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What is this woman's problems?

Magical CC

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Near my house, there is a couple, they haven married yet but they live together. This morning, when I went out side, I saw that guy slap his girlfriend twice, he is not angry, he is very satisfying just like he has done something very amazing.

Of course, I know what kind of man he is. He is a alcoholic at 23 years old without any job, just wander around and buy things without paid. He still have money to drink because of his girlfriend's money. For all of that, he treats his girlfriend like a slave.

When I saw that, I know that this guy need to learn some lessons so I stand in front of his face and ask what the hell he have just done but his girlfriend stop me and keep saying:"It's nothing! It's nothing". I couldnt do anything except watching that bastard go away....

I know, my parents say that there is no use talking to her but...What the hell is in her mind? What was she thinking?

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i really dont care

Funny, but the way you typed that shows you lack of caring more than the actual words themselves.

The girl is obviously stupid.

Tsk tsk, how unfeeling of you.

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Don't be quick to judge. She is afraid of that jerk and he has found a way to control her. She would be afraid to leave him, since that dog would go and chase after her and might treat her worse.

It will take time for those women to take action. It takes a lot of courage to do that, and it wouldn't hurt if someone can support her. I bet she wants to leave him but he some how has gotten control over her.

So unless if someone else does something (which I hope they do) it will take time for her to leave that sadistic bastard.

I suggest you should try to help her out or ask her to contact an authority to take control of this situation

Edited by Luxord
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You know there really are girls who LIKE that kind of thing/person, right?

Well I can't say because I haven't met that women nor have you.

She might still like him :blink: But I am not enirely sure.

I do agree though that they are girls who like these types of men...

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She may have been raised to accept that as the norm. Maybe it's the relationship her parents were in, or all her little girlfriends had them when they were young, or maybe that's the only kind of guy that asks her out, so she knows of nothing else.

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She's probably either scared at what he'll do if she breaks up with him or still thinks that he loves her yeah right. But yeah, she should probably get out now.

Edited by Ragnell
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