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7 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

Is it really that hard to follow along? Also, assuming the same reaction time, he would have to see further into the future to dodge a faster attack. 

Reaction time clearly isn't a factor with the kind of instantaneous teleport dodging we are seeing (he must teleport like a dozen times in that couple second attack around the 1:30 mark). As for following what is going on, the numerous teleport dodging, wild turning of the camera, and obscuring scenery destruction, strikingly similar outfits (both with Red capes and light tan colored outfits beneath, which aren't easy to distinguish at the speed they are moving, especially when the camera, and teleporting abilities don't let you follow their movement) plus the amount of attacks that are turned against their wielder (or at least I think that might be what is going on) makes it a blur. Perhaps it is better if you have a better idea of the limitation and capabilities of the powers these two untouchable combatants have. Side note the camera trick they use to make the bored man look like he has the upper hand near the end falls kinda flat when you think for half a second about what the other combatant must be seeing (which must be him teleporting out of sight, and then arbitrarily not reacting to that until the last possible moment).

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He isn't actually teleporting; he's using time magic to accelerate his dodging. 

In any case, I may as well state my opinion on your video and post another video:

The music was jarring at first, but then it soon fit the tone being established by what the character was talking about. Rather sad story. I liked the advice she gave the guy, "If you love someone, let them know it."


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Ah, yes; Kakashi vs Obito: one of the best Naruto fights and one of the great anime fights not just because of the choreography, but also because of the tragedy of these two characters. Also spoilers for the most obvious villain-identity reveal in anime history. 

Speaking of shonen anime:


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3 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

An anime fight scene with good music. Not much else I can say about it tbh. 7/10.

Um... this is awkward; I think we posted at similar times, and thus shared our opinions on the same video.

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18 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Yeah, I edited my comment.


Zuko vs Azula: one of the better fights in ATLA. On the surface, a duel between a reformed former villain and his evil sibling, but beneath that surface is a tragic tale of two siblings cast aside by their father after they both tried to follow in his footsteps and earn his approval. The choreography, the somber atmospheric music, all excellently done, and this was also good to watch because Zuko is my favourite ATLA character. 

I've been posting a lot of videos, so I'll probably stop for a short while after this one. Since this'll be my last video for a short while, it's only fitting that it be the final opening of a series:


EDIT: By the way, speaking of FMA, when going through the monastery during Chapter 10 of Three Houses, when you encounter the little kid NPC that says, "Ah, the sun's finally shining today!", did anyone else immediately think, "You're wrong, it's raining"?

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12 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

8/10 Good song, quality animation. Haven't seen the anime, but it looks interesting.

It's a very, very good anime; considered one of the best. If you decide to watch it, make sure you're watching the one titled Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. The original anime that was just titled Fullmetal Alchemist overtook the manga and had to write its own second half. Brotherhood is a far closer adaptation and a better anime overall. 

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9/10 Reminds me of Celtic music. Amazing overall.

First few min.


4 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

It's a very, very good anime; considered one of the best. If you decide to watch it, make sure you're watching the one titled Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. The original anime that was just titled Fullmetal Alchemist overtook the manga and had to write its own second half. Brotherhood is a far closer adaptation and a better anime overall. 

Nice. Thanks for the recommendation.

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That was... insanely cringeworthy... and really hard to watch. And this is coming from someone who really enjoys "so bad it's good" stuff like CD-I Zelda and The Room.

To give the below video context, the person performing (Vitas, the Russian Opera singer) wrote this song himself in honor of his deceased mother. It's not supposed to have typical lyrics with actual words, rather the vocals express his emotions of sorrow and dedication to his mother.


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55 minutes ago, Emperor_Siegfried said:

Hub world music?  Pretty decent, almost sounds like Sonic music at points.

Nah, battle music. A rearranged version of the original battle theme.


Neat, kinda catchy. 7/10.

The actual song is only a few minutes long.


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0/10, it's gonna be stuck in my head for a billion years now.

(6.5/10, very catchy but a bit too electronic for my tastes.)

[From timestamp to about 5:10]

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