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i hate balistas

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Did you have the Full Guard? Equip that and balistas won't hurt flying units as much.

I was actually playing that level today, and the balistas hurt my Haar a lot too (Jill had the Full Guard). Balistas have my vote for the third most annoying thing in Fire Emblem (behind sleep and berserk staves)

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I never once ahd any trouble with Balastae, in any FE =\

Balistas have my vote for the third most annoying thing in Fire Emblem (behind sleep and berserk staves)

Sleep isn't as bad in RD due to the whole "Push" cheat.

But Berserk in the GBA is possibly the single most annoying thing in FE EVER.

I'm sorry, but this needs to be said:


That chapter is quite annoying.


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I remember this chapter more for the boulders than the ballistae. Damn, those boulders were annoying.

I actually don't remember having too many ballista-flying unit problems at all in this chapter, probably because I managed to keep the flying units I used in that chapter well out of the ballista's range until the charges were wasted on some other guys or the archer in charge of it was taken out.

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The ones in Chapter 19 are the worst, because you need to bring your pitiful little flying Ulki/Janaff to talk to Naesala, and you can't just send out someone stronger to deal with the ballista beforehand, because then you would take too long and the ravens in the east will transform and attack you, dying, and losing you the Knight Ring. <_<

Aside from that, they're only mildly annoying, unless you like your flying units but don't have the Full Guard on them for whatever reason.

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I never once ahd any trouble with Balastae, in any FE =\

Sleep isn't as bad in RD due to the whole "Push" cheat.

But Berserk in the GBA is possibly the single most annoying thing in FE EVER.


What push cheat?

Sleep staves are definately a pain in PoR, though. Especially since they almost always get at least 1 shot at you before you can reach them.

And I never use balistas because I can do more damage by just attacking.

Edited by Ragnell
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The ones in Chapter 19 are the worst, because you need to bring your pitiful little flying Ulki/Janaff to talk to Naesala, and you can't just send out someone stronger to deal with the ballista beforehand, because then you would take too long and the ravens in the east will transform and attack you, dying, and losing you the Knight Ring. <_<

Aside from that, they're only mildly annoying, unless you like your flying units but don't have the Full Guard on them for whatever reason.

Actually, if you're fast about it and you constantly check the range of the ballistae, they aren't too much of a problem. Just have your guys take the lowest guy out, have Janaff or Ulki go around with some people to take over the ballista on the right side of the map, and have Reyson talk to Naesala. It's not too hard if you're fast about it. (I just sent Muarim over to handle the first ballista guy and things went well from there.)

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I'm surprised noone's mentioned this, but Tanith is a perfect Ballista counter.

Use her re-enforce skill (preferably twice) and use Direct to target the Pegasus noobs in the Ballista's firing range.

Because they are allied units (who often get enemy priority) and flying units (which usually get the ballista's priority) they will be targeted (more often then not) by the archer in the ballista, sparing your units a painful death.

I bring Tanith on every chapter that has ballistas for this purpose. I call it "baiting" the ballista.

And yes Berserk staves are annoying. They are my least favorite thing in Fire Emblem, hands down.

Edited by Chris Lionheart
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what really pissed me off was he shouldn't of targeted him. I had Gatrie (with provoke) in range as well and I had used Harr to kill the boss.

1. Provoke doesn't always work.

2. If the enemy can kill someone, then they will target that character.

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Chapter 23 (the one with Petrine and the Bridge) is very annoying.

Both the traps and ballistae!

Ugh, no. ESPECIALLY ballistae!

They killed Reyson in 1 hit, I wanna cry. I didn't see there is one ballista left, then he shots....Reyson? DOWN.


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Berserk staves in FEGBA aren't that annoying. The one in the final of FE5 is a real pain in the arse. The cheapest enemy in FE ever, probably.

Anyway, the AI always targets something if it will kill. And high damage, like what your Haar would get, compared to the likely no damage Gatrie would take? There's no way it'd go for Gatrie. It might work if it was Ike or a Thief in Gatrie's place, since they have more weight for priority, but it's still a maybe.

I only find it a problem in the chapter with Naesala, since you have to get Janaaf or Ulki in close. Although recently I've resorted to baiting Naesala's Vortex skill with a Mage to bring him closer, where I can either shove them out the way or rescue them after talking to him.

EDIT: In older games Ballistae (not ballistas) have much more power behind them and can really put a dent in your units, not just the fliers and healers. Since I'm playing FE5 at the moment, I'd like to point out the rather nasty side effect of Selphina having the Charge ability, her low HP often causes Ballistae to attack her twice, which soon after you get her will normally kill her.

Edited by CO_Fimbulvetr
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Most annoying thing about ballistae in FE9 that they're typically facing the wrong direction to be of much use for you to use after taking it over.
Third'd. Man, I loved taking over ballistae in FE7. Best part was being able to move around while kicking ass and taking names.
I remember this chapter more for the boulders than the ballistae. Damn, those boulders were annoying.
Also agreed. I never get down the damn pattern of those things and always have some possible-death situations. At least it tends to be a short chapter, despite the terrain.
Chapter 23 (the one with Petrine and the Bridge) is very annoying.

Both the traps and ballistae!

Ugh, no. ESPECIALLY ballistae!

They killed Reyson in 1 hit, I wanna cry. I didn't see there is one ballista left, then he shots....Reyson? DOWN.


I've had that Reyson experience. If it weren't for the traps and ballistae, I would love chapter 23.
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Berserk staves in FEGBA aren't that annoying. The one in the final of FE5 is a real pain in the arse. The cheapest enemy in FE ever, probably.

EDIT: In older games Ballistae (not ballistas) have much more power behind them and can really put a dent in your units, not just the fliers and healers. Since I'm playing FE5 at the moment, I'd like to point out the rather nasty side effect of Selphina having the Charge ability, her low HP often causes Ballistae to attack her twice, which soon after you get her will normally kill her.

Sleep is also bad in FE5 because if anyone so much touches a sleeping unit, it's dead >.> Not to mention that staff hit rates iirc don't depend on the target's magic; it will hit as long as the user's magic exceeds the target's.

Also, don't non-berserked PC units counterattack berserked PC units?

Ballistae two-round nearly everyone in FE5... Even Fred just survives with 1 HP after taking two ballista shots in the Dandrum Fortress chapter. The first time I played it, I didn't know that Fred escapes to the south, and I thought that it was impossible to get the gaiden =(

Edited by dondon151
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