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Your Opinion of the Above Posted Video


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On 9/13/2020 at 7:00 AM, DragonFlames said:

For those unaware, Christina Vee was the voice of Tatiana in Echoes, the voice of Velvet in Tales of Berseria, and the voice of Compa in the Neptunia series.

Oh, really? That's neat. Thanks for sharing.


Very over-the-top anime art style (which is not a criticism, just an observation), and the song sounds like something I would hear in a cartoon from when I was a kid. 8/10

Not the full battle (way too long), but a nice highlight reel from it with some music behind it.


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The cuts were a bit obvious in some places, and there were moments that were obviously fast-forwarded, but otherwise it's a good highlight reel of a truly great final battle of a truly great show. 


The song in this ending was sung by the protagonist's voice actor:


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I really enjoyed the original song as a kid, and I still enjoy it to this day. I thoroughly enjoyed the metal remix of the tune. I'll admit, it does tend to go overboard with the metal, but with it being very close to the original tune note-wise, I don't consider it a negative in this case. Amazing music video overall.

I guess the main context you need in this video is that the dogs are abandoned and desperate for food.


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Probably the experience you’ll have if you don’t read the dialogue, assuming it becomes a thing, yeah. I also learned I haven’t been reading Ephraim right at all so that’s neat. The end was also really funny to me as someone who instantly knew where it was going, since I’ve seen the movie.


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Its interesting to see how these games interpret the beliefs and ideals of Kefka, although when Celes(?) starts talking about his "broken heart" it turned a bit Kingdom Hearts level of silly.

If you want the massive amount of spoilery context for this one see the spoiler box below, but it is one of my favorite scenes from Babylon 5


The human looking one with the wild hair is Lando Mallari, a member of a race called the Centari, and the more reptilian looking one is G'kar, one of the Narn. In the past when the Cenatri had a vast and powerful space empire they enslaved the Narn, and as the empire declined, the Narn rose up to become one of the major powers in the galaxy, and were very antagonistic against the Centari. Lando and G'kar were both ambassadors sent to the Babylon 5 station, which acted as effectively a space UN, with both races powerful enough to be on the equivalent to the security council. They started off with a fairly spite filled antagonism, and Lando ends up making a deal with dangerous entities, in the hopes of recapturing the former glory of the Centari, to make the Centari great again if you will. Just as G'kar is starting to open up to the idea of reducing tensions between the two nations, by trying to reconcile with Lando personally, this terrifying plan of Lando (and his shadowy allies) start coming to fruition, and as part of this the Centari launch a surprise attack on the Narn. As thing progress in the war Lando starts to be horrified by the consequences of his actions, as the puppet that he helped put on the throne to enact this is a megalomaniacal mad monstrosity, that care more for his own whims than his people, and would start using weapons of mass destruction deemed illegal by conventions of war to try and bomb the Narn homeworld back to the stone age. In his attempt to rectify the horrifying mistakes of his actions he would end up working closely with G'kar in exchange for a promise to free his people from Centari tyranny, and would develop a form of friendship. As his shadowy allies start being driven from the galaxy, and many of their allies having their planets destroyed, Lando would take some extreme actions to betray those allies, and break ties with them so thoroughly, that the allies of said shadowy allies that do survive will take their vengeance out against the Cenatri after the shadowy forces are driven out of the galaxy entirely. At this late stage the Centari have been made to appear as villains and pariah to the galaxy thanks to the machinations of those surviving allies of his shadowy allies, and in a bid to salvage the situation has been forced to make a deal that will make him the new Centari emperor, and little more than a puppet.


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