if it doesn't there's always more serious action that can be taken such as adding to their warn or a suspension. 90% (Random number used for example) of people don't minimod, and 90% of the people who do will knock it off if told to do so. I don't think that any real serious action will ever have to be taken against minimodders as long as the real moderators give them a headsup that their behavior is not acceptable.

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What most people do when they become active in a place is read through a couple of the most recent announcements. Had you done that, you'd have known.

I'm not blaming you or saying you're a horrible person for it, but it's just a piece of advice: read the announcements forum.

I actually don't see it as all that relevant. The problems exist, but I have been explained that staff members on the internet these days need some kind of transition period.. but hey, I have time, we'll see where it goes. Though all the same, I should have dug.

As far as the actual rule goes, I am with Sothe/Matt/Blue Furry. If you create it as a rule you can actually deal with members who become problematic, as opposed to just limiting your available opinions. You don't have to warn everyone who does it.

btw I laughed my ass off at the "internet is not serious business" rule. I just wanted to share that.

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